GitLab Dedicated Switchboard Troubleshooting

GitLab Dedicated Support - Switchboard


Switchboard is a portal customers use to manage their GitLab Dedicated instance. Select GitLab team members have access to Switchboard. Read more about what the goals of Switchboard are on the Category Direction page.

Accessing Switchboard

GitLab Support Engineers can access the Switchboard application via Okta.

  1. Log in to Okta at
  2. Search for and click on the Switchboard (production) app
  3. Click Sign in
  4. Under Sign in with your corporate ID, select Okta

You should now be in Switchboard.

During onboarding, GitLab Dedicated customers get access to Switchboard. Temporary credentials are sent to these customers via email. If these credentials expire, customers may open a Support ticket. Support Engineers should raise an issue in the GitLab Dedicated issue tracker using the template.

Accessing customer configuration

When launching Switchboard, you should default to the /tenants page with a list of tenant customers. Name, Identifier (codename), and External URL are listed in a table. Click on Manage to view settings for that customer.

Version information

Check the Tenant Details collapsible section.

Maintenance schedule

Check the Maintenance collapsible section.

Currently not available. There is an open feature request to add that functionality.

Customer contacts

Check the Customer Communications collapsible section.

Customer CSM (formerly TAM) is also included in this section.

AWS regions

Check the Cloud Account Config collapsible section.

View history

  • Click the Audit Logs link at the top of the page.
  • Filter for Tenant.
  • Check the Tenant#<tenant_id> records to view changes.