DIB Working Group

A strategic group of impactful team members whose purpose is to drive action and results in support of DIB and the DIB Leadership Council
  • A strategic group of impactful team members whose purpose is to drive action and results in support of DIB and the DIB Leadership Council
  • Smaller tasks that influence the bigger goals such as OKRs or company yearlies
  • Measurable and deliverable on a focused issue



  • Smaller groups (4-6 team members)
  • Team members are volunteer-based on the specific topic collected in an issue in quarterly cadence.
  • Team members identified through TMRGs, former DIB Influencer Group, DIB Leadership Council, and Division team members that can provide subject matter expertise or “influence”.
  • Limited timeframe (1-3 months)

Working Group members will include

  • Group Sponsor (Optional)
  • Working Group Lead
  • DIB stakeholder
  • PBP (for awareness only)
  • Team members identified through TMRGs, former DIB Influencer Group, DIB Leadership Council, and Division team members that can provide subject matter expertise and influence

Each Working Group will have

  • A problem/Issue statement/OKR
  • Problem statements can be defined or influenced by DIB and/or the DIB Leadership Council
  • Timeline: 1-3 months depending on the issue
  • Defined Exit Criteria
  • Clear goals and metrics to accomplish work group deliverable
  • Communication
  • Issue creation
  • Slack Channel
  • Cadence:
    • Weekly or bi-weekly meetings for 30 minutes to review activity and collaborate on next steps
    • Provide findings/results to:>
    • DIB Leadership Council
    • DIB Monthly Initiatives Call

Inclusive Practices
Inclusive Practices are essential for creating a workplace where everyone feels valued and can bring a diverse set of skills and qualities to the organization.
Last modified June 27, 2024: Fix various vale errors (46417d02)