AI-assisted features

This page contains information about AI at GitLab.

This page serves as a resource for team members looking for information about working on AI features at GitLab. The first iteration of this page is a list of links, loosely organized. This will improve as we build up our best practices and consolidate/improve our documentation.

Getting started on an AI feature

Design and UX research for AI features

Special considerations for AI features

  • AI ethics principles: Principles to guide our decision making as we continue to build AI features into GitLab and to ensure that these features properly embody our values.
  • AI data usage and privacy: Public facing docs about how we use and protect data.
  • (Coming soon) Measuring AI accuracy
  • (Coming soon) Measuring risk of AI features
  • (Coming soon) Measuring AI cost

Engineering AI features

Support engineering AI features

Questions while developing AI features

  • (Coming soon) Office hours

Current AI features and teams

AI Continuity Plan
GitLab's Al Continuity Plan transparently lays out our process for selecting new Al vendors and how we intend to address any material changes our Al vendors may make to their practices with respect to the use of customer data.
UX maturity guidelines for AI-assisted features
When to move an AI-assisted feature from Experiment to Beta, and to Generally Available (GA), from a UX perspective.
Last modified April 2, 2024: Reorganize AI table of contents (567c0fd6)