Account Risk & Renewal Management

Processes and timelines for account renewals & risk management.

Managing risk & renewals is a core responsibility of CSMs, and managers at all levels are involved in this process.

This page outlines the different actions and processes CSM management have for account risk & renewals.

Renewal management & forecasting

CSM Managers work with their team members, and with colleagues in other groups (e.g. Sales, Renewals Management), to manage and plan for upcoming renewals.

Alignment between CSM Manager & Manager of Renewals

On a weekly basis, the CSM Manager and Manager of Renewals discuss and update details for upcoming renewals.

Regional field leaders risk & renewal review

Regional field leaders (CSM Managers, ASMs, AVPs, etc.) from Sales and CS meet regularly to review at-risk accounts and upcoming renewals in their territory.


At-risk account reviews

The CRO organization conducts recurring reviews of at-risk accounts at several levels. These reviews roll up from one level to the next.

CSM global review

Cadence: Weekly, alternating EMEA and APAC friendly times each week

Direct reports to the VP of Customer Success Management provide updates and discuss action for at-risk customers with upcoming renewals. Focus is on the following:

  1. Largest all-time customers by ARR
  2. Top at-risk customers by ARR for current & next quarter

CRO global risk review


Global field leaders provide an update on at-risk accounts to the CRO leadership team.