Mike Dunninger's README

Personal readme page for Mike Dunninger, Support Engineering Manager, GitLab

My Role and Responsibilities

As your manager, I will do all I can to make it possible for you to succeed professionally. That means I will strive to do at least the following…

  • Provide you with the tools to do your job
  • Coach and mentor you in career development
  • Bring you information from the rest of GitLab
  • Shield you from outside pressures
  • Set clear expectations for you & give clear feedback
  • Be available for you to lean on me
  • Give you many opportunities to stand on your own two feet

I Expect

  • honesty, integrity and professionalism
  • that you share and will act in accordance with GitLab’s Values
  • understanding of GitLab’s business and goals
  • full participation
  • creative thinking
  • ownership – of your career, of your actions
  • teamwork – support each other
    • Do your fair share of work
    • Ask for help, and be available to help
    • Be reliable and timely
  • adherence to team and company policies & processes
  • respect for each other, our company, and our customers
  • for all of us to have fun

I Believe

  • in the individual
  • in the team
  • in the customer
  • in doing what’s right
  • that communication is at the heart of all of our successes and most of our failures
  • that customer support and service can be a competitive differentiator for GitLab
  • in time off

Working with Me

  • Need something from me? No need to schedule a meeting in advance. Just contact me on Slack or send me an email.
  • I appreciate when people get to the point quickly instead of working around to it slowly. It’s not that I’m in a hurry; I just like to get to the heart of the matter.
  • Similarly, I tend to be pretty direct and straightforward. If it’s too much for you, please just let me know and I’ll do my best to adjust.
  • I seek only useful, beneficial change - pretty much never change for the sake of change.
  • I want to be the most helpful, useful, supportive manager I can be for each person on my team. So please tell me:
    • what I’m doing well, and should therefore keep doing
    • what I can do better
    • what I should start doing
    • what I should stop doing
  • I try very hard to write or say exactly what I mean, with no hidden agenda or secrets. If there’s information you want but that I can’t give you, I’ll let you know. But I won’t make stuff up, and I won’t make you guess. So you shouldn’t need to read between the lines.

Personal History

  • B.A. in Computer Studies from Northwestern U. (Go Wildcats!)
  • M.S. in Computer Science from U. Wisconsin
  • Moved to Colorado in 1989 to start my career
  • Remarried in 2012 to Kim, an amazing woman who’s taught middle school choir for many years and is a beautiful singer specializing in choral music

Personal Interests

  • American Football - Denver Broncos season ticket holder, and a big fan of my alma mater, Northwestern
  • Cooking and baking
  • Travel - favorite places so far are New Orleans, San Francisco, Tuscany (Italy) and Kauai, Hawaii
  • Movies, plays, musicals and music
  • Crossword puzzles, other word puzzles, number puzzles
  • Reading and writing

Professional History

  • 10 years in HP’s Graphics Software Lab as a software engineer and a software development process engineer
  • 8 years at Rational Software (IBM) building and leading the Premium Support team
  • 7 more years at HP as an enterprise support manager and then a support team manager
  • 4+ years at LogRhythm as a support engineer and support manager
  • joined GitLab in 2020!
Last modified June 27, 2024: Fix various vale errors (46417d02)