Static Analysis Group Defined False Positives

Static Analysis Group Defined False Positives

The table below lists different rule ids and situations in which they can be considered as false positives. The column Source Project contains a reference to the project for which the FP finding was produced; column Origin refers to the analyzer that produced the FP; columns CWE and ID show the reported CWE ID and the native vulnerability ID that is used by the analyzer to identify a vulnerability, respectively. The column False Positive Reason details why the reported finding can be considered as a false positive.

Source Project Origin CWE ID False Positive Reason
brakeman, flawfinder, php-security-audit, node-js-scan gosec 78 G204 only variables to which constant values are assigned are used as parameters; variables are sanitized before used as parameters
eslint, kubesec gosec 703 G104 errors are handled implicitly by means of fallback default values; error cases are not relevant/can be ignored; returned error from an anonymous function
kubesec, mobsf gosec 22 G304 File content is checked to identify file type returning a boolean value; filepath is already safely generated before being used
security-products Gemnasium CVE-2020-14040 CVE-2020-14040 Vulnerable code found in imported libraries is dead-code and not called during run-time
security-products Gemnasium CVE-2020-29652 CVE-2020-29652 Vulnerable code found in imported libraries is dead-code; i.e. not called at run-time
security-products Gemnasium GMS-2019-2 GMS-2019-2 YAML content parsed is not user-generated
Last modified June 27, 2024: Fix various vale errors (46417d02)