Product sections, stages, groups, and categories

Principles - Processes - Categorization - GitLab the Product - PM Responsibilities - Being a PM - Performance Indicators - Leadership


We want intuitive interfaces both within the company and with the wider community. This makes it more efficient for everyone to contribute or to get a question answered. Therefore, the following interfaces are based on the product categories defined on this page:


The categories form a hierarchy:

  1. Sections: Are a collection of stages. We attempt to align these logically along common workflows like Dev, Sec and Ops. Sections are maintained in data/sections.yml.
  2. Stages: are aligned logically starting with the 7 loop stages of Plan, Create, Verify, Secure, Package, Deploy, and Monitor. We then add the value stages that we talk about in marketing. These include Manage and Govern. Lastly, we add the team stages: Growth, Systems and Data Stores. These stages have groups that rally around the same users, GitLab integrators, GitLab itself, and GitLab administrators, respectively. Stages are maintained in data/stages.yml. Each stage has a corresponding devops::<stage> label under the gitlab-org group.
  3. Group: A stage has one or more groups. Groups are maintained in data/stages.yml. Each group has a corresponding group::<group> label under the gitlab-org group.
  4. Categories: A group has one or more categories. Categories are high-level capabilities that may be a standalone product at another company. e.g. Portfolio Management. To the extent possible we should map categories to vendor categories defined by analysts. There are a maximum of 8 high-level categories per stage to ensure we can display this on our website and pitch deck. (Categories that do not show up on marketing pages show up here in italics and do not count toward this limit.) There may need to be fewer categories, or shorter category names, if the aggregate number of lines when rendered would exceed 13 lines, when accounting for category names to word-wrap, which occurs at approximately 15 characters. Categories are maintained in data/categories.yml. Each category has a corresponding Category:<Category> label under the gitlab-org group. Category maturity is managed in the product Category Maturity Change process
  5. Features: Small, discrete functionalities. e.g. Issue weights. Some common features are listed within parentheses to facilitate finding responsible PMs by keyword. Features are maintained in data/features.yml. It’s recommended to associate feature labels to a category or a group with feature_labels in data/categories.yml or data/stages.yml.


  • Groups may have scope as large as all categories in a stage, or as small as a single category within a stage, but most will form part of a stage and have a few categories in them.
  • Stage, group, category, and feature labels are used by the automated triage operation “Stage and group labels inference from category labels”.
  • We don’t move categories based on capacity. We put the categories in the stages where they logically fit, from a customer perspective. If something is important and the right group doesn’t have capacity for it, we adjust the hiring plan for that group, or do global optimizations to get there faster.
  • We don’t have silos. If one group needs something in a category that is owned by another group, go ahead and contribute it.
  • This hierarchy includes both paid and unpaid features.


Anytime one hierarchy level’s scope is the same as the one above or below it, they can share the same name.

For groups that have two or more categories, but not all categories in a stage, the group name must be a unique word or a summation of the categories they cover.

If you want to refer to a group in context of their stage you can write that as “Stage:Group”. This can be useful in email signatures, job titles, and other communications. E.g. “Monitor:Health” rather than “Monitor Health” or “Monitor, Health.”

When naming a new stage, group, or category, you should search the handbook and main marketing website to look for other naming conflicts which could confuse customers or employees. Uniqueness is preferred if possible to help drive clarity and reduce confusion. See additional product feature naming guidelines as well.

More Details

Every category listed on this page must have a link to a direction page. Categories may also have documentation and marketing page links. When linking to a category using the category name as the anchor text (e.g. from the chart on the homepage) you should use the URLs in the following hierarchy:

Marketing product page > docs page > direction page

E.g Link the marketing page. If there’s no marketing page, link to the docs. If there’s no docs, link to the direction page.


Solutions can consist of multiple categories and are typically used to align to a customer challenge (e.g. the need to reduce security and compliance risk) or to market segments defined by analysts such as Software Composition Analysis (SCA). Solutions are also often used to align to challenges unique to an industry vertical (e.g. financial services), or to a sales segment (e.g. SMB vs Enterprise).

Solutions typically represent a customer challenge, and we define how GitLab capabilities come together to meet that challenge, with business benefits of using our solution.

Market segments defined by analysts don’t always align to GitLab stages and categories and often include multiple categories. Two most frequently encountered are:

  1. Software Composition Analysis (SCA) = Dependency Scanning + License Compliance + Container Scanning
  2. Enterprise Agile Planning (EAP) = Team Planning + Planning Analytics + Portfolio Management + Requirements Management

We are intentional in not defining SCA as containing SAST and Code Quality despite some analysts using the term to also include those categories.


Capabilities can refer to stages, categories, or features, but not solutions.


Adding more layers to the hierarchy would give it more fidelity but would hurt usability in the following ways:

  1. Harder to keep the interfaces up to date.
  2. Harder to automatically update things.
  3. Harder to train and test people.
  4. Harder to display more levels.
  5. Harder to reason, falsify, and talk about it.
  6. Harder to define what level something should be in.
  7. Harder to keep this page up to date.

We use this hierarchy to express our organizational structure within the Product and Engineering organizations. Doing so serves the goals of:

  • Making our groups externally recognizable as part of the DevOps lifecycle so that stakeholders can easily understand what teams might perform certain work
  • Ensuring that internally we keep groups to a reasonable number of stable counterparts

As a result, it is considered an anti-pattern to how we’ve organized for categories to move between groups out of concern for available capacity.

When designing the hierarchy, the number of sections should be kept small and only grow as the company needs to re-organize for span-of-control reasons. i.e. each section corresponds to a Director of Engineering and a Director of Product, so it’s an expensive add. For stages, the DevOps loop stages should not be changed at all, as they’re determined from an external source. At some point we may change to a different established bucketing, or create our own, but that will involve a serious cross-functional conversation. While the additional value stages are our own construct, the loop and value stages combined are the primary stages we talk about in our marketing, sales, etc. and they shouldn’t be changed lightly. The other stages have more flexibility as they’re not currently marketed in any way, however we should still strive to keep them as minimal as possible. Proliferation of a large number of stages makes the product surface area harder to reason about and communicate if/when we decide to market that surface area. As such, they’re tied 1:1 with sections so they’re the minimal number of stages that fit within our organizational structure. e.g. Growth was a single group under Enablement until we decided to add a Director layer for Growth; then it was promoted to a section with specialized groups under it. The various buckets under each of the non-DevOps stages are captured as different groups. Groups are also a non-marketing construct, so we expand the number of groups as needed for organizational purposes. Each group usually corresponds to a backend engineering manager and a product manager, so it’s also an expensive add and we don’t create groups just for a cleaner hierarchy; it has to be justified from a span-of-control perspective or limits to what one product manager can handle.

Category Statuses

Categories can have varying level of investment and development work. There are four main investment statuses:

  1. Accelerated - Top category for product strategy that has received additional investment in the next year
  2. Sustained - Categories where new features will be added in the next year
  3. Reduced - Categories where scope and ambition is decreased although, new features will still be added in the next year
  4. Maintenance - Categories where no new features will added

Typically, product direction pages will transparently state the investment status of the category for the fiscal year based on annual product themes and investment levels.


The impact of changes to sections, stages and groups is felt across the company.

All new category creation needs to be specifically approved via our Opportunity Canvas review process. This is to avoid scope creep and breadth at the expense of depth and user experience.

Merge requests with changes to sections, stages and groups and significant changes to categories need to be created, approved, and/or merged by each of the below:

  1. Chief Product Officer
  2. PLT Leader relevant to the affected Section(s)
  3. The Director of Product relevant to the affected Section(s)
  4. The Director of Engineering relevant to the affected Section(s)
  5. Director of Product Design

_Note: Chief Product Officer approval should be requested once all other approvals have been completed. To request approval, post the MR link in the #chief-product-officer channel tagging both the Chief Product Offcer and cc’ing the EBA to the Chief Product Officer.

The following people need to be on the merge request so they stay informed:

  1. Chief Technology Officer
  2. Development Leader relevant to the affected Section(s)
  3. VP of Infrastructure & Quality Engineering
  4. VP of UX
  5. Director, Technical Writing
  6. Engineering Productivity (by @ mentioning @gl-quality/eng-prod)
  7. The Product Marketing Manager relevant to the stage group(s)

After approval and prior to merging, ping the Engineering Manager for Quality Engineering in the MR, if there are changes that:

  • Add a new category, group, stage or section
  • Move an existing category to a new or existing group
  • Move an existing group to a new or existing stage
  • Move an existing stage to a new or existing section
  • Rename a group, stage or section
  • Delete a group, stage or section

This is to ensure that GitLab Bot auto-labeling can be updated prior to the change, which can be disruptive if missed.

Upon approval, tag the group Technical Writer in the merge request to ensure documentation metadata is updated after the category change is merged.

Ensure that relevant slack channels are updated following our slack channel naming convention, open an access request to have slack channel names updated as they can no longer be updated by creators.


Because it helps to be specific about what is a significant change and what should trigger the above approval process, below are non-exhaustive lists of examples that would and would not, respectively, require full approvals as outlined above.

Changes that require the above approvers include:

  • Changes to a section, stage, group, or category name or marketing attribute
  • Removal or addition of a section, stage, group, or category

Changes that require approval only from the relevant Product Leadership Team member include:

  • Changing name or removing a non-marketing category, per the marketing attribute.

Changes that require approval only from the relevant Product Director include:

  • Changing a category maturity date
  • Changes to section or group member lists
  • Changes to a category vision page

Changing group name

When changing the name of a group, create a merge request to change the group name in data/stages.yml using the Group-Stage-Category-Change template, and make sure to complete all the steps in the template.

Changing category name

When changing an existing category name, there are some considerations to the order of events:

  • First, create a MR to change the name in data/stages.yml and spec/homepage/category_spec.rb.
  • Get sign off from all required stakeholders listed in the instructions above.
  • Merge the name change MR.
  • Tag the category’s technical writer so that they can update the documentation metadata
  • Re-name the category direction page with a new MR. Search for the old category name on the category direction page to ensure the name has been updated in all places.
  • Use the #it-help Slack channel to request an update to Slack channel name for the re-named category

Changing category maturity

We primarily use the Category Maturity Scorecard process to determine category maturity.

Typically, category maturity moves up from planned to minimal to viable to complete to lovable. However, maturity can also be downgraded. For example, in cases where we discover a JTBD is not met (see example), or when we change the definition of maturity, we may choose to move category maturity down.

When downgrading product maturity, we adjust our customer’s current expectations about our product. This is particularly impactful to our go-to-market team members in customer success and product marketing. We need to do the following to enable alignment between all affected and interested parties:

  • Raise an MR for the downgrade and clearly state the reasons for change in the description (see example)
  • Inform VP, Product Management by adding them as Reviewer on the MR
  • Notify the product group counterparts in the MR; Product Marketing, Product Designer, Engineering Manager, and Technical Writer
  • Post the MR in the #customer-success slack channel prior to merging, to allow the team to assess impact and adjust
  • Post the MR in the #product slack channel for awareness

DevOps Stages

Dev Ops Diagram

Analytics section

Slack Channel ops-section
Handbook Page Analytics Section
Product Steve EvangelistaSteve Evangelista  
Development Tim ZallmannTim Zallmann  
Product Design Taurie DavisTaurie Davis  
UX Research Will LeidheiserWill Leidheiser   Nick HertzNick Hertz  
Legal & Corporate Affairs Eugene McCrannEugene McCrann  
graph TD;













    analytics[Analytics section]-->s_monitor[Monitor stage];

        s_monitor-->g_analytics_instrumentation["Analytics Instrumentation
        click g_analytics_instrumentation "/handbook/<no value>";
        click g_observability "/handbook/<no value>";
        s_monitor-->g_product_analytics["Product Analytics
        click g_product_analytics "/handbook/<no value>";
        click g_respond "/handbook/product/categories/#respond-group";








Click on a group name to see more details.

Monitor stage

Slack Channel analytics-section
Handbook Page Development
Product Sam KerrSam Kerr  
Development Tim ZallmannTim Zallmann  
Software Engineering Ievgen ChernikovIevgen Chernikov  
Product Design Justin MandellJustin Mandell  
UX Research Nick HertzNick Hertz  
Analytics Instrumentation group
Development Totals 7
Slack Channel g_analyze_analytics_instrumentation
Handbook Page Analytics Instrumentation Group
Features in this Group Features
Product Tanuja Jayarama RajuTanuja Jayarama Raju  
Backend Engineering Manager Sebastian RehmSebastian Rehm  
Backend Engineering Ankit PanchalAnkit Panchal   Sebastian RehmSebastian Rehm   Jonas LarsenJonas Larsen   Michał WielichMichał Wielich   Niko BelokolodovNiko Belokolodov   Nwanna IsongNwanna Isong   Sarah YasonikSarah Yasonik  
UX Research Nick HertzNick Hertz  
Application Security Engineer Greg MyersGreg Myers  
Internal Customers
Sales Department
Marketing Department
Product Department
Customer Success
Data Team
Name Maturity Links
Service Ping Viable Documentation Page
Application Instrumentation Minimal Direction Page
Observability group
Backend Frontend
Development Totals 2 1
Slack Channel g_observability
Slack Alias observability-group
Handbook Page Monitor:Observability Group
Focus Observability
Features in this Group Features
Product Sacha GuyonSacha Guyon  
Development Nicholas KlickNicholas Klick  
Backend Engineering Ankit BhatnagarAnkit Bhatnagar   Arun SoriArun Sori  
Frontend Engineering Daniele RossettiDaniele Rossetti  
UX Research Will LeidheiserWill Leidheiser  
Application Security Engineer Ottilia WesterlundOttilia Westerlund  
Infrastructure Security Engineer Paulo MartinsPaulo Martins  
Name Maturity Links
Metrics Planned 2024 Direction Page
Tracing Planned 2024 Documentation Page
Direction Page
Logging Planned 2024 Direction Page
Error Tracking Minimal Documentation Page
Direction Page
Product Analytics group
Slack Channel g_monitor_product_analytics
Handbook Page Product Analytics Group
Features in this Group Features
Product Lindsy FarinaLindsy Farina  
Backend Engineering Manager Dennis TangDennis Tang  
UX Research Nick HertzNick Hertz  
Product Designer Graham BachelderGraham Bachelder  
Technical Writing Lorena CiutacuLorena Ciutacu  
Application Security Engineer Greg MyersGreg Myers  
Internal Customers
Sales Department
Marketing Department
Product Department
Customer Success
Data Team
Name Maturity Links
Product Analytics Visualization Minimal Documentation Page
Direction Page
Product Analytics Data Management Minimal Documentation Page
Direction Page
Respond group
Slack Channel g_respond
Slack Alias monitor-respond-group
Handbook Page Respond Group
Focus Respond GMAU
Features in this Group Features
Internal Customers
Infrastructure Department
Engineering Department
Security Operations Department
Name Maturity Links
Incident Management Viable Documentation Page
Direction Page
On-call Schedule Management Minimal Documentation Page
Direction Page

CD section

Slack Channel cd-section
Product Mike FloutonMike Flouton  
Development Sam GoldsteinSam Goldstein  
Product Design Marcel van RemmerdenMarcel van Remmerden  
UX Research Will LeidheiserWill Leidheiser  
Product Marketing Dan HomDan Hom  
Legal & Corporate Affairs Tiffany ChenTiffany Chen  
graph TD;





    cd[CD section]-->s_deploy[Deploy stage];

        click g_environments "/handbook/product/categories/#environments-group";
















Click on a group name to see more details.

Deploy stage

Slack Channel s_deploy
GitLab Group @gitlab-org/ci-cd/deploy-stage/environments-group
Handbook Page Environments Group
Product Viktor NagyViktor Nagy  
Development Nicolò Maria MezzoperaNicolò Maria Mezzopera  
Product Design Rayana VerissimoRayana Verissimo  
Environments group
Backend Frontend
Development Totals 4 2
Slack Channel g_environments
Slack Alias Environments Group
Handbook Page Environments Group
Focus TBD
Features in this Group Features
Product Viktor NagyViktor Nagy  
Development Nicolò Maria MezzoperaNicolò Maria Mezzopera  
Backend Engineering Staff Backend EngineerStaff Backend Engineer   Taka NishidaTaka Nishida   Tiger WatsonTiger Watson   Timo FurrerTimo Furrer  
Frontend Engineering Andrew FontaineAndrew Fontaine   Anna VovchenkoAnna Vovchenko  
UX Research Will LeidheiserWill Leidheiser  
Product Designer Emily BaumanEmily Bauman  
Product Marketing Dan HomDan Hom  
Support Lewis BrownLewis Brown  
Technical Writing Phillip WellsPhillip Wells  
Application Security Engineer Ameya DarshanAmeya Darshan  
Internal Customers
Quality Department
Delivery Team
Reliability Engineering
Distribution Team
AutoDevOps and Kubernetes Group
Name Maturity Links
Auto DevOps Viable Documentation Page
Direction Page
Continuous Delivery Competitive Marketing Page
Documentation Page
Direction Page
Deployment Management Viable Marketing Page
Documentation Page
Direction Page
Environment Management Viable Documentation Page
Direction Page
Feature Flags Viable Documentation Page
Direction Page
Infrastructure as Code Viable Documentation Page
Direction Page
Release Orchestration Viable Documentation Page
Direction Page

CI section

Slack Channel ci-section
Handbook Page
Product Jackie PorterJackie Porter  
Development Sam GoldsteinSam Goldstein  
Product Design Marcel van RemmerdenMarcel van Remmerden  
UX Research Erika FeldmanErika Feldman  
Product Marketing Dan HomDan Hom  
Legal & Corporate Affairs Tiffany ChenTiffany Chen  
graph TD;














    ci[CI section]-->s_package[Package stage];

        s_package-->g_container_registry["Container Registry
        click g_container_registry "/handbook/product/categories/#package-group";
        s_package-->g_package_registry["Package Registry
        click g_package_registry "/handbook/product/categories/#package-group";






    ci[CI section]-->s_verify[Verify stage];

        s_verify-->g_ci_platform["CI Platform
        click g_ci_platform "/handbook/<no value>";
        s_verify-->g_hosted_runners["Hosted Runners
        click g_hosted_runners "/handbook/product/categories/#hosted-runners";
        s_verify-->g_pipeline_authoring["Pipeline Authoring
        click g_pipeline_authoring "/handbook/product/categories/#pipeline-authoring-group";
        s_verify-->g_pipeline_execution["Pipeline Execution
        click g_pipeline_execution "/handbook/product/product-categories/#pipeline-execution-group";
        click g_runner "/handbook/product/categories/#runner-group";

Click on a group name to see more details.

Package stage

Slack Channel s_package
Handbook Page Package Stage
Product Tim RizziTim Rizzi  
Development Crystal PooleCrystal Poole  
Software Engineering Tiffany ReaTiffany Rea  
Container Registry group
Backend Frontend
Development Totals 6 1
Slack Channel g_container-registry
Slack Alias container-registry-group
GitLab Group @gitlab-org/ci-cd/package-stage/container-registry-group
Handbook Page Package:Container Registry Group
Focus Container Registry GMAU
Features in this Group Features
Product Tim RizziTim Rizzi  
Development Crystal PooleCrystal Poole  
Backend Engineering Backend EngineerBackend Engineer   Hayley SwimelarHayley Swimelar   Jaime MartínezJaime Martínez   João PereiraJoão Pereira   Senior Backend EngineerSenior Backend Engineer   Backend EngineerBackend Engineer  
Frontend Engineering Rahul ChanilaRahul Chanila  
UX Research Erika FeldmanErika Feldman  
Support Kate GrechishkinaKate Grechishkina  
Technical Writing Marcel AmiraultMarcel Amirault  
Application Security Engineer Greg MyersGreg Myers  
Internal Customers
Distribution Team
Infrastructure Department
Product Security Department
Name Maturity Links
Container Registry Viable Documentation Page
Direction Page
Virtual Registry Viable Documentation Page
Direction Page
Dependency Firewall Planned 2024 Direction Page
Package Registry group
Backend Frontend
Development Totals 4 1
Slack Channel g_package-registry
Slack Alias package-registry-group
GitLab Group @gitlab-org/ci-cd/package-stage/package-registry-group
Handbook Page Package:Package Registry Group
Focus Package Registry GMAU
Features in this Group Features
Product Tim RizziTim Rizzi  
Development Crystal PooleCrystal Poole  
Backend Engineering David FernandezDavid Fernandez   Dzmitry MeshcharakouDzmitry Meshcharakou   Moaz KhalifaMoaz Khalifa   Rad BatnagRad Batnag  
Frontend Engineering Rahul ChanilaRahul Chanila  
UX Research Erika FeldmanErika Feldman  
Support Kate GrechishkinaKate Grechishkina  
Technical Writing Phillip WellsPhillip Wells  
Application Security Engineer Greg MyersGreg Myers  
Internal Customers
Distribution Team
Infrastructure Department
Name Maturity Links
Package Registry Viable Documentation Page
Direction Page
Helm Chart Registry Viable Documentation Page
Direction Page

Verify stage

Slack Channel s_verify
Product Jackie PorterJackie Porter  
Development Cheryl LiCheryl Li  
Software Engineering Tiffany ReaTiffany Rea  
Product Design Rayana VerissimoRayana Verissimo  
CI Platform group
Development Totals 3
Slack Channel g_ci-platform
Features in this Group Features
Product Jackie PorterJackie Porter  
Development Cheryl LiCheryl Li  
Backend Engineering Senior Backend EngineerSenior Backend Engineer   Marius BobinMarius Bobin   Tianwen ChenTianwen Chen  
Support Manuel GrabowskiManuel Grabowski  
Name Maturity Links
Continuous Integration (CI) Scaling Viable Direction Page
Hosted Runners group
Slack Channel g_hosted_runners
Focus Verify & Hosted runners SMAU
Features in this Group Features
Product Gabriel EngelGabriel Engel  
Development Nicole WilliamsNicole Williams  
Site Reliability Engineering Rehab HassaneinRehab Hassanein  
Software Engineering Joy RoodnickJoy Roodnick  
Product Marketing Dan HomDan Hom  
Support Michael TrainorMichael Trainor   Justin FarmiloeJustin Farmiloe  
Technical Writing Ashraf KhamisAshraf Khamis  
Application Security Engineer Costel MaximCostel Maxim  
Infrastructure Security Engineer Paulo MartinsPaulo Martins  
Customer Success Kristof GoossensKristof Goossens   Rachel FuerstRachel Fuerst   Vladimir DzalboVladimir Dzalbo  
Internal Customers
Infrastructure Department
Engineering Department
Security Division
Name Maturity Links
GitLab Hosted Runners Viable Documentation Page
Direction Page
Pipeline Authoring group
Backend Frontend
Development Totals 5 1
Slack Channel g_pipeline-authoring
Focus Verify & Runner SMAU
Features in this Group Features
Product Dov HershkovitchDov Hershkovitch  
Development Mark NuzzoMark Nuzzo  
Backend Engineering Avielle WolfeAvielle Wolfe   Furkan AyhanFurkan Ayhan   Kasia MisirliKasia Misirli   Laura MontemayorLaura Montemayor   Rajendra KadamRajendra Kadam  
Frontend Engineering Briley SandlinBriley Sandlin  
UX Research Erika FeldmanErika Feldman  
Product Designer Sunjung ParkSunjung Park  
Product Marketing Dan HomDan Hom  
Support Luminus AlabiLuminus Alabi   Segolene BoulySegolene Bouly   Manuel GrabowskiManuel Grabowski  
Technical Writing Lysanne PintoLysanne Pinto   Marcel AmiraultMarcel Amirault  
Application Security Engineer Rohit ShambhuniRohit Shambhuni  
Customer Success Kristof GoossensKristof Goossens   Rachel FuerstRachel Fuerst   Vladimir DzalboVladimir Dzalbo  
Internal Customers
Quality Department
UX Department
Infrastructure Department
Engineering Department
AutoDevOps and Kubernetes Group
Security Division
Name Maturity Links
Pipeline Composition Viable Marketing Page
Documentation Page
Direction Page
Pipeline Execution group
Backend Frontend
Development Totals 4 2
Slack Channel g_pipeline-execution
Focus Verify & Runner SMAU
Features in this Group Features
Product Rutvik ShahRutvik Shah  
Development Caroline SimpsonCaroline Simpson  
Backend Engineering Allison BrowneAllison Browne   Hordur Freyr YngvasonHordur Freyr Yngvason   Max FanMax Fan   Panos KanellidisPanos Kanellidis  
Frontend Engineering Jose Ivan VargasJose Ivan Vargas   Payton BurdettePayton Burdette  
Software Engineering Tiffany ReaTiffany Rea  
UX Research Erika FeldmanErika Feldman  
Product Designer Veethika MVeethika M  
Product Marketing Dan HomDan Hom  
Support Paul MurrayPaul Murray   Charl MaraisCharl Marais   Manuel GrabowskiManuel Grabowski  
Technical Writing Lysanne PintoLysanne Pinto   Marcel AmiraultMarcel Amirault  
Application Security Engineer Rohit ShambhuniRohit Shambhuni  
Customer Success Kristof GoossensKristof Goossens   Rachel FuerstRachel Fuerst   Vladimir DzalboVladimir Dzalbo  
Internal Customers
Quality Department
UX Department
Infrastructure Department
Engineering Department
AutoDevOps and Kubernetes Group
Security Division
Name Maturity Links
Continuous Integration (CI) Competitive Marketing Page
Documentation Page
Direction Page
Merge Trains Viable Documentation Page
Direction Page
Code Testing and Coverage Viable Documentation Page
Direction Page
Review Apps Competitive Documentation Page
Direction Page
Job Artifacts Minimal Documentation Page
Direction Page
Pipeline Reports Minimal Documentation Page
Direction Page
Runner group
Development Totals 11
Slack Channel g_runner
Focus Verify & Runner SMAU
Features in this Group Features
Product Darren EastmanDarren Eastman  
Development Nicole WilliamsNicole Williams  
Backend Engineering Adrien KohlbeckerAdrien Kohlbecker   Arran WalkerArran Walker   Axel von BertoldiAxel von Bertoldi   Davis BickfordDavis Bickford   Georgi GeorgievGeorgi Georgiev   Hannes HörlHannes Hörl   Joe ShawJoe Shaw   Joe BurnettJoe Burnett   Pedro PombeiroPedro Pombeiro   Romuald AtchadéRomuald Atchadé   Tomasz MaczukinTomasz Maczukin  
Site Reliability Engineering Rehab HassaneinRehab Hassanein  
Software Engineering Joy RoodnickJoy Roodnick  
UX Research Erika FeldmanErika Feldman  
Product Designer Gina DoyleGina Doyle  
Product Marketing Dan HomDan Hom  
Support Michael TrainorMichael Trainor   Justin FarmiloeJustin Farmiloe  
Technical Writing Ashraf KhamisAshraf Khamis  
Application Security Engineer Costel MaximCostel Maxim  
Infrastructure Security Engineer Paulo MartinsPaulo Martins  
Customer Success Kristof GoossensKristof Goossens   Rachel FuerstRachel Fuerst   Vladimir DzalboVladimir Dzalbo  
Internal Customers
Infrastructure Department
Engineering Department
Name Maturity Links
GitLab Runner Core Viable Documentation Page
Direction Page
Fleet Visibility Viable Documentation Page
Direction Page

Core Platform section

Product Joshua LambertJoshua Lambert  
Development Chun DuChun Du  
Product Design Taurie DavisTaurie Davis  
UX Research Will LeidheiserWill Leidheiser  
Infrastructure Manager Dave SmithDave Smith  
Legal & Corporate Affairs Iris GormanIris Gorman  
graph TD;




    core_platform[Core Platform section]-->s_data_stores[Data Stores stage];

        click g_database "/handbook/product/categories/#database-group";
        s_data_stores-->g_global_search["Global Search
        click g_global_search "/handbook/product/categories/#global-search-group";
        s_data_stores-->g_tenant_scale["Tenant Scale
        click g_tenant_scale "/handbook/product/categories/#tenant-scale-group";






    core_platform[Core Platform section]-->s_manage[Manage stage];

        s_manage-->g_design_system["Design System
        click g_design_system "/handbook/product/categories/#design_system-group";
        s_manage-->g_import_and_integrate["Import and Integrate
        click g_import_and_integrate "/handbook/product/categories/#import_and_integrate-group";
        s_manage-->g_personal_productivity["Personal productivity
        click g_personal_productivity "/handbook/product/categories/#personal_productivity-group";
        s_manage-->g_ux_paper_cuts["UX Paper Cuts
        click g_ux_paper_cuts "/handbook/product/categories/#ux_paper_cuts-group";








    core_platform[Core Platform section]-->s_systems[Systems stage];

        s_systems-->g_cloud_connector["Cloud Connector
        click g_cloud_connector "/handbook/product/categories/#cloud-connector-group";
        click g_distribution_build "/handbook/product/categories/#distribution-group";
        click g_distribution_deploy "/handbook/product/categories/#distribution-group";
        click g_geo "/handbook/product/categories/#geo-group";
        click g_gitaly_cluster "/handbook/product/categories/#gitalycluster-group";
        click g_gitaly_git "/handbook/product/categories/#gitalygit-group";



Click on a group name to see more details.

Data Stores stage

Slack Channel s_core_platform
GitLab Group @gitlab-org/enablement-section
Handbook Page Core Platform Sub-department
Product Joshua LambertJoshua Lambert  
Development Nick NguyenNick Nguyen  
Software Engineering John McDonnellJohn McDonnell  
Product Design Chris MicekChris Micek  
Database group
Development Totals 7
Slack Channel g_database
GitLab Group @gitlab-org/database-team
Handbook Page Database Group
Focus Database PPI
Features in this Group Features
Product Sampath RanasingheSampath Ranasinghe  
Backend Engineering Manager Alex IvesAlex Ives  
Backend Engineering Alex IvesAlex Ives   Jon JenkinsJon Jenkins   Krasimir AngelovKrasimir Angelov   Leonardo da RosaLeonardo da Rosa   Matt KasaMatt Kasa   Prabakaran MurugesanPrabakaran Murugesan   Simon TomlinsonSimon Tomlinson  
UX Research Will LeidheiserWill Leidheiser  
Support Ben PrescottBen Prescott  
Application Security Engineer Kevin MorrisonKevin Morrison  
Internal Customers
Quality Department
Infrastructure Department
Name Maturity Links
Database Direction Page
Global Search group
Backend Frontend
Development Totals 8 1
Slack Channel g_global_search
GitLab Group @gitlab-org/search-team
Handbook Page Global Search Group
Focus Paid GMAU
Features in this Group Features
Product Ben VenkerBen Venker  
Development Changzheng LiuChangzheng Liu  
Backend Engineering Arturo HerreroArturo Herrero   Changzheng LiuChangzheng Liu   Dmitry GruzdDmitry Gruzd   John MasonJohn Mason   Madelein van NiekerkMadelein van Niekerk   Ravi KumarRavi Kumar   Siddharth DungarwalSiddharth Dungarwal   Terri ChuTerri Chu  
Frontend Engineering Tomáš BulvaTomáš Bulva  
UX Research Will LeidheiserWill Leidheiser  
Support Brenda NyaringitaBrenda Nyaringita   Cleveland Bledsoe JrCleveland Bledsoe Jr  
Technical Writing Ashraf KhamisAshraf Khamis  
Application Security Engineer Kevin MorrisonKevin Morrison  
Internal Customers
Engineering Department
Customer Success
Infrastructure Department
Product Security Department
Name Maturity Links
Global Search Viable Documentation Page
Direction Page
Code Search Minimal Documentation Page
Direction Page
Tenant Scale group
Backend Frontend
Development Totals 8 1
Slack Channel g_tenant-scale
GitLab Group @gitlab-org/tenant-scale-group
Handbook Page
Focus Database PPI
Features in this Group Features
Product Christina LohrChristina Lohr  
Backend Engineering Manager Sissi YaoSissi Yao  
Backend Engineering Abdul WadoodAbdul Wadood   Alex PooleyAlex Pooley   Dylan GriffithDylan Griffith   Kamil TrzcińskiKamil Trzciński   Manoj Memana JayakumarManoj Memana Jayakumar   Omar QunsulOmar Qunsul   Rutger WesselsRutger Wessels   Thong KuahThong Kuah  
Frontend Engineering Peter HegmanPeter Hegman  
UX Research Will LeidheiserWill Leidheiser  
Product Designer Mike NicholsMike Nichols  
Support Bruno FreitasBruno Freitas   Asmaa Hassan Ahmed AliAsmaa Hassan Ahmed Ali   Ben PrescottBen Prescott  
Technical Writing Lorena CiutacuLorena Ciutacu  
Application Security Engineer Rohit ShambhuniRohit Shambhuni  
Infrastructure Security Engineer Uday GovindiaUday Govindia  
Internal Customers
Quality Department
Infrastructure Department
Name Maturity Links
Cell Direction Page
Groups & Projects Competitive Documentation Page
Direction Page
User Profile Documentation Page
Direction Page
Organization Documentation Page
Direction Page

Manage stage

Slack Channel s_manage
Product Joshua LambertJoshua Lambert  
Development Michelle GillMichelle Gill  
Software Engineering Nivetha PrabakaranNivetha Prabakaran  
Product Design Chris MicekChris Micek  
Design System group
Slack Channel g_pajamas-design-system
GitLab Group @gitlab-org/manage
Focus Driving Pajamas adoption
Features in this Group Features
Product Jeff TuckerJeff Tucker  
Development Sam BeckhamSam Beckham  
Product Design Chris MicekChris Micek  
Product Designer Ian GloudeIan Gloude   Dan Mizzi-HarrisDan Mizzi-Harris   Jeremy ElderJeremy Elder  
Technical Writing Suzanne SelhornSuzanne Selhorn  
Application Security Engineer Greg AlfaroGreg Alfaro  
Internal Customers
Alliances Department
Customer Success
Quality Department
Infrastructure Department
Engineering Department
Name Maturity Links
Pajamas Design System Documentation Page
Direction Page
Import and Integrate group
Backend Frontend
Development Totals 8 1
Slack Channel g_manage_import_and_integrate
GitLab Group @gitlab-org/manage/import-and-integrate
Focus Manage Import and Integrate GMAU
Features in this Group Features
Product Magdalena FrankiewiczMagdalena Frankiewicz  
Development Martin WortschackMartin Wortschack  
Backend Engineering Carla DragoCarla Drago   Senior Backend EngineerSenior Backend Engineer   Ivane GkomarteliIvane Gkomarteli   James NuttJames Nutt   Keeyan NejadKeeyan Nejad   Luke DuncalfeLuke Duncalfe   Rodrigo TomonariRodrigo Tomonari   Sam WordSam Word  
Frontend Engineering Justin HoJustin Ho  
Product Marketing Aathira NairAathira Nair  
Support Anton SmithAnton Smith   Olivier Némoz Saint-DizierOlivier Némoz Saint-Dizier  
Technical Writing Evan ReadEvan Read  
Application Security Engineer Ameya DarshanAmeya Darshan  
Internal Customers
Alliances Department
Customer Success
Quality Department
Infrastructure Department
Engineering Department
Name Maturity Links
API Documentation Page
Direction Page
Integrations Viable Documentation Page
Direction Page
Webhooks Documentation Page
Direction Page
Importers Documentation Page
Direction Page
Internationalization Documentation Page
Direction Page
Personal productivity group
Development Totals 2
Slack Channel g_manage_foundations
GitLab Group @gitlab-org/manage
Focus Driving Pajamas adoption
Features in this Group Features
Product Jeff TuckerJeff Tucker  
Development Sam BeckhamSam Beckham  
Frontend Engineering James RushfordJames Rushford   Staff Frontend EngineerStaff Frontend Engineer  
Product Design Jacki BauerJacki Bauer  
UX Research Thaina TavaresThaina Tavares  
Product Designer Amelia BauerlyAmelia Bauerly   Austin RegneryAustin Regnery  
Technical Writing Suzanne SelhornSuzanne Selhorn  
Application Security Engineer Greg AlfaroGreg Alfaro  
Internal Customers
Alliances Department
Customer Success
Quality Department
Infrastructure Department
Engineering Department
Name Maturity Links
Navigation Direction Page
Settings Direction Page
Notifications Documentation Page
Direction Page
UX Paper Cuts group
Slack Channel g_ux_paper_cuts
Handbook Page
Features in this Group Features

Systems stage

Slack Channel s_core_platform
GitLab Group @gitlab-org/enablement-section
Handbook Page Core Platform Sub-department
Product Joshua LambertJoshua Lambert  
Development Chun DuChun Du  
Software Engineering Vishal PatelVishal Patel  
Cloud Connector group
Development Totals 4
Slack Channel g_cloud_connector
GitLab Group @gitlab-org/cloud-connector-team
Handbook Page
Focus Cloud Connector PPI
Features in this Group Features
Product Roger WooRoger Woo  
Backend Engineering Manager Paul John PhillipsPaul John Phillips  
Backend Engineering Aleksei LipniagovAleksei Lipniagov   Matthias KäpplerMatthias Käppler   Nikola MilojevicNikola Milojevic   Roy ZwambagRoy Zwambag  
UX Research Will LeidheiserWill Leidheiser  
Support Gabriel YoachumGabriel Yoachum  
Technical Writing Jon GlassmanJon Glassman  
Application Security Engineer Kevin MorrisonKevin Morrison  
Internal Customers
Quality Department
Infrastructure Department
Name Maturity Links
Cloud Connector Direction Page
Distribution::Build group
Development Totals 8
Slack Channel g_distribution
Slack Alias distributionteam
GitLab Group @gitlab-org/distribution
Handbook Page Distribution
Focus Distribution PPI
Features in this Group Features
Product Dilan OrrinoDilan Orrino  
Backend Engineering Manager Sissi YaoSissi Yao  
Backend Engineering Andrew PattersonAndrew Patterson   Alec XuAlec Xu   Balasankar 'Balu' CBalasankar 'Balu' C   Dmitry MakoveyDmitry Makovey   Dustin CollinsDustin Collins   Ryan EgesdahlRyan Egesdahl   Robert MarshallRobert Marshall   Sissi YaoSissi Yao  
UX Research Will LeidheiserWill Leidheiser  
Support Nathan BlackNathan Black   Diana StanleyDiana Stanley  
Technical Writing Evan ReadEvan Read   Achilleas PipinellisAchilleas Pipinellis  
Application Security Engineer Kevin MorrisonKevin Morrison  
Internal Customers
Quality Department
Infrastructure Department
Customer Success
Product Security Department
Name Maturity Links
Build Viable Documentation Page
Direction Page
Distribution::Deploy group
Development Totals 7
Slack Channel g_distribution
Slack Alias distributionteam
GitLab Group @gitlab-org/distribution
Handbook Page Distribution
Focus Distribution PPI
Features in this Group Features
Product Dilan OrrinoDilan Orrino  
Backend Engineering Manager Peter LuPeter Lu  
Backend Engineering Clemens BeckClemens Beck   Hossein PursultaniHossein Pursultani   Jason PlumJason Plum   João Alexandre Prado Tavares CunhaJoão Alexandre Prado Tavares Cunha   Jon DovestonJon Doveston   Lucas LiLucas Li   Peter LuPeter Lu  
UX Research Will LeidheiserWill Leidheiser  
Support Priyan SureshbabuPriyan Sureshbabu   Nathan BlackNathan Black   Diana StanleyDiana Stanley  
Technical Writing Evan ReadEvan Read   Achilleas PipinellisAchilleas Pipinellis  
Application Security Engineer Kevin MorrisonKevin Morrison  
Internal Customers
Quality Department
Infrastructure Department
Customer Success
Name Maturity Links
Omnibus Package Complete Documentation Page
Direction Page
Cloud Native Installation Competitive Documentation Page
Direction Page
Geo group
Backend Frontend
Development Totals 6 1
Slack Channel g_geo
GitLab Group @gitlab-org/geo-team
Handbook Page Geo and Disaster Recovery
Focus Geo Paid GMAU
Features in this Group Features
Product Sampath RanasingheSampath Ranasinghe  
Development Lucie ZhaoLucie Zhao  
Backend Engineering Aakriti GuptaAakriti Gupta   Douglas Barbosa AlexandreDouglas Barbosa Alexandre   Gabriel MazettoGabriel Mazetto   Ian BaumIan Baum   Kyle YetterKyle Yetter   Michael KozonoMichael Kozono  
Frontend Engineering Zack CuddyZack Cuddy  
Software Engineering Nick WestburyNick Westbury  
UX Research Will LeidheiserWill Leidheiser  
Support Łukasz KorbasiewiczŁukasz Korbasiewicz   Bo CarbonellBo Carbonell  
Technical Writing Achilleas PipinellisAchilleas Pipinellis  
Application Security Engineer Ameya DarshanAmeya Darshan  
Internal Customers
Infrastructure Department
Name Maturity Links
Geo-replication Viable Marketing Page
Documentation Page
Direction Page
Disaster Recovery Competitive Documentation Page
Direction Page
Backup/Restore of GitLab instances Minimal Documentation Page
Direction Page
Gitaly::Cluster group
Development Totals 9
Slack Channel g_gitaly
Handbook Page Core Platform:Gitaly Team
Focus Gitaly GMAU
Features in this Group Features
Product Mark WoodMark Wood  
Backend Engineering Manager Andras HorvathAndras Horvath  
Backend Engineering Ahmad SherifAhmad Sherif   Andras HorvathAndras Horvath   Divya RaniDivya Rani   Emily ChuiEmily Chui   James LiuJames Liu   Justin ToblerJustin Tobler   Patrick SteinhardtPatrick Steinhardt   Quang-Minh NguyenQuang-Minh Nguyen   Sami HiltunenSami Hiltunen  
Software Engineering John McDonnellJohn McDonnell  
Support David WainainaDavid Wainaina   Gerardo GutierrezGerardo Gutierrez  
Technical Writing Evan ReadEvan Read  
Application Security Engineer Greg MyersGreg Myers  
Customer Success Conley RogersConley Rogers   Kristof GoossensKristof Goossens   Simon MansfieldSimon Mansfield  
Internal Customers
Quality Department
Infrastructure Department
Name Maturity Links
Gitaly Documentation Page
Direction Page
Gitaly::Git group
Development Totals 9
Slack Channel g_gitaly
Handbook Page Core Platform:Gitaly Team
Focus Gitaly GMAU
Features in this Group Features
Product Mark WoodMark Wood  
Backend Engineering Manager John CaiJohn Cai  
Backend Engineering Christian CouderChristian Couder   Eric JuEric Ju   Filipe SantosFilipe Santos   James FargherJames Fargher   John CaiJohn Cai   Karthik NayakKarthik Nayak   Mustafa BayarMustafa Bayar   Patrick SteinhardtPatrick Steinhardt   Toon ClaesToon Claes  
Support Gerardo GutierrezGerardo Gutierrez  
Technical Writing Evan ReadEvan Read  
Application Security Engineer Ameya DarshanAmeya Darshan  
Customer Success Conley RogersConley Rogers   Kristof GoossensKristof Goossens   Simon MansfieldSimon Mansfield  
Internal Customers
Quality Department
Infrastructure Department
Name Maturity Links
Gitaly Documentation Page
Direction Page

Data Science section

Product Taylor McCaslinTaylor McCaslin   Hillary BensonHillary Benson  
Development Tim ZallmannTim Zallmann   Bartek MarnaneBartek Marnane  
Product Design Jacki BauerJacki Bauer  
UX Research Nick HertzNick Hertz  
Product Marketing Laurena Quinteiro AlvesLaurena Quinteiro Alves  
Legal & Corporate Affairs Tiffany ChenTiffany Chen  
graph TD;


    data-science[Data Science section]-->s_ai-powered[AI-powered stage];

        s_ai-powered-->g_ai_framework["AI Framework
        click g_ai_framework "/handbook/product/categories/#ai-framework-group";
        s_ai-powered-->g_ai_model_validation["AI Model Validation
        click g_ai_model_validation "/handbook/product/categories/#ai-model-validation-group";
        s_ai-powered-->g_custom_models["Custom Models
        click g_custom_models "/handbook/product/categories/#custom-models-group";
        s_ai-powered-->g_duo_chat["Duo Chat
        click g_duo_chat "/handbook/product/categories/#duo-chat-group";










    data-science[Data Science section]-->s_modelops[ModelOps stage];

        click g_dataops "/handbook/product/categories/#dataops-group";
        click g_mlops "/handbook/product/categories/#mlops-group";









Click on a group name to see more details.

AI-powered stage

Slack Channel s_ai-powered
Handbook Page Data Science
Product Taylor McCaslinTaylor McCaslin  
Development Michelle GillMichelle Gill  
Product Design Jacki BauerJacki Bauer  
Product Marketing Laurena Quinteiro AlvesLaurena Quinteiro Alves  
AI Framework group
Backend Frontend
Development Totals 9 3
Slack Channel g_ai_framework
Handbook Page
Features in this Group Features
Product Pini WietchnerPini Wietchner  
Development David O'ReganDavid O'Regan  
Backend Engineering Alexander ChueshevAlexander Chueshev   Alejandro RodríguezAlejandro Rodríguez   Halil CobanHalil Coban   Backend EngineerBackend Engineer   Małgorzata KsionekMałgorzata Ksionek   Michael ThomasMichael Thomas   Nathan WeinshenkerNathan Weinshenker   Shinya MaedaShinya Maeda   Surabhi SumanSurabhi Suman  
Frontend Engineering Andrew FontaineAndrew Fontaine   Denys MishunovDenys Mishunov   Lindsey SheltonLindsey Shelton  
UX Research Erika FeldmanErika Feldman  
Product Designer Pedro Moreira da SilvaPedro Moreira da Silva   Katie MacoyKatie Macoy  
Product Marketing Laurena Quinteiro AlvesLaurena Quinteiro Alves  
Support John GaughanJohn Gaughan  
Technical Writing Fiona NeillFiona Neill   Jon GlassmanJon Glassman   Suzanne SelhornSuzanne Selhorn  
Application Security Engineer Ottilia WesterlundOttilia Westerlund  
Infrastructure Security Engineer Paulo MartinsPaulo Martins  
Name Maturity Links
AI Abstraction Layer Viable Documentation Page
Direction Page
Duo Workflow Minimal Documentation Page
Direction Page
AI Model Validation group
Development Totals 4
Slack Channel g_ai_model_validation
Handbook Page
Features in this Group Features
Product Susie BittersSusie Bitters  
Development Monmayuri RayMonmayuri Ray  
Backend Engineering Andras HerczegAndras Herczeg   Hongtao YangHongtao Yang   Stephan RaynerStephan Rayner   Tan LeTan Le  
UX Research Nick HertzNick Hertz  
Product Marketing Laurena Quinteiro AlvesLaurena Quinteiro Alves  
Technical Writing Fiona NeillFiona Neill   Jon GlassmanJon Glassman   Suzanne SelhornSuzanne Selhorn  
Application Security Engineer Ottilia WesterlundOttilia Westerlund  
Infrastructure Security Engineer Paulo MartinsPaulo Martins  
Name Maturity Links
AI Evaluation Minimal Documentation Page
Direction Page
AI Research Minimal Documentation Page
Direction Page
Custom Models group
Backend Frontend
Development Totals 5 1
Slack Channel g_custom_models
Handbook Page
Features in this Group Features
Product Susie BittersSusie Bitters  
Development Sean CarrollSean Carroll  
Backend Engineering Bruno CardosoBruno Cardoso   Eduardo BonetEduardo Bonet   Igor DrozdovIgor Drozdov   Patrick CyizaPatrick Cyiza   Mohamed HamdaMohamed Hamda  
Frontend Engineering Julie HuangJulie Huang  
Product Designer Timothy NoahTimothy Noah  
Technical Writing Fiona NeillFiona Neill   Jon GlassmanJon Glassman   Suzanne SelhornSuzanne Selhorn  
Application Security Engineer Ottilia WesterlundOttilia Westerlund  
Infrastructure Security Engineer Paulo MartinsPaulo Martins  
Name Maturity Links
Custom Models Planned 2024 Direction Page
Duo Chat group
Backend Frontend
Development Totals 5 1
Slack Channel g_duo_chat
Handbook Page
Features in this Group Features
Product Torsten LinzTorsten Linz  
Development Juan SilvaJuan Silva  
Backend Engineering Dillon WheelerDillon Wheeler   Eva KadlecováEva Kadlecová   Lesley RazzaghianLesley Razzaghian   Mark ChaoMark Chao   Tetiana ChuprynaTetiana Chupryna  
Frontend Engineering Jannik LehmannJannik Lehmann  
Product Marketing Laurena Quinteiro AlvesLaurena Quinteiro Alves  
Support Duncan HarrisDuncan Harris  
Technical Writing Fiona NeillFiona Neill   Jon GlassmanJon Glassman   Suzanne SelhornSuzanne Selhorn  
Application Security Engineer Ottilia WesterlundOttilia Westerlund  
Infrastructure Security Engineer Paulo MartinsPaulo Martins  
Name Maturity Links
Duo Chat Minimal Documentation Page
Direction Page

ModelOps stage

Slack Channel s_modelops
Handbook Page Data Science
Product Taylor McCaslinTaylor McCaslin  
Development Bartek MarnaneBartek Marnane  
Product Design Jacki BauerJacki Bauer  
DataOps group
Slack Channel s_modelops
Features in this Group Features
Product Kevin ChuKevin Chu  
Development Monmayuri RayMonmayuri Ray  
Product Marketing Laurena Quinteiro AlvesLaurena Quinteiro Alves  
Technical Writing Fiona NeillFiona Neill   Jon GlassmanJon Glassman   Suzanne SelhornSuzanne Selhorn  
Application Security Engineer Kevin MorrisonKevin Morrison  
Name Maturity Links
DataOps Planned 2024 Direction Page
MLOps group
Development Totals 2
Slack Channel g_mlops
Features in this Group Features
Product Kevin ChuKevin Chu  
Development Monmayuri RayMonmayuri Ray  
Backend Engineering Alper AkgunAlper Akgun   Fred de GierFred de Gier  
Product Marketing Laurena Quinteiro AlvesLaurena Quinteiro Alves  
Technical Writing Fiona NeillFiona Neill   Jon GlassmanJon Glassman   Suzanne SelhornSuzanne Selhorn  
Application Security Engineer Kevin MorrisonKevin Morrison  
Name Maturity Links
MLOps Minimal Documentation Page
Direction Page
AI Agents Planned 2024 Documentation Page
Direction Page

Dev section

Product Steve EvangelistaSteve Evangelista  
Development Tim ZallmannTim Zallmann  
Product Design Marcel van RemmerdenMarcel van Remmerden   Taurie DavisTaurie Davis  
UX Research Ben Leduc-MillsBen Leduc-Mills   Danika TeverovskyDanika Teverovsky  
Product Marketing Aathira NairAathira Nair  
Legal & Corporate Affairs Iris GormanIris Gorman  
graph TD;



    dev[Dev section]-->s_create[Create stage];

        s_create-->g_code_creation["Code Creation
        click g_code_creation "/handbook/product/categories/#code-suggestions";
        s_create-->g_code_review["Code Review
        click g_code_review "/handbook/product/categories/#code-review-group";
        s_create-->g_editor_extensions["Editor Extensions
        click g_editor_extensions "/handbook/product/categories/#editor-extensions";
        s_create-->g_remote_development["Remote Development
        click g_remote_development "/handbook/product/categories/#remote-development-group";
        s_create-->g_source_code["Source Code
        click g_source_code "/handbook/product/categories/#source-code-group";












    dev[Dev section]-->s_plan[Plan stage];

        click g_knowledge "/handbook/product/product-categories/#knowledge-group";
        click g_optimize "/handbook/product/categories/#value-stream-management-group";
        s_plan-->g_product_planning["Product Planning
        click g_product_planning "/handbook/product/categories/#product_planning";
        s_plan-->g_project_management["Project Management
        click g_project_management "/handbook/product/categories/#project-management-group";






Click on a group name to see more details.

Create stage

Slack Channel s_create
Product Derek FergusonDerek Ferguson  
Development Darva SatcherDarva Satcher  
Software Engineering Jay McCureJay McCure  
Product Design Andy VolpeAndy Volpe  
Code Creation group
Development Totals 12
Slack Channel g_code_creation
Handbook Page Create:Code Creation Group
Features in this Group Features
Product Derek FergusonDerek Ferguson  
Backend Engineering Manager Matt NohrMatt Nohr  
Backend Engineering Allen CookAllen Cook   Anna SpringfieldAnna Springfield   Backend EngineerBackend Engineer   Jan ProvaznikJan Provaznik   Leaminn MaLeaminn Ma   Marvin GayMarvin Gay   Mikołaj WawrzyniakMikołaj Wawrzyniak   Missy DaviesMissy Davies   Pam ArtiagaPam Artiaga   Sri RanganSri Rangan   Tian GaoTian Gao   Vitali TatarintevVitali Tatarintev  
Support John GaughanJohn Gaughan  
Technical Writing Jon GlassmanJon Glassman  
Name Maturity Links
Code Suggestions Viable Marketing Page
Documentation Page
Direction Page
Code Review group
Backend Frontend
Development Totals 5 4
Slack Channel g_create_code-review
Handbook Page Create:Code Review Group
Focus Create Code Review GMAU
Features in this Group Features
Product Kai ArmstrongKai Armstrong  
Backend Engineering Manager François RoséFrançois Rosé  
Backend Engineering Sincheol (David) KimSincheol (David) Kim   Gary HoltzGary Holtz   Kerri MillerKerri Miller   Marc ShawMarc Shaw   Patrick BajaoPatrick Bajao  
Frontend Engineering Manager André LuísAndré Luís  
Frontend Engineering André LuísAndré Luís   Phil HughesPhil Hughes   Stanislav LashmanovStanislav Lashmanov   Thomas RandolphThomas Randolph  
UX Research Ben Leduc-MillsBen Leduc-Mills  
Product Designer Alex FracazoAlex Fracazo  
Product Marketing Aathira NairAathira Nair  
Support Ben KingBen King  
Technical Writing Amy QuallsAmy Qualls  
Application Security Engineer Greg AlfaroGreg Alfaro  
Internal Customers
Engineering Department
Marketing Department
Product Department
Product Security Department
Name Maturity Links
Code Review Workflow Complete Documentation Page
Direction Page
GitLab CLI Viable Documentation Page
Direction Page
Editor Extensions group
Backend Frontend
Development Totals 4 5
Slack Channel g_editor-extensions
Handbook Page Create:Editor Extensions Group
Features in this Group Features
Product Dasha AdushkinaDasha Adushkina  
Development Kisha Mavryck RichardsonKisha Mavryck Richardson  
Backend Engineering Dylan BernardiDylan Bernardi   Erran CareyErran Carey   John SlaughterJohn Slaughter   Laura IonelLaura Ionel  
Frontend Engineering Andrei ZubovAndrei Zubov   Elwyn BensonElwyn Benson   Olena HK.Olena HK.   Tomas VikTomas Vik   Tristan ReadTristan Read  
UX Research Ben Leduc-MillsBen Leduc-Mills  
Technical Writing Amy QuallsAmy Qualls  
Name Maturity Links
Editor Extensions Minimal Documentation Page
Direction Page
Remote Development group
Development Totals 2
Slack Channel g_create_ide
Handbook Page Create:Remote Development Group
Focus Create Remote Development GMAU
Features in this Group Features
Product Michelle ChenMichelle Chen  
Development Adebayo AdesanyaAdebayo Adesanya  
Frontend Engineering Enrique AlcántaraEnrique Alcántara   Paul SlaughterPaul Slaughter  
Software Engineering Nivetha PrabakaranNivetha Prabakaran  
UX Research Ben Leduc-MillsBen Leduc-Mills  
Product Designer Taylor VanderhelmTaylor Vanderhelm  
Product Marketing Aathira NairAathira Nair  
Technical Writing Ashraf KhamisAshraf Khamis  
Application Security Engineer Greg AlfaroGreg Alfaro  
Internal Customers
Marketing Department
Engineering Department
Finance Department
People Operations
Product Department
Product Security Department
Name Maturity Links
Web IDE Competitive Documentation Page
Direction Page
Workspaces Minimal Documentation Page
Direction Page
Source Code group
Backend Frontend
Development Totals 10 3
Slack Channel g_create_source-code
Handbook Page Create:Source Code BE Team
Focus Create Source Code GMAU
Features in this Group Features
Product Marie-Christine BabinMarie-Christine Babin  
Backend Engineering Manager Devi PoosarlaDevi Poosarla  
Backend Engineering Ash McKenzieAsh McKenzie   Emma ParkEmma Park   Fred ReininkFred Reinink   Gavin HinfeyGavin Hinfey   Senior Backend EngineerSenior Backend Engineer   Senior Backend EngineerSenior Backend Engineer   Javiera TapiaJaviera Tapia   Joe WoodwardJoe Woodward   Olaoluwa OluroOlaoluwa Oluro   Vasilii IakliushinVasilii Iakliushin  
Frontend Engineering Manager André LuísAndré Luís  
Frontend Engineering André LuísAndré Luís   Jacques ErasmusJacques Erasmus   Paulina Sedlak-JakubowskaPaulina Sedlak-Jakubowska  
UX Research Ben Leduc-MillsBen Leduc-Mills  
Product Designer Michael LeMichael Le  
Product Marketing Aathira NairAathira Nair  
Technical Writing Marcin Sędłak-JakubowskiMarcin Sędłak-Jakubowski  
Application Security Engineer Costel MaximCostel Maxim  
Customer Success Conley RogersConley Rogers   Kristof GoossensKristof Goossens   Simon MansfieldSimon Mansfield  
Internal Customers
Engineering Department
Marketing Department
Product Department
Security Division
Name Maturity Links
Source Code Management Complete Marketing Page
Documentation Page
Direction Page

Plan stage

Slack Channel s_plan
Product Melissa UshakovMelissa Ushakov  
Development John HopeJohn Hope  
Software Engineering Désirée ChevalierDésirée Chevalier  
Product Design Justin MandellJustin Mandell   Jacki BauerJacki Bauer  
Knowledge group
Backend Frontend
Development Totals 4 1
Slack Channel g_knowledge
Handbook Page
Focus Plan Knowledge Paid GMAU
Features in this Group Features
Product Matthew MacfarlaneMatthew Macfarlane  
Development Vladimir ShushlinVladimir Shushlin  
Backend Engineering Brett WalkerBrett Walker   Janis AltherrJanis Altherr   Naman Jagdish GalaNaman Jagdish Gala   Piotr SkorupaPiotr Skorupa  
Frontend Engineering Himanshu KapoorHimanshu Kapoor  
UX Research Danika TeverovskyDanika Teverovsky  
Product Marketing Aathira NairAathira Nair  
Application Security Engineer Costel MaximCostel Maxim  
Customer Success Simon MansfieldSimon Mansfield  
Internal Customers
Technical Writing
Name Maturity Links
Wiki Viable Documentation Page
Direction Page
Pages Competitive Documentation Page
Direction Page
Optimize group
Backend Frontend
Development Totals 4 3
Slack Channel g_plan_optimize
Focus Plan Optimize GMAU
Features in this Group Features
Product Haim SnirHaim Snir  
Development Brandon LabuschagneBrandon Labuschagne  
Backend Engineering Staff Backend EngineerStaff Backend Engineer   Charlie AblettCharlie Ablett   Felipe ArturFelipe Artur   Pavel ShutsinPavel Shutsin  
Frontend Engineering Alex PennellsAlex Pennells   Ezekiel KigboEzekiel Kigbo   Rudy CrespoRudy Crespo  
UX Research Danika TeverovskyDanika Teverovsky  
Product Designer Libor VancLibor Vanc  
Product Marketing Aathira NairAathira Nair  
Support Gabriel YoachumGabriel Yoachum  
Technical Writing Lorena CiutacuLorena Ciutacu  
Application Security Engineer Costel MaximCostel Maxim  
Internal Customers
Engineering Department
Product Department
Quality Department
Development Department
Name Maturity Links
Value Stream Management Viable Marketing Page
Documentation Page
Direction Page
DORA Metrics Viable Marketing Page
Documentation Page
Direction Page
DevOps Reports Minimal Documentation Page
Direction Page
Product Planning group
Backend Frontend
Development Totals 5 4
Slack Channel g_product-planning
Focus Plan Product Planning Paid GMAU
Features in this Group Features
Product Amanda RuedaAmanda Rueda  
Development Kushal PandyaKushal Pandya  
Backend Engineering Abhilash  KotteAbhilash Kotte   Eugenia GrieffEugenia Grieff   Joseph JoshuaJoseph Joshua   Kassio BorgesKassio Borges   Nicolas DularNicolas Dular  
Frontend Engineering Anastasia KhomchenkoAnastasia Khomchenko   Florie GuibertFlorie Guibert   Jack ChapmanJack Chapman   Rajan MistryRajan Mistry  
UX Research Danika TeverovskyDanika Teverovsky  
Product Designer Nick BrandtNick Brandt  
Product Marketing Aathira NairAathira Nair  
Technical Writing Marcin Sędłak-JakubowskiMarcin Sędłak-Jakubowski  
Application Security Engineer Ottilia WesterlundOttilia Westerlund  
Internal Customers
Engineering Department
Product Department
Security Division
Name Maturity Links
Portfolio Management Viable Marketing Page
Documentation Page
Direction Page
OKR Management Minimal Documentation Page
Direction Page
Design Management Viable Documentation Page
Direction Page
Requirements Management Minimal Documentation Page
Direction Page
Quality Management Minimal Documentation Page
Direction Page
Project Management group
Backend Frontend
Development Totals 4 5
Slack Channel g_project-management
Handbook Page Plan:Project Management
Focus Plan Project Management Paid GMAU
Features in this Group Features
Product Gabe WeaverGabe Weaver  
Development Donald CookDonald Cook  
Backend Engineering Alexandru CroitorAlexandru Croitor   Heinrich Lee YuHeinrich Lee Yu   Mario CeliMario Celi   Marc SaleikoMarc Saleiko  
Frontend Engineering Senior Frontend EngineerSenior Frontend Engineer   Deepika GulianiDeepika Guliani   Marc SaleikoMarc Saleiko   Natalia TepluhinaNatalia Tepluhina   Simon KnoxSimon Knox  
UX Research Danika TeverovskyDanika Teverovsky  
Product Designer Nick LeonardNick Leonard  
Product Marketing Aathira NairAathira Nair  
Support Ben PrescottBen Prescott  
Technical Writing Marcin Sędłak-JakubowskiMarcin Sędłak-Jakubowski  
Application Security Engineer Costel MaximCostel Maxim  
Internal Customers
Engineering Department
Product Department
Security Division
Name Maturity Links
Team Planning Viable Documentation Page
Direction Page
Service Desk Viable Documentation Page
Direction Page

Fulfillment section

Product Omar FernandezOmar Fernandez  
Development Jerome NgJerome Ng  
Product Design Taurie DavisTaurie Davis  
UX Research Nick HertzNick Hertz  
Infrastructure Manager Dave SmithDave Smith  
Legal & Corporate Affairs Iris GormanIris Gorman  
graph TD;







    fulfillment[Fulfillment section]-->s_fulfillment[Fulfillment stage];

        s_fulfillment-->g_fulfillment_platform["Fulfillment Platform
        click g_fulfillment_platform "/handbook/<no value>";
        click g_provision "/handbook/<no value>";
        s_fulfillment-->g_subscription_management["Subscription Management
        click g_subscription_management "/handbook/<no value>";
        click g_utilization "/handbook/<no value>";














Click on a group name to see more details.

Fulfillment stage

Slack Channel s_fulfillment
Product Omar FernandezOmar Fernandez  
Development Jerome NgJerome Ng  
Software Engineering Valerie BurtonValerie Burton   Richard ChongRichard Chong  
Product Design Emily SybrantEmily Sybrant  
UX Research Nick HertzNick Hertz  
Fulfillment Platform group
Backend Frontend
Development Totals 6 1
Slack Channel g_fulfillment_platform
Features in this Group Features
Product Priyanka PalanikumarPriyanka Palanikumar  
Development James LopezJames Lopez  
Backend Engineering Aishwarya SubramanianAishwarya Subramanian   Etienne BaquéEtienne Baqué   Shreyas AgarwalShreyas Agarwal   Tarun VellishettyTarun Vellishetty   Tyler AmosTyler Amos   Vladlena ShumiloVladlena Shumilo  
Frontend Engineering Tarun VellishettyTarun Vellishetty  
Product Designer Lina FowlerLina Fowler   Timothy NoahTimothy Noah  
Support Tom McAteeTom McAtee  
Application Security Engineer Ottilia WesterlundOttilia Westerlund  
Name Maturity Links
Fulfillment Infradev Viable Direction Page
CustomersDot and quote to cash integrations Viable Direction Page
Fulfillment Internal Admin Tooling Minimal Direction Page
Provision group
Development Totals 4
Slack Channel g_provision
Features in this Group Features
Product Courtney MeddaughCourtney Meddaugh  
Backend Engineering Bishwa Hang RaiBishwa Hang Rai   Corinna GogolokCorinna Gogolok   Paulo BarrosPaulo Barros   Qingyu ZhaoQingyu Zhao  
Product Designer Lina FowlerLina Fowler   Timothy NoahTimothy Noah  
Support Keven HughesKeven Hughes  
Technical Writing Fiona NeillFiona Neill  
Application Security Engineer Rohit ShambhuniRohit Shambhuni  
Name Maturity Links
Plan Provisioning Viable Direction Page
Add-on Provisioning Viable Direction Page
Subscription Management group
Backend Frontend
Development Totals 3 4
Slack Channel g_subscription_management
Features in this Group Features
Product Tatyana GolubevaTatyana Golubeva  
Development Ragnar HardarsonRagnar Hardarson  
Backend Engineering Aman LuthraAman Luthra   Josianne HysonJosianne Hyson   Ryan CobbRyan Cobb  
Frontend Engineering Diana ZubovaDiana Zubova   Michael LunøeMichael Lunøe   Sharmad NachnolkarSharmad Nachnolkar   Vamsi VempatiVamsi Vempati  
UX Research Nick HertzNick Hertz  
Product Designer Lina FowlerLina Fowler   Timothy NoahTimothy Noah  
Support Firdaws FarukhFirdaws Farukh  
Application Security Engineer Ottilia WesterlundOttilia Westerlund  
Name Maturity Links
Subscription Management Viable Direction Page
Utilization group
Backend Frontend
Development Totals 3 4
Slack Channel g_utilization
Features in this Group Features
Product Alexandra MartinAlexandra Martin  
Development Chase SouthardChase Southard  
Backend Engineering Jason GoodmanJason Goodman   Suraj TripathiSuraj Tripathi   Vijay HawoldarVijay Hawoldar  
Frontend Engineering Ammar AlakkadAmmar Alakkad   Angelo GulinaAngelo Gulina   Kos PalchykKos Palchyk   Sheldon LedSheldon Led  
UX Research Nick HertzNick Hertz  
Product Designer Lina FowlerLina Fowler   Timothy NoahTimothy Noah  
Support Shem GyllShem Gyll  
Technical Writing Fiona NeillFiona Neill  
Application Security Engineer Nikhil GeorgeNikhil George  
Name Maturity Links
Consumables Cost Management Viable Direction Page
Seat Cost Management Viable Direction Page

Growth section

Infrastructure Manager Dave SmithDave Smith  
Legal & Corporate Affairs Tiffany ChenTiffany Chen  
graph TD;









    growth[Growth section]-->s_growth[Growth stage];

        click g_acquisition "/handbook/<no value>";
        click g_activation "/handbook/<no value>";












Click on a group name to see more details.

Growth stage

Slack Channel s_growth
GitLab Group @gitlab-org/growth
Handbook Page
Development Kamil NiechajewiczKamil Niechajewicz  
Internal Customers
Sales Department
Marketing Department
Product Department
Finance Department
Acquisition group
Development Totals 5
Slack Channel g_acquisition
Handbook Page
Features in this Group Features
Product Gayle DoudGayle Doud  
Development Kamil NiechajewiczKamil Niechajewicz  
Backend Engineering Buck O'LearyBuck O'Leary   Doug StullDoug Stull   Jay MontalJay Montal   Roy LiuRoy Liu   Serhii YarynovskyiSerhii Yarynovskyi  
Application Security Engineer Nikhil GeorgeNikhil George  
Name Maturity Links
Acquisition Direction Page
Onboarding Direction Page
Activation group
Slack Channel g_activation
Handbook Page
Features in this Group Features
Product Paige CorderoPaige Cordero  
Development Kamil NiechajewiczKamil Niechajewicz  
Application Security Engineer Nikhil GeorgeNikhil George  
Name Maturity Links
Activation Direction Page

SaaS Platforms section

Product Fabian ZimmerFabian Zimmer  
Development Marin JankovskiMarin Jankovski  
Product Design Marcel van RemmerdenMarcel van Remmerden  
UX Research Will LeidheiserWill Leidheiser  
Infrastructure Manager Dave SmithDave Smith  
Legal & Corporate Affairs Iris GormanIris Gorman  
graph TD;
















    platforms[SaaS Platforms section]-->s_platforms[SaaS Platforms stage];

        s_platforms-->g_dedicated["GitLab Dedicated
        click g_dedicated "/handbook/product/categories/#gitlab-dedicated-group";
        click g_delivery "/handbook/<no value>";
        s_platforms-->g_pubsec_services["US Public Sector Services
        click g_pubsec_services "/handbook/product/categories/#us-public-sector-services-group";
        click g_scalability "/handbook/<no value>";
        click g_switchboard "/handbook/product/categories/#switchboard";





Click on a group name to see more details.

SaaS Platforms stage

Slack Channel s_platforms
GitLab Group @gitlab-com/gl-infra/platform
Handbook Page Development
Software Engineering Brittany WilkersonBrittany Wilkerson  
Product Design Rayana VerissimoRayana Verissimo  
GitLab Dedicated group
Slack Channel f_gitlab_dedicated
GitLab Group @TBD
Handbook Page GitLab Dedicated Group
Focus GMAU
Features in this Group Features
Product Chris BalaneChris Balane  
Backend Engineering Manager Oriol LluchOriol Lluch  
Product Design Rayana VerissimoRayana Verissimo  
UX Research Will LeidheiserWill Leidheiser  
Support Wei-Meng LeeWei-Meng Lee   Wade JenkinsWade Jenkins   Matthew BadeauMatthew Badeau   Brie CarranzaBrie Carranza   Armin HergenhanArmin Hergenhan  
Technical Writing Lysanne PintoLysanne Pinto  
Application Security Engineer Greg AlfaroGreg Alfaro  
Infrastructure Security Engineer Dhruv JainDhruv Jain  
Name Maturity Links
GitLab Dedicated Documentation Page
Direction Page
Delivery group
Slack Channel g_delivery
GitLab Group @gitlab-org/delivery
Handbook Page Delivery Group
Features in this Group Features
Product Sam WiskowSam Wiskow  
Development Michele BursiMichele Bursi  
UX Research Will LeidheiserWill Leidheiser  
Application Security Engineer Ameya DarshanAmeya Darshan  
Name Maturity Links
Delivery Documentation Page
Direction Page
US Public Sector Services group
Slack Channel TBD
Slack Alias TBD
GitLab Group @TBD
Focus GMAU
Features in this Group Features
Software Engineering Andy HohennerAndy Hohenner  
Support Wade JenkinsWade Jenkins  
Application Security Engineer Greg MyersGreg Myers  
Name Maturity Links
US Public Sector Services Documentation Page
Direction Page
Scalability group
Slack Channel g_scalability
GitLab Group @gitlab-org/scalability
Handbook Page Scalability Group
Features in this Group Features
Product Sam WiskowSam Wiskow  
Development Rachel NienaberRachel Nienaber  
Application Security Engineer Rohit ShambhuniRohit Shambhuni  
Name Maturity Links
Scalability Documentation Page
Direction Page
Error Budgets Documentation Page
Direction Page
Infrastructure Cost Data Direction Page
Capacity Planning Documentation Page
Direction Page
Redis Direction Page
Rate Limiting Framework Direction Page
Switchboard group
Slack Channel g_dedicated_switchboard
GitLab Group @TBD
Handbook Page Switchboard team
Focus GMAU
Features in this Group Features
Product Loryn BortinsLoryn Bortins  
Backend Engineering Manager Amy ShielAmy Shiel  
Product Design Rayana VerissimoRayana Verissimo  
UX Research Will LeidheiserWill Leidheiser  
Product Designer Divya AlagarsamyDivya Alagarsamy  
Support Matthew BadeauMatthew Badeau  
Technical Writing Lysanne PintoLysanne Pinto  
Application Security Engineer Greg AlfaroGreg Alfaro  
Name Maturity Links
Switchboard Documentation Page
Direction Page

Sec section

Product Hillary BensonHillary Benson  
Development Bartek MarnaneBartek Marnane  
Product Design Taurie DavisTaurie Davis  
Legal & Corporate Affairs Iris GormanIris Gorman  
graph TD;








    sec[Sec section]-->s_govern[Govern stage];

        click g_anti-abuse "/handbook/product/categories/#anti-abuse-group";
        click g_authentication "/handbook/product/product-categories#authentation-group";
        click g_authorization "/handbook/<no value>";
        click g_compliance "/handbook/product/product-categories#compliance-group";
        s_govern-->g_pipeline_security["Pipeline Security
        click g_pipeline_security "/handbook/product/categories/#pipeline-security-group";
        s_govern-->g_security_policies["Security Policies
        click g_security_policies "/handbook/product/categories/#security-policies-group";
        s_govern-->g_threat_insights["Threat Insights
        click g_threat_insights "/handbook/product/categories/#threat-insights-group";









    sec[Sec section]-->s_secure[Secure stage];

        s_secure-->g_composition_analysis["Composition Analysis
        click g_composition_analysis "/handbook/product/categories/#composition-analysis-group";
        s_secure-->g_dynamic_analysis["Dynamic Analysis
        click g_dynamic_analysis "/handbook/product/categories/#dynamic-analysis-group";
        s_secure-->g_secret_detection["Secret Detection
        click g_secret_detection "/handbook/product/categories/#secret-detection-group";
        s_secure-->g_static_analysis["Static Analysis
        click g_static_analysis "/handbook/product/categories/#static-analysis-group";
        s_secure-->g_vulnerability_research["Vulnerability Research
        click g_vulnerability_research "/handbook/product/categories/#vulnerability-research-group";




Click on a group name to see more details.

Govern stage

Slack Channel s_govern
GitLab Group @gitlab-org/govern
Handbook Page Govern Sub-department
Product Sam WhiteSam White  
Development Phil CalderPhil Calder  
Software Engineering Harsha MuralidharHarsha Muralidhar  
Product Design Justin MandellJustin Mandell  
Anti-Abuse group
Development Totals 1
Slack Channel g_govern_anti-abuse
Handbook Page
Features in this Group Features
Product Joe RandazzoJoe Randazzo  
Development Jay SwainJay Swain  
Backend Engineering Eugie LimpinEugie Limpin  
Support Michael GibsonMichael Gibson  
Application Security Engineer Greg MyersGreg Myers  
Internal Customers
Security Operations Department
Name Maturity Links
Instance Resiliency Minimal Documentation Page
Direction Page
Insider Threat Minimal Direction Page
Authentication group
Backend Frontend
Development Totals 6 1
Slack Channel g_govern_authentication
Focus Govern Authentication Paid GMAU
Features in this Group Features
Product Hannah SutorHannah Sutor  
Development Adil FarrukhAdil Farrukh  
Backend Engineering Andrew EvansAndrew Evans   Bogdan DenkovychBogdan Denkovych   Drew BlessingDrew Blessing   Imre FarkasImre Farkas   Smriti GargSmriti Garg   Aboobacker MKAboobacker MK  
Frontend Engineering Eduardo Sanz-GarciaEduardo Sanz-Garcia  
Support Alvin GounderAlvin Gounder  
Technical Writing Jon GlassmanJon Glassman  
Application Security Engineer Rohit ShambhuniRohit Shambhuni  
Internal Customers
Customer Support Department
Product Security Department
Corporate Security Department
Infrastructure Department
Name Maturity Links
User Management Viable Documentation Page
Direction Page
System Access Viable Documentation Page
Direction Page
Authorization group
Backend Frontend
Development Totals 4 1
Slack Channel g_govern_authorization
Focus Govern Authorization Paid GMAU
Features in this Group Features
Product Joe RandazzoJoe Randazzo  
Development Jay SwainJay Swain  
Backend Engineering Alex BuijsAlex Buijs   Hinam MehraHinam Mehra   Jarka KošanováJarka Košanová   Mo KhanMo Khan  
Frontend Engineering Daniel TianDaniel Tian  
Product Designer Ilonah PelaezIlonah Pelaez  
Application Security Engineer Rohit ShambhuniRohit Shambhuni  
Customer Success Caleb CooperCaleb Cooper   Mirko BrandnerMirko Brandner   Yu-Chen HsuehYu-Chen Hsueh  
Internal Customers
Product Security Department
Corporate Security Department
Name Maturity Links
Permissions Viable Documentation Page
Direction Page
Compliance group
Backend Frontend
Development Totals 5 2
Slack Channel g_govern_compliance
Focus Govern Compliance Paid GMAU
Features in this Group Features
Product Ian KhorIan Khor  
Development Nathan RosandichNathan Rosandich  
Backend Engineering Aaron HuntsmanAaron Huntsman   Harsimar SandhuHarsimar Sandhu   Hitesh RaghuvanshiHitesh Raghuvanshi   Huzaifa IftikharHuzaifa Iftikhar   Sam FigueroaSam Figueroa  
Frontend Engineering Illya KlymovIllya Klymov   Nataliia RadinaNataliia Radina  
Technical Writing Evan ReadEvan Read  
Application Security Engineer Kevin MorrisonKevin Morrison  
Customer Success Caleb CooperCaleb Cooper   Mirko BrandnerMirko Brandner   Yu-Chen HsuehYu-Chen Hsueh  
Internal Customers
Customer Support Department
Product Security Department
Security Assurance Department
Infrastructure Department
Name Maturity Links
Audit Events Viable Documentation Page
Direction Page
Compliance Management Viable Documentation Page
Direction Page
Release Evidence Minimal Documentation Page
Direction Page
Software Bill of Materials Viable Marketing Page
Documentation Page
Direction Page
Pipeline Security group
Slack Channel g_pipeline-security
Focus Pipeline Security Sum of AMAUs
Features in this Group Features
Product Jocelyn EillisJocelyn Eillis  
Development Scott HamptonScott Hampton  
Product Designer Bonnie TsangBonnie Tsang  
Support Nilanka De SilvaNilanka De Silva   Paul MurrayPaul Murray   Manuel GrabowskiManuel Grabowski  
Technical Writing Marcel AmiraultMarcel Amirault  
Internal Customers
Quality Department
UX Department
Infrastructure Department
AutoDevOps and Kubernetes Group
Product Security Department
Name Maturity Links
Secure Artifacts Minimal Documentation Page
Direction Page
Secrets Management Minimal Documentation Page
Direction Page
Security Policies group
Backend Frontend
Development Totals 5 2
Slack Channel g_govern_security_policies
Focus Security Policies Paid GMAU
Features in this Group Features
Product Grant HickmanGrant Hickman  
Development Alan (Maciej) ParuszewskiAlan (Maciej) Paruszewski  
Backend Engineering Andy SchoenenAndy Schoenen   Dominic BauerDominic Bauer   Marcos RochaMarcos Rocha   Martin CavojMartin Cavoj   Sashi Kumar KumaresanSashi Kumar Kumaresan  
Frontend Engineering Alexander TurinskeAlexander Turinske   Artur FedorovArtur Fedorov  
Product Designer Camellia X. YangCamellia X. Yang  
Support Ulises FierroUlises Fierro  
Technical Writing Russell DickensonRussell Dickenson  
Application Security Engineer Ottilia WesterlundOttilia Westerlund  
Customer Success Caleb CooperCaleb Cooper   Mirko BrandnerMirko Brandner   Yu-Chen HsuehYu-Chen Hsueh  
Internal Customers
Product Security Department
Security Assurance Department
Infrastructure Department
Name Maturity Links
Security Policy Management Minimal Documentation Page
Direction Page
Threat Insights group
Backend Frontend
Development Totals 7 4
Slack Channel g_govern_threat_insights
Focus Threat Insights Paid GMAU
Features in this Group Features
Product Alana BellucciAlana Bellucci  
Backend Engineering Bala Kumar SubramaniBala Kumar Subramani   Brian WilliamsBrian Williams   Gregory HavengaGregory Havenga   Mehmet Emin InacMehmet Emin Inac   Michał ZającMichał Zając   Subashis ChakrabortySubashis Chakraborty   Michael BeckerMichael Becker  
Frontend Engineering Dave PisekDave Pisek   Lorenz van HerwaardenLorenz van Herwaarden   Samantha MingSamantha Ming   Savas VedovaSavas Vedova  
Fullstack Engineering Manager Ryan WellsRyan Wells   Neil McCorrisonNeil McCorrison  
Product Designer Becka LippertBecka Lippert  
Support Gerardo GutierrezGerardo Gutierrez  
Technical Writing Russell DickensonRussell Dickenson  
Application Security Engineer Ottilia WesterlundOttilia Westerlund  
Customer Success Caleb CooperCaleb Cooper   Mirko BrandnerMirko Brandner   Yu-Chen HsuehYu-Chen Hsueh  
Internal Customers
Product Security Department
Name Maturity Links
Vulnerability Management Viable Documentation Page
Direction Page
Dependency Management Viable Documentation Page
Direction Page

Secure stage

Slack Channel s_secure
GitLab Group @gitlab-org/secure
Handbook Page Secure Sub-Department
Product Sarah WaldnerSarah Waldner  
Development Thomas WoodhamThomas Woodham  
Software Engineering Will MeekWill Meek  
Product Design Justin MandellJustin Mandell  
Composition Analysis group
Backend Frontend
Development Totals 14 1
Slack Channel g_secure-composition-analysis
Slack Alias secure_composition_analysis_dev
GitLab Group @gitlab-org/secure/composition-analysis-dev
Focus Composition Analysis Paid GMAU
Features in this Group Features
Product John CrowleyJohn Crowley  
Backend Engineering Aditya TiwariAditya Tiwari   Fabien CatteauFabien Catteau   Oscar TovarOscar Tovar   Igor FrenkelIgor Frenkel   Miki AmosMiki Amos   Nick IlieskouNick Ilieskou   Olivier GonzalezOlivier Gonzalez   Orin NaamanOrin Naaman   Philip CunninghamPhilip Cunningham   Shao Ming TanShao Ming Tan   Tal KopelTal Kopel   Thiago FigueiróThiago Figueiró   Yasha RiseYasha Rise   Zamir Martins FilhoZamir Martins Filho  
Frontend Engineering Fernando CardenasFernando Cardenas  
Fullstack Engineering Manager Thiago FigueiróThiago Figueiró   Tal KopelTal Kopel  
Support Katrin LeinweberKatrin Leinweber  
Technical Writing Phillip WellsPhillip Wells   Russell DickensonRussell Dickenson  
Application Security Engineer Nikhil GeorgeNikhil George  
Customer Success Bryan MillerBryan Miller   Brian WaldBrian Wald   Sam MorrisSam Morris  
Internal Customers
Product Security Department
Engineering Department
Name Maturity Links
Software Composition Analysis Viable Documentation Page
Direction Page
Container Scanning Viable Documentation Page
Direction Page
Dynamic Analysis group
Development Totals 6
Slack Channel g_secure-dynamic-analysis
Slack Alias secure_dynamic_analysis_be
GitLab Group @gitlab-org/secure/dynamic-analysis-be
Focus Dynamic Analysis Paid GMAU
Features in this Group Features
Product Sara MeadzingerSara Meadzinger  
Development Mike EddingtonMike Eddington  
Backend Engineering Alexander DietrichAlexander Dietrich   Arpit GogiaArpit Gogia   Cam SwordsCam Swords   David NelsonDavid Nelson   Juliet WanjohiJuliet Wanjohi   Mike EddingtonMike Eddington  
Support Kate GrechishkinaKate Grechishkina  
Technical Writing Phillip WellsPhillip Wells   Russell DickensonRussell Dickenson  
Application Security Engineer Nikhil GeorgeNikhil George  
Customer Success Bryan MillerBryan Miller   Brian WaldBrian Wald   Sam MorrisSam Morris  
Internal Customers
Product Security Department
Engineering Department
Name Maturity Links
DAST Viable Documentation Page
Direction Page
Fuzz Testing Viable Documentation Page
Direction Page
API Security Viable Documentation Page
Direction Page
Attack Emulation
Secret Detection group
Backend Frontend
Development Totals 4 1
Slack Channel g_secure-secret-detection
Slack Alias secure_secret_detection_team
GitLab Group @gitlab-org/secure/secret-detection
Focus Secret Detection Paid GMAU
Features in this Group Features
Product Sara MeadzingerSara Meadzinger  
Backend Engineering Manager Amar PatelAmar Patel  
Backend Engineering Ahmed HemdanAhmed Hemdan   Ross FuhrmanRoss Fuhrman   Serena FangSerena Fang   Vishwa BhatVishwa Bhat  
Frontend Engineering Dheeraj JoshiDheeraj Joshi  
Product Designer Michael FangmanMichael Fangman  
Support David CoyDavid Coy  
Technical Writing Russell DickensonRussell Dickenson  
Application Security Engineer Nikhil GeorgeNikhil George  
Customer Success Bryan MillerBryan Miller   Brian WaldBrian Wald   Sam MorrisSam Morris  
Internal Customers
Product Security Department
Engineering Department
Name Maturity Links
Secret Detection Viable Documentation Page
Direction Page
Static Analysis group
Development Totals 5
Slack Channel g_secure-static-analysis
Slack Alias secure_static_analysis_team
GitLab Group @gitlab-org/secure/static-analysis
Focus SAST Paid GMAU
Features in this Group Features
Product Connor GilbertConnor Gilbert  
Backend Engineering Manager Tal KopelTal Kopel  
Backend Engineering Adam CohenAdam Cohen   Craig SmithCraig Smith   Hua YanHua Yan   Jason LeasureJason Leasure   Julian ThomeJulian Thome  
Support Christopher Chewa MutuaChristopher Chewa Mutua   David CoyDavid Coy  
Technical Writing Phillip WellsPhillip Wells   Russell DickensonRussell Dickenson  
Application Security Engineer Nikhil GeorgeNikhil George  
Customer Success Bryan MillerBryan Miller   Brian WaldBrian Wald   Sam MorrisSam Morris  
Internal Customers
Product Security Department
Engineering Department
Name Maturity Links
SAST Viable Documentation Page
Direction Page
Code Quality Minimal Documentation Page
Direction Page
Vulnerability Research group
Development Totals 3
Slack Channel g_secure-vulnerability-research
Focus Paid GMAU
Features in this Group Features
Product Sarah WaldnerSarah Waldner  
Backend Engineering Manager Thomas WoodhamThomas Woodham  
Backend Engineering Dinesh BolkensteynDinesh Bolkensteyn   Isaac DawsonIsaac Dawson   Michael HenriksenMichael Henriksen  
Support Mario MoraMario Mora  
Application Security Engineer Nikhil GeorgeNikhil George  
Internal Customers
Product Security Department
Engineering Department
Name Maturity Links
GitLab Advisory Database Direction Page

Single-Engineer Groups section

graph TD;

    seg[Single-Engineer Groups section]-->s_5-min-app[Deploy stage];

        s_5-min-app-->g_5-min-app["Five Minute Production App
        click g_5-min-app "/handbook/product/categories/#five-minute-production-app-group";










    seg[Single-Engineer Groups section]-->s_mobile[Mobile stage];

        s_mobile-->g_mobile_devops["Mobile DevOps
        click g_mobile_devops "/handbook/product/categories/#mobile-devops-group";










Click on a group name to see more details.

Deploy stage

Slack Channel s_five_minute_app
Five Minute Production App group
Slack Channel 5-minute-production-app
Focus Five Minute Production App AMAU
Features in this Group Features
Name Maturity Links
5 Minute Production App Direction Page

Mobile stage

Slack Channel s_mobile
Product David DeSantoDavid DeSanto  
Mobile DevOps group
Slack Channel mobile-devops
Features in this Group Features
Name Maturity Links
Mobile DevOps Direction Page

Possible future Stages

We have boundless ambition, and we expect GitLab to continue to add new stages to the DevOps lifecycle. Below is a list of future stages we are considering:

  1. Data, maybe leveraging Meltano product
  2. Networking, maybe leveraging some of the open source standards for networking and/or Terraform networking providers
  3. Design, we already have design management today

Stages are different from the application types you can service with GitLab.


Not all categories are at the same level of maturity. Some are just minimal and some are lovable. See the category maturity page to see where each category stands.

Other functionality

This list of other functionality so you can easily find the team that owns it. Maybe we should make our features easier to search to replace the section below.

Other functionality in Plan stage

Project Management group

  • assignees
  • milestones
  • due dates
  • labels
  • issue weights
  • quick actions
  • email notifications
  • to-do list
  • Real-time features (excluding real-time collaboration)

Knowlege group

  • markdown functionality
  • rich text editor

Other functionality in Create stage

Code Review group

Remote Development group

Other functionality in Verify

CI Group

Pipeline Authoring Group

Other functionality in Monitor stage

Other functionality in Manage stage

Other functionality in Engineering Productivity

Other functionality in Test Platform

Internal Customers: Gitaly, Core Platform section, SaaS Platforms section, Infrastructure Department, Support Department, Customer Success

Other functionality in Analytics

Product Analytics group

  • Analytics Dashboards - used by many groups to add visualizations or provide pre-configured dashboards to users

Facilitated functionality

Some product areas are have a broad impact across multiple stages. Examples of this include, among others:

  • Shared project views, like the project overview and settings page.
  • Functionality specific to the admin area and not tied to a feature belonging to a particular stage.
  • UI components available through our design system, Pajamas.
  • Dashboards for displaying analytics, such as Product Analytics, Value Stream Analytics, and others.

While the mental models for these areas are maintained by specific stage groups, everyone is encouraged to contribute within the guidelines that those teams establish. For example, anyone can contribute a new setting following the established guidelines for Settings. When a contribution is submitted that does not conform to those guidelines, we merge it and “fix forward” to encourage innovation.

If you encounter an issue falling into a facilitated area:

  • For issues that relate to updating the guidelines, apply the group::category label for the facilitating group.
  • For issues that relate to adding content related to a facilitated area, apply the group::category label for the most closely related group. For example, when adding a new setting related to Merge Requests, apply the group::source code label.

Shared responsibility functionality

There are certain product capabilities that are foundational in nature and affect or refer to horizontal components of the architecture that have an impact across functional groups and stages.

These capabilities may refer to “Facilitated Functionality” (see section above) where the mental models are owned by a particular group, while anyone can contribute. However, there may be others that will not have a clear owner because they don’t fall squarely into any particular group’s purview of product categories. Prime examples of this are issues related to the improvement or evolution of foundational components, frameworks and libraries that are used by several or all groups across the organization. Another example could be components created by special task groups in the past that have been since dissolved and that have not required continued development to justify the funding of a dedicated permanent group to maintain them.

Whatever the source of the functionality, rather than thinking of these components as “not having an owner”, it is important to think of them as being owned by everyone through the lens of shared responsibility. “Shared responsibility” means that every group should be committed and responsible to contribute to their continued maintenance, improvement and innovation.

Contribution, in this context, may manifest in different ways:

  • Triage by coordinating conversations with stakeholders from different functions and at different levels to find the right owner and/or set the right level of priority.
  • Product feature scoping and UX design by fleshing out the details of implementation in requirements documents and/or mockups.
  • Technical scoping and feasibility analysis for possible technical and architectural approaches to implementation
  • Actual implementation and release activities

It does not mean, however, that a single group should necessarily be solely responsible for all of these activities. Multiple groups could end up collaborating in execution. This coordination however requires a careful triage of the shared responsibility issues in the issue tracker where a single DRI coordinates these activities.

For more information please review this section in the quality department handbook to learn more about a decentralized approach to triaging these types of issues.

Categories A-Z

Category Group
Acquisition acquisition Acquisition
Activation activation Activation
Add-on Provisioning add-on_provisioning Provision
GitLab Advisory Database advisory_database Vulnerability Research
AI Abstraction Layer ai_abstraction_layer AI Framework
AI Agents ai_agents MLOps
AI Evaluation ai_evaluation AI Model Validation
AI Research ai_research AI Model Validation
API api Import and Integrate
API Security api_security Dynamic Analysis
Application Instrumentation application_instrumentation Analytics Instrumentation
Attack Emulation attack_emulation Dynamic Analysis
Audit Events audit_events Compliance
Auto DevOps auto_devops Environments
Backup/Restore of GitLab instances backup_restore Geo
Build build Distribution::Build
Capacity Planning capacity_planning Scalability
Cell cell Tenant Scale
Continuous Integration (CI) Scaling ci_scaling CI Platform
Variables ci_variables
Cloud Connector cloud_connector Cloud Connector
Cloud Native Installation cloud_native_installation Distribution::Deploy
Code Quality code_quality Static Analysis
Code Review Workflow code_review_workflow Code Review
Code Search code_search Global Search
Code Suggestions code_suggestions Code Creation
Code Testing and Coverage code_testing Pipeline Execution
Compliance Management compliance_management Compliance
Consumables Cost Management consumables_cost_management Utilization
Container Registry container_registry Container Registry
Container Scanning container_scanning Composition Analysis
Continuous Delivery continuous_delivery Environments
Continuous Integration (CI) continuous_integration Pipeline Execution
Custom Models custom_models Custom Models
CustomersDot and quote to cash integrations customersdot_and_quote_to_cash_integrations Fulfillment Platform
Database database Database
DataOps dataops DataOps
GitLab Dedicated dedicated GitLab Dedicated
Delivery delivery Delivery
Dependency Firewall dependency_firewall Container Registry
Dependency Management dependency_management Threat Insights
Deployment Management deployment_management Environments
Design Management design_management Product Planning
Pajamas Design System design_system Design System
DevOps Reports devops_reports Optimize
Disaster Recovery disaster_recovery Geo
DORA Metrics dora_metrics Optimize
Duo Chat duo_chat Duo Chat
Duo Workflow duo_workflow AI Framework
DAST dynamic_application_security_testing Dynamic Analysis
Editor Extensions editor_extensions Editor Extensions
Environment Management environment_management Environments
Error Budgets error_budgets Scalability
Error Tracking error_tracking Observability
Feature Flags feature_flags Environments
5 Minute Production App five_minute_production_app Five Minute Production App
Fleet Visibility fleet_visibility Runner
Fulfillment Infradev fulfillment_infradev Fulfillment Platform
Fulfillment Internal Admin Tooling fulfillment_internal_admin_tooling Fulfillment Platform
Fuzz Testing fuzz_testing Dynamic Analysis
Geo-replication geo_replication Geo
Gitaly gitaly Gitaly::Cluster Gitaly::Git
GitLab CLI gitlab_cli Code Review
GitLab Documentation Site gitlab_docs
Global Search global_search Global Search
Groups & Projects groups_and_projects Tenant Scale
Helm Chart Registry helm_chart_registry Package Registry
GitLab Hosted Runners hosted_runners Hosted Runners
Importers importers Import and Integrate
Incident Management incident_management Respond
Infrastructure as Code infrastructure_as_code Environments
Infrastructure Cost Data infrastructure_cost_data Scalability
Insider Threat insider_threat Anti-Abuse
Instance Resiliency instance_resiliency Anti-Abuse
Integrations integrations Import and Integrate
Internationalization internationalization Import and Integrate
Job Artifacts job_artifacts Pipeline Execution
Logging logging Observability
Merge Trains merge_trains Pipeline Execution
Metrics metrics Observability
MLOps mlops MLOps
Mobile DevOps mobile_devops Mobile DevOps
Navigation navigation Personal productivity
Notifications notifications Personal productivity
OKR Management okr_management Product Planning
Omnibus Package omnibus_package Distribution::Deploy
On-call Schedule Management on_call_schedule_management Respond
Onboarding onboarding Acquisition
Organization organization Tenant Scale
Package Registry package_registry Package Registry
Pages pages Knowledge
Permissions permissions Authorization
Pipeline Composition pipeline_composition Pipeline Authoring
Pipeline Reports pipeline_reports Pipeline Execution
Plan Provisioning plan_provisioning Provision
Portfolio Management portfolio_management Product Planning
Product Analytics Data Management product_analytics_data_management Product Analytics
Product Analytics Visualization product_analytics_visualization Product Analytics
US Public Sector Services pubsec_services US Public Sector Services
Quality Management quality_management Product Planning
Rate Limiting Framework rate_limiting Scalability
Redis redis Scalability
Release Evidence release_evidence Compliance
Release Orchestration release_orchestration Environments
Requirements Management requirements_management Product Planning
Review Apps review_apps Pipeline Execution
GitLab Runner Core runner Runner
Scalability scalability Scalability
Seat Cost Management seat_cost_management Utilization
Secret Detection secret_detection Secret Detection
Secrets Management secrets_management Pipeline Security
Secure Artifacts secure_artifacts Pipeline Security
Security Policy Management security_policy_management Security Policies
Service Desk service_desk Project Management
Service Ping service_ping Analytics Instrumentation
Settings settings Personal productivity
Software Composition Analysis software_composition_analysis Composition Analysis
Source Code Management source_code_management Source Code
Software Bill of Materials sscs Compliance
SAST static_application_security_testing Static Analysis
Subscription Management subscription_management Subscription Management
Switchboard switchboard Switchboard
System Access system_access Authentication
Team Planning team_planning Project Management
Tracing tracing Observability
User Management user_management Authentication
User Profile user_profile Tenant Scale
Value Stream Management value_stream_management Optimize
Virtual Registry virtual_registry Container Registry
Vulnerability Management vulnerability_management Threat Insights
Web IDE web_ide Remote Development
Webhooks webhooks Import and Integrate
Wiki wiki Knowledge
Workspaces workspaces Remote Development

Analytics Section
What we cover Who we are Product Groups Here are the individuals who work as part of one of the Analytics Section groups. Analytics Instrumentation Type Names Count PM Tanuja Jayarama Raju 1 UX 0 EM Sebastian Rehm 1 FEM 0 FE 0 BE Ankit Panchal Jonas Larsen Michał Wielich Niko Belokolodov Nwanna Isong Sarah Yasonik 6 Total 8 Product Analytics Type Names Count PM Lindsy Farina 1 UX Graham Bachelder
Features by Group
Features by Group This page is meant to showcase the features by tier across GitLab’s Product Hierarchy. Analytics Section Monitor Monitor: Analytics Instrumentation Group Slack Channel g_analyze_analytics_instrumentation Handbook Page Analytics Instrumentation Group Product Tanuja Jayarama Raju   Backend Engineering Manager Sebastian Rehm   Backend Engineering Ankit Panchal   Sebastian Rehm   Jonas Larsen   Michał Wielich   Niko Belokolodov   Nwanna Isong   Sarah Yasonik   UX Research Nick Hertz   Application Security Engineer Greg Myers   Internal Customers Sales Department Marketing Department Product Department Customer Success Data Team Category Features in Core Features in Premium Features in Ultimate Service Ping Application Instrumentation Monitor: Observability Group Slack Channel g_observability Slack Alias observability-group Handbook Page Monitor:Observability Group Focus Observability Product Sacha Guyon   Development Nicholas Klick   Backend Engineering Ankit Bhatnagar   Arun Sori   Frontend Engineering Daniele Rossetti   UX Research Will Leidheiser   Application Security Engineer Ottilia Westerlund   Infrastructure Security Engineer Paulo Martins   Category Features in Core Features in Premium Features in Ultimate Metrics Tracing Logging Error Tracking Error tracking
Verify Product Group
The Verify Product Group wants to increase sharing, findability, and encourage bias for async communication.