TD: Campaign Performance Dashboard

The TD: Campaign Performance dashboard is the source of truth dashboard for marketing campaign performance. It is based on Marketo Measure (Bizible) Touchpoints, where each Touchpoint represents a form submitted to a GitLab Marketing website from a person. TD: Campaign Performance (TDP) is based on MS&A’s Lead to Revenue model that combines Touchpoints, persons, and Opportunities, allowing TDP to create a single pane of glass view from Inquiry to closed won SAO.


Unlike many of our other dashboards, the primary date is the Bizible Touchpoint created date. Cohorting to the Touchpoint date lets us show a single date filter and makes all the metrics relative to when the Touchpoint happened.

Using the Advanced Filters, the view can be filtered to add more date constraints.

Dashboard Tabs

Below is an outline of the dashboard’s main tabs.

Drill Down Tabs

The Campaign, Regional, and Bizible Drill Down Tabs show point-in-time campaign information. These three tabs show the same information by different cuts.

Each tab has a different Tableau Hierarchy in the table view, which can be expanded to show more details. Below is a list of the hierarchies with their fields’ names.

  • Campaign - Bizible Integrated Campaign > Bizible Marketing Channel > Bizible Marketing Channel Path > UTM Contnet
  • Regional - Account Demographics Geo > Sales Segmenet > Region > Area
  • Bizible - Bizible Channel > Bizible Channel Path > Campaign

By Single Field

The Overview section shows an overview of leads and contacts for a selected time period. This section deduplicates leads and contacts, counting each person only once, regardless of the number of campaigns they belong to.

Key metrics are presented with the live status of associated inquiries and MQLs of selected campaigns.

Performance by Campaign

In the Performance by Campaign section, each unique person is counted as one per campaign, meaning they would be counted once if the same person were in more than one campaign.

In addition to the key metrics per campaign, we’ve added fields related to the budgeted and actual campaign spend. These are pulled from the Salesforce Campaign object to estimate the Pipeline to Campaign Spend Ratio (P2S). The SFDC campaign object gets its budget information by directly entering the budget in SFDC or from a linked Allocadia line item through the integration from Allocadia to SFDC.


  • Touchpoints - Number of unique persons that have engaged with the specific campaigns

  • Inquiries - Number of people who have reached (or pasted) the inquiry stage and have a touchpoint associated with the campaign.*

  • MQLs - Number of people who have reached (or pasted) the marketing qualified lead stage and have a touchpoint associated with the campaign.*

  • Sales Accepted Leads - Number of leads who have reached (or pasted) the Sales Accepted Lead stage and have a touchpoint associated with the campaign.*

  • Influenced SAOs - Number of Sales Accepted Opportunities with influence from Marketing campaigns calculated using our custom multi-touch attribution model.*

  • Influenced SAOs [OC] - Number of Sales Accepted Opportunities with influence from Marketing campaigns calculated using our custom multi-touch attribution model limited to touchpoints that were the last one before opportunity creation.*

  • Influenced Net ARR - The amount of NET ARR influenced by our Marketing campaigns using our custom multi-touch attribution model.*

  • Touched SAOs - The number of SAOs with at least one Marketing touchpoint.*

  • Cost - The campaign cost reported from the Campaign Object in SFDC. If the campaign cost is $1, then the value is ignored. The field first looks like the actual cost for a value greater than $5; if one is not present, it uses the estimated cost.

  • The Advanced Filters can control the date range for these metrics, limiting them to only {MQLs, SAOs, etc} created in a given timeframe.

Dashboard Filters

Unless otherwise stated, all filters on the dashboard will filter data on all tabs.

The filters are divided into two groups. Primary Filters are shown at all times, andAdvanced Filtersare accessible by opening theAdvanced Filterspanel on theCampaign Drill Down` tab.

The bullets below describe the source of the values in the filters.

Primary Filters

  • Touchpoint Date - Date range during which marketing touchpoint occurred

  • Intergrated Budget Holder - Filters campaigns based on the Budget Holder field in SFDC/UTM parameters.

  • Person Grouping - Filters to either First Order Persons and/or First Order Opps, plus all the combinations.

  • SFDC Campaign Type - The Campaign Type field from SFDC. Selecting any non-null value will remove all touchpoints without an SFDC Campaign.

  • Bizible Intergrated Campaign Name - Either the SFDC Campaign name or the value utm_campaign parameter.

  • Medium - A combined field from utm_medium and Bizible Medium

  • Source - A combined field from utm_source and Bizible Source

  • UTM Content - The value of the utm_content parameter.

  • Alternative_Segment - Segment of the Person that interacted with the campaign defined using waterfall logic from multiple fields

  • Alternative_Geo - Geo Region of the person that interacted with the campaign defined using waterfall logic from multiple fields

  • Bizible_Channel - Marketing channel that the campaign belongs to

  • Campaign_Region - Salesforce field on the campaign

  • Campaign_Sub_Region - Salesforce field on the campaign

  • Order_Type - Filters for Person/Opportunity of particular order type

  • Account_Territory - Account Territory of the Opportunity / Person where available. Currently, this field is only populated for a few leads, but it’s reliable for the opportunity object for SAOs / Pipeline / Closed Won metrics.

  • Sales_Accepted_Date - Date range during which opportunity became SAO (filters only opportunity level information)

Last modified June 10, 2024: Add vale rules and fix errors (61f97a04)