CSM Dashboard Overview

An overview of the key CSM dashboards.

For an overview of Gainsight, and information about how to login, please refer to the Gainsight Overview Page.

For an overview of how CSMs use Gainsight, please refer to the Gainsight CSM Overview Page

Gainsight dashboard

When logging in, CSMs will begin on their dashboard. Gainsight’s homepage will show a “CSM Portfolio” Dashboard which is a full list and overview of each CSM’s customers. This dashboard defaults to show the book of business for the current user but can be filtered and configured in a variety of ways to view the information for specific CSMs, teams, etc.

This dashboard is likely to be a CSM’s most-frequented page, as it shows a summary of their entire book of business, including last activity dates, health scores, at-risk customers, upcoming renewals, stage adoption statistics, success plan progress, and more.

There are also other dashboards available to CSMs to look at, including the CS Leadership Dashboard which reviews aspects of all CSM-supported accounts, the Customer Onboarding Dashboard which shows the status of onboarding across all accounts, and the Stage Adoption Dashboard which goes into detail regarding which stages have been adopted and the success of adoption plays.

If there is an asterisk (*) in the title of a report, widget, or field, that means it takes up to 24 hours for that data to update if you change it. For example, in the CSM Burndown Dashboard, there’s a widget called *PR1 Cadence >30 Days, which shows how many Priority 1 accounts have not had a cadence call recorded in more than 30 days. If you then record a call in Timeline, it will take up to 24 hours for that widget to reflect the updated information.

When hovering on the far left of the screen, a sidebar will pop up that has a few options:

  • Home - you’re here!
  • Timeline - this Timeline view shows all customers, rather than an individual customer which can be found on a Customer 360.
  • Cockpit - the Cockpit is where CTAs live; this Cockpit view shows all CTAs for all of your customers, including success plan objectives.

Further detail on specific dashboards

  1. CSM Burn-Down Dashboard
  2. CSM Proactive Dashboard
  3. CSM Key Metrics Dashboard
Last modified June 27, 2024: Fix various vale errors (46417d02)