Notification Generator

Simple tool for generating handbook notifications
Create a notification

The title of notification.
The type sets color of the title bar of the notification and the duration the notification is dismissed for.
The FontAwesome icon to show with the notification.
The FontAwesome icon to show with the notification.
The date the notification expires
Apply notification to a specific page. ∗ = all pages

Notification code
    "id": "F9A827C3-ED85-442B-B6CA-77A18FAE3F4E",
    "type": "info",
    "icon": "fa-solid fa-circle-info",
    "title": "Page has been update",
    "messageHTML": "<p>The GitLab Handbook homepage has been updated with a new look.</p>",
    "posted": "2023-07-20 16:54:00",
    "expires": "2024-07-19 20:00:00",
    "autohide": false