API Vision

The GitLab API Vision Working Group aims to improve the current APIs and define their future evolution.


Property Value
Date Created 2022-02-07
End Date 2023-11-17
Slack #wg_api_vision (only accessible from within the company)
Google Doc Working Group Agenda (only accessible from within the company)
Issue Board Issue Board
Overview & Status See Exit Criteria below


The GitLab API Vision Working Group aims to improve the current APIs and define their future evolution.


We don’t have a cohesive view between the REST and GraphQL APIs. We specify that the GraphQL API is the primary means of interacting programmatically with GitLab, but we often don’t follow this criteria. Both APIs cover a different set of features, but none is feature-complete.


This is a list of topics that we want to discuss:

  • Responsibilities, Directly Responsible Individual, and technical experts. At the moment, the Manage:Integrations group is the DRI of the APIs but there is also the @graphql-experts group.
  • General vision of the GitLab API:
    • REST / GraphQL API consistency.
    • REST first vs. GraphQL first vs. another approach.
  • Review APIs:
    • General architecture.
    • Permissions and scopes.
    • Feature coverage.
    • Performance.
  • Testing:
    • Coverage.
    • Automated testing.
    • Tools (eg. Postman collections).
  • API deprecations lifecycle and strategy:
    • REST v5 API or further iterations.
    • GraphQL deprecation process.
  • API standards, including OpenAPI specification.
  • Documentation:
    • Improve current documentation.
    • Review the first-time API user experience.
    • Automation of the documentation.
    • Full catalog of all public and internal APIs.
  • Learning and contributions:
    • Review contributors’ documentation.
    • Create learning paths for team members, especially about GraphQL.

Exit Criteria

The table below lists all exit criteria for the working group. This is the top-level epic.

# Completed Date Progress DRI Criteria
1 TBD 10% @g.hickman Define the vision of the GitLab API for the future years
2 TBD 0% @m_gill Set the foundation of a cohesive development strategy going forward
3 TBD 0% Capture work needed for next generation API
4 TBD 15% @.luke API Deprecation and Lifecycle policies
5 TBD 15% TBD Create a concept and roadmap to automatically generate API documentation
6 TBD 5% TBD Define minimum levels of performance and stability, with appropriate checks and monitoring
7 TBD Robust Open API

Roles and Responsibilities

Working Group Role Username Person Title
Executive Stakeholder @timzallmann Tim Zallmann Senior Director of Engineering, Dev
Facilitator @arturoherrero Arturo Herrero Engineering Manager, Manage:Integrations
Facilitator @g.hickman Grant Hickman Senior Product Manager, Manage:Integrations
Functional Lead @.luke Luke Duncalfe Senior Backend Engineer, Manage:Integrations
Functional Lead @axil Achilleas Pipinellis Senior Technical Writer, Enablement
Functional Lead @Andysoiron Andy Soiron Senior Backend Engineer, Manage:Integrations
Member @grzesiek Grzegorz Bizon Principal Engineer, Verify
Member @f_caplette Frédéric Caplette Senior Frontend Engineer, Verify:Pipeline Authoring
Member @bmarjanovic Bojan Marjanovic Senior Backend Engineer, Manage:Integrations
Member @kerrizor Kerri Miller Senior Backend Engineer, Create:Code Review
Member @lauraX Laura Montemayor Backend Engineer, Verify:Pipeline Authoring
Member @nagyv-gitlab Viktor Nagy Senior Product Manager, Configure
Member @kpaizee Kati Paizee Senior Technical Writer, Growth and Ecosystem
Member @fabiopitino Fabio Pitino Staff Backend Engineer, Verify:Pipeline Execution
Member @dstull Doug Stull Staff Fullstack Engineer, Growth:Expansion
Member @ntepluhina Natalia Tepluhina Staff Frontend Engineer, Plan:Project Management
Member @avielle Avielle Wolfe Backend Engineer, Verify:Pipeline Authoring