Metrics Analysis Workgroup

Support team metrics analysis workgroup overview



Property Value
Date Created 2020-08-13
Date Ended 2020-12-08
Slack #spt_metrics-analysis (only accessible from within the company)
Google Doc Metrics Analysis Workgroup Agenda (only accessible from within the company)
Playlist of Meetings Support - Metrics Analysis

KPIs that triggered this action

Exit Criteria

  • Define conditions under which a metrics workgroup will be formed. => 100%
  • Create a dashboard that exposes metrics and targets that will trigger actions on part of the support team (including forming this group) => 100%
  • Document common hypothesis and expose the data to support/refute them. => 100%

Roles and Responsibilities

Working Group Role Person Title
Facilitator Lyle Kozloff Senior Support Engineering Manager
Executive Stakeholder Tom Cooney VP of Support
Member Ilia Kosenko Support Engineering Manager
Member Wei Meng Lee Support Engineering Manager
Member Donique Smit Support Engineer


  1. Support KPIs Dashboard to breakdown top-level KPIs
  2. Metrics Project to track hypothesis.
  3. Metrics Hypothesis Board to track outstanding hypothesis
  4. FY21-Q3 Working Group Milestone to show a burndown chart.
  5. Metrics Workgroup Issue Template to provide instructions for how a metrics workgroup is formed.
  6. Metrics Hypothesis and Actions to track common hypotheses, data collection methodologies and actions.

Metrics Analysis - Hypothesis and Actions
How to analyze Support metrics hypotheses
Last modified June 27, 2024: Fix various vale errors (46417d02)