Gainsight: Using Gainsight Statistics in SFDC

This page is intended for the broader GitLab team to know what Gainsight metrics, fields, entries, and other attributes are available to them in Salesforce. Example: With syncing customer health to Salesforce, it is important to know what those fields are and how to use them.


This page is intended for the broader GitLab team to know what Gainsight metrics, fields, entries, and other attributes are available to them in Salesforce. Example: with syncing customer health to Salesforce, it is important to know what those fields are and how to use them.

For more information on general Product Usage Reporting, see Using Product Usage Reporting in Gainsight.


Customer Attributes

Field Name Description Best Practices Reference
[GS] Customer Conversion Source The purpose is understanding where the customer came from — this is about sourcing (e.g., marketing/SDR’ing as an analogy). During customer onboarding, these fields should be filled out in Gainsight. Link
[GS] First Value Date Time to First Value is calculated by taking the Original Contract Date and subtracting First Value Date, which is a manual input on the customer’s Attributes section of the C360. If Cloud License stats are in Gainsight, the First Value Date will be automatically populated by the system when Known License Utilization meets or exceeds 10%. If Cloud License stats are not available, it is the responsibility of the CSM to manually update the date field based on their best estimate.
Required CSM action: confirm Cloud License stats are in Gainsight, if not, then manually update the First Value Date
[GS] Geo? Is your customer using Geo? Manually filled by the CSM Link
[GS] GitLab Issue Link Account related GitLab Issue(s)
[GS] Google Doc Notes Google Doc Notes URL Manually filled by the CSM
[GS] High Availability? Does your customer require High Availability (HA) solutions and/or zero-downtime upgrade? Manually filled by the CSM Link
[GS] Hosting What is their (primary) hosting setup? Manually filled by the CSM Link
[GS] Last Activity Date This field reflects the latest Call, Meeting, or Email activity entry logged for the customer. See handbook for details Link
[GS] Last CSM Activity Date Last activity as recorded in GS by CSMs to track synchronous conversations with their customer Link
[GS] Lifecycle Stage Each customer deployment goes through the following lifecycle stages:
Optimize & Grow
[GS] Provider Logs what (cloud) provide the customer uses or if they’re on-premises. Manually filled by the CSM Link
[GS] Slack Channel Link Customer slack channel URL
[GS] Summary This is a general summary field for CSMs to add relevant and helpful information to manage the account. Link
[GS] CSM Prioritization This field is used to prioritize accounts, usually for renewals or expansion opportunities. See handbook for details Link
[GS] Total Number of Account Plans Total number of account plans recorded in the record
[GS] Total Number of Success Plans Total number of success plans recorded in the record
[GS] Triage Issue URL Deep link to triage issue. Remove link once triage period is complete. Manually filled by the CSM Quick link to the GitLab triage issue if the customer is at-risk Link
[GS] Support Issues Measure This is the Product Risk Measure as it is pushed over from Gainsight to Salesforce

Customer Health

Field Name Description Best Practices Reference
[GS] Architecture Diagram Link The URL for the customer’s architectural diagram, whether housed in GitLab or elsewhere. Manually filled by the CSM Link
[GS] Health: CD Automated scoring of the customer’s usage of the CD use case. See Handbook for details Measures the customer’s overall adoption of CD. Useful for a high level view of the use case adoption, very helpful to compare with other use cases as well. Link
[GS] Health: CI Automated scoring of the customer’s usage of the CI use case. See Handbook for details Helpful indicator to know if the customer is using CI across their team. Since CI is a sticky feature in GitLab, this is a good indicator of risk and strength for an existing customer Link
[GS] Health: DevSecOps Automated scoring of the customer’s usage of the DevSecOps use case (applicable only to Ultimate). See Handbook for details Very important to know if the customer is using Ultimate-level features. Good indicator of downside risk Link
[GS] Health: License Utilization Health of the customer’s consumption of licenses relative to the number purchased. See Handbook for details Very helpful to know if the customer is appropriately deploying their purchased licenses. Good warning risk if the customer is red or yellow Link
[GS] Health: Overall Product Usage The summary health of the different product usage health components, such as License Utilization and use cases Useful to know how the customer is at adopting the product by seeing an overall usage score of License Utilization and use cases Link
[GS] Health: SCM SCM Adoption is measured based on: # of users running merge requests in last 28 days / total licenses soldAutomated scoring of the customer’s usage of the SCM use case. See Handbook for details Useful to understand the customer’s adoption and usage of SCM as a use case. For example, did the customer buy for SCM and they’re red, or do they not care at all? Link
[GS] Health Score Value Account Health Score is an aggregation of key metrics for a multi-perspective view of the customer. Represented as a number between 0-100. Link
[GS] Overall Health Score This is the Overall Health Score Color for this customer as pushed over to SFDC from Gainsight Good metric to understand how the customer is doing, broadly speaking Link
[GS] CSM Sentiment If CSM-owned, this is what the CSM thinks the health of this account should be. Gainsight is the SSOT for this field and its value can only be updated in Gainsight. If CSM-led, this Signifies the CSM’s perceived view of the account. Useful for spotting any risks if yellow or red Link
[GS] Health: User Engagement To measure the overall user-level engagement with GitLab, irrespective of use cases. Useful to know how many users are logging in and active within GitLab Link


Field Name Description Reference
Opportunity Health Opportunity Health is the Account’s Health at the time of the Opportunity and is updated throughout the Opp until it is closed - entered through GS Link
Risk Reasons Risk Reasons are inputted by CSMs which are relevant to that Renewal Opportunity - entered through GS Link
Risk Type Risk Type is inputted by CSMs for the type of risk faced in the renewal (downtier, seat loss, full churn…) - entered through GS Link


Field Name Description Reference
Company Person Inactive Contact Allows CSMs to identify inactive contacts
Company SFDC Account Id Id associated with a customer account in Salesforce Link
Email Company Person’s Email Id Link
First Name Company Person’s First Name
GitLab Role Determines the level of access assigned to any specific user in a business Link
GS Email Opt Out The Contact’s global opt out flag that syncs between Gainsight, Salesforce, and Marketo
Initial Source Lead/Contact Source
Last Name Contact Last Name
SFDC Contact ID Contact Identifier
Title Contact’s Job Title


Field Name Description Reference
Program Emails Some of the Program Emails can be found cataloged within the Account Page > Activity History section in SFDC. There you can see the log of the Email Subject Line & see the Assigned to field = “Gainsight Integration”
Survey Results These surveys are used to measure customer loyalty, satisfaction, and enthusiasm with GitLab and can act as an early warning system about a customer’s adoption. Link
Timeline Activities The Timeline view in Gainsight gives us a chronological overview of our activities with the customer. It’s a valuable tool to see our interactions and progression on success efforts over time. Link

Customer Subscriptions

Field Name Description Reference
[GS] Time to First 10 The # of days to reach 10% license utilization Link
[GS] Time to First 50 The # of days to reach 50% license utilization Link
[GS] Time to First 80 The # of days to reach 80% license utilization Link
[GS] Time to First CI The # of days for a healthy % of users to deploy CI as defined in the handbook Link
[GS] Time to First SCM The # of days for a healthy % of users to deploy SCM as defined in the handbook Link
[GS] Time to First DSC The # of days for a healthy % of users to deploy DevSecOps as defined in the handbook Link
[GS] Time to First CD Coming Soon!
Last modified June 27, 2024: Fix various vale errors (46417d02)