
ZoomInfo is sales intelligence software that provides a database of business and professional contact information.

About ZoomInfo

ZoomInfo is sales intelligence software that provides a database of business and professional contact information.

Set Up

Once you receive your login and enter the Zoominfo platform you will need to download the Zoominfo ReachOut Chrome extension. You can also find the link by navigating down to the bottom right of your homepage.

It is recommended to add Zoominfo to your tabs in SFDC.

To do so click the ➕>Click Customize My Tabs> Scroll down to find Zoominfo>Highlight it>Hit the right arrow button ➡️>Hit the Save button.

Ways to access Zoominfo

Your direct login allows for direct export into SFDC. However you can also access it directly from the lead, contact, account record within SFDC, or from the tab view as shown above. Lastly, the chrome extension allows for additional functionality while browsing LinkedIn or company websites.


To access Zoominfo University:

  • Login to Zoominfo
  • Under your name on the right hand side click on Zoominfo University
  • Once you’ve created your Zoominfo University login the links below will give you direct access

I’m brand new to DiscoverOrg or Zoominfo! Start here:

Title Duration Summary
Introduction to Zoominfo (condensed version) 7:01 A general overview covering core concepts, profile info, building a search, saving and subscribing, and tagging.
Best Practices with Zoominfo Advanced Features (condensed version) 5:55 Using scoops and more advanced features. We do not currently have Intent, so you can skip this section.
Zoominfo Introduction in Salesforce 21:36 This is a general overview of how to use the native integration within SFDC.

I’ve been using DiscoverOrg or Zoominfo already or ready to learn more! Skip to topics that interest you:

Title Duration Summary
Tagging 4:54 A quick review on how to use tags.
Scoops 10:06 A guide for searching and filtering for Scoops alerts.
ListMatch 13:01 ListMatch allows you to upload a list of contacts or company information in bulk to run through the Zoominfo search.
Technology and Company Attributes 3:56 Learn how to access technology information within a company profile.
Exploring the Sunny Side of Saved Searches 57:26 Skip to 6:40 to learn about general info on saved searches. Skip to 14:32 for building a saved search. Skip to 21:30 to learn how to set up an email alert for your saved search. Skip to 29:17 to learn about how to save Scoops alerts. Skip to 35:14 for learning about targeting personas with saved searches. Skip to 38:10 to learn about the tagging feature. Skip to 43:00 for saving and sharing searches with others.
How to Make a (Sales) Splash with ReachOut 53:12 Skip to 14:10 to see how to use it with LinkedIn. Skip to 17:00 to export into SFDC. Skip to 18:00 to build a list from LinkedIn and export in bulk by using tags. Skip to 30:20 to see how to use the extension on a company website.

Sales Enablement Recordings:

Title Duration Summary
Sales Enablement: Saved Searches 10:38 Optimizing your saved searches for your workflow. Please log in to GitLab Unfiltered to access.
Sales Enablement: List Match 8:18 Leveraging list match. Please log in to GitLab Unfiltered to access.
Sales Enablement: Tagging in LinkedIn 3:44 Leveraging tagging for LinkedIn and bulk exports. Please log in to GitLab Unfiltered to access.

Do you have a topic not covered you’d like to see? Slack #zoominfo room or reach out to marketing operations.

To access Zoominfo training sessions specific for GitLab follow this link.

To access additional Zoominfo on-demand training follow this link.

Do Not Call and Do Not Email Automation

If the proper criteria is set, Zoominfo can cause a lead/contact in SFDC to be labeled as Do not email and Do not call. Read more about the rules on the sales development handbook page.

Zoominfo Licensing Policy and Procedures

ZoomInfo admin management is shared between the Data Intellgience team who manages and provisions licenses to the sales team members (field sales), and the Marketing Operations team who manages and provisions licenses to the marketing team members (sales development org).

Marketing Operations (MOps) provisions ZI licenses for marketing team (BDAs/SDRs/BDRs) along with respective managers, and Data Intelligence provisions for field sales roles (AEs, SAEs, ASMs, ISRs).

In ZI we use the following group roles to make this determination:

BDA/BDR/SDR/BDR Manager/SDR Manager/XDR Manager falls under Marketing AEs/SAEs/ASMs/ISRs and their associated managers fall under Sales.

Access & Help

Members of the sales organization and sales development, should receive access to ZoomInfo as part of their role entitlement request. If the team member did not receive access or if access had been removed and you would like it back you will need to open an access request.

Specifically, for a Marketing related role (SDRs/BDRs) please open an individual access request - AR for short and tag your manager for approval and Rob Rosu (Mops), while for a Field Sales related role (AEs/SAEs/ASMs/ISRs) open an AR and tag your manager for approval and Briann Vandre (Data Intelligence).

If you are experiencing issues with ZoomInfo, your first point of contact is ZoomInfo. You can reach them via email at: helpmenow@zoominfo.com.

You can also reach out to the Data Intelligence or Mops teams via Slack at #dataintelligencehelp or in #mktgops.

Monthly Review

Detailed Process

  1. Log into ZoomInfo, Admin Portal, Users, Export to CSV
  2. Import into Google Sheet pivot table, review users who have not accessed in the last 30 days
  3. Reach out to users on Slack
  4. Deactivate users that no longer need access
  5. Keep track of split of Marketing and Sales licenses. If we run short on Sales licenses, we can borrow some from marketing with the following message.
  6. Create an issue in the Data Intelligence project on a monthly basis to track the users that were deactivated. The label Mktg Tool Audit and Data Intelligence :: Tech Stack should be userd. This will serve as support for any possible audit.

To note that: If the license is borrowed from the marketing team, it can be revoked at any time. Please inform the user: “Greetings! We currently do not have Zoominfo licenses available for field sales. We have assigned you a temporary ZoomInfo license borrowed from the marketing team so you can have access to the platform. Due to limited licenses being available, your license may be revoked if the marketing team needs the license back for one of their team members. If such an instance does arise, you will be notified before the license is revoked and we will work to get you procured a Sales Operations license. Thank you for your understanding.”


  1. Check to ensure all users have a @gitlab.com email address
  2. Check to ensure role aligns with current role internally (with internal mobility, users may need to be assigned a new role)


ZoomInfo credits represent the consumption (export) of a professional or company profile from the ZoomInfo platform. This export can originate from the primary ZoomInfo platform, the ReachOut Chrome Extension, or any time an API call is made from any number of our integrations, including CRMs, marketing automation platforms, and sales automation tools.

  • Users - Monthly credits are set at 1,000 and bulk credits are set at 2,000. Each user has 1,000 monthly credits to use for prospecting. A credit is consumed any time a user exports a contact or company out of the platform. These credits reset on the first of each month. When a user pushes “export” it should automatically pull from the monthly credits until a user has utilized all 1,000 of their monthly credits. After those monthly credits are consumed you are then able to use the bulk credits. Bulk credits are adjustable. Monthly credits are not. A user also has 2,000 views in which they can use to click on a contact and view/unlock the contact information.
  • Accounts - Max number of accounts a user can export to SFDC is set to 100.
  • Contacts - Max number of contacts a user can export to SFDC must match accounts and is set to 100. This is because contacts MUST be associated with accounts in SFDC. When exporting a contact, Zoominfo will check to see if an Account exists within SFDC that matches the company the contact works at. If not, users can create a new account which they will associate the contact to. Enforcing that contact creation is equal to or less than accounts is to make sure there is not a scenario where a contact export fails because they are unable to create the same number of accounts.
  • Leads - Max number of leads a user can export to SFDC is set at 1,000. This ensures that the user will not max out their monthly allotment in one export.
  • Bulk requests If a bulk download is needed for a campaign, please open an issue for the marketing operations project. Admins have unlimited credits to be able to export bulk lists or a temporary lift can be made for individual users.
  • Reporting bad leads - If a lead is found to be incorrect the user can submit a Suggest Contact Update and the research team will usually update it within 1-2 business days. When the lead is updated the user can manually append it or re-push the prospect into SFDC without expending a credit (for two months while it’s “under management”).
  • API Credits- Leads, Contacts & Accounts are being enriched as detailed below and an API Credit is used everytime the webhook is called (1 per lead/contac/account), regardless of how many fields, on that particlar record, are updated.

Field Mappings

All current field mappings are documented here. Custom fields start with [ZI] and will be visible in the Zoominfo section in SFDC. Example name: [ZI] Company Phone. All [ZI] fields are set to be able to overwrite the field should new data be available on a lead, contact, or account. The only information mapped to standard fields are fields needed for basic lead, contact, or account creations. Example: First Name, Last Name, and Email Address.

SFDC Native Integration

  • The Salesforce Native App is available on any lead, contact, or account directly within SFDC.
  • The Salesforce Native App only allows users to export 25 at a time. Where as logging in directly and using the standard Salesforce web connector allows you to push up to 2,000 at a time - for any bulk pushes it is recommended you use the normal ZoomInfo website.

SFDC Account Enrichment

All the SFDC accounts are enriched and re-enriched with Zoominfo on a daily basis. Instant Enrich is turned on and will enrich any new accounts upon creation.

SFDC Lead Enrichment

All leads in SFDC are enriched on a monthly basis on the third Friday.

In addition to leads beeing enriched on a monthly basis, we have just turned on Instant Enrich for Leads (Nov. 17th 2022) and all net new leads are getting enriched as they reach SFDC.

As a back-up job, in case Instant Enrich job fails, we’re keeping live the Scheduled Enrich for net new leads that takes place on a daily basis to make sure the sales teams have the most up to date information.

SFDC Contact Enrichment

All contacts in SFDC are enriched on a monthly basis on the third Friday.

Campaign Member Enrichment (Leads & Contacts)

Zoominfo Campaign Member Enrichment can achieved via Scheduled Enrich with List Views and Enrichment Jobs for both Leads & Contacts

To do this, follow the steps below:

  • Mark the leads & contacts with the use of an operational field like MktgOPS_C
  • Create Lead List Views & Contact List Views and filter using the operational field;
  • Create & Schedule Zoominfo enrichment jobs for both leads & contacts and select enrichment via the list views created at the previous step.

Outreach Integration

The ZoomInfo Outreach integration is now live and you may export contacts directly to Outreach. Any contacts you do export, will also be exported in SFDC. They will be initially missing some ZI information in SFDC but there will be an append job that will run automatically to update any missing information.

There are some limitations in place:

  • There is a 100 contact export limit in place.
  • We do not allow for new accounts/account updates from ZoomInfo into Outreach.
  • Please do not upload any contact without an email address into Outreach- if you do, the prospect will not sync into SFDC and any activities you do on the prospect will not be recorded in SFDC.

Any prospects created without email address will be found and deleted in the Outreach database management we will run monthly. To avoid uploading contacts with no email addresses, please use the ZoomInfo filtering available.

Marketo Integration

The Marketo integration is utilizing ZoomInfo’s Enrich product. This is done on an automated basis utilizing a webhook.

Marketo/ZoomInfo webhook is triggered, on form-fill, when the person record fills the forms below (on an ongoing/future basis):

  1. Filled out a SaaS Trial form;
  2. Filled out a Self-managed Trials form;
  3. Filled out Contact Us form.

Enrich is mostly set to enrich the ZoomInfo fields. The ZoomInfo ([ZI]) fields, will have their values overwritten with the most up to date information. The other standard fileds like Employees Bucket or other Marketo standard fields like (First Name, Last Name, Job Title) are getting enriched only if the information is missing.

Is your Google Chrome stalling?

This may be related to the Zoominfo Google Chrome extension. To troubleshoot the issue that you are encountering, we recommend following the steps outlined below:

  1. Remove & reinstall the extension:

  2. Ensure your Chrome browser is up to date:

    • Select the three dots in the top right-hand corner of your Chrome browser > choose “Settings”. From the Settings page, select “About Chrome” in the bottom left of the page

    • You will see at the top of the page if Google Chrome is up to date or updating

    • Allow time for the browser to update if necessary and re-launch your browser when prompted

  3. Allow all cookies in your browser settings:

    • Select the three dots in the top right-hand corner of your Chrome browser > choose “Settings”
    • From the Settings page, select “Privacy and Security” > then “Third-party cookies” > then “Allow third-party cookies”
  4. Clear your browser’s cache and cookies for all time:

    • Click the three dots in the top right corner of your Chrome browser > click “More Tools” > then “Clear Browsing Data”
    • In the pop-up window, select the “Advanced” tab > then Time Range of “All Time”
    • Select the following two checkboxes called “Cookies and other site data” AND “Cached images and files”
    • Click “Clear data”
  5. Lastly, log back into the ZoomInfo platform first, and then log into the Extension

Last modified June 27, 2024: Fix various vale errors (46417d02)