Channel Marketing Epics

A comprehensive list of all of Channel Marketing epic codes.

Channel Marketing Epics

Create epic here:

MDF Requests

Note: Do not pay out invoice/P.O. until MDF proof of performance (POP), lead list and Invoice have been processed and noted as approved by the Partner Marketing team.

<!-- Name this Epic:  MDF - PartnerName - Activity -->

## [MDF Request]()

## :key:  Key Details

* **Operational Program Owner:**
* **Partner Name**
* **Partner CRM ID**
* **Campaign Type:** `Partner - MDF`
* **Allocadia Sub-Category ID**
* **Date(s):**
* [ ] [**Salesforce Campaign**]() - [process to follow](/handbook/marketing/marketing-operations/campaigns-and-programs/#marketo-program-and-salesforce-campaign-set-up)
* [ ] [**Marketo Program**]() - [process to follow](/handbook/marketing/marketing-operations/campaigns-and-programs/#marketo-program-and-salesforce-campaign-set-up) Remember to paste Allocadia Sub-Category ID into Marketo Description field when syncing to SFDC. The sub-category in Allocadia will auto-tag/update once the SFDC Campaign is created and an ID match found.

## :notepad_spiral: Campaign Details

*Please do not delete anything in this section. Fill out information in full and complete your budget line item before moving to WIP.*

* **Channel Marketing Manager:**
* **Channel Account Manager:**
* **Tactic/Event Type:** [Select from here](/handbook/resellers/Channel-Program-Guide/MDF/#eligible-activities-and-required-proof-of-performance-mdf-activities) - If your campaign type is not listed, please list other.
* **Official Campaign Name:**
* **Location:** if applicable
* **Event website:**  if applicable
* **Allocadia ID (line item ID used for tactic charges):**
   * [ ] Allocadia ID created in Netsuite (to be checked off by Program Manager once ID has been submitted in [this spreadsheet](
* **Deal Reg goal:** (answer manually added by CMM)
* **Budgeted costs:** (answer manually added by CMM)
* **Total cost of campaign:** (answer manually added by CMM)
* **Budget holder:** Channel Marketing
* **Region:**
* **Sub-Region:**
* **Sales Territory (if specific):**
* **Sales Segment:** Assumes both Large & MM unless otherwise explicitly noted.

## :vertical_traffic_light: User Journey

(REQUIRED: Channel Marketing Manager to provide a description of the user journey. What is this campaign? How will the partner attract leads and drive ROI from this spend?)

## Joint Messaging
Please provide high level joint messaging concepts that you will be using with the campaign

## :paperclip: Channel Marketing & CAM Planning Spreadsheet
Make a copy of the [Planning Spreadsheet]( and save here. When doing so, just delete out this entire line and leave the link back to the document itself. NOTE: Be sure the document can be edited by anyone at GitLab.

## :level_slider: Sponsorship Level & Details
(Fill in if applicable, delete if not.)

## :mega: Does this event have a speaking engagement?
(Fill in if applicable, delete if not.)

## :busts_in_silhouette: Staffing
Please read through the [Event Handbook page](/handbook/marketing/events/#employee-booth-guidelines) for best practices at events. Once you commit to an event, please make sure to plan to attend.
   * [ ] CAM:
   * [ ] Channel SA: If you need an SA to attend, [please follow their triage process](/handbook/marketing/events/#requesting-technical-staffing).
   * [ ] Speaker: If you need a customer speaker, [please follow the Customer Reference Process](/handbook/marketing/brand-and-product-marketing/product-and-solution-marketing/customer-advocacy/customer-events.html#requesting-a-reference-customer).
   * [ ] other:

### Lead follow-up with Channel Partner
- [ ] Will the partner do initial lead follow-up? YES, based on [process outlined here](/handbook/marketing/channel-marketing/partner-campaigns/#passing-to-vartopia-and-partner-visibility).
   - [ ] Please describe how the partner plans to follow-up on leads received from this event/campaign:
- [ ] Please add any additional, relevant notes regarding the partnership on this event/campaign here:

## :construction_site: Prepare

<summary> Expand  </summary>

* [ ] Attendee List: Please link attendee list tab here. NOTE: This should be added as a tab on the planning and recap spreadsheet and should not be in a separate document.
* [ ]  All calls scheduled or covered in regular synch meetings with attendees
   * [ ]  Kick-off call with all DRI's scheduled 6 weeks pre-event
   * [ ]  Prep call scheduled 1 week pre-event
* [ ]  Logo, company description and artwork sent to organizer - [Company description, product messaging and GitLab positioning](/handbook/marketing/product-marketing/) and [GitLab Logos](
* [ ]  Press list requested and shared with GitLab PR (Highwire PR for AMER, Speakeasy for EMEA, Bench PR for APAC)
* [ ]  Slack channel created and attendees invited
* [ ]  Tickets allocated and ordered
* [ ]  Save the Date sent for staff
* [ ]  Staff registered to event


## :scroll: Backwall Display Setup Instructions

<summary> Expand  </summary>

- [Coyote Display PDF Instructions](
- [Coyote Display Video Instructions](
- [Coyote Display Case to Counter PDF Instructions](
- [EuroFit Straightwall Display PDF Instructions](
- [EuroFit Straightwall Display Video Instructions](


## :performing_arts: Booth/Theatre

<summary> Expand  </summary>

* [ ]  Booth design issue created (if required)
* [ ]  Positioning and Messaging confirmed
* [ ]  Booth items ordered: Electric, AV, furnishings, carpet, booth buildout, etc.
* [ ]  Booth staff scheduled and added to the Planning Spreadsheet
* [ ]  Booth slide deck created
* [ ]  Click through demo set up (iPad)


## :package: Swag and Event Assets

<summary> Expand  </summary>

For all details regarding swag, [please see here](/handbook/marketing/channel-marketing/#requesting-swag-for-channel-events-and-awards).

### Shipping Details
- [ ] Ship from Vendor:
- [ ] Please list what is being shipped (including quantities):
- [ ] Tracking:


## :checkered_flag: Post Event

<summary> Expand  </summary>

* [ ]  Lead list received from organizer
* [ ]  All pictures uploaded to Google Drive
* [ ]  List locked (all changes after lock to be made in SFDC) and leads uploaded to SFDC campaign
* [ ]  Lead list cleaned and uploaded and add to nurture submitted
* [ ]  Follow up email triaged
* [ ]  Event recap provided by staff in the Planning Spreadsheet


## Sub-Issue Creation
* [ ] [Program Creation + Tracking]( - Partner Team creates, assigns to Verticurl
* [ ] [List Clean and Upload]( - Partner Team creates, assigns to MOps
* [ ] [Create Proof of Performance Issue]( - Partner Team creates

/label ~"mktg-status::wip"  ~"Channel Marketing" ~"Channel" ~"MDF"

Channel Events

To Partner Marketing Webinars

<!-- Name this epic: Name of Event - Date of Event -->

## [Main Issue]() - [template] (

## [Copy Document](

## [Dry Run Agenda]() - [template](

## [Landing Page]() - `to be added when live`

## Key Details
* **Channel Marketing Manager:**
* **Campaign Type:** Webinar
* **Official Name:**
* **Date(s):**
* **Campaign Name (SFDC/Marketo Name):**
Format: YYYYMMDD_FYYY_QX_Quarterly_Partner_Marketing_Webinar_Region (i.e. EMEA/AMER or APAC)
Note: Campaign format is critical to maintain reporting integrity
* [ ] [**Salesforce Campaign**]()
* [ ] [**Marketo Program**]()

## On24 Links
- [ ] [Link for AUDIENCE to join](ADD LINK TO THE AUDIENCE from ON24)
- [ ] [Link to registration reports, analytics, etc.](ADD LINK TO THE Reports from ON24)
- [ ] [Link used to review audience-view of event lobby](ADD LINK TO THE Preview from ON24)
- [ ] [Link supplied to event producer, presenters and Q&A managers to conduct dry run and join webinar day of](ADD LINK TO THE Present from ON24)

## Sub-Issue Creation
Utilize the [Workshop/Webcast SLA Workback Schedule]( to calculate the due dates. `All Webcasts will be -45 day SLA webcasts since they require all new content.`

### PMM Creates and assigns all to self except Marketo LP&A

* [ ] [On24 Event Creation](/handbook/marketing/virtual-events/webcasts/#on24-webcast-setup)
* [ ] [Program Tracking](
* [ ] [Webcast Prep Issue](
* [ ] [Dry Run Scheduling Issue](
* [ ] [Write Copy Issue](
* [ ] [Marketo Landing Page & Automation Issue](
* [ ] [News on Demand Article/Email Creation](
* [ ] [Update Partner Portal - Partner Marketing Webinar Page](
* [ ] [Create Post-event Survey](

/label ~"mktg-status::wip" ~"Webcast - GitLab Hosted" ~"Channel Marketing"

Channel Marketing Menu of Services
What marketing services are available to our channel partners? Channel partners have several programs and tools available to help them market and sell GitLab easily. The following are a few of the programs currently being offered; additional programs will be added periodically so bookmark this page to ensure you always have the latest information. Partner Instant Marketing Campaigns - Weʼve developed a full suite of GitLab marketing assets for partners, including ebooks, infographics, videos, digital ads, social media posts, and more.
Last modified June 27, 2024: Fix various vale errors (46417d02)