Product Processes

As a Product Organization, we work to create a flexible yet concise product development framework for developing products that customers love and value.

Principles - Processes - Categorization - GitLab the Product - PM Responsibilities - Being a PM - Performance Indicators - Leadership

Our Product philosophy

As a Product Organization, we work to create a flexible yet concise product development framework for developing products that customers love and value. The Product Principles section is where you can learn about our strategy and philosophy regarding product development, here we discuss the processes we use tactically.

Product Development Flow

Introducing changes requires a number of steps, with some overlap, that should be completed in order. GitLab follows a dual-track product development flow spanning product, engineering, UX, and quality.

This process should be both up front and on an on-going basis when building features.

Managing your Product Direction

The product direction is an important part of each PMs work. PMs are expected to maintain the accuracy of their plan throughout the year through customer conversations and other research. Your product direction is displayed as the direction labeled issues (and, optionally, epics) for your group’s categories which are displayed in the Section, Stage, and Category direction pages of our website.

The direction page provides a thematic overview of the focus investment areas for the category. The “What’s Next” section should cover the larger, strategic investment themes, while linking to Epics and Issues in GitLab for additional details. The Roadmap section should outline both (1) current development focus areas and (2) exploratory/design work to inform future work. For each time block (Now/Next/Future) on your direction page, consider adding “how we are measuring success” so the reader can see progress and what the definition of success means.

The structure of a roadmap on a direction page might looks something like this:

  1. Now

    • Prioritized development work
    • Exploratory work
    • How we are measuring success
  2. Next

    • Prioritized development work
    • Exploratory work
    • How we are measuring success
  3. Future

    • Prioritized development work
    • Exploratory work
    • How we are measuring success

If the category has developed a UX Roadmap we recommend the product designer to create a merge request to incorporate UX Roadmap themes into the category direction page roadmap. Assign the MR to the PM for review and merge.

In some cases there may be direction pages that span multiple stages or sections. A direction page that summarizes the collective vision as well as all the contributors of that direction is critical to maintain transparency and adequate assignment of ownership.

There are several examples of these types of direction pages today:

  1. Monorepo Product Direction
  2. Versioned Dependencies Direction
  3. AutoDevOps Direction
  4. Deployment Direction
  5. Customizable Dashboards Direction

The steps for creating and managing a cross-section or stage direction are:

  1. Create a direction page merge request adding the direction page to the GitLab direction directory
  2. Select the category change template in the merge request
  3. Follow the process for category changes
  4. Add CODEOWNERS by adding an entry with the direction page link and the page DRI GitLab Handle.
  5. Once approved, @ all relevant product managers on the addition

Once the direction page has been added, there needs to be an assigned DRI for maintaining monthly updates for the page. The process for keeping the page updated are:

  1. Create a slack channel for the direction (e.g. #make_monorepos_lovable)
  2. Add all interested and contributing members to the channel
  3. Each month open an MR to the direction page and update issue queries contributing to the vision
  4. Assign the contributing PMs to the MR for review and contribution
  5. Once all parties have contributed, merge the MR
  6. Share changes to the direction page in relevant slack channels. If material changes are made, consider recording a 5-minute overview of the direction page and share the MR as well as overview in #product, the relevant direction channel, or other slack channels as needed

What makes a Product Direction issue?

It’s important to note here that your plan is not simply a list of new features and innovation. Those are included for sure, but so are issues related to all of your sensing mechanisms.

A category upgrade from minimal to viable or delivery of a top customer issue (for example) can contribute to your plan just as much as a brilliant new innovative feature can. It’s up to PMs to balance this through a coherent longer-term strategy.

Conversely, in a broad sense anything could move the plan forward in a general way. Product Direction items (i.e., with the label) should be direction-level items that move the strategy forward meaningfully. This is up to the PM to set the bar for, but there should be a clear step forward with real user value.

Finally, issues are the substance of your plan. Ensure you are applying the label to both revelant epics and its issues. If you want epics with the direction label to appear on your group’s direction pages, you must first enable the capability.

Enabling direction epics

Video walkthrough

  • Add your Stage name to the INCLUDE_EPICS array in www-gitlab-com/generators/direction.rb For example, this is how Secure looks: INCLUDE_EPICS['secure'] = true
  • Apply the direction label to appropriate epics.
  • Next time the Marketing component of the handbook builds, any epics will be included in the auto-generated Direction lists.

Note: There may be some delay in Direction epics appearing as the API calls that pull epics and issues for these pages is cached for 24 hours.

You can mix Direction epics and issues or just use one or the other. Epics will appear before issues in any lists.

Top ARR Drivers

Top ARR Drivers list is one of our Sensing Mechanisms at GitLab that Product Managers review as part of prioritizing their roadmaps.

The Product function at GitLab maintains an ordered list of product improvements that would drive ARR in collaboration with Sales Leadership. The order and methodology for ordering this input is discussed in a monthly meeting and maintained in the Top ARR Drivers for Sales/CS GoogleSheet which you can find in our internal GoogleDrive.

In preparation for those monthly meetings, Product Managers assigned to the PM Owner for each Top Driver provide a written update (preferably referenced from a GitLab issue) for GTM teams.

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

The list of Product KPIs and definitions are here.

Product Milestone Creation

When planning, Product Managers plan to GitLab milestones. Here is the process for creating and maintaining them.

One quarter ahead, the Product Operations team will create the necessary milestones for the next quarter.

Milestone start and end dates are defined as follows:

The next milestone m+1 starts the Saturday prior to the current milestone m’s release date and runs through the Friday prior to the milestone m+1’s release date.

Step 1: .org

  1. Confirm the release schedule for the upcoming quarter with Product Operations @justinfarris
  2. Go to GitLab Milestones for .org
  3. Click on New milestone in the top right
  4. Title the milestone with the dot release that makes sense.
    • Note: We iterate through the .0 and further for each release with the .0 release every May.
  5. Set the start date to be the Saturday prior to the previous releases release date
  6. Set the end date to be the Friday prior to the third Thursday of the release month
  7. Closing milestones happens in the Engineering workflow

Step 2: .com

  1. Ensure that .com mirrors the .org milestones for consistency in Product, Marketing etc.
  2. Ensure that the relevant milestones are created. Go to GitLab Milestones for .com
  3. Click on New milestone in the top right
  4. Title the milestone with the dot release that matches .org.
    • Note: We iterate through the .0 and further for each release with the .0 release every May.
  5. Set the start date to be the Saturday prior to the previous releases release date
  6. Set the end date to be the Friday prior to the third Thursday of the release month
  7. Closing milestones happens in the Engineering workflow

Understanding Milestones and Releases


  1. Design
  2. Backend development
  3. Frontend development
  4. QA and feature assurance
  5. Deploy


For internal team members please feel free to use the #product channel for any product-related questions but you’ll also find more direct assistance in the various Product Group channels.

Communicating with the Entire Product Management Function

When communicating change or a request for action to the entire product function, utilize the following levels and corresponding activities.

Level Description Activities
One Suggestion for review from interested PMs and FYI Post MR/issue in #product
Two Request for action from all PMs Post in #product and mention @gl-product-pm in MR/issue with specific action instructions.
Three Confirmation of understanding Post in #product and mention @gl-product-pm; checkbox for each @gl-product-pm member in an MR/issue description to confirm; assign MR/issue to all @gl-product-pm members

Internal and external evangelization

Before shipping a new or updated feature, you are responsible for championing it, both internally and externally. When something is released, the following teams need to be aware of it as they will all need to do something about it:

  • Marketing: depending on the importance of the feature, we need the help of marketing to promote this feature on our different communication channels.
  • Sales: sales needs to know what’s new or changed in the product so they can have better arguments to convince new or existing customers during their sales process.
  • Support: as they are in constant contact with our users and customers, support should know exactly how our products work.

You can promote your work in several ways:

  • start with documenting what will be released and share this documentation with the different teams
  • schedule meetings, if you think it’s important, with the teams listed above.

When referencing issues in written communication using just the issue number #123456 and a link is not low-context communication. Instead use the title of the issue and the link or the issue number and description of the problem that issue will solve:

  • Good: We will next be working on [Detect and display code coverage reports on MR]( OR We will next be working on [gitlab#21549]( which will help developers view code coverage reports directly in GitLab instead of losing context by looking in another tool while reviewing an MR.
  • Avoid: We will next be working on #21549..

In order to support findability and to clearly articulate when we change our minds especially when it comes to product direction, category changes, shifts in investment themes, or priorities for engineering, Product Managers must evangelize these changes in multi-modal communication channels to ensure our users and customers aware.

Some internal methods for communication include:

  • Sharing the updates various product-based Slack channels such as: #product, #s_, #g_, or #f_ Slack channels
  • Cross-posting changes in direction or categories into #customer-success and if they impact use cases tag @cs-leadership for awareness
  • Recording a quick video and sharing with Customer Success that discusses direction updates. Use sync meetings as needed to facilitate efficient communication.
  • Collaborate with the Field Communications team to determine if a larger internal communications plan/approach is necessary for the Field (Sales, Customer Success, Channel & Alliances) team.
  • Aggregating and sharing highlights of monthly direction page updates at the Section-level across the organization

External channels for consideration linking direction pages to:

  • Twitter, LinkedIn, or other social accounts
  • Sharing outreach emails via account teams
  • Recording walkthroughs on Unfiltered and promoting on social accounts
  • Writing a blog about the changes, if they are significant or disruptive

Release posts

As a PM, you are accountable for adding new features (under your umbrella) to the monthly release post, respecting the guidelines defined in the release posts handbook and its due dates. Be sure to go over all the details.

Every month, a PM will take the leadership of the release post, and will be responsible for delivering it in time.

Writing release blog posts

For every monthly release, there is a blog post announcing features. The blog post should contain everything exciting or disruptive. We want to help people understand exciting features (which are often new), and increase adoption. In general, release posts should succinctly state the problem to solve, the solution, and how customers benefit from the solution.

Some guidelines to help promote consistency of what is included in the blog post between different Product Managers are below.

Depending on the maturity level of your category should influence what you select for as a release post item.


  • Any new features.
  • Any significant UI additions.
  • Disruptive features that may significantly improve workflows or occasionally introduce unavoidable inconveniences.
    • We want to anticipate questions and avoid confusion by communicating these changes through the blog post.
  • UX improvements that significantly adjust current workflow should be included.
  • New API only functionality, if many users leverage the API instead or UI.
  • Significant bug fixes.
  • Any deprecations and breaking changes.
  • Smaller tweaks, if interesting, can be included at the bottom of the post.


  • Any user facing direction delivery that is complete.
  • Disruptive features that may significantly improve workflows or occasionally introduce unavoidable inconveniences.
  • We want to anticipate questions and avoid confusion by communicating these changes through the blog post.
  • UX improvements that significantly adjust current workflow should be included.
  • New API only functionality, if many users leverage the API instead or UI.
  • Significant bug fixes.
  • Significant architecture changes that support future direction/maturity.
  • Any deprecations and breaking changes.


  • Any user facing direction related delivery that is complete.
  • UX improvements that significantly adjust current workflow should be included.
  • Significant bug fixes.
  • Any deprecations and breaking changes.


  • Any user facing direction related delivery that is complete.
  • Significant bug fixes.
  • Any deprecations and breaking changes.

It is recommended to start writing your release post items as a part of your Kickoff preparation. To reduce rework, use the headline of the release post as the issue or epic title. The description of the release post can simply be part of the description of the implementing issue. Writing the release post early and consistently enables you and your team to work backwards and have the following benefits:

  • Help improve kickoff videos by having customer-centric and result-oriented language in issues.
  • Facilitates crisply communicating goals to all team members, including those not directly involved in development.
  • Help to prevent the stressful mad-dash at the end to complete release posts.

Writing to inspire action

As a PM, it is important to remember a bias towards action (and other value actions like sense of urgency, make a proposal, boring solutions, write things down, don’t wait, make two way doors decisions and accepting uncertainty which enables PMs to drive an async discussion to being action oriented. Every time you write a comment or create an issue ask yourself: Will this allow us to take an action and move us forward?

Writing about features

As PMs we need to constantly write about the features and upgrades we ship: in a blog post, internally to promote something, and in emails sent to customers. There are some guidelines that one should take into account when writing about features, the most important being a clear communication of the problem we’re solving for users.

When writing about a feature, make sure to cover these messaging guidelines which help produce clear internal and external messaging. Please also keep in mind that we should avoid using acronyms that others my not recognize, such as “MVC” for Minimal Viable Change. For more guidance you can visit our writing style guidelines.

Let’s highlight the messaging guidelines mentioned above with a concrete example, Preventing Secrets in your repositories, that we shipped in 8.12.

  • Start with the context. Explain what the current situation is without the feature. Describe the pain points and connect back to our Value Drivers (in this case Reduce Security and Compliance Risk).

It’s a bad idea to commit secrets (such as keys and certificates) to your repositories: they’ll be cloned to the machines of anyone that has access to the repository. If just a single one is insecure, the information will be compromised. Unfortunately, it can happen quite easily. You write git commit -am 'quickfix' && git push and suddenly you’ve committed files that were meant to stay local!

  • Explain what we’ve shipped to fix this problem.

GitLab now has a new push rule that will prevent commits with secrets from entering the repository.

  • Describe how to use the feature in simple terms.

Just check the checkbox in the repository settings, under push rules and GitLab will prevent common unsafe files such as .pem and .key from being committed.

  • Point to the documentation and any other relevant links (previous posts, etc).

Here are some additional examples of well written release blog posts for inspiration:

Recording videos to showcase features

In addition to the written medium, video is an important medium that caters to the different goals you are trying to accomplish and learning styles of your audience. Depending on the type of video you are recording, there are some guidelines to keep in mind.

As our documentation guidelines actively encourage linking video content, please consider following the Documentation Style Guide section on language, and working with your technical writing team to include links to your speed runs, walk-throughs and demos at relevant locations in the product documentation.

Using GIFs

Animated gifs are an awesome way of showing of features that need a little more than just an image, either for marketing purposes or explaining a feature in more detail. Checkout our guide to Making Gifs!

Speed Run

Speed runs are informal videos meant to focus on a single workflow and the experience for performing that workflow. It should not require much planning and is typically short in duration (less than 5 min.). This video type is meant to inform and not necessarily to influence buyers.



Demos are scripted recordings meant to influence buyers. Generally has higher production value and typically involves both a slide-style presentation and/or live screen-sharing. Duration varies depending on the topics being covered.



Product walk-throughs are informal videos meant primarily for an internal audience as a recorded, visual form of product critique. Walk-throughs typically focus on the user experience across categories and workflows within a Product Manager’s product scope. There are particular benefits to walk-throughs which span product hierarchy boundaries (multi-category, multi-stage, multi-section) as they help highlight disjointed experiences across our single-application.

Walk-throughs are typically longer in length as they cover more ground and often involve some “live” troubleshooting and are best performed with no planning. Use the Product walk-through issue template when creating a walk-through.


Including epics

One situation that can happen is that an epic contains many small issues that don’t individually meet the bar for the direction label, and therefore inclusion in the release post. More rarely, the last issue of an MVC that took several releases isn’t necessarily a capstone issue on its own. If you find yourself in a situation where you have closed an epic during a release, you should also ensure that we communicate that as a combined entity in a feature block, even if there is otherwise no single issue to mention.

Quickly converting ideas into MVCs

There is a certain failure case for MVC issues that product managers need to be aware of and actively work to prevent. Because we don’t have infinite capacity to work on everything and good ideas are always coming in, it’s possible (if the PM is not watching closely) for issues with good ideas to slowly but inevitably decay into something that is difficult to understand and move forward with.

As more and more comments are added, the issue slowly morphs from idea to idea without any direction from a product manager. Then, it becomes difficult to ever make complete sense of it again without losing some important context. It’s also nearly impossible for someone who wants to make a community contribution to understand what the direction is. In other words, it becomes an undefined blob of ideas.

To prevent this, it is the product manager’s responsibility to quickly determine whether an open-ended issue aligns with our business model and is broadly useful. If the answer to those questions is “yes,” then we must turn it into something actionable, deliverable, and truly MVC as quickly as possible. If the answer is “no,” then we must close the issue to maintain our backlog’s hygiene.

The guidance for product managers is to never let an idea issue persist longer than three months without having been converted into a clear MVC. If this has not happened, you should ask yourself why this is the case: Is the idea overly broad? Is there no clear immediate deliverable? Is it just not important enough to spend time on? These are all signals that should be acted on without delay, before the issue degrades to the point that it becomes unusable without significant rework.

In practice, if the original issue was really broad and still contains great ideas, then simply converting it into an MVC that gets closed when it ships could be a disservice, because you lose valuable context when it’s time to improve the MVC. In this case, consider creating a new issue for the MVC, so that it is crisp and concise, and leave the original issue as a post-MVC meta item.

Crafting an MVC

Here are some guidelines to follow when exploring an MVC:

  • The issue should be based off of the standard Feature Proposal issue template.
  • The issue should be the smallest iteration we can create to address the problem.
  • The MVC should be buildable in one iteration.
  • If the issue generates a lot of discussion, make sure that the issue description always reflects the latest decisions at the current point in time.
  • Feel free to edit the issue description without keeping a history of the previous content, as long as it reflects the latest decisions. If you really want to, you can copy old content into the discussion thread for posterity.
  • It’s not shipped until it’s documented, no matter what the change is.


Virtually every new feature must be maintained forever (the standard for sunsetting a feature is very high). Creating a new feature means that GitLab has to continually manage the costs of maintaining that feature. Making small changes with quick feedback loops reduces the risk of introducing a new feature where the value doesn’t justify the long-term costs.

A new feature also adds a tax on the user experience due to additional complexity in the product. Make sure that the benefits gained by users from the new feature more than cover the tax incurred, accounting for how frequently the new feature will be used. In particular, the new feature should satisfy this inequality:

(benefits * frequency) / (tax * (1-frequency)) > 1

Despite its minimal form, the change

  • Always requires documentation.
  • Must track usage from day 1, if the feature has a meaningful impact. You can find more information on how we think about monitoring feature engagement in our Analytics Instrumentation Guide

QA Release Candidates on staging and elsewhere

After the feature freeze, it’s expected of each product manager to test their own features and perform quality assurance to the best of their ability and follow up where necessary.

Product managers can use the staging environment once the release managers have deployed a release candidate (RC) to staging. Release managers should post in the #product channel in Slack that a new release candidate is available. Product managers can also use other environments as needed, such as GitLab provisioned on Kubernetes with GKE.

Feature assurance

Before a new feature is shipped, the PM should test it out to make sure it solves the original problem effectively. This is not about quality assurance (QA), as developers are responsible for the quality of their code. This is about feature assurance (FA). FA is necessary because sometimes there are misunderstandings between the original issue proposal and the final implementation. Sometimes features don’t actually solve the intended problem, even though it seemed like it would, and sometimes solutions just don’t feel as useful as intended when actually implemented.

If you can test out the feature during development, pulling down branches locally (or with a review app!), that’s great. But sometimes it’s not feasible to test a feature until it’s bundled into a release candidate and deployed to If so, make sure to test out features as soon as possible so any new issues can be addressed before final release. Also, take the FA cycle into account when scheduling new milestone work.

If you are looking to test code that has not been merged to or is not yet part of an RC, you can pull the branch down locally and test it using the GitLab Development Kit (GDK).

Dealing with security issues

Quality Engineering Managers (QEM) are the DRIs for prioritizing bugs. These include security issues which are prioritized in conjunction with the security team. Product Managers must work with their QEM to set Milestones for issues marked with the bug::vulnerability type label to guarantee they are shipped by their due date, as defined in the Security Team process.

While Product Managers are the DRIs for milestone planning, they must respect the prioritization order for bugs and maintenance issues as determined by their QEM and EM, respectively. As such they should deeply understand the implications and risks of security-related issues and balance those when prioritizing a milestone work. Addressing a serious security issue by its due date may require temporarily adjusting the desired work type ratio for one or more milestones. Priority labels and Due Date designations for security issues should never be modified by Product Managers as they are directly managed by the Security Team and used to track metrics and progress.

Introducing application limits

To enhance availability and performance of GitLab, sometimes it makes sense to add configurable limits to certain features. For example, we limit the number of webhooks per project, and we allow admins to set rate limits on raw endpoints. These limits ensure more consistent performance, reduce the likelihood of outages, and offer admins tools to limit abuse or enforce specific standards.

There is a guide about developing application limits in the GitLab Docs.

When implementing application limits

Application limits should be enabled by default. If we are considering enabling or changing a limit, we should do the following (applies to and self-managed):

  • Evaluate if and self-managed should match - Usually, the limits on should be a good match for self-managed but there may be situations in which limits on are not a good match for our self-managed customers. For example, the artifact expiration on was put in place to control costs and this did not apply equally to self-managed customers.
  • Evaluate the impact to current users - How many users will be affected by this change? How much of an impact will they feel? If you need help pulling data for, create an issue on the Infrastructure project
  • Communicate limits in advance of implementation - Create an issue and facilitate community discussion about the impact the change might have. Raise awareness of the change via social media or a blog post. If the limit will result in a breaking change, do several announcements over a period of time to ensure that everyone has advance notice.
  • Communicate the limits in advance to the Quality teams - Quality runs tests against various environments that reuse users and as a result tend to hit limits as a false positive. As a result, Quality needs to be informed to ensure that tests can be adjusted accordingly.
  • Proactively notify Customer Success and Support of the change - Reach out in #customer-success and #support_escalations to announce the upcoming change, and consider discussing in the next All CS Team Call to solicit feedback.
  • Ensure Customer Success and Support are equipped to help users - Make sure that Customer Success and Support has access to the documentation that they need to help customers who contact them regarding the limit.
  • Document the limits on
    • Make sure that the limit is documented on the page for the feature and include details such as if it’s configurable, what the default value is, and what impact this can have on the end user.
    • Document the limit for customers on the instance limits help page, ensuring the limit for is specified. Include instructions on how the limit can be changed on self-managed instances.
    • If the limit is time based, link to that section from the Rate limits page
  • Communicate the limits in the release post - When the limit is rolled out, make sure to document this change in the next release post.
  • Communicate directly to affected users - Especially if the limit is going to have a significant impact to users, consider reaching out directly to notify those users of the change, and any available remedies, workarounds, or best practices that may help mitigate that impact. To send out an email to affected users, work with Support to create an email request.

Cross-stage features

See this page for details on working across stages at GitLab.

Stages, Groups, and Categories

Stages, groups, and categories serve as a common framework for organizing and communicating the scope of GitLab.

Making changes to stages, groups, or categories

Documentation on how to make changes to stages, groups, and categories, as well as what approvals are required, can be found in our website handbook page.

Managing creation and transition of groups, stages, and categories

After a change has been approved, we may need to globally optimize during the initial transition period, and ensure that important issues are not blocked.

There are a few common scenarios we may encounter during these transition periods:

  • Creating new Groups
  • Changing the Categories in a Stage
  • Adding a new Stage
  • Moving an existing categories to a different Group

In each of these scenarios, a Group may become temporarily responsible for a future Group’s issues and backlog. During this time, the responsible Group should balance the needs of our users and organization, prioritizing across the common backlog. Consider creating a transition issue following this format to create a series of tasks related to the transition.

Creating new Groups

As the group(s) working on a Stage grow in size, a new Group may need to be formed so group sizes remain manageable. For example, today there is a single group for Manage, but new groups were created for control and framework.

To prepare for creating multiple Groups, we should:

  1. Update categories.yml and stages.yml, assigning each Group a set of Categories
  2. Ensure all issues remain labeled with the Stage name, like devops::manage
  3. Ensure all issues also have a group label, like Control or Framework
  4. Prior to the new groups being formed, the PM and EM prioritize the shared devops::manage backlog

Once the first PM or EM is hired, the new Groups should be formed:

  1. The other PM/EM’s will need to continue working across both Groups. For example if a backend EM is hired, the frontend EM and PM will continue to work across both Groups until additional hires are made.
  2. EM’s and engineers should work together and divide the existing engineering team to staff the new groups, like Control and Framework. Ideally, each group would have at least two backend engineers, but that is not always possible.
  3. Update stages.yml and team.yml to reflect the new group members. You may need to add a member to the end of _categories.erb.
  4. Create a Slack channel for each group, like #g_control and #g_framework, and close the previous Slack channel (e.g. #g_manage)

As the rest of the EM/PM’s are hired, they take over that role for the respective group.

Note: We used to call this “splitting” a group. However, we adjusted it because it’s important to emphasize with group members that they are forming new independent groups and should feel free to independently create their new norms and processes.

Adding a new category to a Stage

The categories within a Stage will change over time, based on GitLab’s direction and the market landscape. The groups within a Stage will need to be able to handle these changes, without issues falling in the cracks.

When the categories change, we should:

  1. Update categories.yml and stages.yml, ensure all categories are assigned to a Group
  2. If two categories are merging, apply the new category label to issues from both of the old categories
  3. If a new category is being added, create a new category label and apply it to relevant issues
  4. When adding a new category, ensure the feature labels in the categories.yml are unique to the new category added
  5. Update category vision to reflect the new labels and categories
  6. Review the handbook and other material which may link to old categories
  7. Remove old category labels
Adding a new Stage

When GitLab decides to address additional needs within the single application, a new Stage may need to be created. For example, Govern may be created to address additional needs beyond what Secure focuses on.

When a new Stage is added, and its Group has yet to be formed, we should:

  1. Ensure all issues for the new Stage are assigned with the Stage labels, like devops::govern and Govern
  2. Identify an existing Group, like Secure, which will be initially responsible for the new Stage
  3. The existing Group will prioritize across a common backlog of both Stages, in this example devops::govern and devops::secure
  4. Update categories.yml and stages.yml, listing the new Stage with the members of the existing responsible Group. Update _categories-names.erb with the member name, if necessary.

Once the first PM or EM is hired, a new Group for the Stage should be formed:

  1. The other PM/EM’s will need to continue working across both groups. For example if a backend EM is hired, the frontend EM and PM will continue to work across both groups until additional hires are made.
  2. EM’s and engineers should work together to staff the new Group, like Govern. Each Group should have at least two backend engineers.
  3. Now that the new Group is formed, both Groups can focus on their respective Stages. In this case, Secure on Secure and Govern on Govern.
  4. Update stages.yml to reflect the new Group and its members. Update _categories.erb with the member name, if necessary.

As the rest of the EM/PM’s are hired, they take over that role for the new Group.

When a Product Manager inherits an existing category from another product manager

In addition to making the appropriate changes listed above to ensure that the category is reflected as part of the right group, stage and section, the following steps are also important.

  1. The PM doing the hand-off prepares an issue detailing process for change using the template.
  2. The PM receiving the category initiates a review of the direction page and asks the receiving team EM and designer to review the page as well. This helps the team gain basic understanding immediately.
  3. The PM’s together identify DRIs and clarify who owns the communication (It is preferred that questions to help understand the category go to the PM instead of the rest of the quad team members. This allows for the rest of the quad team members to stay focus on their new responsibilities).
  4. Create a recording for broader distribution

Product support requests

Throughout the customer lifecycle, customer facing teams (Support, Sales, Professional Services, Account Managers, etc.) may need the assistance of a product manager. This can include a detailed discussion of our direction, how to address specific use cases, or gaps in functionality, with an organization.

To ensure these requests can be quickly triaged, easily scheduled, and later tracked, there is a standardized request process based on issues.

How to work as a PM

If you follow the principles and workflow above, you won’t be writing long, detailed specs for a part of the product for next year. So how should you be spending your time?

Invest the majority of your time (say 70%) in deeply understanding the problem. Then spend 10% of your time writing the spec for the first iteration only and handling comments, and use the remaining 20% to work on promoting it.

A problem you understand well should always have a (seemingly) simple or obvious solution. Reduce it to its simplest form (see above) and only ship that.


See the Cross-Functional Prioritization page for more information.

Prioritization Framework

Priority Description Issue label(s)
1* Security bug::vulnerability
2* Data Loss data loss
3* Resilience, Reliability, Availability, and Performance availability, infradev, Corrective Action, bug::performance
4 OKR’s
5 Usability Usability benchmark, SUS::Impacting, Deferred UX
6 Instrumentation instrumentation
7 xMAU / ARR Drivers direction
8 All other items not covered above

*indicates forced prioritization items with SLAs/SLOs

Forced Prioritization

Any of the items with a “*” are considered issues driven by the attached SLO or SLA and are expected to be delivered within our stated policy. There are two items that fall into Forced Prioritization:

  1. Security Issues labeled with bug::vulnerability must be delivered according to the stated SLO
  2. Issues supporting our product’s scale which include bug::availability with specific SLOs as well as infradev, Corrective Action, ci-decomposition::phase* that follow the stated type::bug SLO

Any issues outside of these labels are to be prioritized using cross-functional prioritization. Auto-scheduling issues based on automation or triage policies are not forced prioritization. These issues can be renegotiated for milestone delivery and reassigned by the DRI.

Engineering Allocation

While we have moved to the cross-functional prioritization process to empower teams to determine the optimal balance of all types of issues, we will keep Engineering Allocations as a way to allow teams to quickly shift to a critical priority, designating the EM as the DRI to drive the effort.

Engineering is the DRI for mid/long term team efficiency, performance, security (incident response and anti-abuse capabilities), availability, and scalability. The expertise to proactively identify and iterate on these is squarely in the Engineering team. Whereas Product can support in performance issues as identified from customers. In some ways these efforts can be viewed as risk-mitigation or revenue protection. They also have the characteristic of being larger than one group at the stage level. Development would like to conduct an experiment to focus on initiatives that should help the organization scale appropriately in the long term. We are treating these as a percent investment of time associated with a stage or category. The percent of investment time can be viewed as a prioritization budget outside normal Product/Development assignments.

Engineering Allocation is also used in short-term situations in conjunction and in support of maintaining acceptable Error Budgets for and our GitLab-hosted first theme.

Unless it is listed in this table, the Engineering Allocation for a stage/group is 0% and we are following normal prioritization. Refer to this page for Engineering Allocation charting efforts. Some stage/groups may be allocated at a high percentage or 100%, typically indicating a situation where all available effort is to be focused on Reliability related (top 5 priorities from prioritization table) work.

During an Engineering Allocation, the EM is responsible for recognizing the problem, creating a satisfactory goal with clear success criteria, developing a plan, executing on a plan and reporting status. It is recommended that the EM collaborate with PMs in all phases of this effort as we want PMs to feel ownership for these challenges. This could include considering adding more/less allocation, setting the goals to be more aspirational, reviewing metrics/results, etc. We welcome strong partnerships in this area because we are one team even when allocations are need to resolving issues critical to our business.

During periods of Engineering Allocation, the PM remains the interface between the group and the fields teams & customers. This is important because:

  • It allows Engineering to remain focused on the work at hand
  • It maintains continuity for the field teams - they should not have to figure out different patterns of communication for the customer
  • It keeps PMs fully informed about the product’s readiness
Group/Stage Description of Goal Justification Maximum % of headcount budget People Supporting information EMs / DRI PMs

Broadcasting and communication of Engineering Allocation direction

Each allocation has a direction page maintained by the Engineering Manager. The Engineering Manager will provide regular updates to the direction page. Steps to add a direction page are:

  1. Open an MR to the direction content
  2. Add a directory under the correct stage named for the title Engineering Allocation
  3. Add a file for the page named in the newly created directory

To see an example for an Engineering Allocation Direction page, see Continuous Integration Scaling. Once the Engineering Allocation is complete, delete the direction page.

How to get a effort added to Engineering Allocation

One of the most frequent questions we get as part of this experiment is “How does a problem get put on the Engineering Allocation list?”. The short answer is someone makes a suggestion and we add it. Much like everyone can contribute, we would like the feedback loop for improvement and long terms goals to be robust. So everyone should feel the empowerment to suggest an item at any time.

To help with getting items that on the list for consideration, we will be performing a survey periodically. The survey will consist of the following questions:

  1. If you were given a % of engineering development per release to work on something, what would it be?
  2. How would you justify it? Have you tried leveraging cross-functional prioritization process before considering an engineering allocation?

We will keep the list of questions short to solicit the most input. The survey will go out to members of the Development, Quality, Security. After we get the results, we will consider items for potential adding as an Engineering Allocation.

Closing out Engineering Allocation items

Once the item’s success criteria are achieved, the Engineering Manager should consult with counterparts to review whether the improvements are sustainable. Where appropriate, we should consider adding monitoring and alerting to any areas of concern that will allow us to make proactive prioritizations in future should the need arise. The Engineering Manager should close all related epics/issues, reset the allocation in the above table to the floor level, and inform the Product Manager when the allocated capacity will be available to return their focus to product prioritizations.

When reseting a groups Engineering Allocation in the table above, the goal should be set as floor %, the goal should be empower every SWEs from raising reliability and security issues, percentage of headcount allocated should be 10%, and N/A in place of a link to the Epic.

All engineering allocation closures should be reviewed and approved by the VP of Development.

Feature Change Locks

A Feature Change Lock (FCL) is a process to improve the reliability and availability of We will enact an FCL anytime there is an S1 or public-facing (status page) S2 incident on (including the License App, CustomersDot, and Versions) determined to be caused by an engineering department change. The team involved should be determined by the author, their line manager, and that manager’s other direct reports.

If the incident meets the above criteria, then the manager of the team is responsible for:

  • Form the group of engineers working under the FCL. By default, it will be the whole team, but it could be a reduced group if there is not enough work for everyone.
  • Plan and execute the FCL.
  • Inform their manager (e.g. Senior Manager / Director) that the team will focus efforts towards an FCL.
  • Provides updates at the SaaS Availability Weekly Standup.

If the team believes there does not need to be an FCL, approval must be obtained from either the VP of Infrastructure or VP of Development.

Direct reports involved in an active borrow should be included if they were involved in the authorship or review of the change.

The purpose is to foster a sense of ownership and accountability amongst our teams, but this should not challenge our no-blame culture.


Rough guidance on timeline is provided here to set expectations and urgency for an FCL. We want to balance moving urgently with doing thoughtful important work to improve reliability. Note that as times shift we can adjust accordingly. The DRI of an FCL should pull in the timeline where possible.

The following bulleted list provides a suggested timeline starting from incident to completion of the FCL. “Business day x” in this case refers to the x business day after the incident.

  • Day 0: Incident:
  • Business day 1: relevant Engineering Director collaborates with VP of Development and/or VP of Infrastructure or their designee to establish if FCL is required.
  • Business day 2: confirmation that an FCL is required for this incident and start planning.
  • Business days 3-4: planning time
  • Business days 5-9 (1 week): complete planned work
  • Business days 10-11: closing ceremony, retrospective and report back to standup


During the FCL, the team(s) exclusive focus is around reliability work, and any feature type of work in-flight has to be paused or re-assigned. Maintainer duties can still be done during this period and should keep other teams moving forward. Explicitly higher priority work such as security and data loss prevention should continue as well. The team(s) must:

  • Create a public slack channel called #fcl-incident-[number], with members
    • The Team’s Manager
    • The Author and their teammates
    • The Product Manager, the stage’s Product leader, and the section’s Product leader
    • All reviewer(s)
    • All maintainers(s)
    • Infrastructure Stable counterpart
    • The chain-of-command from the manager to the VP (Sr Manager, Sr/Director, VP, etc)
  • Create an FCL issue in the FCL Project with the information below in the description:
    • Name the issue: [Group Name] FCL for Incident ####
    • Links to the incident, original change, and slack channel
    • FCL Timeline
    • List of work items
  • Complete the written Incident Review documentation within the Incident Issue as the first priority after the incident is resolved. The Incident Review must include completing all fields in the Incident Review section of the incident issue (see incident issue template). The incident issue should serve as the single source of truth for this information, unless a linked confidential issue is required. Completing it should create a common understanding of the problem space and set a shared direction for the work that needs to be completed.
  • See that not only all procedures were followed but also how improvements to procedures could have prevented it
  • A work plan referencing all the Issues, Epics, and/or involved MRs must be created and used to identify the scope of work for the FCL. The work plan itself should be an Issue or Epic.
  • Daily - add an update comment in your FCL issue or epic using the template:
    • Exec-level summary
      • Target End Date
      • Highlights/lowlights
  • Add an agenda item in the SaaS Availability weekly standup and summarize status each week that the FCL remains open.
  • Hold a synchronous closing ceremony upon completing the FCL to review the retrospectives and celebrate the learnings.
    • All FCL stakeholders and participants shall attend or participate async. Managers of the groups participating in the FCL, including Sr. EMs and Directors should be invited.
    • Agenda includes reviewing FCL retrospective notes and sharing learnings about improving code change quality and reducing risk of availability.
    • Outcome includes handbook and GitLab Docs updates where applicable.
Scope of work during FCL

After the Incident Review is completed, the team(s) focus is on preventing similar problems from recurring and improving detection. This should include, but is not limited to:

  • Address immediate corrective actions to prevent incident reoccurrence in the short term
  • Introduce changes to reduce incident detection time (improve collected metrics, service level monitoring, which users are impacted)
  • Introduce changes to reduce mitigation time (improve rollout process through feature flags, and clean rollbacks)
  • Ensure that the incident is reproducible in environments outside of production (Detect issues in staging, increase end-to-end integration test coverage)
  • Improve development test coverage to detect problems (Harden unit testing, make it simpler to detect problems during reviews)
  • Create issues with general process improvements or asks for other teams

Examples of this work include, but are not limited to:

  • Fixing items from the Incident Review which are identified as causal or contributing to the incident.
  • Improving observability
  • Improving unit test coverage
  • Adding integration tests
  • Improving service level monitoring
  • Improving symmetry of pre-production environments
  • Improving the GitLab Performance Tool
  • Adding mock data to tests or environments
  • Making process improvements
  • Populating their backlog with further reliability work
  • Security work
  • Improve communication and workflows with other teams or counterparts

Any work for the specific team kicked off during this period must be completed, even if it takes longer than the duration of the FCL. Any work directly related to the incident should be kicked off and completed even if the FCL is over. Work paused due to the FCL should be the priority to resume after the FCL is over. Items created for other teams or on a global level don’t affect the end of the FCL.

A stable counterpart from Infrastructure will be available to review and consult on the work plan for Development Department FCLs. Infrastructure FCLs will be evaluated by an Infrastructure Director.

Please also note the corresponding Engineering handbook section about the relative importance and prioritization of availability, security, and feature velocity. To ensure we’re providing an appropriate focus on security, data loss, and availability, PMs should consider:

  • tracking the appropriate labels for each prioritization category: Use a standing item to discuss these issues with an engineering manager and ensure you understand the impact of related issues in your area before planning a release.
  • optimizing for quality once a merge request is ready for review: This means ensuring that Engineering has sufficient time to meet our definition of done - including a high-quality code review - without cutting corners to get something into production.

Prioritization sessions

To help PMs plan, stage group stable counterparts can participate in prioritization sessions. They serve mainly as an internal sensing mechanism for PMs to make more informed prioritization decisions for different planning horizons. Usually, teams focus on the product releases horizon, but can also focus on the FY themes or strategy horizons. This group exercise also boosts team morale, improves communication and empathy, and broadens individual’s perspectives. Besides, it can be a more informal and joyful way of connecting the team and discussing work.

The output of these sessions is a priority matrix that shows the relative priority of a set of items based on two weighted criteria. Generally, the criteria are importance and feasibility, each one visualized as an axis of the matrix. You can change the criteria depending on the planning horizon or goals. To better understand how the sessions work, see an example mural and session recording.

Always consider asynchronous sessions first, in an effort to be more inclusive and respectful of others time. That said, if possible, synchronous sessions can be ideal, as they allow limiting the time spent and make great use of the activities’ momentum for a more efficient discussion and voting.

Use our Mural template for prioritization sessions, built for product releases but adaptable for other planning horizons or criteria.

Process template

Adapt this process as needed, and consider changing it to an asynchronous mode of communication. For example, participants can review the items async, add questions as comments in Mural, and vote using dot voting or in voting sessions held on different days for each criterion.

  1. Before:
    1. The facilitator creates a mural from our template for prioritization sessions, with the stage group and milestone in its name.
    2. The facilitator invites the stage group counterparts for a 50-minute call, scheduled sometime before the team finalizes the release scope (see the product development timeline). Includes the URL of the mural and planning issue in the event description.
    3. The facilitator shares the preparation work with the participants, preferably in the group’s planning issue (see the template after this list and an example.
    4. Participants do the preparation work (see the template after this list).
  2. During (see an example session recording):
    1. The facilitator starts recording the call.
    2. Present: For each participant, the facilitator sets the timer for 10 minutes (adapt per the no. of participants). A participant then presents their issues, preferably using the RICE framework. Only after the participant presents all issues should other attendees ask questions. Once in a while, the facilitator announces how much time remains. When the timer goes off, repeat this for another participant.
    3. Vote: After all participants have presented, the facilitator runs two voting sessions: first for importance, and then for feasibility. Each participant has 5 votes (adapt per the no. of issues). The facilitator sets the timer for 2 minutes, repeating for each voting session.
    4. Visualize: Review your voting session results and everyone helps place the stickies on the matrix, depending on their number of votes for each criterion.
    5. If there’s still time, discuss the most-voted issues as a group.
  3. After:
    1. The facilitator uploads the recording to GitLab Unfiltered, sets its visibility (see SAFE framework), adds to relevant playlists, and includes the URL of the mural and planning issue in the description.
    2. The facilitator shares the recording URL and voting results in the planning issue, preferably with a screenshot of the matrix and links to the highest voted issues (see an example.
Preparation work template
## :map: Prioritization session

`@-mention participants` for our [prioritization session](/handbook/product/product-processes/#prioritization-sessions), here's the [**Mural**](URL) for us to add the issues we want to see in **MILESTONE**. I scheduled our 50-minute session for **DATE**.

1. Add your issues to the Mural before the call. Let's try to limit to **5 issues per person**, so it's easier to vote on them and keep things focused. You can find instructions on how to add them in the "Outline" panel on the right side of the Mural UI.
1. Try not to add Security or Availability issues. This is also noted in the [product processes page](/handbook/product/product-processes/#prioritization), as those issues have forced prioritization with SLAs/SLOs.
1. If you can, mark issues that appeared in previous sessions by changing their sticky color to **orange**.

Thanks and see you soon :bow:

Using the RICE Framework

RICE is a useful framework for prioritization that can help you stack rank your issues. The RICE framework is a great tool for prioritizing many issues that seem to be of equal value at first glance. In order to drive clarity and alignment in the prioritization of work across the entire DevOps platform, and to help prioritize items that may compete for resources from different teams, we have set a standard for the RICE factors so all prioritization decisions based on RICE are using the same metric.

Reach How many customers will benefit in the first quarter after launch? Data sources to estimate this might include qualitative customer interviews, customer requests through Support/CS/Sales, upvotes on issues, surveys, etc.

Higher reach means a higher RICE score:

  • 10.0 = Impacts the vast majority (~80% or greater) of our users, prospects, or customers
  • 6.0 = Impacts a large percentage (~50% to ~80%) of the above
  • 3.0 = Significant reach (~25% to ~50%)
  • 1.5 = Small reach (~5% to ~25%)
  • 0.5 = Minimal reach (Less than ~5%)

Impact How much will this impact customers and GitLab? Impact could take the form of increased revenue, decreased risk, and/or decreased cost (for both customers and GitLab). This makes it possible to compare revenue generating opportunities vs. non-revenue generating opportunities. Potential for future impact should also be taken into account as well as the impact to the GitLab brand (for example unlocking free-to-paid conversion opportunities).

Higher impact means a higher RICE score:

  • Massive = 3x
  • High = 2x
  • Medium = 1x
  • Low = 0.5x
  • Minimal = 0.25x

Confidence How well do we understand the customer problem? How well do we understand the solution and implementation details? Higher confidence means a higher RICE score.

  • High = 100%
  • Medium = 80%
  • Low = 50%

Effort How many person months do we estimate this will take to build? Lower effort means a higher RICE score.

Calculating RICE Score

These four factors can then be used to calculate a RICE score via the formula:

(Reach x Impact x Confidence) / Effort = RICE

Here is an example RICE calculation you can use to help prioritize work in your area. Feel free to embed this at the Epic level to provide context for why you did or did not prioritize.

RICE Factor Estimated Value
Reach 10.0
Impact .5
Confidence 80%
Effort 2 month
—— ——
Score (10.0 x .5 x .80) / 2 = 2.0

Other important considerations:

  • Is this in support of a company or team OKR?
  • Does it bring our vision closer to reality?
  • Does it help make our community safer through moderation tools?
  • Does it meaningfully improve the user experience of an important workflow?
  • Is it something we need ourselves?
  • Is it particularly important to customers?
  • The technical complexity is acceptable. We want to preserve our ability to make changes quickly in the future so we try to avoid complex code, complex data structures, and optional settings.
  • It is orthogonal to other features (prevents overlap with current and future features).
  • The requirements are clear.
  • It can be achieved within the scheduled milestone. Larger issues should be split up, so that individual steps can be achieved within a single milestone.

We schedule a prioritized issue by assigning it a milestone; for more on this see Planning a Future Release.

Async RICE Exercise

Conducting a RICE prioritization exercise with your cross-functional counterparts is a powerful way to make the process more inclusive and improve the quality of your rankings. Consider making this an async-first process to accommodate team members across different timezones. For an example of how to do this async-first, see this issue that the Geo team used to collaborate on a RICE prioritization exercise. This blank async RICE template is also available for you to copy for your own async prioritization exercise.

Issues important to customers

For prioritizing most issues, we should utilize the RICE framework noted above, which will capture an aggregate of customer demand. You can also augment RICE scores with the Customer Issues Prioritization Framework Dashboards:

Customer Requested Issues (Product) for product managers Customer Requested Issues (CSM) for Sales, CS and CSM

These dashboards provide several inputs for calculating RICE and aggregate all customer requested issues and epics into a single dashboard. These dashboards are not meant as a replacement or sole input for Top ARR Drivers for Sales/CS. Further requirements such as the integration of themes need to be implemented before this framework can be used to fully inform or replace tools such as the Top ARR tracker.

In some cases however, we may become aware of a feature which is particularly important to deliver on by a certain date. Examples of this could include an issue necessary to embark on a new GitLab rollout, a feature needed by a partner to launch an integration, or a method to import data from a service which is being discontinued. In these instances, the responsible PM can apply the customer or customer+ label along with a due date and initial milestone. This set of labels can serve to indicate externally that the issue is particularly important, as well as a reminder for internal teams of its importance.

It is important to note that the customer and/or customer+ label does not constitute a promise for the issue to be delivered in any given milestone or timeframe.

Community Considerations

GitLab is open-source, encouraging and promoting a large ecosystem of contributors is critical to our success. When making prioritization decisions, it’s important to heavily weight activities which will encourage a stronger community of contributors. Some of those activities are:

  • The creation of small primitives that can be utilized and iterated on by community members
  • The building of integration points which can entice independent third parties to contribute an integration
  • The addition of tools or features which make the contribution experience easier

Product managers are not responsible for prioritizing contributions outside of their group. These contributions should be reviewed and merged swiftly allowing everyone to contribute, including non-product teams at GitLab.

SaaS-First Framework

The SaaS-First product investment theme will put us in a better position to support our customer base who is expected to accelerate adoption of SaaS products in the coming years. Features will also end up more secure, resilient, performant, and scalable for our self-managed customers if initially built to the expectations of SaaS. Therefore, it is important for PMs to understand and prioritize needs related to the SaaS business. When prioritzing SaaS related issues, we follow the same guidelines above. Within those guidelines there are a few areas that are especially important for PMs to focus on to ensure the success of our SaaS users.


Downtime of has a material impact on our customers. From a 2014 report Gartner estimates that downtime costs companies on average “$5,600 per minute, which extrapolates to well over $300K per hour.” Furthermore, SaaS downtime can severely disrupt the productivity of GitLab Inc since we rely heavily on to run our business. Finally, downtime can also lead to customer churn and damage to our reputation. Thus, it is crucial as a company we collectively work towards consistently maintaining our 99.95% SLA on There are a few things that PMs can do in partnership with their engineering team to help ensure overall Availability for

  • Make sure each new feature that gets built has full end to end test coverage.
  • Before rolling out a new service to support a major new feature launch, ensure that your team has gone through the readiness review process. The effort and timing for a readiness review will vary depending on the complexity of the feature. It is recommended to start this process as early as practical when a significant number of the questions can be answered but not too late to further develop the feature based on learnings from the review.
  • Ensure there are application limits for your product areas enabled on to reduce abuse vectors.


The infradev process is used to triage issues requiring priority attention in support of SaaS availability and reliability. As part of the broader effort to responsibly manage tech debt across the company, PMs should partner with their EMs to identify and incorporate infradev labeled issues of all severities. Note, issues labeled with a severity must be mitigated and resolved within specific timeframes to meet the SLO. As EMs are the DRIs for prioritizing infradev work, PMs should familiarize themselves with the infradev process and Board.

Other resources PMs can consult to identify and prioritize Infradev issues include:

While not required, PMs are encouraged to listen in on Incident Management calls for incidents related to their product areas to 1) build empathy with the SRE team by gaining insight into how they handle incidents 2) gain a better sense of the impact of the incident to their customer base, and 3) identify improvements to their product areas, whether technical or feature-related, that could have prevented the incident. PMs are not expected to be in the decision-making path on actions taken to resolve the incident. They are there to listen and learn rather than attempting to decide/influence the course of resolution. After incidents involving their product area, PMs are also encouraged to engage in the Incident Review, including attendance at the Sync Incident Review call if their incident is scheduled. PMs can periodically review incidents via the Production Incident Board

Enterprise Customer Needs

Enterprise customers interested in adopting SaaS may have common hard requirements to be able to use the product. For example, large enterprises may need certain security related features, such as Audit Logs, available before their security team will agree to the use of This can also be about more than just features; it may include how and where we apply features so they can administrate their GitLab instance at enterprise-scale. For instance, permission management and shared configurations are best implemented top-down first instead of Project-up to meet the requirements of large organizations who may have 100s or 1000s of projects and only a small handful of people to perform these system-wide administrative tasks. In order to encourage more Enterprise adoption of, prioritize these common “hard-blockers” to adoption over “nice to have” features. PMs can use customer interviews to hone in on which issues are hard blockers to adopting SaaS vs more “nice to have” features that can be delivered later.

To track hard adoption blockers, use the ~“ Enterprise Readiness” label within the GitLab-Org and GitLab-com groups.

SaaS Features

There are a few special considerations when it comes to delivering features for SaaS. In order to achieve parity between SaaS and Self-managed installations PMs should prioritize efforts to eliminate existing feature gaps that exist across the two installations. Additionally, new features should ship for SaaS and self-managed at the same time. Features should be implemented at the group level first, before being implemented at the instance level, so that they will work across both self-managed and SaaS. Finally, in order for new features to be adequately monitored, they should include appropriate logging and observability, which makes troubleshooting much easier.

Working with Your Group

As a product manager, you will be assigned as the stable counterpart to a single group. At GitLab we abide by unique, and extremely beneficial guidelines when interacting with our groups. These include:

  1. Product managers are the DRIs for overall work prioritization but work collaboratively with their EM, UX, and QEM stable counterparts to ensure the right priorities from each work type are considered as each has a different DRI. Product Managers are responsible for communicating overall priority.
  2. Product Managers provide the what and when for feature work. Engineering (UX, Backend, Frontend, Quality) provide the how. This process is documented as part of our monthly product, engineering and UX cadence. We define stable counterparts for each of these functions within a group.

As an all-remote company, our crispness when it comes to responsibilities throughout the Product Delivery process was born out of necessity, but it pays untold dividends. Some of the benefits include:

  • We avoid the ambiguity in handoffs between teams
  • We avoid the confusion of many responsible individuals
  • We avoid the slowness of consensus driven decision making
  • We avoid the disruption of frequent context switching
  • We gain the rigidity to be consistent
  • We gain the freedom to iterate quickly

From Prioritization to Execution

As described above, prioritization is a multi-faceted problem. In order to translate the priorities of any given group into action by our engineering teams, we need to be able to translate this multi-faceted problem into a flat list of priorities for at least the next release cycle. Product Managers are responsible for taking all these prioritization considerations and creating a clear, sequenced list of next priorities. This list should be represented as an issue board so that each team has a clear interface for making decisions about work. From this list, Product Designers, Engineering Managers and Product Managers can work together to determine what items will be selected for work in the immediate future.

This does not mean that items will be addressed in strict order - Product Designers, EMs and PMs need to be cognizant of dependencies, available skillsets, and the rock/pebbles/sand problem of time management to make the best decisions about selecting work.

Reviewing Build Plans

Together with your Engineering Manager, you will have an important role in ensuring that the Build Plans defined for issues are created with iteration in mind. Iteration is highly valuable for the following reasons:

  1. It can result in discovering ways to parallelize effort, resulting in less team WIP and increase throughput
  2. It can result in shipping something of value during an iteration rather then delaying everything
  3. It can re-risk unknown unknowns by bringing them to light sooner in the development process

Prioritizing for Predictability

{: #prioritize-predictability}

As a company we emphasize velocity over predictability. As a product manager this means you focus on prioritizing, not scheduling issues. Your engineering stable counterparts are responsible for velocity and delivery. However, there are instances when there is desire for predictability, including:

  • Security, Bugs and Infra priorities with SLOs
  • Customer Commitments
  • Infrastructure projects with IACV driver impact or those that result in significant cost savings for
  • Infrastructure projects with customer commitment or heavily upvoted should be given a priority indicative of other customer commitments
  • Vision or Direction items for a launch

As the DRI for milestone prioritization, it is the Product Manager’s job to prioritize for predictability when it is needed. You should do so by ensuring you prioritize a deliverable, and its dependencies, so that it can reasonably be expected to be delivered by any committed dates. If there is time pressure to hit a date, the PM should also explore de-scoping the issue to meet the deadline, rather than pressuring engineering to move abnormally fast or cut corners.

Private tools and dashboards for monitoring and KPI tracking

These information sources may be useful to help you prioritize.

Global Prioritization

{: #prioritize-global}

Individual product managers must consider, and advocate for global optimizations within the teams they are assigned to. If your assigned team requires expertise (remember everyone can contribute) outside the team you should make all reasonable efforts to proceed forward without the hard dependency while advocating within the product management team for increased prioritization of your now soft dependencies.

Execution of a Global prioritization can take many forms. This is worked with both Product and Engineering Leadership engaged. Either party can activate a proposal in this area. The options available and when to use them are the following:

  • Rapid action - use when reassignment isn’t necessary, the epic can have several issues assigned to multiple teams
  • Borrow - use when a temporary assignment (less than 6 months) to a team is required to help resolve an issue/epic
  • Scope Reassignment - use when scope that will take longer than 6 months to deliver is a high priority and the team member reporting structure does not need to change to accomplish the effort.
  • Realignment - use when a permanent assignment to a team is required to resolve ongoing challenges. This has the highest impact to team members and should be considered if other options cannot achieve the desired goal. We strive to hire team members in the groups that will need them most.

We have found the following methods less successful in ensuring completion of work that warrants global prioritization:

  • Working Groups - This method involves convening a group of individuals who maintain full-time responsibility to other Product Groups and completing work as part of the working group structure. This method isn’t prefered for completing product improvements, instead it can be utilized to scope work, or determine plans for future product delivery.
  • Fan Out Prioritization - This method of prioritization involves communicating a global prioritization to a number of Product Groups in an effort to ensure each individual product group’s PM prioritizes the work in the timeframe you’d prefer. This method requires significant coordination costs and puts delivery at risk due to the lack of central prioritization responsibility. In most cases it is preferred to execute a scope reassignment, borrow or realignment to complete the improvements.

Rapid Action

Rapid Action is a process we follow when a critical situation arises needing immediate attention from various stakeholders.

What deserves Rapid Action

Any problem with both high severity and broad impact is a potential Rapid Action. For example, a performance problem that causes latency to spike by 500%, or a security problem that risks exposing customer data.

What if it only affects one customer?

If the problem only affects one customer, consider a customer escalation process as the alternative.

Rapid Action Process

When a situation is identified as a potential Rapid Action the following actions are recommended:

  1. Identify the problem(s) to solve. Ensuring we have a data driven approach ensures we have a measurable way to quantify and track those metrics throughout the rapid action.
  2. Identify the exit criteria or goals that would resolve the stated problems of the rapid action. Highlight key dashboards or charts the DRI should be tracking to determine whether progress is trending in the right direction, so that adjustments to the work, goals, or allocation of individuals to the rapid action initiative can made as needed. Ideally we are able to define and agree to the exit criteria amongst stakeholders, prior to fully dedicating engineers to execute on the effort.
  3. Continue to iterate on the above step until the stated goals are achieved, or have the DRI continue to iterate on the goals of the rapid action. The DRI will be the one to work with stakeholders to discuss tradeoffs between progress made in the stated effort vs. the time commitment of Engineering DRIs.
Administrative Tasks
  1. Create an epic in the GitLab-org group (This will link you to the epic creation page) group describing the problem and the resolution criteria as briefly and precisely as possible.
    1. Apply the rapid action label.
    2. If the problem is related to security, make the epic confidential.
    3. If possible, list existing issues that are in the scope of this Rapid Action.
  2. Identify the stakeholders involved and @-mention them on the epic. It is a good idea to over-communicate this problem, both for raising awareness and gathering ideas.
  3. Decide on a Directly Responsible Individual (DRI) and clearly note this in the epic description. This decision should be made as soon as possible, so leadership and responsibility is clear. However, because this decision must be made quickly, it should not be considered a final decision.
  4. Clear the schedules of the DRI and anyone else who is expected to be involved in resolving the problem. Rapid Actions are both important and urgent, so they should displace less important and urgent work. For example, if an engineer is asked to help resolve a Rapid Action, the deliverables currently assigned to them should be re-assigned or re-scheduled. Rapid Actions are stressful and time-consuming, so quickly shifting other work is a way to soften the impact.
  5. Set up a daily business day standup and invite the correct stakeholders and participants.

Optionally, to facilitate communication, you might:

  1. Share a Zoom link dedicated to an immediate discussion.
  2. Create a Slack room dedicated to ongoing discussion with the naming convention RA-#epic-id

Responsibilities of the DRI

The DRI is responsible for coordinating the effort to resolve the problem, from start to finish. In particular, the DRI is responsible for:

  • Maintaining the problem and resolution criteria in the epic description.
  • Running the daily standup related to the epic.
  • Tasking sub-DRIs as necessary. These sub-DRIs might be responsible for specific parts of the problem (part A/B/C), specific perspectives (Engineering/Infrastructure/Product), specific timezones (AMER/EUR/APAC), etc.
  • Ensuring that progress is being made toward mitigation and resolution. This may include coordinating problem-solving efforts across timezones so we can have GitLab team members working on the problem 24 hours a day.
  • Ensuring that work that is in-scope as part of a Rapid Action isn’t included in the Development Escalation Processes (a.k.a. infradev).
  • Updating stakeholders at least daily.
  • Detailing recommended follow-up actions once the problem has been solved (enhancements, refactoring, etc).

Please note that customers can be stakeholders. The DRI can seek assistance with customer communication in Slack at #support_escalations.

Status Update Template

The DRI should post a summary status update on the epic at least daily. The following format is recommended (provided here in Markdown format for easy copy/pasting into issues):

**YYYY-MM-DD Update**

**Progress since last update:**

This section describes what changes have been deployed to production and any other notable progress or accomplishments.

**Progress expected by next update:**

This section describes what you expect to accomplish prior to the next update.  For example what work is currently in progress (include links to MRs), when do you expect these to be deployed, what do you expect to be the effect(s)?


This section describes any specific obstacles preventing progress. What is needed to overcome them?  Are there team members (e.g. executives, domain experts) these concerns should be escalated to?


This section is used to highlight specific praise for team members contributing to the Rapid Action.  It is important to [say thanks](/handbook/values/#say-thanks).


Once the resolution criteria have been satisfied:

  1. Close the epic.
  2. Host a retrospective to understand what about the rapid action process could be improved. (Note: there could also be other retros that happen related to more specific sub-efforts of the rapid action, this retro should act as a touch point to ensure collaboration + communication worked.)
  3. Consider making the epic public. If the problem is related to security, ask @gitlab-com/gl-security/secops to determine when the epic can be made public.
  4. Communicate the resolution to stakeholders.
  5. Consider awarding discretionary bonuses to the people who stepped in to help resolve the problem.


Borrow is used when team members are shifted from one team to another temporarily. Team members complete assignment when the work is done. Borrows are meant to align management structures into a single group for coordination and logistics of the effort. It is important to define the work upfront so that it is bounded. We prefer borrows to be for a milestone, but generally can extend to multiple milestones. Any borrow more than 3 months should be reviewed carefully for scope and minimized to the extent possible. Where the ask likely extends beyond 6 months, a realignment should generally be used instead.

It is recommended that quad counterparts are able to seek alignment on their own first for fulfilling a borrow. As an example, in a stage where the quad leadership is already aligned on the most important business priorities, we are able to move quickly by aligning at a lower level and using a lighter version of the Borrow template to document the decision. This example might also make sense at a product group level if multiple groups are able to align themselves, or when multiple stakeholders are required (e.g. different reporting structures) but agreed. This template can also be used for individual team members who pick up work outside their assigned group. For efficiency, this approach should be preferred whenever possible.

If this is not possible or for broader support (e.g. looking far outside your area), EMs, PMs, and Product Design Managers utilize the issue template for Borrow requests. Following this template helps ensure the process is efficient, well-organized, and receives the proper approvals. Identification of the group/individals that will be borrowed should be done in a private google doc or limited access project. Once a borrow request is approved, details about the impacted groups/team should be added to the issue to communicate the change more broadly.

Every borrow must have a specific deliverable commitment described. The intent is to set expectations and provide team members an opportunity to clearly understand the expectation. Selected team member preference is considered and providing this would also be an opportunity for other interested team members with the required skills to become involved.

When Requiring Specialty

In cases where there is an architectural and/or significant technical project needed to be undertaken, team members with specific skill sets may be required to achieve the goal. In these instances we should endeavor to have a clear goal, clearly defined skill sets, and number of team members needed.

In scenarios where urgency is required, it may be necessary to select specific team members. The impact this has on team members, teams, and the broader organization should also be addressed. All team members with the desired skills should be included in consideration to ensure opportunities are equally available. Meanwhile, try to avoid cascading impacts where possible so that impacted teams can still operate reasonably (e.g., the teams who are giving shall have at least 3 engineers remaining and a maximum of 1 engineer can be given).

When borrow requests aren’t appropriate

We’ve learned that there are some circumstances where borrow requests aren’t appropriate:

  • Borrow requests shouldn’t be scoped to completing sustaining or forced-prioritization activities when other scheduled work is already happening. Sustaining and forced-prioritization issues are required activities of a Product Group. As a result borrow requests should be framed as a decision to complete required work in addition. For example, borrow requests should not be utilized to resolve security or infradev issues while the product group works on features.

How to have a successful borrow request

We have learned that there is a way to frame a borrow that leads to a more constructive conversation:

  • Borrow requests should be scoped to least prioritized work for a given group. This is counter-intuitive, but the argument should be for the weakest work so when it’s compared against other team initiatives it’s fairly evaluated for the tradeoff. The reasoning here is that if team members within the team could be moved to higher priority work that’s the first place to borrow from.
  • Borrow requests should not be initiated to deliver an OKR, but OKRs can be referenced in communicating the business need to propose a borrow request. The borrow request should be framed in terms of prioritized work. An OKR goal that is for fixing security issues would be categorized a priority 1 based on our current work.

Active borrow requests

This board contains all proposed and active borrow requests.

Scope reassignment

A scope reassignment is used when the features or effort of work will take longer than 6 months and less than a year, but it is not necessary to realign teams permanently in order to deliver the work. Rather, the team reporting structures are maintained and the product groups are directed to work on the product scope of another group, stage, or section.

It is recommended that with a scope reassignment, the product groups align on what portions of scope will be delivered by each group. This is done with epics and issues, as well group:: labels.

How are scope reassignments, borrows, and realignments different?

A scope reassignment is different from a borrow and realignment because team structure is not changing, instead the items the product groups are working on change. Additionally, borrows are to be used temporarily (less than six months) and realignments are permanent. In the case of a scope reassignment, a product group would maintain its long term charter and vision/investment level, although for up to one year will work on another product area’s scope. The reason for a scope reassignment is to reduce the toil of changing managers and team structures while still activating on strategic efforts requiring more headcount.

Managing creation of new groups, stages, and categories

As GitLab grows we will need to create new groups, stages, and categories. During this transition period we need to globally optimize, and ensure that important issues are not blocked during the creation of a new group.

There are three common scenarios which may encounter these transition periods:

  • Splitting a Stage into multiple Groups
  • Changing the Categories in a Stage
  • Adding a new Stage

In each of these scenarios, a Group may become temporarily responsible for a future Group’s issues and backlog. During this time, the responsible Group should balance the needs of our users and organization, prioritizing across the common backlog.

For every scenario above, we also need to ensure that the Engineering Metrics dashboard is updated to correctly track the new label. The label change affects both Issues and Merge Requests. The Stage and Group labels power the visualization and metrics in the Quality and GitLab Insights dashboards. Please create a new issue in the Triage Ops with the template

Splitting a Stage into multiple Groups

As the group(s) working on a Stage grow in size, a new Group may need to be formed so group sizes remain manageable. For example, today there is a single group for Manage, but will be splitting into control and framework groups.

To prepare for splitting a Stage into multiple Groups, we should:

  1. Update categories.yml and stages.yml, assigning each Group a set of Categories
  2. Ensure all issues remain labeled with the Stage name, like devops::manage
  3. Ensure all issues also have a group label, like Control or Framework
  4. Create a “Label change” issue in Triage Ops listing affected label to have the change reflected retroactively in Engineering Dashboards.
  5. Prior to the new groups being formed, the PM and EM prioritize the shared devops::manage backlog

Once the first PM or EM is hired, the new Group should be formed:

  1. The other PM/EM’s will need to continue working across both Groups. For example if a backend EM is hired, the frontend EM and PM will continue to work across both Groups until additional hires are made.
  2. EM’s and engineers should work together and divide the existing engineering team to staff the new groups, like Control and Framework. Ideally, each group would have at least two backend engineers, but that is not always possible.
  3. Update stages.yml and team.yml to reflect the current group members. Update _categories.erb with the member names, if necessary.
  4. Create a Slack channel for each group, like g_control and g_framework, and close the previous Slack channel (e.g. g_manage)

As the rest of the EM/PM’s are hired, they take over that role for the respective group.

Adding a new category to a Stage

The categories within a Stage will change over time, based on GitLab’s direction and the market landscape. The groups within a Stage will need to be able to handle these changes, without issues falling in the cracks.

When the categories change, we should:

  1. Update categories.yml and stages.yml, ensure all categories are assigned to a Group
  2. If two categories are merging, apply the new category label to issues from both of the old categories
  3. If a new category is being added, create a new category label and apply it to relevant issues
  4. Create a “Label change” issue in Triage Ops listing affected label to have the change reflected retroactively in Engineering Dashboards.
  5. Update category strategy to reflect the new labels and categories
  6. Review the handbook and other material which may link to old categories
  7. Archive old category labels, this will be done by the Quality Department as part of the “Label change” issue.

Adding a new Stage

When GitLab decides to address additional needs within the single application, a new Stage may need to be created. For example, Govern may be created to address additional needs beyond what Secure focuses on.

When a new Stage is added, and its Group has yet to be formed, we should:

  1. Ensure all issues for the new Stage are assigned with the Stage labels, like devops::govern and Govern
  2. Create a “Label change” issue in Triage Ops listing affected label to have the change reflected retroactively in Engineering Dashboards.
  3. Identify an existing Group, like Secure, which will be initially responsible for the new Stage
  4. The existing Group will prioritize across a common backlog of both Stages, in this example devops::govern and devops::secure
  5. Update categories.yml and stages.yml, listing the new Stage with the members of the existing responsible Group. Update _categories.erb with the member name, if necessary.

Once the first PM or EM is hired, a new Group for the Stage should be formed:

  1. The other PM/EM’s will need to continue working across both groups. For example if a backend EM is hired, the frontend EM and PM will continue to work across both groups until additional hires are made.
  2. EM’s and engineers should work together to staff the new Group, like govern. Each Group should have at least two backend engineers.
  3. Now that the new Group is formed, both Groups can focus on their respective Stages. In this case, Secure on Secure and Govern on Govern.
  4. Update stages.yml to reflect the new Group and its members. Update _categories.erb with the member name, if necessary.

As the rest of the EM/PM’s are hired, they take over that role for the new Group.

Moving Stable Counterparts between stages

At times it may be necessary to transfer a stable-counterpart from one team to another. In cases where this team member’s previous role will be backfilled, follow the Department Transfer Process. In cases where the role will not be backfilled (i.e. the role was shifted from one team to another), the following steps should be taken to ensure leaders in the relevant stages are informed and can help guide their teams through the changes in team member allocation:

  1. Create an issue in a private project or a Google Doc with limited access using the following team-realignment issue template, which states the purpose of the reallocation and helps define a communication plan notifying teams affected, the leaders impacted, and the rest of the organization. Key details to cover:
  2. List out Who, what and why
  3. Identify DRIs for action items related to the team changes
  4. Define a transparent communication plan to execute against and assign tasks, as part of the communication timeline
  5. Assign the issue to those who are DRIs or have tasks related to the realignment
  6. Once the issue has gotten approval from leadership and impacted parties have been made aware of the reallocation of team members, move the issue to a public repository (such as Product, www-gitlab-com, or a project specific to your team) in accordance with our Transparency value, making these changes transparent to all team members.

Planning and Direction

As a PM, you must plan for the near term milestones (more detailed) as well as for the long term strategy (more broad), and everything in between. Considered as a spectrum, these form a nearsighted roadmap. This will enable you to efficiently communicate both internally and externally how the team is planning to deliver on the product vision.

Communicating dates

Use calendar year (CY) dates for your issues, milestones, and labels to communicate timelines. Fiscal year (FY) does not translate well outside the company and roadmaps and vision pages are intended for external consumption. If you’d like to denote that an issue will be completed within a fiscal quarter use the month or GitLab release number for the last month in the fiscal quarter. E.g. use 12.4 (2018-10-22) instead of FY20-Q3. The issue can always be moved up in date and users/customers will seldom complain when functionality ships earlier than expected.

Planning is indispensable but adjust, iterate, and create value every milestone

Creating a thoughtful direction for your section, stage, or category is a useful thought exercise that can help focus efforts, aid in prioritization, and get large groups of people on the same page. But beware of simply executing your long term plan. Our industry is incredibly dynamic, and we learn new things every day that can and should cause us to re-think our long term plans. Stay focused on creating value each and every milestone, and be quick to adjust your longer term plans as you learn more.

The Importance of Direction

Documenting a Section, Stage, Group and Category direction is critical to communicating where we are heading and why to all of our stakeholders. This is especially important to the members of your Product Group. Establishing a direction for stakeholders (including team members) to participate in, and contribute to ensures there is a concrete connection to “Why” we are iterating and how it furthers GitLab’s mission. Here are some of those connections:

  • Improving Product Performance Indicators - Usage represents market capture (whether paying or not), and the start of our dual fly-wheel. For existing customers that market capture in new capabilities also represents increased retention and because of the benefits of a single application - user satisfaction.
  • Improving Competitiveness against alternative DevOps tools - Leads to increased Stages Per user, and sales as they add to our “Increase Operational Efficiency”

As a Product Manager you can highlight these connections in:

  • Direction Content and Overview Videos
  • Weekly Meetings
  • Individual Issue Descriptions
  • Planning Issues
  • Kickoff Videos
  • Customer Discovery Interview Summaries

Communicating this connection requires a multi-channel approach. We should strive to share and communication about the connection to our Direction warrants consistent reinforcement.

Section and Stage Direction

Section leaders are responsible for maintaining Direction pages that lay out the strategy and plan for their respective section and stages. The direction pages should include topics outlined in this template, which include:

  • Overview - brief summary of the situation, including market size and share, competitive position, level of customer adoption, etc.
  • Challenges - competitive pressure, investment constraints, business performance issues, etc.
  • 3 year strategy - what do you expect the world to look like in three years, and what is our strategic response? Tech changes, market changes, competitive changes, etc.
  • Themes - what are the primary investment themes for your areas? Where do we plan to invest over the next 12 months?
  • One Year Plan - details on specific epics/projects that tie back to investment themes
  • Stages and Categories - brief explanation of the stages that roll up to the section, and links to category direction pages within each stage.
  • What’s Next - auto generated roadmap for the next three milestones

Category Direction

A category strategy is required which should outline various information about the category including overall strategy, what’s next, and the competitive landscape. The category strategy should be documented in a handbook page, which allows for version control of the category strategy as well as the ability to embed video assets. One of the most important pieces of information to include in the category strategy is a tangible next step or MVC in order to push the category up the category maturity curve.

When creating a category strategy, it’s important to focus your time and attention on specific actions and future iterations. It’s natural to want to spend significant effort predicting the future, but iteration is one of our primary values. Your category strategies should contain short paragraphs with lots of references to specific issues. Here is an example.

We use this category strategy template as the outline for creating the handbook pages. If additional headings are needed you are empowered to create and populate them in your category strategy. You must keep these categories in sync with categories.yml and for new categories.

For categories that have already shipped, and that have a marketing product page, categories.yml should link to the product page, and the product page should then have a link to the category strategy (you can see an example for GitLab Pages with a Strategy button here). You should also link to your category strategy from your stage strategy page.

Category direction should be reviewed on a regular basis (at least monthly) by the responsible product manager. To indicate the last time a category direction page was reviewed, please ensure pages include Content Last Reviewed: yyyy-mm-dd at the top of the category content. Update this date with every review, even if other content on the direction page has not changed.

Inside of the categories.yml file there are dates assigned for either achieved or anticipated maturity achievement. These should be kept inline with communicated dates for achievement and updated as required.

Maturity Plans

For each category, we track the improvements required to advance to the next level of maturity. These issues are indicated with an epic, and the planned feature set should be clearly visible from the corresponding category strategy page. e.g.:

  • Stage strategy (page)
    • Category strategy (page)
      • Category epic (epic)
        • Minimal maturity (epic)
          • Cool Feature/Capability A (epic)
          • Issue
          • Issue
          • Issue
          • Cool Feature/Capability B
          • Cool Feature/Capability C
        • Viable maturity (epic)

The category epic should include:

  • A link to the category strategy page, to bridge from issues to the category strategy pages, and to keep the strategy DRY
  • Sub-epics related to the category, to make navigation and discoverability easier for our users by leveraging the epic hierarchy
  • A link to a search query which can be used to find all issues with the category label

Maturity plans adhering to the maturity framework are highly encouraged - but not required - for non-marketing categories.

For specifics of how the category strategy page should look, see the category strategy template.

Next three milestones

In order to plan effectively around releases, as a PM you should have 3 months of detailed milestones scheduled at all times. The issues contained in these milestones are the ones you should be spending the most energy on (fleshing them out, adding detail, discussing, etc). These issues will go through a refinement period where Product, Engineering, UX, and other parties will discuss the proposal until a proper MVC proposal is reached (see Content of an MVC for more detail). Most of the communication should happen within the issue comments, but some may happen offline (such as via Slack). Ensure that any relevant information that arise as part of an offline conversation is added to the issue title and issue description. As a PM you must ensure that issues have enough detail added to them before they become actionable as part of an iteration.

These next milestones will also help planning for capacity with engineering and UX in order to commit to the contents of the next release.

Planning Issue for Milestone

For each milestone, the planning quads come together to scope and plan work for the group for the upcoming milestone. Planning begins asynchronously with the creation of the planning issue. The planning issue is the SSOT for communication and all resources that are needed to plan a successful milestone. There are many ways to achieve to plan a milestone that should be curated based on the needs of the team. Below are a few examples of planning issues from groups acorss R&D to aid you in creating one that works best for your team.

As you adapt your own issue, it is recommended you apply the label planning issue to aid in tracking and to incorporate our Product Principles into the process.

Sensing Mechanisms

Our ability to iterate quickly is a measure of our efficiency, but our effectiveness is just as critical. As a product manager you are critical to us not just working correctly, but working on the correct things. You do that by prioritizing appropriately. Your prioritization decisions will be enhanced if you maintain a sufficient understanding of the context in which you make them.

There is no limit to the amount of inputs you can utilize for making prioritization decisions. We’ve organized these mechanisms into three lists. One for those that primarily sense feedback from users, one that primarily senses feedback from buyers and another that senses internally generated feedback which could represent buyers or users. For new PMs consider these lists as guidance for places to ensure you are plugged in to maintain sufficient context.

We recently conducted a GTM and R&D sensing mechanism survey to get an understanding of how team members valued the sensing mechanisms listed below. We calculated this value by multiplying their responses (1-5) for how efficient they felt a sensing mechanism was by how their responses (1-4) for how effective they felt the sensing mechanism was. We’ve ranked the below lists by the average value from all respondents.

Sensing Mechanisms by Type
  1. Asking probing questions in customer discovery meetings
  2. Engaging with our community alongside our Developer Relations team and triaging community generated issues and ideas
  3. Reviewing top up voted issues
  4. Engagement directly with customers and via the customer label
  5. Requesting and analyzing results from UX research.
  6. A summary of previous user interviews can be found under the User interview project
  7. All UX Research is being transcribed in Dovetail
  1. Asking probing questions in sales support meetings
  2. Reviewing Top ARR Drivers
  3. Reviewing Customer Success designated top issues
  4. Reviewing the most requested issues from customers using the Customer Requested Issues (Product) dashboard and the Customer Issues Prioritization Framework handbook page for guidance.
  5. Tracking open source projects in the same space as part of your competitive analysis is important as well. You can evaluate these open source options not just for interesting features and ideas, but potentially to integrate them in our product
  6. Chorus transcriptions of sales calls and demos (how to video - private)
  7. Reviewing Win/Loss reports
  8. Learn about customer health data using Gainsight built on salesforce, managed by the Customer Success team
  1. Maintaining competitive and market assessments. Checkout this great video discussing competitive analysis for Product Managers at Product League with GitLab’s Orit Golowinski.
  2. Monitoring and maintaining missing features in your category epics (competitive landscape section)
  3. Monitoring and maintaining the direction page for the categories you own
  4. Subscribing to your competitor’s blogs to be aware of what they are releasing will help you here
  5. Reviewing relevant analyst reports
  1. Leadership OKRs set the direction for the company

  2. Each PM should be having regular conversations with their stage groups stable counterparts to discuss their strategy and plan. Share this discussion with the company via our GitLab Unfiltered YouTube channel. PMs should share their next three milestones, year-long plan, strategy, and relevant OKRs (with status) so everyone can contribute feedback.

  3. Dialogue with internal customers, and review of the internal customer and rebuild in GitLab labels

Sensing Mechanism for Product Leaders

Many of the sensing mechanisms described are directly relevant to individual product managers performing regular product group prioritization. There are also a set of unique sensing mechanisms that act as summaries for Product Leadership.

Managing Upcoming Releases

Refer to the Product Development Timeline for details on how Product works with UX and Engineering to schedule and work on issues in upcoming releases.

Planning for Future Releases

{: #planning-future-release}

Product Managers assign milestones to issues to indicate when an issue is likely to be scheduled and worked on. As we consider more distant milestones, the certainty of the scope of their assigned issues and their implementation timelines is increasingly vague. In particular, issues may be moved to another project, disassembled, or merged with other issues over time as they bounce between different milestones.

The milestone of an issue can be changed at any moment. The current assigned milestone reflects the current planning, so if the plan changes, the milestone should be updated as soon as possible to reflect the changed plan. We make sure to do this ahead of starting work on a release. Capacity is discussed between the PMs and the engineering managers.

In general, closer-to-current-time milestones are assigned to issues that are higher priority. It’s best to maintain prioritization of your groups issues using a fully prioritized issue board. The timing of prioritized items broken across releases reflects an approximate product direction, with more distant milestones reflecting increasing uncertainty.

In addition, we have two special milestones: Backlog and Awaiting further demand. Product Managers assign these issues to milestones that they have reviewed and make sense, but do not fit within the upcoming release milestones due to either a lack of comparative urgency or because we have not yet seen enough user demand to prioritize the item yet. The best way to demonstrate urgency on either of these items is to vote on them and, if possible, add comments explaining your use case and why this is important to you.

Recommendation for when to change ‘Awaiting further demand’: Consider the number of people who use, not just have access to, the area impacted by the issue. When you receive enough feedback to be equal to a percentage of the power users, it is likely to consider moving the issue forward. Often public feedback only comes from a small percentage of people using or evaluating a feature or product. There needs to be a balance between waiting too long and acting too fast. In addition, there may be a tendency for more negative feedback than positive feedback, remember that people are passionate enough to care about this issue and it should be taken constructively.

Recommendation when changing a previously planned issue to Backlog: When moving a previously planned issue to Backlog, especially one planned for within the next release or two, consider the message that this may be sending to parties that were interested in this feature. In some cases, they may have been depending or planning upon the issue to be delivered around the assigned milestone, and with the change to Backlog that is now unlikely to occur. In these instances, it is best to concisely explain the rationale behind the change in a comment, so the community can understand and potentially respond with additional justification or context. It is also encouraged to move the issue to the Backlog as soon as it is clear that it will not be scheduled in the near future. This will help with understanding the change, as it will not seem like a last minute change.

Again, the milestone of an issue can be changed at any moment, including for both of these special milestones.

For a detailed timeline, see the product development timeline.

Shifting commitment mid-iteration

From time to time, there may be circumstances that change the ability for a team to ship the features/issues they committed to at the beginning of the iteration. These steps also apply when an issue is broken into multiple issues. When this happens, as a PM you must ensure the impacted issues and their milestones are updated to reflect the new reality (for example, remove deliverable tag, update milestone, etc.). Additionally, notify your manager of the shift.

Utilizing our design system to work autonomously

Our design system provides the means to work autonomously, without always needing UX insight and feedback. When problems can be solved using an already documented paradigm, you don’t need to wait for UX approval to bring an issue to a reasonable state within a first iteration.

If lingering questions remain, subsequent iterations can address any shortcomings the feature might have.

Introducing a breaking change in a minor release

As a product manager, you should carefully consider the costs and benefits when planning to introduce a breaking change. Breaking changes may heavily impact existing users, and it is your responsibility to minimize the negative effects.

If you want to introduce an urgent breaking change in a minor release (e.g. you need to provide support for a new feature that cannot be backward compatible), you have to consider how many users will be affected by the change, and whether the change can wait until the next major release instead.

If you evaluate that the impact on users is acceptable (e.g., you have evidence that the feature is not used significantly), and the change will allow many users to benefit of new features or to solve problems, follow this process:

  1. Create an issue to discuss the breaking change, describing it in detail including the impact and benefits.
  2. Consider if you really need to do a breaking change in a minor. Can you wait for the next major release?
  3. Communicate the breaking change as soon as possible, for example:
  • Publish a blog post about the upcoming change, with a timeline and a simple way to recognize who is affected, and who is not
  • Ask to schedule tweets about the blog post in the #twitter Slack channel
  • Ask to reach out customers that may be affected by the change in the #customer-success and #sales Slack channels
  • Mention the problems customers may report and how to address them in the #support_self-managed and #support_gitlab-com Slack channels
  1. Throughout this process, think like a customer. Figure out actions that could make the breaking change less painful from their point of view.
  2. Always keep the issue up-to-date.

Iteration Strategies

Iteration is a core value of GitLab, and product management has a central role to play in it. Iteration should be apparent as we deliver new features in MVCs, but it has implications for discovery too. As solution validation can move much faster than delivery, we should aim to validate features before building them. At this point, the feature validated is likely way bigger than an MVC if we would build it. We should pay special attention as product managers to still aim at iterative delivery after a bigger feature-set got validated, as delivered features provide the final validation. For example, once a direction is validated, we can start the delivery by documentation. As product managers we should aim to iterate as part of solution validation, and while delivering already validated solutions too.

Here are several strategies for breaking features down into tiny changes that can be developed and released iteratively. This process will also help you critically evaluate if every facet of the design is actually necessary.

Workflow steps

As part of design and discovery, you likely created a minimal user journey that contains sequential steps a user is going to take to “use” the feature you are building. Each of these should be separated. You can further by asking yourself these questions:

  • Can/is it desirable to perform this action via the UI or can we use a non-UI approach as a start (for example, CLI, API or .csv download of data)? This is a great starting point before adding UI components that achieve the same thing.
  • Will there be different UI paths to perform the same task? Identify which are the most useful and which are the easiest to implement. Weight both factors when determining which to start with, and build from there.

User operations

View, Create, Update, Remove and Delete are actions users take while interacting with software. These actions naturally provide lines along which you can split functionality into smaller features. By doing this, you prioritize the most important actions first. For example, users will likely need to be able to visually consume information before they can create, update, remove, or delete.

Functional criteria

Often, the criteria for features are built on is implicit. It can help to use a test-driven development mindset where you write the tests and the outcomes you need from the software before building the software. Writing these tests can uncover the different criteria you need the development team to meet when building the new feature. Once you’ve outlined these tests, you may be able to use them to continue to break down the feature into smaller parts for each test. Here are a few examples:

  • What is the default behavior when there is no data (empty/null state)?
  • Are there automatic actions or events that occur as part of your feature? Write them down, and identify those that can be done manually by the user before adding automation.
  • Will users of different roles have unique experiences? Can you prioritize and build one of these experiences first? (for example: guest, user, developer, maintainer).
  • Do users want to be able to customize their view of information? Define all of the customizations you want to offer, and build them one at a time (for example, toggle on/off, filter, sort, search).

Exception & error cases

Software often fails and can fail in different ways depending upon how it is architected. It is always best to provide the user with as much information as possible as to why something did not behave as expected. Creating and building different states to handle all possible errors and exceptions can easily be broken down into individual issues. Start by creating a generic error state to display when anything goes wrong, and then add on to handle different cases one by one. Remember to always make error messages useful, and add additional error messages as you identify new error states.

Breaking down the UI

Breaking down a design into pieces that can be released iteratively is going to depend on what you are building. Here are a few helpful questions to guide that process:

  • What components already exist that you can reuse to go faster?
  • What constitutes “extra styling”? Is there a way to display the information you need to display plainly and then add details later?
  • Do you have lots of interactions in the design that make the UX lovable? Can you pull those out into separate issues and add them iteratively? (e.g. hover states, drag & drop, toggles, options to show/hide info, collapse/expand, etc)


Continuously improving the software we write is important. If we don’t proactively work through technical debt and Deferred UX as we progress, we will end up spending more time and moving slower in the long run. However, it is important to strike the right balance between technical debt, deferred UX, and iteratively developing features. Here are some questions to consider:

  • What is the impact if we do not refactor this code right now?
  • Can we refactor some of it? Is a full re-write necessary?
  • Why do we need to use that new technology? (You may need to ask WHY multiple times to get to the root of the problem)

Separate announcement from launch

For large projects, consider separating the announcement from the actual feature launch. By doing so, it can create more freedom to iterate during the customer rollout. For example, you could announce in advance to give customers ample notice, and then roll it out to new customers first, then to existing Free customers, then to existing paid customers. Or you could do the opposite, and roll it out to customers first, before announcing broadly, to ensure the user experience is great before making a marketing splash.

When considering dates for a product announcement or launch that may impact our Field team, consider the blockout restrictions recognized by the Field team to ensure there won’t be any major disruption to the business near quarter end.

Four phase transition

Sometimes the objective is to cut over from one experience, or one system, to another. When doing so, consider having four transition phases rather than a hard cutover. The phases are: 1) Old experience. 2) Run the old experience and new experience side-by-side, with the old experience the default, and the new experience is gradually rolled out to a subset of users. 3) Run them side-by-side, with the new experience the default for the majority, but the old experience is still available as a fallback in case of problems. 4) Deprecate the old experience and offer only the new experience. This strategy enables teams to have more flexibility and demonstrate more iteration in the rollout, with reduced risk.

Iterate to go faster

When something is important, it is natural to want to launch it all at once to get to the end game faster. However, big bang style launches tend to need everything perfect before they can happen, which takes longer. With iteration you get feedback about all the things that aren’t a problem and are done enough. It’s better to launch in small increments, with a tight feedback loop, so that the majority of users have a great experience. This tends to speed up the overall timeline, rather than slow it down.

Remote Design Sprint

A Design Sprint, is a 5-day process used to answer critical business questions through design, prototyping and testing ideas with customers. This method allows us to reduce cycle time when coming up with a solution.

As an all-remote company we run Remote Design Sprints (RDS). Check out our guidelines for running an RDS to determine if it’s the right approach for the problem at hand.


If you’re faced with a very large or complex problem, and it’s not clear how to most efficiently iterate towards the desired outcome, consider working with your engineers to build an experimental spike solution. This process is also sometimes referred to as a “technical evaluation.” When conducting a spike, the goal is write as little code within the shortest possible timeframe to provide the level of information necessary the team needs to determine how to best proceed. At the end of the spike, code is usually discarded as the original goal was to learn, not build production-ready solutions. This process is particularly useful for major refactors and creating architecture blueprints.

Feedback issues

When launching a feature that could be controversial or in which you want to get the audience’s feedback, it is recommended to create a feedback issue.


  • Create the issue and include in the release post.
  • If announcing in Slack or doing dogfooding, include a link to the feedback issue
  • Leave the issue open for at least 14 days after launch
  • Respond and catalog the feedback into separate issues
  • Close the issue once the timeframe has passed and summarize the learnings from the feedback issue

Here are some examples of feedback issues:

Feedback issue considerations

Feedback issues are intended to collect feedback from the wider community and users. In some cases, internal user will be posting on behalf of users and customers. As a result we need to consider the following:

  1. Feedback issues that are public cannot contain SAFE information
  2. A linked confidential issue for Field feedback can be used, if needed, to support the exchange of customer details and feedback
  3. Leverage internal comments as needed if customer details are being shared

Other Best Practice Considerations

Consider the following to improve iteration:

  • Successfully iterating should mean you’re delivering value in the most efficient way possible. Sometimes, this can mean fixing an underlying technical issue prior to delivering a customer facing feature.
  • Wherever possible, consider reuse of components that already exist in the product. A great example of this was our approach to creating our Jira importer, which reused the Jira service integration. Reuse also aligns well with our efficiency value.
  • Avoid technical dependencies across teams, if possible. This will increase the coordination cost of shipping and lead to a slow down in iteration. Break down silos if you notice them and consider implementing whatever you need yourself.
  • Consider a quick POC that can be enabled for small portion of our user base, especially on An example of this was search, where it was originally enabled just for a few groups to start, then slowly rolled out.
  • Great collaboration leads to great iteration. Amazing MVCs are rarely created simply by product managers, they often arise out of collaboration and discussion between product, engineering, design, quality, etc.
  • Keep the initial problem statement front and center for the team. Tight problem statements enable the team to identify a tight, iterative solution.
  • Bring data to the table early to help the team triangulate on the smallest iteration that will have the largest impact in solving the identified problem.
  • If the project is multi-phase, consider iterative targets and guardrails to help the team focus on the next iterative milestone, rather than the final end state goal.
  • If your team needs to do repetitive work on behalf of customers, partners, or other GitLab teams, consider using a framework approach so that dependent teams can self-serve.

Community participation

Engaging directly with the community of users is an important part of a PM’s job. We encourage participation and active response alongside GitLab’s Developer Relations team.


A general list of conferences the company is participating in can be found on our corporate marketing project.

There are a few notable conferences that we would typically always send PMs to:

If you’re interested in attending, check out the issue in the corporate marketing site and volunteer there, or reach out to your manager if you don’t see it listed yet.

Stakeholder Management

What is a Stakeholder?

A stakeholder, or stable counterpart, is someone that is outside of your direct team who meets one or more of the following:

  • Is directly or indirectly impacted
  • Has the ability to stop, delay, or cancel

Examples of stakeholders include Leadership, Sales, Marketing, Customer Support, and Customer Success. You may have stakeholders in any area of GitLab depending on your focus area and the specific issue. Stakeholders are also present outside of GitLab, for example, when a feature is being developed for a specific customer or set of customers. If you’re not sure who the stakeholder is to collaborate with or keep informed, visit product sections, stages, groups, and categories.

Updated SSOT for stakeholder collaboration

Stakeholder collaboration and feedback is a critical competitive advantage here at GitLab. To ensure this is possible, and facilitate collaboration, you should maintain an updated single source of truth (SSOT) of your stage direction, category strategies, and plan, at all times. This equips anyone who wants to contribute to your stage’s product direction with the latest information in order to effectively collaborate. Some sections and teams use the scheduled Direction Update issue template to remind themselves of this task.

Actively and regularly reach out to stakeholders. Encourage them to view and collaborate on these artifacts via these (non-exhaustive) opportunities:

Here is some guidance for new PMs to ensure your stage direction, category strategies and plan are up-to-date and visible to critical stakeholders:

  • Seek feedback from the CAB once every six months.
  • Present your plan to your manager once a month.
  • Present the plan and stage/category strategies to your stable counterparts
  • Present your stage strategy and plan in a customer meeting once every two weeks.
  • Present changes to your stage strategy, category strategies, and plan to your stage group weekly meeting once a month.

Working with Customers

Customer meetings

It’s important to get direct feedback from our customers on things we’ve built, are building, or should be building. Some opportunities to do that will arise during sales support meetings. As a PM you should also have dedicated customer discovery meetings or continuous interviews with customers and prospects to better understand their pain points.

As a PM you should facilitate opportunities for your engineering group to hear directly from customers too. Try to schedule customer meetings at times that are friendly to your group, invite them, and send them the recording and notes. If you’re looking for other ways to engage with customers here is a video on finding, preparing for, and navigating Customer Calls as a Product Manager at GitLab.

Sales Support Meetings

Before the meeting, ensure the Sales lead on the account has provided you with sufficient background documentation to ensure a customer doesn’t have to repeat information they’ve already provided to GitLab.

During the meeting, spend most of your time listening and obtaining information. It’s not your job to sell GitLab, but it should be obvious when it’s the time to give more information about our products.

For message consistency purposes, utilize the Value Drivers framework when posing questions and soliciting information.

After the meeting:

  • Create an interview snapshot summarizing the meeting in the gitlab-com/user-interviews project. This project is private so that detailed and unredacted feedback can be shared internally.
  • Link the Google Doc where detailed notes were taken.
  • Create or update related issues to publicly document feedback. The synthesis of feedback from multiple meetings should happen publicly in an epic or issue.
Customer Discovery Meetings

Customer discovery meetings aren’t UX Research. Target them to broad-based needs and plan tradeoff discussions, not specific feature review. There are two primary techniques for targeting those topics:

  • Top Competitors - Identify the top 3 competitors in your categories and talk to customers using those competitor asking: What is missing to have you switch from X to us? We’re not aiming for feature parity with competitors, and we’re not just looking at the features competitors talk about, but we’re talking with customers about what they actually use, and ultimately what they need.
  • User Need - Identify GitLab users from key customers of your group’s categories and features. Solicit them for what they love about the features and ask about their current pain points with both the features as well as the surrounding workflows when using those components of GitLab?

Follow the below guidance to prepare and conduct Customer Discovery Meetings:

Set up a meeting:

  • Identify what you’re interested in learning and prepare appropriately
  • You can find information about how customers are using GitLab through Sales and Sales and support should also be able to bring you into contact with customers
  • There is no formal internal process to schedule a customer meeting, however you can check this template for gathering questions from interested parties and for capturing the notes during the customer discovery meetings.

During the meeting:

  • Spend most of your time listening and documenting information
  • Listen for pain points, delightful moments and frustrations
  • Read back and review what you’ve written down with the customer to ensure you’ve captured it correctly.

After the meeting:

  • Document your findings. Create a folder (sharable only within GitLab) in Google Drive with a structure as follows:
    • Customer Meetings
      • Customer Name A
        • 2020-04-01
          • agenda (Google Doc)
          • artifacts (folder for docs, images, etc.)
        • 2020-10-03
      • Customer Name B
    • Competitive Research
      • Vendors
        • Vendor A
          • summary (Google Doc, optional)
          • 2020-04-01
          • 2020-10-03
        • Vendor B
      • Projects
        • product-10132-code-scan-results (reference GitLab issue number)
        • ux-13840-selector-widget
  • Share your findings with your fellow product managers and the sales and customer success account teams for the customer
  • Make appropriate adjustments to category strategies, feature epics, and personas

You can find some additional guidance on conducting Customer Discovery Meetings from these resources:

Sourcing Customers

PMs should also feel free to collect and evaluate customer feedback independently. Looking at existing research can yield helpful themes as well as potential customers to contact. You can use the following techniques to source customers directly:

GitLab Solution Architects know our customers the best, especially from a technical perspective.

GitLab Issues customers will often comments on issues, especially when the problem described by the issue is a problem they are experiencing firsthand. The best strategy is to capture their feedback directly on the issue, however, there are times when this is not possible or simply doesn’t happen. You can find alternative contact info by clicking on the user’s handle to see their GitLab user page; this page often includes contact information such as Twitter or LinkedIn. Another option is to directly mention users in issues to engage async. In popular issues you can just leave a general comment that you’re looking for people to interview and many will often volunteer.

Customer Issues Prioritization Dashboards: The customer issues prioritization framework aggregates customer data with the issues and epics that they have requested. When viewing the dashboard, double click on the issue or epic of interest within the “priority score by noteable” table then scroll down to “QA Table - User request weighting by customer” to see the specific customers that are interested in the issue or epic. Broadcast Messages Broadcast Messaging is a great tool for acquiring customer feedback from within the product. You can leverage this workflow to use broadcast messaging.

GitLab Sales and Customer Success You can ask for help in Slack customer success channel or join the Field Sales Team Call and the All CS Team Call to present a specific request via the Zoom call.

Customer Success Managers (CSM) If a customer has a dedicated CSM, they may also have a regular meeting with a CSM. These meetings are a great opportunity to spend 15 minutes getting high-level feedback on an idea or problem. In Salesforce, CSMs are listed in the Customer Success section in the customer’s account information. CSMs are also very familiar with the feature requests submitted by their customers and can help identify customers that may be interested in the feature you are working on.

Zendesk is a great tool to find users who are actively making use of a feature and either came across a question or an issue. Users who’ve had recent challenges using the product really appreciate PMs taking the time to learn from their experience. This establishes that we are willing to listen to users, even if they are not having a great experience. This is also a great opportunity to discuss the roadmap and provide context so that users understand what we are going to improve. The best way to request a chat is through the support ticket; however, you can also click on the user that initiated the interaction and their contact information will display on the left hand side panel.

If you don’t have a Zendesk account, see how to request a light agent Zendesk account.

You can use Zendesk’s trigger feature to receive email alerts when specific keywords relevant to your product area are mentioned in a support ticket. Additionally, it is possible to create a simple dashboard that lists all the currently active support tickets that match the trigger. Reach out in #support_escalations to receive some help in setting this up.

Social Media can also be effective. If your personal account has a reasonable number of connections/followers, you can post your desire to connect with users on a specific question directly. When posting, remember to include the subject you want to discuss as well as how people can reach out. You can also reach out to the #social-media channel to have your tweet retweeted by the @gitlab account.


If you want to reach a wider audience, consider asking a community advocate to re-post using the official GitLab account for the relevant platform. You can reach advocates on the #community-advocates Slack channel.

You can also reach out to authors of articles related to tech your team is working on, via various publications such as Medium. A clear and brief email via the publication website or LinkedIn is a good way to engage.

You’re able to request a LinkedIn Recruiter license. This Unfiltered video and slide deck provide an overview on how to use LinkedIn Recruiter to source participants for your study.

If you’ve tried these tactics and are still having challenges getting the customer feedback you need, connect with your manager for support and then consider leveraging the UX Research team. Additionally, you can connect with Product Operations directly or by attending Product Operations Office Hours for troubleshooting support.

Non-users are often more important than GitLab users. They can provide the necessary critical view to come up with ideas that might turn them into GitLab users in the end. The best non-users are the ones who don’t even plan on switching to GitLab. You can reach these people at local meetups, conferences or online groups like, Hacker News. In every such case, you should not try to interview the user on spot, instead organize a separate meeting where nobody will be distracted, and both of you can arrive prepared.

Customer Advisory Board Meetings

One specific, recurring opportunity to get direct feedback from highly engaged customers is the GitLab DevOps Customer Advisory Board. You may be asked by the CAB to present your stage at these meetings. Here are some guidelines when doing so:

  • Since it will be sent out in advance of your presentation, take the opportunity to update your stage strategy video
  • Start the presentation with an overview of your stage strategy
  • Emphasize the importance of feedback and dialog in our prioritization process
  • Highlight recently completed plan items that were driven by customer feedback
  • Come prepared with five questions to facilitate a discussion about industry trends, plan tradeoffs, pain points and existing features
  • Don’t simply look for places to improve, seek to clarify your understanding of what customers currently value and love

Working with (customer) feature proposals

When someone requests a particular feature, it is the duty of the PM to investigate and understand the need for this change. This means you focus on what is the problem that the proposed solution tries to solve. Doing this often allows you to find that:

  1. An existing solution already exists within GitLab
  2. Or: a better or more elegant solution exists

Do not take a feature request and just implement it. It is your job to find the underlying use case and address that in an elegant way that is orthogonal to existing functionality.

This prevents us from building an overly complex application.

Take this into consideration even when getting feedback or requests from colleagues. As a PM you are ultimately responsible for the quality of the solutions you ship, make sure they’re the (first iteration of the) best possible solution. In App Messages (Broadcast Messaging)

Broadcast Messaging is a great tool for acquiring user feedback from within the product. This tool allows for general, one-time, important announcements or for users to be recruited during or after interacting with specific workflows within the product. Currently, broadcast messaging can be targeted by URL, and user information can be passed in order to personalize the message as well as the response.

There are two types of Broadcast Messages - banners and notifications. Currently banner notifications also send messages in Git responses, but this is under review.

How to use Broadcast Messaging:

All broadcast messaging efforts must follow all guidelines in order to be deployed to Create an issue in the project using the Broadcast Messaging template and assign it to @justinfarris & @ampesta for review. The In App Messaging board is used to prioritize all messages in queue and in flight.

See issue template for usage guidelines. If the message requires a group to do work (for a banner message for instance) you may want to create an issue in the gitlab/gitlab-org project for better visibility.

Competition Channel

When someone posts information in the #competition channel that warrants creating an issue and/or a change in features.yml, follow this procedure:

  • Create a thread on the item by posting I'm documenting this
  • Either do the following yourself, or link to this paragraph for the person picking this up to follow
  • If needed: create an issue
  • Add the item to the features.yml
  • If GitLab does not have this feature yet, link to the issue you created
  • Finish the thread with a link to the commit and issue

How and when to reject a feature request

Rejecting a feature request or a merge request is not an easy thing. People can feel quite protective of their ideas. They might have invested a lot of time and energy in writing those ideas. You can be tempted to accept a feature only to avoid hurting the people who thought of it. Even Worse, if you reject an idea too harshly, you might discourage other people to contribute, which is something we should strive to avoid.

However, as the number of issues and merge requests grows incessantly, we should be diligent about rejecting features we are sure will not work out. It’s better for everyone: for the product team, so we don’t maintain a huge backlog of things we will never do anyway, and for the users who won’t have to wait for our feedback indefinitely.

Note: it’s fine to not respond to issues that we think have potential until they gather momentum.

Feature requests and merge requests can be rejected for the following reasons:

  • Not within our scope: the Direction page lists all the areas where GitLab, the product, won’t go. Point the issue’s author to this article and close the issue.
  • We don’t want another setting: whenever we can, we try to avoid having settings. Some settings are unavoidable, but most aren’t. Ask the user to change how she approaches the feature in order to get rid of the setting.
  • Too complex: We want to have a simple, user-friendly product that does complex things, not the other way around. Tell the user to take a step back and think about the problem to be solved in the first place. Offer directions on what could be done instead. If she’s not willing to do it, indicate that you will have to close the issue/merge request because it will go nowhere.
  • Brings an Enterprise exclusive feature to the Community Edition: this problem is already addressed in the Stewardship page. Indicate that we will investigate whether the feature can be ported to the Community Edition, discuss it with other teams members and come back to the user in a timely fashion.
  • Low priority: sometimes features are interesting but we simply don’t have the capacity to implement them. In that case, simply tell the truth and indicate that we don’t have enough resources at our disposal to do it at the moment.

Don’t forget to thank the authors for the time and effort taken to submit the feature request/merge request. In all cases and without exception, you should be nice and polite when interacting with users and customers.

Reaching out to specific users or accounts based on GitLab usage

You may want to interview a specific account because they are exhibiting atypical usage patterns or behaviors. In this case, request Support to contact user(s) on your behalf.

If it is the weekend, and the contact request is urgent as a result of an action that might affect a users’ usage of GitLab, page the CMOC

Assessing opportunities

Opportunity Canvas

One of the primary artifacts of the validation track is the Opportunity Canvas. The Opportunity Canvas introduces a lean product management philosophy to the validation track by quickly iterating on level of confidence, hypotheses, and lessons learned as the document evolves. At completion, it serves as a concise set of knowledge which can be transferred to the relevant issues and epics to aid in understanding user pain, business value, the constraints to a particular problem statement and rationale for prioritization. Just as valuable as a validated Opportunity Canvas is an invalidated one. The tool is also useful for quickly invalidating ideas. A quickly invalidated problem is often more valuable than a slowly validated one.

Please note that an opportunity canvas is not required for product functionality or problems that already have well-defined jobs to be done (JTBD). For situations where we already have a strong understanding of the problem and its solution, it is appropriate to skip the opportunity canvas and proceed directly to solution validation. It might be worth using the opportunity canvas template for existing features in the product to test assumptions and current thinking, although not required.


Reviewing opportunity canvases with leadership provides you with an opportunity to get early feedback and alignment on your ideas. To schedule a review:

  1. Contact the CProdO EBA to schedule a 25 minute meeting. Let the EBA know if you are scheduling a comparative or singular Opportunity Review
  2. The VCProdO and VP of UX should be included as required attendees.
  3. The Product Section Leader, Direct Manager, UX counterpart and Product Operations should be included as optional attendees.
  4. Complete the Opportunity Canvas(es) at least one business day before the meeting to give attendees an opportunity to review content.  The attendees will review the canvas(es) in advance and will add questions directly to the canvas document(s).
  5. When the Opportunity Canvas(es) is complete, inform the meeting participants by tagging them in a post in Slack #product. Include a direct link to the canvases.
  6. During the review, feel free to present anything you’d like. For comparative reviews it’s helpful to start with your proposal for which Opportunity to pursue first. For singular reviews it’s fine to go straight to Q&A since the attendees should have reviewed the canvas in advance.


Opportunity Canvas Lite

Opportunity Canvases are a great assessment for ill-defined or poorly understood problems our customers are experiencing that may result in net new features. As noted previously, opportunity canvases are helpful for existing features, except they are tailored for new feature development which is where the Product-Opportunity-Opportunity-Canvas-Lite issue template delivers. This template offers a lightweight approach to quickly identify the customer problem, business case, and feature plan in a convenient issue. The steps to use the template are outlined in the Instructions section and for clarity, one would create this issue template for an existing feature they are interested in expanding. For example, this template would be great to use if you are evaluating the opportunity to add a third or fourth iteration to an MVC. This issue should leverage already available resources and be used to collate details to then surface to leadership for review. Once you fill out the template, you will assign to the parties identified in the issue and you can always post in the #product channel for visibility.

Analyst Engagement

Part of being a product manager at GitLab is maintaining engagement with analysts, culminating in various analyst reports that are applicable to your stage. In order to ensure that this is successful and our products are rated correctly in the analyst scorecards, we follow a few guidelines:

  • Spend time checking in with the analysts for your area so they are familiar with our story and features earlier, and so we can get earlier feedback. This will ensure better alignment of the product and the way we talk about it will already be in place when review time comes. Remember, analysts maintain a deep understanding of the markets they cover, and your relationship will be better if it is bi-directional. Inquire with analysts when you have questions about market trends, growth rates, buyer behavior, competitors, or just want to bounce ideas off of an expert.
  • Make paying attention to analyst requests a priority, bringing in whoever you need to ensure they are successful. If you have a clear benefit from having executives participate, ask. If you need more resources to ensure something is a success, get them. These reports are not a “nice to have”, ad-hoc activity, but an important part of ensuring your product areas are successful.
  • When responding to the analyst request, challenge yourself to find a way to honestly say “yes” and paint the product in the best light possible. Often, at first glance if we think we don’t support a feature or capability, with a bit of reflection and thought you can adapt our existing features to solve the problem at hand. This goes much smoother if you follow the first point and spend ongoing time with your analyst partners.
  • Perform retrospectives after the analyst report is finalized to ensure we’re learning from and sharing the results of how we can do better.

It’s important to be closely connected with your product marketing partner, since they own the overall engagement. That said, product has a key role to play and should be in the driver’s seat for putting your stage’s best foot forward in the responses/discussions.

Engage with internal customers

Product managers should take advantage of the internal customers that their stage may have, and use them to better understand what they are really using, what they need and what they think is important to have in order to replace other products and use GitLab for all their flows.

We want to meet with our internal customers on a regular basis, setting up recurring calls (e.g., every two weeks) and to invite them to share their feedback.

This is a mutual collaboration, so we also want to keep them up to date with the new features that we release, and help them to adopt all our own features.

CSAT Responder Outreach

Each quarter we reach out to Customer Satisfaction (CSAT) survey responders who opted-in to speak with us. This is a fantastic opportunity to build bridges with users and for Product Managers to get direct feedback for their specific product area. If a customer has taken the time to share a verbatim with us and offered to have a conversation, they deserve to be followed up with - especially if that customer is dissatisfied with GitLab.

When we speak to users and customers directly during this workflow, we must be mindful of Product Legal guidance and the SAFE framework, just as we would be with any other documentation or communication we do as Product Managers.

Overall process

  1. UX Researcher DRI opens a Responder Outreach issue and notifies Product team members in the comments that the issue is ready.
  2. Product leaders go through the list of CSAT responders who have agreed to a follow up conversation. Those Product leaders either sign up for outreach or tag in their Group Product Managers and Product Managers as appropriate.
  3. Group Product Managers and Product Managers then view the sheet and confirm who they want to talk with.
  4. Product team members reach out to users and schedule interviews.
  5. Product team members add notes and video recordings from the interviews to the CSAT column in this Dovetail project.
  6. Product team members mark which users they interviewed and include any additional notes about the session in the follow up users sheet.
  7. As Product team members create or continue to work on issues related to CSAT follow up interviews, they use the following label (CSAT::Responder Outreach) to help the UX Research team track the impact of these interviews.

Note: GitLab Customer Success Managers will also follow the process above so please be mindful to coordinate with them if they reach out or if they’ve already signed up for a user. Users should never be contacted by more than one GitLab team member. Users should never be contacted more than twice if they do not respond to an outreach email.

Instructions for Product leaders

  1. Look at the CSAT Follow Up Users Google Sheet that will be shared with you in an issue. Identify any users you think a Group Product Manager or Product Manager from your group would be interested in speaking to. Assign the specific Group Product Manager or Product Manager to reach out to that user by putting their name in the appropriate column. This will also serve as a “hold” on the user and if others are interested they will need to coordinate with this Group Product Manager or Product Manager.
  2. If you think another Group Product Manager or Product Manager in your group or another group would be interested in speaking to the same customer, consider notifying that Group Product Manager or Product Manager for the sake of efficiency.
  3. If you’re interested in having one of your Group Product Managers or Product Managers speak with a user that has already been “claimed” by another GitLab team member, have your Group Product Manager or Product Manager reach out to that team member so they can coordinate a joint conversation. We need to be mindful of our users’ time and should limit this outreach to a single conversation rather than successive conversations.

Instructions for Group Product Managers and Product Managers

  1. Your Group Product Manager Director will have put your name next to users they felt were relevant for you to speak with.
  2. If you are unable or unwilling to speak with the customer, please speak with your manager so they can find a replacement.
  3. If you see other users that have not been assigned to another Product Manager and you feel may be relevant to speak with, assign that user to yourself.
  4. If you see other users that have been assigned to another Product Manager, reach out to that Product Manager and coordinate a joint conversation. It is very important you do not reach out to users that have been assigned to other Product Managers as we want to be mindful of our users time and not risk negative sentiment due to over-communication. We are limiting these conversations to one per user for these reasons.

Process for reaching out to users

  1. Calendly is the best method for scheduling users. Set up your free Calendly account if you haven’t done so. Add details to the invite description describing yourself and the conversation purpose. Also add your personal Zoom link, either via connecting your Zoom account or pasting in your personal Zoom URL.
  2. You’ll need to add two extra questions to the invite form in order to ask for consent to record, example below. Please use these questions as written in the example as they closely mirror the content that has been validated by the UX Research Team.
  3. Draft an email that you’ll send to users. Example copy is below. You can re-phrase things as you wish but make sure you still cover the same points as the example.
  4. BE ON TIME TO YOUR CALL. Better yet, be 2 minutes early. Be ready to coach people through getting Zoom to work properly. Make sure everyone on the call introduces themselves.
  5. If people have agreed to recording, still ask them once again if it’s OK if you record before turning it on. Obviously, do not record people who did not give consent.
  6. See our training materials on facilitating user interviews.

Example email copy:

Hello, My name is X and I’m the PM for X at GitLab. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to follow up on your response to our recent survey.

I would be very interested in speaking further about some of the points you raised in your survey response. Would you be willing to do a 30 minute Zoom call to give us some more detailed feedback on your experience using GitLab? You’d be able to schedule the call at a time convenient to you.

Schedule a time for the call using this link:

Thank you for your feedback and let me know if you have any questions.

Best, Your name

Copy for two extra questions in Calendly invite:

To make sure we correctly represent what you say in any followup issues or discussions, we would like to record this conversation. Please indicate if you give permission to record this conversation.

Yes, you may record our conversation.

No, you MAY NOT record our conversation.

At GitLab, we value transparency. We would love to share the recording of conversation publicly on GitLab. Please indicate whether you give your permission for the recording to be shared on GitLab.

Yes, you may share the recording publicly on GitLab.

No, you MAY NOT share the recording publicly on GitLab.

After the call

  1. If multiple GitLab employees are on the call, it can be beneficial to debrief immediately afterwards.
  2. Collect all notes that were taken and Zoom recording from the interview and add them to the CSAT column in this Dovetail project.
  3. If you told the user you’d follow up on anything or promised to send them further information, make sure you do so, ideally within two business days.
  4. Go back to the spreadsheet and mark that you spoke to a user in the Status column.
  5. If you create any epics/issues to address feedback gathered in the calls, add the label CSAT:Responder Outreach and link them to the corresponding CSAT responder outreach issue from that quarter.

Note: It’s important to tag your CSAT related issues to help tracking/reporting such as the improvement slides in Product Key Reviews.

Cost profile and user experience

Every Product Manager is responsible for the user experience and cost profile of their product area regardless of how the application is hosted (self-managed or If a feature is unsustainable from a cost standpoint, that can erode the margins of our SaaS business while driving up the total cost of ownership for self-managed customers. If a feature is slow, it can impact the satisfaction of our users and potentially others on the platform.

There are a few questions a Product Manager should ask when thinking about their features:

  • What are the costs associated with my product area? What is the impact on the margin for each tier of
    • Consider network, compute, and storage costs
  • Are there tools in place to help GitLab, Inc and self-managed admins optimize the cost footprint for running GitLab (e.g. node rebalancing, transitioning objects to less costly storage classes, garbage collection capabilities)
  • Are there features and default settings that help users stay within their CI and Storage limits?
  • Are there configurable application limits in place for admins to enhance the availability and performance of GitLab and reduce abuse vectors?
  • What is the experience of users when interacting with these features on Is it fast and enjoyable?

These items do not all need to be implemented in an MVC, though potential costs and application limits should be considered for deployment on

Product Managers should also regularly assess the performance and cost of features and experiences that they are incrementally improving. While the MVC of the feature may be efficient, a few iterations may increase the cost profile.

Tools to understand operational costs

There are a few different tools PM’s can utilize to understand the operational costs of their features. Some of these are maintained by Infrastructure, based on the operational data of Others tools, like service ping, can be utilized to better understand the costs of our self-managed users. Ultimately, each product group is responsible for ensuring they have the data needed to understand and optimize costs.

Tools to understand end user experience

Roadmaps, Boards, Issues & Epics


You should strive to maintain an updated Epic roadmap for your group (here’s an example). This can take considerable effort but doing so will ensure your issues are well organized according to the principles laid out below. You should also maintain a roadmap in your direction page that serves as the SSOT. There are additional guidelines in the Managing Your Product Direction Section.


As part of our planning process it is important that you maintain a prioritized issue board for your group. It’s customary to call these boards STAGE - GROUP - Planning and to configure them to filter to all issues with your group label and with each milestone as a column (here’s an example).

As the DRI for milestone prioritization it is your responsibility to ensure that all items on your Planning board are scheduled to a milestone#milestones and are prioritized both within and across milestones. This means the lowest priority in the current milestone would generally be the top priority in the next milestone.

In this regard your planning exercise is a complete prioritization of the near term issues.

Feature templates

We have 3 templates PMs can leverage to create issues for features:

  1. Basic proposal for minor tasks or technical details for tracking larger issues.
  2. Lean feature proposal and for all feature enhancements that will get proposals and potentially become release post items.
  3. Feature proposal for large new features that may require more information or details and will become release post items.

The goal of these different templates is to provide an efficient way of creating new issues and improve cross team collaboration. When appropriate, these templates may be leveraged for creating epic descriptions as well.


Issues related to the same feature should be bundled together into an into an epic.

Epics for a single iteration

Features may include multiple issues even if we are just targeting an MVC. In this case, we should use an epic to collect all of them in one single place. This epic should have a start and an end date, and it should not span more than 3 releases, otherwise we run the risk of having epics drag on indefinitely.

When these issues are finished and closed, we should have successfully achieved the epic’s goal. A good example of this kind of epic is the first iteration on a new feature. Epics representing MVCs should clearly state MVC at the end of the title and should have a parent epic relationship towards a category strategy or a meta epic.

Meta epics for longer term items

We use epics to track many issues related to a specific topic, even if there isn’t a specific timeline for shipping. These epics should be marked as ~meta, they may not have a specific start or end date, and may contain single iteration epics.

This is useful to have an overview of the future so participants and observers can understand how the pieces fit together. It can be really useful to understand the context of where we think we’re going so we can do a good job with the MVC.

Also, it conveys confidence internally and externally that we understand what we need to do when the MVC is particularly minimal. But don’t get too caught up in long-term epics as you risk making proposals too complex, and overrepresenting certainty in the solution. Don’t work too far in the future; we’ll know better once we ship something small.

When creating a meta epic, there’s a natural tendency to capture it as quickly as possible and then move on, but we must always strive to create a more specific epic for the first iteration, or the next iteration if something already exists. Describing an MVC means that the community can contribute more easily. Also, after distilling things down to a first iteration, you might realize it’s a lot easier than you thought, and prioritize it earlier. You can have an MVC without a meta issue. But you can’t have a meta issue without an MVC.


We use issues to define narrowly scoped items of work to be done. Issues can focus on a variety of different topics: UX problems, implementation requirements, tech debt, bugs, etc. A good guideline for experience-related issues is that they should address no more than one user story. If an issue includes multiple user stories, then it is likely an epic.

In GitLab itself, there are short definitions of feature (internal link) and bug (internal link) which are displayed when hovering over the labels. This page provides context and elaborates on these definitions.

GitLab’s Iteration value means we often make small improvements to the product. We use this to get feedback on what features are important to people. It is not a bug when GitLab is missing functionality.

When to create an issue

You should create an issue if:

  • There isn’t already an issue for what you’re intending to write. Search first.
  • A feature is mentioned in chat channels like #product, #competition or elsewhere
  • A customer requests a particular feature

You should consider not creating an issue when:

  • It’s an iteration on something we haven’t built yet.
  • You’re planning very far ahead and it’s something specific. The further away something is, the more vague or encompassing the issue should be. So, for example, create just one issue for a distant new feature, rather than several issues that will follow each other. This will reduce the total amount of issues.
  • There is already an existing issue. Even if the quality is low, people might have linked to it. Consider rewriting the description instead and leaving a comment that you did so. Closing issues to reopen the same issue is generally not a good idea.

How to submit a new issue

  1. If you have time, the first thing you should do is search the GitLab project to see if a similar issue already exists. We shouldn’t create duplicates if we can avoid them.
  2. Identify if the issue is about GitLab Community Edition (CE) or GitLab Enterprise Edition (EE), although this can easily be changed later.
  3. The title should highlight the wished change (or target state), not the initial problem. If you don’t know the wished change yet, then it’s ok to have the title reflect the initial problem to solve, but before release the issue title should be updated to reflect the wished change.
  4. The body should clearly state what the current pain point is and why it’s important to solve.
  5. The initial issue should be about the problem we are solving. If separate issues are needed for additional research and design work, they will be created by a PM or UX person.
  6. If the body contains too many paragraphs, it can surely be rewritten to be shorter.
  7. Do not use acronyms or abbreviations. Everyone should be able to jump on the issue and participate without needing a glossary.
  8. Choose labels which are relevant to the issue. If you are unsure about what certain labels are for, check the labels page, and read the descriptions. The issues workflow doc provides a breakdown of the label types and how to choose the right label.
  9. Unless you know what you are doing, do not
    • assign someone to the issue
    • assign a milestone
    • set a due date
    • add weight - weight represents the technical complexity and should be defined by our developers
  10. Mention the different stakeholders in the body of your issue. In most product related issues, we usually mention the product manager, the design, frontend, and backend managers as appropriate. Some teams have experts or liaisons that can be mentioned instead of the managers. Mentioning the people in the body of the issue will trigger the notification mechanisms chosen by the people who are mentioned - therefore there is no need to notify people in another channel after the issue has been created (Slack, email).

GitLab product issues will often have one of the three type labels ~"type::bug", ~"type::feature", or ~"type::maintenance". Features can be further clarified as:

There are also other higher precedence labels, as documented by Engineering Metrics.

When considering whether an issue is a missing feature or a bug, refer to the definition of an MVC and Definition of Done for general guidance that works well in most cases. If in doubt - think from our customer’s perspective - not our internal one - focus on whether it is valuable for our customers and should be prioritized. In the long run it won’t matter whether we called it a bug or a feature -what would matter is if we focused on the right things to deliver to our users. Remember that bug fixes can be fast and iterative. See an example where the Package team found, researched, designed, implemented, and merged a small fix in 24 hours, while also planning a longer-term fix to follow.

Feature issues

Feature issues identify work to support the implementation of a feature and/or results in an improvement in the user experience.

  • If there is doubt about whether you could expect something to be there or work, it’s a missing feature.
  • We iterate to deliver features, so we often don’t have functionality that people expect. For this reason, ‘people could reasonably expect this functionality’ does not make it a bug.
  • Whether the code results in user facing updates or not, if it is part of building the feature it should be labeled as such.
  • Performance improvements and user interface enhancements improve the experience for end users and should be labeled as ~"type::feature".
  • API additions including both REST and GraphQL should also be labeled as ~"type::feature".
  • If people care about a missing feature and the solution is clear, the issue should be marked as ~"Seeking community contributions".
Bug issues

Bug issues report undesirable or incorrect behavior, such as:

  • Defects in shipped code.
  • Inaccurate presentation or data.
  • Part of GitLab not working according to the documentation or a universal expectation.
  • Functionality inadvertently being broken, or changed from how it is supposed to work. This is also a regression.
  • A security issue that is determined to be a vulnerability should be labeled as ~"type::bug" and ~"bug::vulnerability".
  • Loss of data while using the product as intended or as documented. Data corruption/loss is one basis for classifying a bug as severity::1.

Issue state

When an issue is open, this signals that we’re intending or considering implementing that change. It’s important to close issues that we’re not considering implementing in the near future, so that we avoid creating uncertainty with customers and colleagues.

When closing an issue for this reason, make sure to update the issue body and leave a comment explaining why the issue is being closed. Issues can be reopened if we change our stance on them.

Prioritizing older issues

Sometimes, you’ll end up prioritizing an issue that was created a significant time ago. When you move these issues into an upcoming milestone, look closely to see if they need to be groomed again, so that they include current information. A good rule is to review any issue you didn’t personally create or that has been open longer than 3 months.

When to close an issue

To clearly communicate to our stakeholders what we are going to do, it’s critical that you not only provide the positive view (what we will do), but also articulate the negative view (what we will not do). While this should be communicated in stage and category strategies, it starts with issues:

As a Product Manager you should close issues that are:

  1. Duplicated elsewhere.
  2. No longer relevant due to other reasons.
  3. ‘Not the next iteration’: an iteration on a proposed feature that is unlikely to ship in the next few months.
  4. ‘Won’t do’: An issue that we have no intention of implementing, because it does not fit within or is antithetical to our vision, it presents a security risk, or other reasons you outline in the issue.

When closing an issue, leave a comment explaining why you’re closing the issue, and link to anything of relevance (the other duplicate, the original feature that this is an iteration on, etc).

The ’not the next iteration’ issues are the most important ones to resolve. It is very easy to create a large, comprehensive change with meta issues and lots of improvements, but it is essential that we iterate and ship the minimal viable change. We have to ship the iteration, wait for it to be used, and ask for feedback. As a product manager, you must think about the bigger picture when making a proposal to improve the product. It’s important to avoid writing this down as a bunch of issues. Come up with a direction, but only record the first step. This way we can preserve the efficiency of our value of iteration. Closing issues whenever possible is an important part of your job and helps to keep a clear view of what is next. Consider using the following template to close an issue:

Closing this because XXX is something we should do first. When that feature is finished, we can learn from observing it in use. If we learn that this issue is still relevant, we can then reopen it. See /handbook/product/product-processes/#issues for more detail about this policy.


When relevant, you can include a wireframe in your issue to illustrate what you’re thinking about. But you don’t need to create wireframes on your own; our UX team has a designer embedded in every stage group who will help you figure out how to solve the problem you’re addressing. They should actively participate in your planning processes, so your request won’t be a surprise.

If you do want to create a wireframe,you can get access to Figma by submitting an access request. If you are struggling for inspiration, you can also paste screenshots of similar features in other products.

Long-lasting issues

A general guideline is that an issue should only span one release. If we know an issue is going to span multiple releases, split it up into multiple issues.

Epic issues are the exception to this rule, but should be kept to a minimum and only serve to guide broader subjects, not a single feature over multiple releases. This is to make sure we stick to our values of the minimally viable change. This means that feature issues should be closed after the first iteration whenever possible. We’ll know more in the future and this keeps any remaining issues short and actionable.

In addition, it’s often a good idea to throw away an original plan and start fresh. Try to do this more often, even more than you’re comfortable with. Close the issue and create a new one.

Life Support PM Expectations

When performing the role of Life Support PM only the following are expected:

  • Management of next three milestones
  • Attend group meetings or asynch discussion channels
  • Provide prioritization for upcoming milestones
  • MVC definition for upcoming milestones
  • Increase fidelity of scheduled issues via group discussion
  • Ensure features delivered by the group are represented in the release post

Some discouraged responsibilities:

  • Long-term MVC definition
  • One year plan
  • Category Strategy updates
  • Direction page updates
  • Analyst engagements
  • CAB presentations

Build vs “Buy”

As a Product Manager you may need to make a decision on whether GitLab should engineer a solution to a particular problem, or use off the shelf software to address the need.

First, consider whether our users share a similar need and if it’s part of GitLab’s scope. If so, strongly consider building as a feature in GitLab:

If the need is specific to GitLab, and will not be built into the product, consider a few guidelines:

  • Necessity: Does this actually need to be solved now? If not, consider proceeding without and gathering data to make an informed decision later.
  • Opportunity cost: Is the need core to GitLab’s business? Would work on other features return more value to the company and our users?
  • Cost: How much are off the shelf solutions? How much is it to build, given the expertise in-house and opportunity cost?
  • Time to market: Is there time to engineer the solution in-house?

If after evaluating these considerations buying a commercial solution is the best path forward:

  1. Consider who owns the outcome, as the spend will be allocated to their department. Get their approval on the proposed plan.
  2. Have the owning party open a finance issue using the vendor_contracts template, ensure the justification above is included in the request.

Evaluating Open Source Software

When considering open source software in build vs. “buy” decisions we utilize the following general criteria to decide whether to integrate a piece of software:

  • Compatibility - Does the software utilize a compatible open source license?
  • Viability - Is the software, in its current state, viable for the use case in question?
  • Velocity - Is there a high rate of iteration with the software? Are new features or enhancements proposed and completed quickly? Are security patches applied regularly?
  • Community - Is there a diverse community contributing to the software? Is the software governed by broader communities or by a singular corporate entity? Do maintainers regularly address feedback from the community?

Analytics Instrumentation Guide

Please see Analytics Instrumentation Guide

Page load performance metrics

In order to better understand the perceived performance of GitLab, there is a synthetic page load performance testing framework available based on

A Grafana dashboard is available for each stage, tracking the Largest Contentful Paint and first/last visual change times. These metrics together provide high-level insight into the experience our users have when interacting with these pages.

Adding additional pages to performance testing

The Grafana dashboards are managed using grafonnet, making it easy to add additional pages and charts.

Testing a new set of pages requires just 2 steps:

  1. Add the desired URL’s to the sitespeed unauthenticated or authenticated testing list. Add a new line with the URL, then a space, and an alias of the form [Group]_[Feature]_[Detail]. The alias needs to be one word, an example MR is here. Note the authenticated user account does not have any special permissions, it is simply logged in.
  2. Open the relevant stage’s grafonnet dashboard file. Find the section corresponding to the desired group, and add an additional call to productCommon.pageDetail. The call arguments are Chart Title, Alias from above, and the tested URL. Ensure the JSON formatting is correct, the easiest way is to simply copy/paste from another line. A sample MR is available here.

Assign both MR’s to a maintainer. After they are merged, the stage’s Grafana dashboard will be automatically updated. A video walkthrough is available as well. Service Level Objectives

Product Management is the DRI for defining and ensuring the attainment of the Service Level Objectives for GitLab. The defined SLO for any service on GitLab SaaS must be achievable technically, and so the final SLO targets must be agreed upon by the engineering and SRE teams. Additionally, expertise to deliver on the target SLO’s rests with the engineering and SRE teams.

As we continue to invest in our SaaS first strategy, we must define and measure service levels from the customer’s perspective. Therefore, product management is responsible for understanding the customer and market dynamics, the cost and value impact of SLO targets. The plan is to continue to mature this process and provide a repeatable framework for analyzing the inputs into an SLO target.

The table below will catalog the list of services, the current SLO definition, and the product management DRI. The SLO targets below are subject to change per the direction of the DRI.

Services and PM DRI’s Service Product Management DRI SLO Apdex Definition SLO Apdex Target SLO Goal
CI Runners Verify-Runner PM @deastman The service level indicators used to calculate the Runner Apdex score are (1) the job polling operations from runners via the workhouse HTTP interface and (2) the shared runner queues on, i.e. the % of CI jobs that are picked by for servicing by a GitLab SaaS Shared Runner within 60 seconds 99.95% The goal for FY22 Q3 is to maintain a monthly SLO score of 99.95% or higher.
Container Registry Package PM @trizzi Apdex for request latency (time to serve) read requests to the container registry. Thresholds are satisfied when under .5 seconds and tolerated under 1 second. Further details available here. 99%
Package Registry Package PM @trizzi Error rate for package read requests to the package registry. The service is available when less than 0.5% of requests return a 5XX error status response. 99.5%

Product-Specific People Processes

Annual Compensation Review

For our upcoming Annnual Compensation Review (ACR) cycle, this handbook page should be referenced as SSOT for content and processes related to the program. The timeline below outlines the Product division specific timeline the division will follow to ensure we have an appropriate amount of time to review compensation recommendations at all levels. Aside from the timeline itself, please reference the ACR handbook page for additional detail and program information.

  • 2024-01-16 @ 5pm PT: Due date for Managers and Senior Managers to submit slates in Workday
  • 2024-01-22 @ 5pm PT: Due date for Directors to submit slates in Workday
  • 2024-01-26 @ 5pm PT: Due date for Senior Directors and VPs to submit slates in Workday

If managers would like to embed additional due dates or touch points within their teams they are free to do so on a team-by-team basis, as long as the overarching due dates are adhered to. Please reach out to your manager or People Business Partner if you have additional questions.

Aligning Work Items To Themes
Pilot Context This process is currently in a limited pilot in conjunction with the Customer Issues Prioritization Framework Pilot and is subject to breaking changes. Process Goals Provide a repeatable, scalable process to map issues and epics to Top ARR drivers and top-down / bottoms-up product direction and investment themes to enable programatic, automated reporting and analysis. Benefits To PMs By labeling your issues and epics with themes, all customer requests and their respective value will be aggregated and available via the Customer Issues Prioritization Framework.
Continuous Interviews
The purpose of continuous interviews and how to set them up
Customer Issues Prioritization Framework
Context The Customer Prioritization Framework was developed by the Issue Prioritization Framework Working Group as a way to improve the efficiency of the feedback loops among Sales, Customer Success, and Product. It provides a comprehensive system to categorize and measure customer, and prospective customer, demand for capabilities within GitLab. This page covers how the first iteration of the model works and how to interact with and interpret, the not public, internal-only dashboards that it powers.
Dogfooding for Product Managers
Dogfood everything The best way to understand how GitLab works is to use it for as much of your job as possible. Avoid dogfooding antipatterns and try to find ways to leverage GitLab (instead of an external tool) whenever possible. For example: try to use Issues instead of documents or spreadsheets and try to capture conversation in comments instead of Slack threads. As a PM, but also as any GitLab team member, you should actively use every feature, or at minimum, all the features for which you are responsible.
GitLab Early Access Program Direction
Alignment & vision of the GitLab Early Access Program
New Product Introduction (NPI) Process
How to launch a product or service at GitLab.
People Group for Product Management
Product-Specific “People” Processes Generally, the entire organization will be applied to the product function with some adjustments related to specific timing. This page will provide a SSOT for the Product organization and PBP relations. Other related infromation to People Processes include: Product Management Roles Product Management Leadership Product Manger Responsibilities For any questions or updates, please assign gl-product-leadership. Hiring and budget discussions In the event that there are changes to the R&D Hiring Annual Plan, these changes must be documented in the R&D Headcount Project Issue Tracker.
Product Team Board Meeting Prep
This is the process for quarterly board meeting prep, specific to the Product / R&D Org. This process is revisited on a quarterly basis and aligns with the [broader company process](/handbook/board-meetings/#board-and-committee-composition). Feedback always welcome!
Last modified July 9, 2024: Fix links and spelling (e30f31b6)