Sales and Customer Success Escalations

How to escalate from Support to GitLab Sales or Customer Success


There will be instances when Support will need to escalate a ticket to Sales/Customer Success, or bring it to their attention. This page list some of these common scenarios and workflows.

Note: If you are from Sales/CS and looking to escalate a ticket to Support Management, please use the I want to escalate a ticket workflow instead.

Escalation Scenarios Mapping

Role: Account Owner (AO)

An Account Owner is usually the customer’s main point of contact for any renewal and expansion discussions.

Use the finding the customer’s account owner workflow to locate the account owner. If there is no one listed, check to see if you can find the latest opportunity owner instead. If neither are available, reach out in the relevant channel without tagging anybody.

Escalation Scenario Channel Relevancy
Add a customer to an organization Slack: #account-management Needs Org Workflow
Pass a lead to Sales Zendesk: cc @AM, Slack: #sales for new business, #account-management for renewals Ticket Workflow: License and Renewals queue
Professional Services engagement request Slack: #account-management @mention AO Ticket Workflow: All queues

Role: Customer Success Manager (CSM)

A Customer Success Manager (formerly known as a Technical Account Manager or TAM) typically manages the customer’s relationship with GitLab. A comprehensive list of services provided by them is listed here.

Since CSMs are assigned based on certain criteria, you might not find a CSM listed for every customer. For those that do have a CSM assigned, follow the same process as above on SFDC, but look at the Customer Success Manager field instead.

Escalation Scenario Channel Relevancy
Make CSM aware of Emergency and/or High Priority tickets Zendesk: cc @CSM, Slack: @mention CSM Ticket Workflow: All queues
Involve CSM if a customer requested an escalation on the ticket Zendesk: cc @CSM, Slack: @mention CSM Ticket Workflow: All queues
Involve CSM if a customer files a ticket requesting upgrade assistance but there is no corresponding internal issue Zendesk: cc @CSM, Slack: @mention CSM Ticket Workflow: Self Managed
Involve CSM if we identify a need for training a user from customer’s end, or, if customer requests for it directly Zendesk: cc @CSM, Slack: @mention CSM Ticket Workflow: All queues
Make CSM aware of tickets which require managing customer relationship due to expectations mismatch Zendesk: cc @CSM Slack: @mention CSM Ticket Workflow: All queues
Add a customer to an organization Slack: #account-management Needs Org Workflow

Scale Customer Success Engineer (CSE) engagement

Some organizations do not have a dedicated CSM/CSE but could benefit from Customer Success engagement. In the Zendesk notes, you’ll see Customer Success Manager: CSM Scale. In cases where it is appropriate, you can reach out to the Account Owner to discuss opening a Scale Engagement Request.

Some examples on when this might be appropriate:

  • Architectural best practices
  • Discussing how other organizations like theirs use GitLab
  • Migrations or the differences between and Self-Managed instances
  • Addressing growth or blockers to feature adoption


Last modified June 27, 2024: Fix various vale errors (46417d02)