Data POC Working Group


Property Value
Date Created May 21, 2019
Date Ended July 11, 2019
Slack #wg_data-poc (only accessible from within the company)
Google Doc Data POC Agenda (only accessible from within the company)

Business Goal

To successfully execute a proof of concept on a particular data analytics solution.

Exit Criteria

  • All test plans fully completed and recommendation of next steps defined

Roles and Responsibilities

Working Group Role Person Title
Facilitator Eric Brinkman Dir of Product Management
Engineering Lead Tim Zallmann Dir of Engineering, Dev
PM Lead Jeremy Watson Product Manager, Manage
Member Luca Williams Product Manager, Fulfillment
Executive Stakeholder Todd Barr CMO
Member Donald Cook Front End Engineering Mgr
Data Support Eli Kastelein Data Analyst, Growth
UX Lead Christie Lenneville UX Director
UX Support Matej Latin Product Designer
Last modified June 27, 2024: Fix various vale errors (46417d02)