Support Workflows

A Support Engineering Manager guide to account escalations
Guidance to Support Managers for how to handle account escalations
Abuse Report Review Request
How to request a review of an Abuse Report
Account Deletion & Data Access Requests - Introduction
Description of duties and scope for Account Deletion and Data Access requests.
Account Deletion & Data Access Requests - Workflows
How to perform the processing of Account Deletion and Data Access requests
Account Ownership Verification
Workflow detailing how and when to verify account ownership including disable 2FA
AI Workflow
Workflow for ticket related to our AI Features
Assigned Support Engineer (ASE) Guide
A guide to assist ASEs and their managers in delivering the ASE service
How to reproduce potential browser issues in other Operating Systems
Calendly Setup for Support
Workflow for setting up and using Calendly in Support Engineering
ChatOps Commands for
Guide for common ChatOps commands used by Support Engineering
CMOC Practice Events
Provides overview of Support Engineering CMOC quarterly practice events and how to run them
Communication tips
Provides general communication tips for the Support Engineering team
Community Forum Workflows
Workflows for Support ticket deflection via the GitLab Community Forum.
Confirmation Emails
Workflow for cases when a customer reports they are not receiving their confirmation email
Converting a Support Emergency into an Account Escalation
Guidance to Support Engineers and Managers on when and how to convert an emergency to an Account Escalation
Cost optimization of Cloud Services
Guideline on how to use cloud services cost effectively
Custom domain verification on
How Support will verify a custom domain if required for
Customer calls
Workflow for conducting customer calls in Support Engineering
Debugging LDAP
Support Engineering workflow describing how to debug LDAP problems
DEPRECATED - Ensuring correct SLA and Zendesk views
A walk through of verifying and if needed, correcting the SLA on tickets, and visibility in the correct Zendesk view.
Diagnose Errors on
This guide provides resources for diagnosing HTTP 5XX errors on
DMCA Removal Requests
Support Engineering workflow for DMCA requests
Duo Chat case scenarios for support
This documentation page provides an overview of common use cases for leveraging artificial intelligence (AI) to enhance and streamline support operations. It aims to help support teams and managers understand how AI can be effectively applied to solve various challenges in customer service, technical support, and user assistance.
Emergency Exception Workflow
Describes the exception process for emergencies with some examples
Enabling feature flags for projects or groups on
Workflow to follow when customers request for feature flags to be enabled on theire projects or groups
Feedback and Complaints
Support Engineering workflow for receiving and responding to customer feedback
Fieldnote Issues
Investigating and collaborating on tickets using GitLab Issues
GitLab Dedicated Logs
GitLab Dedicated Support - Working with logs
GitLab Dedicated Observability and Monitoring (Grafana)
GitLab Dedicated Support - Observability and Monitoring
GitLab Dedicated Overview
GitLab Dedicated Support overview.
GitLab Dedicated Switchboard Troubleshooting
GitLab Dedicated Support - Switchboard
GitLab Performance Tool (GPT) Quick Start
This guide provides steps to use the GitLab Performance Tool custom limits
Provides a general overview of some of the limits applied exclusively to (SaaS) Overview
Provides a general overview of how the (SaaS) context is different from other GitLab instances for Support Engineering
Google Cloud Credit Troubleshooting
Support Engineering workflow when a customer reports an inability to utilize their Google Cloud Credit (GCP Credit)
Handling Emotionally-Charged Tickets
How to keep a ticket moving toward resolution when emotions are getting involved
Handling fiscal residency document (COR) requests
Workflow to follow when customers request fiscal residency documents (COR)
Handling Internal Requests
Various templates and workflows that should be followed in order to properly handle related requests that Support receives in the internal requests issue tracker
Handling Licensing & Subscription Requests
How to handle requests for GitLab license or subscription upgrades or renewals
Handling Requests for More Premium Trial compute minutes
How to handle requests for more minutes when customer is running Trial Subscription
Handling Sales Information Requests
How to handle information requests from GitLab Sales team
How to be a Support Manager On-call
Describes the role and responsibilities for the Support Managers rotation in Support Engineering
How to be a Support Ops On-call
Describes the role and responsibilities for the Support Operations rotation in Support Engineering
How to create Support Team Meta OKR labels, for a new Fiscal Year
General guide for creating new OKR labels
How to do a WIR Podcast
General guide for creating a Support Week-in-Review Podcast
How to Get Help
Workflow for Support Engineers on how to get help when working on a ticket.
How to Handle Product Offering Migration Tickets
How to handle product offering migration tickets
How to Perform CMOC Duties
Describes the role and responsibilities for the Incident CMOC rotation in Support Engineering
How to Perform Customer Emergencies Duties
Describes the role and responsibilities for Customer Emergencies rotation in Support Engineering
How to Perform GitLab Dedicated CMOC Duties
Describes the role and responsibilities for the GitLab Dedicated CMOC rotation in Support Engineering
How to Respond to Tickets
Advice for providing human, helpful responses to support tickets to improve customer experience and excellence
How to write workflows
Guidelines, rationale, and resources on writing good workflow pages.
Identifying the Cause of IP Blocks on
Workflow to try to determine what caused an IP address block and relay that information back to the user.
Improving Documentation
Workflow for submitting GitLab documentation improvements from the Support team
Investigate Blocked Pipeline
Workflow to determine the cause of a blocked pipeline on
Investigate Commits
Workflow to determine the cause of commits on attributed to incorrect or unknown emails
Jira with GitLab
This guide provides steps to set up a Jira Server as well as some troubleshooting steps from a Support Engineer's perspective
Licensing & Subscription Workflows
workflows page has been moved to new location
Locked, Blocked and Banned Accounts
How to determine if a blocked user can be re-instated
Log and audit requests
Overview of aggregated information which GitLab Support may provide to customers, from the logs. Details beyond a summary require a Security request.
Looking up customer account details
How to look up customer account details within Zendesk and
Looking up customer technical details
How to look up customer technical details within Zendesk and the Architecture integration, or the Account Management Group
Making Changes and Taking Actions on an Account
Workflow for when and how to make account changes on behalf of a customer
Marking tickets as spam in Zendesk
Workflow for marking Zendesk tickets as spam or unsolicited email
Workflow for escalating Mattermost support issues.
Name Squatting Policy
Workflow for releasing a namespace deemed dormant by GitLab's Name-squatting Policy
Obsolete Page - Was "Meeting FRT SLA"
Obsolete Page - Was "Meeting FRT SLA"
OOO Ticket Management
How to manage assigned tickets when going on scheduled PTO
This document provides information on what Pairify is and how to use it to record pairing sessions.
Patching an instance
How to patch GitLab (Rails application) manually
Personal Data Removal Requests
General guide to resolve personal data removal requests
Printing ticket thread without internal notes
How to print a ticket thread without the internal notes.
Processing Signed Data Processing Addendums (DPAs)
Support Engineering workflow detailing what to do with signed Data Processing Addendums
Project Imports and Exports for Customers
Provides guidance on when GitLab Team members might offer to import projects on behalf of customers, and the process for doing so.
Real Time Blocklist Delisting
How to reach out to Mailgun support to remove our IP addresses from a Real-time Blocklist (RBL)
Regional and Cross-Regional Workflows
Remove Validation
Workflow to remove validation on a user account
Removing Sensitive Information
Workflow for removing sensitive information in Zendesk Tickets
Restoring Deleted Data Requests
Workflow for cases when a customer requests deleted data to be restored on
SaaS Tier for Support Quick Reference
Quick reference for Support to determine tier requirement for SaaS Account and other common requests
SaaS, Self-Managed and Dedicated Troubleshooting tables
Troubleshooting tips for various problems on each GitLab platform type
Sales and Customer Success Escalations
How to escalate from Support to GitLab Sales or Customer Success
Satisfaction (SSAT) review and responding (for Managers)
Discusses the Support Team's Support Satisfaction review process, and actions which Managers take to respond to customer feedback
Scheduling Support Coverage for a Company-wide Event
Use this workflow when you want to get a coverage schedule, including PD, going for an event like Contribute
Sending Notices
How to send notices out to users and customers to inform them of various actions on namespaces under their control
How to use Sentry to investigate errors
Service Desk Troubleshooting
Basic process on troubleshooting Service Desk within
Setting ticket priority
How to set and change priority for a ZenDesk ticket.
Sidekiq support
How to contact Sidekiq support.
Subpoenas, Court Orders and other requests for user information
Workflow for requests which do not fit other prescribed workflows, and may need input from our Legal team
Support Assisted Customer Requests
GitLab Support Assisted customer requests
Support Team Knowledge Areas
Describes the internal reference pages for Support team members who feel that they are knowledgeable and willing to assist with specific skills and knowledge
Team Workflows
Testing Environment
Support Engineer test environment setup options and guidelines
Ticketing Style Guide
Guidelines on structuring ticket responses.
Tracking Incidents
How to perform various tasks that assist in tracking customer impact of incidents.
Triaging Tickets
A walkthrough of triaging tickets in Zendesk
Troubleshooting GitLab Cloud Native chart deployments
Using the kubeSOS to troubleshoot GitLab Cloud Native chart deployments
Unbabel Translation in Zendesk
Implementation and use of Unbabel in Support's ZenDesk.
Upgrade Assistance workflow
Support team Workflow for providing Upgrade Assistance to customers
Use of Admin Notes
Workflow for when and how to add admin notes to a account
Using Kibana
Information on what Kibana is, how to search it, interpret its results, and tips and tricks for getting specific information from it.
Very Breached Tickets
Describes Very Breached Tickets and the tools and process to address these.
Working on High Priority All-Region Tickets
How to work on High Priority All-Region Tickets
Working on tickets
How to find, select, and begin work on support tickets
Working on Zendesk automations, triggers, macros, views, etc.
How to collaborate on Zendesk automations, triggers, macros, views, etc.
Working with Issues
The support team uses the processes and escalation points described on this page when creating, updating and escalating GitLab issues.
Working with Security
Documenting the various types of Security related tickets and the escalation process to notify Security.
Working with Support Ops
Workflow for working with Support Operations
Working with Support Pods
How to work with the Support Pods
Working with the NPM GitLab Registry
Overview The purpose of this workflow is to make it easy(or easier) to test common customer scenarios by having access to package(s). You can follow the steps outlined below to create a package, or use this one. Just make sure to reference to correct project ID when publishing your package (Step 3). Creating A Scoped Package A scoped package is a package that’s available under a scope(insert you don’t say meme).
Working with US Government Support tickets
Support Engineering workflow detailing how to work on US Government Tickets
Zendesk agent personalization
Describes agent display options that can be personalizd in Zendesk for support team members
Zendesk Organizations Overview
Organizations in Zendesk are created automatically through our Salesforce and Zendesk integration (as well as the GitLab built sync script).
Zendesk Support Instances
The Global GitLab Support Zendesk Instance is the instance where we receive and work on most of our customers' tickets.
Zendesk Ticket Basics
Information about various Zendesk ticket fields, behaviors and procedures
Last modified August 2, 2023: Fix support indexes (47f46c35)