Engineering Career Framework

These are the expected competencies of Engineering team members at GitLab by Job Title.

Engineering | Development | Incubation Engineering | Infrastructure | Quality | Support

These are the expected competencies of team members at GitLab by Job Title.

  1. Intern
  2. Associate
  3. Intermediate
  4. Senior
  5. Staff
  6. Principal

Engineering Departments

Sub Departments Career Frameworks
Development Dev, Core Platform, Growth, Ops, Package & Release, Secure & Govern, Verify
Incubation Engineering Incubation Engineering
Infrastructure Infrastructure, Delivery & Scalability, Reliability
Quality Dev, Ops, Secure, Core Platform, Engineering Productivity, Growth, Fulfillment, Govern
Support Support

Development Department Career Framework
Development Department Career Framework Engineering | Development | Incubation Engineering | Infrastructure | Quality | Support These are the expected competencies of team members at GitLab by Job Title and job grade. Engineer Intermediate Senior Staff Principal Engineering Manager Frontend, Backend, Fullstack Senior Director of Engineering Senior Director of Engineering Vice President of Development Development Sub-departments Dev Core Platform Fulfillment Growth Ops Govern Secure
Engineering Career Framework: Associate
Engineering Function Competencies: Associate Associates at GitLab are expected to exhibit the following competencies: Associate Leadership Competencies Associate Technical Competencies Associate Values Alignment Associate Leadership Competencies Engineering Assumes goodwill, seeks support and clarification of requirements. Capable of delivering work with clear requirements. Constructively raises concerns. Communicates in a clear, timely, and effective manner. Capable of adapting their messaging to technical audience. Develops understanding of the organization structure and processes. Associate Technical Competencies Engineering Considers quality, security, and performance of assigned tasks.
Engineering Career Framework: Intermediate
Engineering Function Competencies: Intermediate Intermediates at GitLab are expected to exhibit the following competencies: Intermediate Leadership Competencies Intermediate Technical Competencies Intermediate Values Alignment Intermediate Leadership Competencies Engineering Assumes goodwill, and is able to disagree and commit. Capable of delivering work despite periodical distractions. Constructively raises concerns. Communicates in a clear, timely, and effective manner. Capable of adapting their messaging to technical audience. Understands organization structure and processes. Intermediate Technical Competencies Engineering Considers quality, security, and performance of assigned tasks.
Engineering Career Framework: Intern
Engineering Function Competencies: Intern Interns at GitLab are expected to exhibit the following competencies: Intern Leadership Competencies Intern Technical Competencies Intern Values Alignment Intern Leadership Competencies Engineering Assumes goodwill, and is able to disagree and commit. Capable of delivering work with clear requirements and guidance. Constructively raises concerns. Communicates in a clear, timely, and effective manner. Able to clearly and effectively convey their thoughts and reasoning. Demonstrates interest and proactivity in learning about the organization and processes Intern Technical Competencies Engineering Exhibits proficient problem-solving skills.
Engineering Career Framework: Principal
Engineering Function Competencies: Principal Principals at GitLab are expected to exhibit the following competencies: Principal Leadership Competencies Principal Technical Competencies Principal Values Alignment All competencies exhibited by a Principal Principal Leadership Competencies Engineering A principal engineer generally operates at an organizational (sub-department or stage, for example) level scope, serving as their organization’s technical lead and connecting their organization to other parts of GitLab. Helps team members of all levels understand their organization’s domain and technology through clear and effective communication.
Engineering Career Framework: Senior
Engineering Function Competencies: Senior Seniors at GitLab are expected to exhibit the following competencies: Senior Leadership Competencies Senior Technical Competencies Senior Values Alignment All competencies exhibited by an Intermediate Senior Leadership Competencies Engineering Communicates clearly and effectively, both written and verbally, when advising, setting expectations, or suggesting improvements. This applies whether interacting with team members, customers, or the wider community. Able to deliver work, even when given unclear requirements, within the context of their team.
Engineering Career Framework: Staff
Engineering Function Competencies: Staff Staff at GitLab are expected to exhibit the following competencies: Staff Leadership Competencies Staff Technical Competencies Staff Values Alignment All competencies exhibited by a Senior Staff Leadership Competencies Engineering A staff engineer generally operates at a team level scope, serving as the technical leader for one or more of their team’s domains of responsibility. Helps others across the organization understand their team’s domain and technology. Communicates clearly and effectively with team members and stable counterparts.
Incubation Engineering Department Career Framework
Engineering | Development | Incubation Engineering | Infrastructure | Quality | Support The Incubation Engineering Department career tracks are visualised on the Engineering career development landing page. These are the expected competencies of team members at GitLab by Job Title and job grade. Incubation Engineer Intermediate Senior Staff Principal Director of Incubation Engineering Vice President of Incubation Engineering
Infrastructure Department Career Framework
The Infrastructure Department Career Framework consists of three major components. Each component are equally important for team member general professional development at GitLab.
Quality Department Career Framework
Quality Department Career Framework Engineering Framework | Quality Framework Here is a flowchart representation of the Career development in Quality Department. Software Engineer in Test Quality Sub-departments Dev Ops Sec Core Platform SaaS Platforms Growth Fulfillment Data Science Career Framework These are the expected competencies of the Quality Software Engineer in Test team members by career level. Associate Intermediate Senior Staff Principal Backend Engineer, Engineering Productivity These are the expected competencies of the Quality Backend Engineer, Engineering Productivity role by career level.
Support Career Framework
Support Career Framework Engineering | Development | Incubation Engineering | Infrastructure | Quality | Support These are the expected competencies of the Support Sub Department team members at GitLab by Job Title. Associate Intermediate Senior Staff