Commercial & Licensing Working Group

Define business & customer experience requirements for a system to handle commercial and licensing transactions into the future.


Property Value
Date Created September 1, 2020
End Date October 30, 2020
Slack #commercial_steerco (only accessible from within the company)
Google Doc Commercial & Licensing Working Group (only accessible from within the company)


Situation: Ownership for business outcomes and the customer experience surrounding billing/licensing workflows is very distributed across Fulfillment, Growth, BizOps, SalesOps, Marketing Ops, Sales. Given there is no single business owner for this, we wanted to bring together a cross-functional working group to help provide a unified direction for the responsible teams.


Define business & customer experience requirements for a system to handle commercial and licensing transactions into the future.

Exit Criteria

  • TBD


Person Title
Scott Williamson Chief Product Officer
Bryan Wise VP of IT
Jack Brennan Director, Sales Systems
Dara Warde Director of Marketing Operations
Christopher Nelson Sr. Director of Enterprise Applications
Mike Karampalas Principal Product Manager, Retention
Amanda Rueda Product Manager, Fulfillment
Bartek Marnane Director of Engineering, Growth
Kristie Thomas EBA
Jacki Bauer Product Design Manager, Growth