Engineering Team Readmes

Amy Shiel README
Personal readme page for Amy Shiel, Engineering Manager, GitLab
Andras Horvath's README
Engineering Manager, Gitaly
Angela Piotrowski's README
Personal readme page for Angela Piotrowski, Support Engineering Manager, GitLab"
Bartek Marnane's README
Personal readme page for Bartek Marnane, VP Expansion Software Development, GitLab
Ben King's README
README for Ben King (Support Engineer (APAC))
Personal readme page for CK, Support Engineer, GitLab
Craig Miskell README
Craig Miskell, Staff Site Reliability Engineer, GitLab
Daniel Diniz's README
Daniel Diniz’s README Daniel Diniz - Support Engineer (EMEA) Hey! My name is Daniel Diniz and this is the first interation on a personal README document. The ‘goal’ of writing this document is simply writing in itself, and it’s pulibshed for anyone interested in a glimpse into who I am. A wise person once said: Meditate to heal the mind. Read to expand the mind. Write to clarify the mind.
David Wainaina README
Read Me for David Wainaina, Support Engineer, GitLab
Emily Chang's README
Personal README page for Emily Chang - Support Engineer (APAC)
James Lopes' README
Personal readme page for James Lopes, Support Engineering Manager, GitLab
Jane Gianoutsos' README
Personal readme page for Jane Gianoutsos, Support Engineering Manager, GitLab
Juan Silva's README
Juan Silva @ GitLab (a.k.a my Manager README Doc) I am looking forward to meeting you in person or virtually, but in the meantime, here is me in a nutshell. I hope this introduction helps to give you a sense of where I come from, how I think and what it is like to work with me. I hope direct reports, peers and managers will find this content equally useful. But since everyone can contribute, feel free to submit a MR if you find anything to be inaccurate or ping me if there is something else you would like me to add here.
Kamil Trzciński's README
Introduction My name is Kamil Trzciński and I am a Senior Distinguished Engineer as part of the Memory team, and I live in Poland. I joined GitLab in 2015, June. I contributed to GitLab a way before me joining the company. My most noteable contribution was GitLab Runner at the beginning of 2015, which got me hired into GitLab in the first place. I decided to write the GitLab Runner, because I wanted to learn Go.
Lee Matos' README
Personal readme page for Lee Matos, Senior Support Engineering Manager, GitLab
Lyle Kozloff's README
Personal readme page for Lyle Kozloff, Director, Support Engineering, Global Readiness, GitLab
Marin Jankovski's README
Purpose Inspired by the CEO page, this page is a readme for the Marin Jankovski. Team(s) Over the course of my tenure at GitLab, I’ve bootstrapped and onboarded a number of teams. Currently serving in the role of a Director of Platform Infrastructure. I was a team lead and an engineering manager for Distribution team, Delivery team, and Scalability team I was the first engineer working on tasks related to GitLab installation and as GitLab grew, so did the need to impact wider scope increase.
Mario Mora's README
Personal readme page for Mario Mora, Support Engineer, GitLab
Mark Nuzzo's README
Mark Nuzzo’s README Hello everyone, I’m Mark Nuzzo. I am the Backend Engineering Manager who supports the Pipeline Authoring team (Verify stage) here at GitLab. I’m hoping that this README will give everyone a chance to know me better. About me I live just outside of Chicago, Illinois with my wife, 3 children and puppy (Reyna). I love to run on my treadmill, go shopping, playing games with my kids as well as playing fantasy football every fall during the NFL season.
Matt Nohr's README
Matt Nohr’s README I’m a Backend Engineering Manager at GitLab for the Code Review Backend team. I’ve previously worked on these teams at GitLab: Ecosystem Create:Editor Create:Knowledge Monitor:APM and Monitor:Health My Links: GitLab LinkedIn This document is a living breathing thing and likely incomplete. I update it frequently and would appreciate your feedback. Work Style I believe in the servant leadership model I tend to follow a mindset like: “If you are running, I’ll let you run.
Max Woolf's README
Max Woolf’s README Find my README here!
Michael Lunøe's README
Michael Lunøe README Michael Lunøe, Staff Frontend Engineer This page is intended to help others understand what it might be like to work with me, especially people who haven’t worked with me before. It’s also a well-intentioned effort at building some trust by being intentionally vulnerable, and to share my ideas of a good working relationship to reduce the anxiety of people who might be on my team. Please feel free to contribute to this page by opening a merge request.
Mike Dunninger's README
Personal readme page for Mike Dunninger, Support Engineering Manager, GitLab
Personal readme page for Mike Lockhart, Support Engineer, GitLab
Nick Veenhof's README
README for Nick Veenhof
Phil Calder's README
Director of Engineering, Govern
README of Gabriel Yoachum
Personal readme page for Gabriel Yoachum, Support Engineer, GitLab
README of Katrin Leinweber
Personal readme page for Katrin Leinweber, Senior Support Engineer, GitLab
Rebecca Spainhower's README
Personal readme page for Rebecca Spainhower, Support Engineering Manager, GitLab
Ronnie Alfaro's Readme
Personal readme page for Ronnie Alfaro, Support Engineering Manager, GitLab
Savas Vedova's README
Savas Vedova’ README Hi there, My name is Savas (pronounced Savash), and I am a Senior Frontend Engineer at GitLab, in the Govern team. This page is a brief readme about myself and the ways I work. Having spent half of my life in Switzerland and the other in Turkey, I consider myself a bicultural person. I believe this allowed me to make friendships quite fast and get used to other cultures pretty quick.
Sean Carroll's Readme
Sean Carroll’s - README I’m Sean Carroll, Engineering Manager for Source Code. I have been living in Geneva, Switzerland for a while now. I’ve also lived in the US, Turkey, Scotland and of course Australia, where I’m from. These experiences have given me a strong understanding of different cultures and work styles. I studied Computer Science and later Business Systems, and the first half of my career was in ERP systems, mostly in a consulting capacity.
Simon Street's README
Personal readme page for Simon Street, Senior Support Engineer, GitLab
Thong Kuah's README
Introduction Hello, my name is Thong Kuah. I am a Staff Backend Engineer with the Tenant Scale group. I currently reside in Wellington, New Zealand. I joined GitLab in 2018, starting with the Configure group. Links Team page account LinkedIn My day As my timezone is UTC +12 or UTC +13, Mondays are relatively quiet. There is some overlap with AMER in my mornings. As some in my team are in EMEA, I have some evening meetings with them.
Tom McAtee's README
Please see my personal README repo!