Customer Success Skills Exchange Sessions

Continuous education webcast series for GitLab Customer Success team members

The Customer Success Skills Exchange is a bi-weekly webinar focused on topics for the Customer Success and SA team.

  • Each training session has a speaker and a moderator
  • Sessions are approximatly 50 minutes long

Upcoming Training

To see what training is coming soon, view the Customer Success Skills Exchange Issue Board.

Get an invite to the weekly session

To get a calendar invite to the weekly CS Skills Exchange, make sure you are added to the sales-cs email group

You can fill out an access request to request access to the email group. These groups are invited to the meeting so that each individual person does not need an invite.

Training Playlist

There are a few places to see previous CS Skills Exchange Sessions:

To request new Customer Success Skills Exchange session

Speaker Responsibilities

  • Come prepared at least 2 mins before session is scheduled to begin to make sure you are ready to begin on time.
  • Send your slides to the Customer Success Enablement Program Manager and add them to the notes document
  • Include any other relevant links to the notes document

Moderator Responsibilities

Overall CS Skills Exchange Management

As the moderator for the CS Skills Exchange, you are responsible for identifying topics, speakers, and dates for the quarter.

Webinar Moderator Responsibilities

Prior to Webinar

  • One week before the webinar, confirm with the speaker that they are prepared and available for the session. This can help eliminate the need for last minute cancellations.
  • Day before webinar, send an announcement in the #customer-success Slack Channel.

During the Webinar

The moderator for each webinar should serve as the host of the call and overall wingperson for the presenter. The moderator monitors chat to raise questions to the presenter and searches for links that are mentioned on the call to make sure they get linked in the handbook page for the training.

  • Log in to zoom 5 minutes ahead of time
  • The video should not be recording, but pause if this is the case
  • Promptly welcome everyone to the call and remind them that the call will be recorded. Specifically mention how to talk about sensitive info on every intro. Be sure to start the meeting as close to the start time as possible.
  • Record the call.
  • Monitor the time.

After the Webinar

Sample Announcement:

If you missed yesterday’s CS Skills Exchange session with discussing < Summary of session>, the recording is now live on Highspot!

You can find links to all previously recorded sessions on the Highspot page and see the team Q&A in the session notes document.