Marketing Career Development - Overview

This page details the marketing career development program.


Problem Statement

In the annual employee engagement and satisfaction survey, Marketing’s lowest score was for career development within GitLab. Due to the team structure, hiring is made for specific roles and the team is kept as lean and efficient as possible. This makes mobility more difficult.

Proposed Solution

Create a program for learning and development based on core competencies in the main areas all marketers should have. Working with the L&D team and resources available (ie. LinkedIn Learning) Marketing will curate a program with the goal of developing team members based on these competencies and make them eligible to move into internal roles.

Welcome Video

Todd provides an overview of the purpose and goals of the Marketing Career Development Program as well as insights into the marketing organization and what each team does, in this welcome video.



Know how to read and interpret the marketing analytics GitLab’s marketing team uses to inform business decisions and strategy

Writing and communication

  • Understanding different types of content - Explore the basics of SEO, including how to read a results page and see how rankings affect businesses large and small. Discover how to implement foundational optimization strategies and techniques, including how to conduct keyword research, build internal and external links, optimize your pages and content, measure your successes and progress, and plan for a long-term SEO strategy. Additionally, learn specific SEO tips for ecommerce, local search, and mobile audiences to expand your reach.
  • Learning to write marketing copy - Copy is the heart and soul of almost every marketing endeavor. Get a great foundation for all your campaigns with this course. Learn how to write copy that tells your story and sells your product or brand. Learn about the different types of copywriting, the benefits of drafting on paper (yes, paper!), observing general rules, writing headlines, selling the page, and rewriting existing copy to optimize it for different outlets and platforms.
  • What is Content Marketing - A well-crafted content marketing strategy can greatly increase visibility of your brand, help build credibility, and create an enduring relationship with your audience. Learn content marketing concepts and benefits, then explore a step-by-step approach for organizations of all sizes to succeed with this strategic marketing approach. Brian covers how to create a content plan, choose content types, and develop an editorial calendar. He then explores how to write, edit, and design content, as well as how to choose the right mix of content and curate it for maximum impact.
  • Introduction to Social Media Strategy - This presentation provides training that could reinforce our tone of voice. Reinstate our human principals: knowledgeable, relatable, honest, practical, aspirational, decisive, and clever.
  • Writing with Impact - There’s no such thing as generic “good” writing. Writing quality—and impact—comes from how well it fits its purpose. This course shows how to give all your writing more impact, regardless of its purpose.

Design and communication

  • Designing a presentation - From helpful transitions to layouts and themes- you will learn how to make an impactful slide deck.
  • Learning GitLab - This training teaches markdown basics and even directs folks to GitLab flavored markdown. These simple tips can transform your epics and issues. It covers headings, bulleted lists, numbered lists, bold and italic text, and how to insert links and images.

Revenue basics

Product knowledge

Project Management

Marketing Campaigns



Contributor Success Career Framework
These are the expected competencies of the Fullstack Engineer, Contributor Success team members at GitLab.
Marketing Career Development - Career Paths
Position Levels Individual Contributor Track SDR IC Track Management Track Coordinator SDR Admin Associate SDR Manager Senior SDR Senior Manager Lead SDR Staff Manager, Distinguished Director, GitLab Fellow Senior Director, VP CXO Note: Manager denotes a management of a certain specialty, whereas Manager, denotes a manager of people. Career Path Sales Development Career Path Starting Role Promotion Lateral Options Sales Development Rep 1 Sales Development Rep 2 Sales Development Rep 2 Sales Development Rep 3 Sales Development Rep 3 Sales Development Rep, Team Lead Marketing Programs Associate Sales Development Rep 3 Sales Development Rep, Acceleration Marketing Operations Associate Sales Development Rep 3 Sales Development Rep, Acceleration Talent Acquisition Associate Sales Development Rep 3 Sales Development Rep, Acceleration Associate Field Marketing Manager Sales Development Rep 3 Sales Development Rep, Acceleration Customer Success Associate Sales Development Rep, Team Lead Manager, Sales Development Sales Development Rep, Acceleration Manager, Sales Development Manager, Sales Development Senior Manager, Sales Development Senior Manager, Sales Development Director, Sales Development Marketing Career Path Starting Role Promotion Lateral Options Marketing Associate Field Marketing Manager Marketing Coordinator Content Marketing Associate Marketing Coordinator Marketing Programs Associate Marketing Coordinator Associate Customer Advocate Marketing Coordinator Marketing Operations Associate Marketing Coordinator Online Marketing Associate Marketing Coordinator Associate Product Marketing Manager Content Marketing Associate Content Marketing Manager Associate Customer Advocate Content Marketing Associate Content Marketing Manager Marketing Programs Associate Content Marketing Manager Manager, Content Marketing Customer Advocate Content Marketing Manager Manager, Content Marketing Marketing Programs Manager Manager, Content Marketing Senior Manager, Content Marketing Manager, Content Marketing Manager, Corporate Marketing Senior Manager, Content Marketing Director, Corporate Marketing Associate Field Marketing Manager Field Marketing Manager Marketing Programs Associate Field Marketing Manager Manager, Field Marketing Manager, Field Marketing Senior Manager, Field Marketing Senior Manager, Field Marketing Director, Field Marketing Marketing Operations Associate Marketing Operations Manager Marketing Operations Manager Manager, Marketing Operations Marketing Operations Manager Senior Marketing Operations Manager Manager, Marketing Operations Senior Manager, Marketing Operations Senior Manager, Marketing Operations Director, Marketing Operations Online Marketing Associate Online Marketing Manager Online Marketing Manager Manager, Online Marketing Online Marketing Manager Senior Online Marketing Manager Manager, Online Marketing Senior Manager, Online Marketing Senior Manager, Online Marketing Director, Online Marketing Associate Designer Designer Designer Senior Designer Developer Evangelist Senior Technical Evangelist Developer Evangelism Program Manager Senior Developer Evangelist Manager, Developer Evangelism Senior Developer Evangelism Program Manager Senior Developer Evangelism Program Manager Manager, Developer Evangelism Manager, Developer Evangelism Director, Developer Evangelism Associate Content Editor Intermediate Content Editor Intermediate Content Editor Senior Content Editor Senior Content Editor Managing Editor Associate Analyst Relations Manager Analyst Relations Manager Analyst Relations Manager Senior Analyst Relations Manager Senior Analyst Relations Manager Staff, Analyst Relations Staff, Analyst Relations Manager, Analyst Relations Manager, Analyst Relations Director, Analyst Relations Associate Reference Program Manager Reference Program Manager Reference Program Manager Senior Reference Program Manager Senior Reference Program Manager Manager, Reference Program Manager, Reference Program Director, Reference Program Associate Market Research & Customer Insights Manager Market Research & Customer Insights Manager Market Research & Customer Insights Manager Manager, Market Research & Customer Insights Manager, Market Research & Customer Insights Director, Market Research & Customer Insights Associate Competitive Intelligence Manager Competitive Intelligence Manager Competitive Intelligence Manager Senior Competitive Intelligence Manager Senior Competitive Intelligence Manager Manager, Competitive Intelligence Manager Manager, Competitive Intelligence Manager Director, Competitive Intelligence Manager Associate Partner Marketing Manager Partner Marketing Manager Partner Marketing Manager Senior Partner Marketing Senior Partner Marketing Manager Manager, Partner Marketing Manager, Partner Marketing Director, Partner Marketing Associate Product Marketing Manager Product Marketing Manager Product Marketing Manager Senior Product Marketing Manager Senior Product Marketing Manager Manager, Product Marketing Manager, Product Marketing Director, Product Marketing Director, Product Marketing Senior Director, Product Marketing Associate Technical Marketing Manager Technical Marketing Manager Technical Marketing Manager Manager, Technical Marketing Technical Marketing Manager Senior Technical Marketing Manager Manager, Technical Marketing Director, Technical Marketing Director, Technical Marketing Senior Director, Technical Marketing Contributor Success Fullstack Engineer Career Path These are the expected competencies of the Fullstack Engineer, Contributor Success role by career level.
Last modified July 9, 2024: Fix links and spelling (e30f31b6)