Product Marketing Onboarding

GitLab’s onboarding guide: important information for new team members

Onboarding Guide

Welcome to the Product Marketing team! Use the resources/videos on this page as a guide to help facilitate new team member onboarding. As more recording links and resources become available, we’ll update this page accordingly.

Each topic covered in the tables below should be presented in 3-5 minutes or less through the handbook/screen share and recorded. Exceptions: Vision, Pitch Deck, etc. The goal of the completion time for PMM onboarding specific tasks is 1 day (except coffee chats).


Intro to Git

What is Git - A video tutorial by @gitschooldude Entire Playlist
1. Introduction to Git Sept 2015
2. Your first Git repository Sept 2015
3. Introduction to Git Push Oct 2015
4. Introduction to Git Branches Nov 2015

Intro to GitLab

What is GitLab - A video tutorial by @gitschooldude Entire Playlist
1. Introduction to GitLab May 2017
2. Introduction to GitLab CI April 2018
3. GitLab CI’s vision: artifacts, workspaces, and runners Dec 2018
4. Introduction to Docker and GitLab Registry PART (1/2) Jan 2019
5. Introduction to Docker and GitLab Registry PART (2/2) Jan 2019
6. Parallel jobs in GitLab CI Feb 2019
7. GitLab Merge Request (MR) merge methods March 2019
8. GitLab CI’s biggest design flaw April 2019
9. GitLab CI advanced job triggers: branch names, commit messages, and changed files June 2019

Coffee Chats

Note: Remember to complete your personalized company onboarding agenda. Pay special attention to the coffee chats. Typical onboarding suggests new team members to schedule at least 5 coffee chats. Because PMMs must work cross-functionally, relationships and connections are critical for success. We suggest scheduling ~20 coffee chats over 6 weeks. Suggested list (Talk with your manager to pick names)


PMM Specific Processes

PMM Workflow: Recording
1. Everything starts with the handbook - Product Marketing handbook Recording
2. Use issues to drive your work - Product Marketing board Recording
3. Everything you create/update for the field should be linked from - Sales resource page Recording

Working Efficiently

Productivity: Recordings
1. GitLab communication overview tbd
2. GitLab Slack tips tbd
3. Markdown 101 Recording
4. GitLab project management Recording
5. Working Remotely to update the website with Git Recording

Messaging and Go-To-Market (GTM)

Learn the Marketing / Product Marketing Vision

Know the GitLab Messaging and GTM: Recordings
1. Know the GitLab value proposition - Company elevator pitch(es) Recording
2. Company pitch deck Recording
3. Security pitch {::comment} William: for PMMs we should have a comprehensive “this is the product knowledge you should come up to speed on” ⇒ Ashish: Yes, eventually 1 list for each function. {:/comment} tbd {::comment} @cblake - let’s discuss when {:/comment}
4. Walkthrough of stages on GitLab home page . tbd
5. Explore our click-through demos tbd
6. How to navigate our Product vision and roadmap webpages tbd

Technical Skills

Advanced Topics

Technical know-how: Recordings
1. Learn Git: Code Academy & Learning Git Branching tbd
1a. Git advanced topics - making peace with merge conflicts tbd
2. Learn CI/CD tbd
3. Kubernetes (K8s) 101 from the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) No need for video, just checkout the pdf
4. How to create Kubernetes cluster - step by step guide tbd
5. GitLab CI 101 tbd

The Who

Learn About Our Partners

Get to know our partners Recordings
1. Technology Partners overview tbd
2. Channel Partners and Resellers overview tbd

Learn About Our Customers

Get to know our customers: Recordings
1. Customer Reference Program overview Recording
2. Customer Advisory Board overview Recording

Learn About The Competition

Get to know the competition: Recordings
1. Walkthrough of DevOps tools landscape page Recording

Analyst Relations


Analyst Relations: Recordings
1. How we work the process? tbd
2. How to work with analysts? tbd
3. What reports are we in today? tbd
  1. GitLab Team members
  2. GitLab team structure
Last modified June 27, 2024: Fix various vale errors (46417d02)