Customer Success Playbooks

View the Customer Success homepage for additional Customer Success handbook content.

Customer Success playbooks assist in selling, driving adoption, and ultimately delivering more value to customers via GitLab’s DevOps platform. The below playbooks will include original content as well as links to other parts of the handbook.

Structure of Playbooks

Procedure: Each Playbook contains the outline of steps to position, apply discovery questions, lead value discussions, and drive adoption (CSM only). The will be driven and tracked via Gainsight.

Positioning: Stage and use case value proposition and positioning with supporting collateral linked within Gainsight CTAs and Playbooks.

  • Market requirements, personas, and differentiators
  • Top features, stages, and categories
  • Competitive assessments
  • Customer slides
  • Proof points, blogs, and customer success stories

Discovery: Discussion tools (e.g., discovery questions) using Command Plan approach.

Adoption: Adoption-related reference materials to accelerate adoption.

  • Adoption map, noting recommend recommended features / use cases and sequence of adoption (where applicable)
  • Analytics Instrumentation attributes to track adoption
  • Product documentation (Content owner: Product and Engineering Teams)
  • Enablement and training assets
  • Paid services

Types of Playbooks

  • Risk: Represents negative trends with customers. Examples include low license utilization, non-engaged customer and product risk.
  • Event/Lifecycle: Lifecycle-based and typically scheduled events. Examples include onboarding, EBRs, and success planning.
  • Opportunity/Expansion: Enablement/Expansion which is tied to revenue and/or product growth. Examples include stage adoption and uptiering.
  • Objectives: Tied to Success Plans and can only be created in C360 > Success Plans section.
  • Activity: Tied to 360 Timeline Activities. Activity is generally used as the default CTA type for CTAs created from the Timeline feature automatically. Users can also create CTAs of this type from the Cockpit page. Example includes account handoff.
  • Digital Journey: Represents the Customer Digital Journey content. Examples include digital onboarding and adoption email series.

Catalog of Playbooks

The following playbooks are aligned to our customer adoption journey and support adoption of the related customer capability and GitLab stage. Within Gainsight, the CSM can manually add any Playbook (instructions) to a Customer.

Playbook Name Automated/Manual Type Internal Reference Link
At-Risk Automated Risk
Low License Utilization Automated Risk
Non-Engaged Customer Manual Risk
Product Risk Manual Risk
Risk Escalation Manual Risk Opening an At-Risk CTA
Create Success Plan Automated Lifecycle
Customer Offboarding Automated Lifecycle
Executive Business Review (EBR) Automated Lifecycle EBR in a Box
High License Utilization: Growth Opportunity Automated Lifecycle
New Customer Digital Onboarding: SaaS Email Series Manual Lifecycle
New Customer Digital Onboarding: Self-Managed Email Series Manual Lifecycle
New Customer Onboarding Automated Lifecycle
Onboarding Pilot Automated Lifecycle
Usage Data Enablement Manual Lifecycle Service Ping FAQ
Agile Enablement Stage Adoption Manual Objective
Agile Expansion Stage Enablement Manual Objective
CD Enablement Stage Adoption Manual Objective Continuous Delivery/Release
CD Expansion Stage Adoption Manual Objective
CI Enablement Stage Adoption Manual Objective Continuous Integration/Verify
CSM CI Workshop
CI Expansion Stage Adoption Manual Objective
Configure Enablement Stage Adoption Manual Objective
Configure Expansion Stage Adoption Manual Objective
Create Enablement Stage Adoption Manual Objective Source Code Management (SCM)/Create Stage
Create Expansion Stage Adoption Manual Objective
DevSecOps Enablement Stage Adoption Manual Objective DevSecOps/Security
DevSecOps Expansion Stage Adoption Manual Objective
Geo Implementation Manual Objective Info Sheet
Discovery Questions
Implementation Tips and Tricks
Improve Cycle Time (Lead Time for Changes) Manual Objective
Increase Deployment Frequency Manual Objective
Manage Enablement Stage Adoption Manual Objective
Manage Expansion Stage Adoption Manual Objective
Monitor Enablement Stage Adoption Manual Objective
Monitor Expansion Stage Adoption Manual Objective
Package Enablement Stage Adoption Manual Objective
Package Expansion Stage Adoption Manual Objective
Selling Ultimate to New Customers Manual Objective Handbook link
Server Migration - On-Prem to On-Prem Manual Objective GitLab Server Migrations Playbook
Server Migration - On-Prem to Self-Managed Cloud Manual Objective GitLab Server Migrations Playbook
Server Migration - On-Prem/Cloud to K8S Manual Objective GitLab Server Migrations Playbook
Server Migration - Self-Managed to GitLab SaaS Manual Objective GitLab Server Migrations Playbook
Ultimate Uptier for Existing Customers Manual Objective Handbook link
Account Handoff Manual Activity
Update Stale CSM Sentiment Manual Activity
Upcoming Renewal Automated Renewal
Digital Adoption - CI Enablement Manual Digital Journey
Digital Onboarding - SaaS Email Series Manual Digital Journey
Digital Onboarding - Self-Managed Alternative Backup Strategies Manual Digital Journey
Digital Onboarding - Self-Managed Email Series Manual Digital Journey
Digital Onboarding - Welcome Email Manual Digital Journey
CSM Account Transitions Manual Digital Journey
Find an Executive Sponsor Manual Objective
Engage an Executive Sponsor Manual Objective

CSMs create playbooks to provide a prescriptive methodology to help with customer discussions around certain aspects of GitLab. We currently have a Stage Adoption Guideline to assist with understanding where a customer stands, and we are working on merging adoption maps into the use case pages.

Continuous Delivery (CD) / Release Stage Playbook
View the Customer Success homepage for additional Customer Success handbook content. Procedure The following are the recommended steps to discover, position, lead value discussions, and drive adoption (CSM only). Discovery The following are recommended questions for discovering customer needs. Positioning Competitive Assessments Demo guides and recordings Adoption Product documentation (Content owner: Product and Engineering Teams) Training assets Paid services Adoption Map Feature / Use Case Free Premium Ultimate Reporting and Metrics Link to product analytics metrics Learning Resources Customer Use Case CD CS Skills Exchange: CD Deep Dive: coming soon
Continuous Integration (CI) / Verify Workshop
View the Customer Success homepage for additional Customer Success handbook content. The following items are for the CI/Verify workshop that the CSM team will deliver to the customer in conjunction with the SA and sometimes PS as half-day, free workshop to enable the customer to see first-hand how easy CI is with GitLab: Workshop Deliverables Project Conversion Create a project plan for converting a project. Rough outline: ​Fork a project to GitLab.
GitLab Server Migrations Playbook
View the Customer Success homepage for additional Customer Success handbook content. This page is to supplement the GitLab Server Migration Playbook (internal link). Also please reference the Skills Exchange session on Server Migrations (private video for internal use only) for additional context on the information below. This playbook is designed for GitLab to GitLab migrations only. It does not cover conversions from other SCM systems or GitLab server consolidation (multiple GitLab servers into a single instance).
Last modified June 27, 2024: Fix various vale errors (46417d02)