IT Realm
Quick links
- Global infrastructure standards
- Global labels and tags
- Infrastructure policies
- Infrastructure helpdesk
This infrastructure realm is for resources managed by the IT Infrastructure team.
Access requests
To request access to a group, please see group access request tutorial.
For email authenticity security reasons, only GitLab issues or Slack messages to owners or counterparts are allowed for infrastructure requests.
Realm Owners
Name | Handle | Group Role | Job Title |
Jeff Martin | jeffersonmartin |
Owner | Sr IT Systems Engineer |
Dillon Wheeler | dillonwheeler |
Counterpart | IT Systems Engineer |
Mohammed Al Kobaisy | malkobaisy |
Counterpart | IT System Administrator |
Daniel Parker | dparker |
Counterpart | Sr Integrations Engineer |
Realm labels and tags
The global labels/tags and realm labels/tags should be applied to each resource.
Usage guidelines
This is a placeholder for the realm owner to provide instructions on best practices and usage guidelines for this infrastructure.