AI Workflow

Workflow for ticket related to our AI Features


This workflow covers all tickets related to AI features released to our customer base.


During this phase of the process, the scope of Support will be to gather all relevant feedback regarding bugs and feature enhancements. After gathering the necessary information, such as errors, outcomes and expected outcomes, support should add this information to the feedback issue specific to the AI feature.

AI Features table

This table links to the epic name or production documentation, along with the relevant feedback issue to use.

AI Feature Feedback issue
AI for Developer Teams: Suggested Reviewers Issue
AI for Developer Teams: Code suggestions Issue
AI for Developer Teams: Summarize my MR review Issue
AI for Developer Teams: Summarize proposed MR Changes Issue
AI for Security and Operations: Explain this vulnerability Issue
AI for Security and Operations: Explain this block of code in repository UI Issue
AI for Security and Operations: Generate tests in MR Issue
AI for Everyone: Summarize Issue Comments Issue
AI for Everyone: GitLab Chat Issue
AI for Everyone: Fill in merge request descriptions with AI Issue