All-Remote Pick Your Brain
On this page, we’re detailing how the public can request a Pick Your Brain interview focused on all-remote.
Why we offer public interviews on all-remote
An example of an All-Remote Pick Your Brain is embedded above, and can also be seen on the GitLab Unfiltered YouTube channel.
Emna G., founder and CEO at Veamly, speaks with GitLab’s Darren M. on a number of remote work topics: reinforcing culture, encouraging work-life harmony, remote work processes, the importance of process optimization in team productivity, and asynchronous communication.
GitLab believes that everyone can contribute. We also believe that all-remote organizations can fundamentally change the world by offering a different way to work. From reversing rural depopulation to providing opportunity to a more diverse set of people, we want all-remote to become less the exception, and more the norm.
There is no formal guidebook on building an all-remote company, and what works for a new startup may not map precisely to a larger organization.
While we are proponents of all-remote, we recognize that there are drawbacks as well as individuals who are skeptical about its feasibility. We embrace detractors and those who are inquisitive about making all-remote work. We’re interested in hearing about challenges faced by others implementing remote work, so we can ideally find and document solutions.
Scheduling a Pick Your Brain interview on all-remote
Requests for interviews concerning advice on all-remote may be initiated by completing and submitting this Google Form. In the request, please include a brief overview of topics you hope to discuss, along with key questions you’re prepared to ask.
These 20 to 30 minute interviews with GitLab’s Head of Remote will be recorded though Zoom and shared on the GitLab Unfiltered YouTube channel.
We invite guests to surface challenges and examples as points of discussion. Post-interview, and where applicable, we will iterate on relevant handbook pages to document questions and solutions.
GitLab is a very transparent company and many things that are normally confidential can be found in our handbook, available online. Please consider looking at the following pages prior to the meeting.
- GitLab’s All-Remote Culture
- Defining “all-remote”
- Advantages
- Disadvantages
- Remote work fast boot and emergency plan for teams/leaders
- Remote work starter guide for employees
- Phases of remote adaptation
- Being a great remote manager
- How to evaluate a remote job
- Getting started in a new remote job
- Scaling a remote company
- People
- Non-linear workday
- Building and reinforcing a sustainable culture
- How to use forcing functions to work remote-first
- Mental Health: Combating burnout, isolation, and anxiety
- Jobs
- Management
- Remote onboarding
- Values
- Collaboration
- Hiring
- Compensation
- Learning and Development
- Self-service
- Informal Communication
- Meetings
- Handbook-first documentation
- Asynchronous workflows
- In-person interactions
- Parenting
- Stories
- Stages of remote work
- Hybrid-remote
- Transitioning/adding remote
- What not to do when implementing remote
- How it works at GitLab
- History
- About
Before an interview is scheduled, guests will be asked to send over an agenda with proposed questions and topics.
Return to the main all-remote page.