Technical Marketing Asset to Stakeholder Matrix

This page contains a matrix of which assets might be usefull for which stakeholders.

Asset to stakeholder matrix

We create several types of technical assets which can be used by many potential stakeholders. This page contains a matrix of which assets might be usefull for which stakeholders.

asset/stakeholder Customers / Prospects Field (SA/Sales) Marketing - Digital Marketing - Competitive Intelligence Marketing - Field Marketing - Corporate Marketing - PR Marketing - SDR Marketing - Analysts Marketing - Product Partners / Channel Product Enablement Learn@GitLab
Use case overview demo - video (<=7 mins) x x x x x x x
Use case overview demo - sim demo* x x x x x x x x
Market Requirements demo - video (<=3 mins) x x x x x x x x x
Market Requirements demo - sim demo x x x x x x x x
GitLab feature/how-to videos (<=3 mins) x x x x x x x x
GitLab How-to - written (accompanying video, eg. blog) x x x
Workshop (instructions, labs) x x x x x x
White papers x x x x x
Technical presentations x x x x x x x
Technical blogs x x x x
Analyst demos x
  • sim demo = click-through demos v1 and v2 styles
Last modified November 29, 2023: Fix redirects (d14ee71a)