Wider Community Merge Request Triage

Guidelines for triaging new merge requests from the wider community opened on GitLab.com projects

At GitLab, our mission is to change all creative work from read-only to read-write so that everyone can contribute. GitLab highly values community contribution and we want to continue growing community code contribution. GitLab encourages the community to file issues and open merge requests for our projects under the gitlab-org group, and for the gitlab-com/www-gitlab-com project. Their contributions are valuable, and we should handle them as effectively as possible. A central part of this is triage - the process of categorization according to type and product group.

Any GitLab team-member can triage merge requests. Keeping the number of un-triaged merge requests low is essential for maintainability, and is our collective responsibility. Consider triaging a few merge requests around your other responsibilities, or scheduling some time for it on a regular basis.

Triaging incoming wider community merge requests is divided between several departments. Quality Department maintains triage automation, Merge Request Coaches take on a partial merge request triage, and finally triage automation helps completing the triage process. Additionally, Contributor Success drives the community collaboration efforts and works with our community to ensure they receive support and recognition for contributing to GitLab.

Merge request triage for the gitlab-org group

Triage levels (gitlab-org)

We define three levels of triage.

Initial triage (gitlab-org)

A merge request is considered initially triaged when it has a:

  • ~"Community contribution" label applied
  • “Thank you” message posted by @gitlab-bot with more details on the process

The initial triage is automated by the Contributor Success team via the Community contribution thank you note reactive triage automation.

Partial triage (gitlab-org)

A merge request is considered partially triaged when it has a:

The partial triage is completed by Merge Request Coaches via the Newly created community merge requests triage report.

For MRs related to issues, partial triage can be completed by using the following quick action and confirming proper metadata:

/copy_metadata <issue link>

Complete triage (gitlab-org)

The complete Triage is divided into 3 subcategories depending on the community merge request state.

Complete triage for open merge requests (gitlab-org)

A merge request is considered completely triaged when it has:

  • the workflow::ready for review label
  • a reviewer assigned
Complete triage for merged merge requests (gitlab-org)

A merge request is considered completely triaged when it has a:

  • milestone set if the merge request with the ~"Community contribution" label is merged.

This triage process is automated by the Contributor Success team via the Add milestone to community contributions on Triage Operations scheduled triage automation.

Inactive merge requests triage policy (gitlab-org)

The inactive merge request policy was created to enable GitLab teams to focus efforts on active merge request and prevent old merge requests from degrading into a state of disrepair. This is done by creating two thresholds at which GitLab team members attempt to move the merge request forward.

Contributor Success team members attempt to move merge requests that have reached the first threshold forward via the Community merge requests requiring attention triage report.

If that’s not successful an Engineering Manager makes a decision at the second threshold. We value your effort - that’s why all decisions to close a merge request are made by a human, and are not automated.

Wider community merge request triage SLOs (gitlab-org)

Community contributions are valuable, and we should handle them as effectively as possible to ensure swift feedback to community and increase engagement. To achieve that we define the following Service-level objectives (SLOs):

Triage Level or Response Metric SLO
Initial Triage 2 hours (this is automated)
Partial Triage 7 days
Complete Triage for Merged Merge Requests 1 day (this is automated for gitlab-org/gitlab)
Time to assign reviewer 2 hours (this is automated)

If an SLO isn’t met, reach out to the Contributor Success team.

Merge request triage for the gitlab-com/www-gitlab-com project

Triage levels (gitlab-com/www-gitlab-com)

The GitLab Website is owned and managed by a different team than GitLab.org; thus, a further triage process must be defined.

Initial triage (gitlab-com/www-gitlab-com)

Same as for the gitlab-org group above.

Complete triage (gitlab-com/www-gitlab-com)

The Complete Triage is divided into 3 subcategories depending on the community merge request state.

Complete triage for open merge requests (gitlab-com/www-gitlab-com)

A merge request is considered completely triaged when it has:

Typically, the reviewer is the code owner of the page the merge request is updated. If there is no code owner assigned, the triager will reach out to the relevant team the page belongs to identify a reviewer.

Complete triage for idle merge requests (gitlab-com/www-gitlab-com)

A merge request is considered completely triaged when it:

This triage process is being done manually on a case-by-case basis by a member of the GitLab Website Community Team or the relevant code owner.

Wider community merge request triage SLOs (gitlab-com/www-gitlab-com)

Community contributions are valuable, and we should handle them as effectively as possible to ensure swift feedback to community and increase engagement. To achieve that we define the following Service-level objectives (SLOs):

Triage Level Triage SLO
Initial triage 2 hours (this is automated)
Time to assign reviewer 7 days (this is automated)
Complete triage for idle merge requests 7 days

If an SLO isn’t met, reach out to @gitlab-com-community in the merge request.

Last modified June 27, 2024: Fix various vale errors (46417d02)