Product and Solution Marketing On-Boarding and Other How-to's

Product and Solution Marketing How-to’s

Product and Solution Marketing General On-Boarding

Teams Specific

Competitive intelligence

Market Research & Customer insight

Partner & Channel Marketing

Product marketing

Technical marketing

101 - Creating Kubernetes cluster
Objective: Manually creating a Kubernetes cluster to use with Auto DevOps in GitLab You will need Kubernetes cluster up and running in order to use GitLab Auto DevOps feature. This is a step by step guide to help you to manually create a Kubernetes cluster in Google Cloud Platform. More details Auto DevOps Preparation You need a Google Cloud Platform account, GitLab employees will have this. Ensure you are logged in with your GitLab account.
101 - No Tissues with Issues
Objective A quick overview of how to plan and manage regular work using GitLab. The focus of this page is to help you learn how to work with Groups, Projects, Issues and Boards to plan and manage the your work and your team’s work. Note: If you are only looking for instructions on how to submit an Issue, feel free to skip forward to Issues in Action. The Big Picture Organizing GitLab provides Groups, Sub-Groups and Projects to structure your organization’s work and grant access to several members at once.
103 - Maintaining common slides across decks
Objective Marketing creates and maintains quite a few presentations for various stakeholders - like analysts, sales, customers. Some of the commonly maintained presentations are available in the sales resources handbook page. There is common content across the slides. The focus of this page is to explain how we manage common slides across various presentations that strategic marketing creates for various stakeholders. Single directory with commonly used slides All common slides will be maintained as individual slides in this strategic marketing master slides folder.
104 - Epic Templates - Repeatable sets of issues
Objective Often you need to manage a set of consistently repeating events, where multiple issues are used to track the combined activity of a team. This page describes how to utilize GitLab Issue Import and a few spreadsheet tricks to make it possible to create a repeatable set of issues for future projects. The Issue Import CSV button is at the top of the GitLab project issue list. This feature can be very useful for repeating projects with similar groups of issues / work.
105 - Issue Automation - Keeping your issues squeaky clean
Objective When you use issues and labels to manage day to day work and define a specific process, often there are situations and times where it’s hard to keep labels in the right status. For example: Label Hygene: Consider a situation where there is a process defined by an overall label (ABC) and the specific steps in the process are defined by the scoped labels (ABC::1, ABC::2, and ABC::3) The process assumes that everyone in the team will assign “ABC” and one of the scoped labels “ABC::x”
Keeping Yourself Informed
Communications within Product and Solution Marketing As a distributed organization, GitLab and our Product and Solution Marketing department and teams use asynchronous, transparent, frequent, and multimodal communication to keep ourselves informed. Our most important communication channels are issues, boards, and GitLab itself, followed by this handbook, Slack, Zoom, and other tools. See the general GitLab Communication page and Tools and Tips for more information. Below are the parts of GitLab and Slack that are used most in Product and Solution Marketing.
Product and Solution Marketing Group Conversations How-to
What is a Group Conversation (GC)? GitLab departments update the rest of the company on what they are achieving and working on through Group Conversations. Group Conversations are an important way to make sure the rest of the organization is aware of what each team is up to, has an opportunity to ask questions, and have a collection of links and information for reference. Old GC decks The Product and Solution Marketing department (formerly known as Product Marketing) previous decks are in our Google drive (GitLab employees only).
Product and Solution Marketing Project Management Overview
Project management overview In Product and Solution Marketing, we have several processes to manage the work the team does Commitment management - how do we know what we’re committed to Epics (larger projects) - how do we plan big projects Monitoring and reporting progress - how do we track progress Using Labels and keeping them clean - how do we keep our labels Priority - how do we indicate what’s most important Managing Workflow - how do we manage our workflow Commitment management We are often asked / requested to work on multiple efforts, across the company.
Last modified June 27, 2024: Fix various vale errors (46417d02)