GitLab CI/CD - Hands-On Lab: Create A Basic CI Configuration

This Hands-On Guide walks you through creating and running a .gitlab-ci.yml file.

Estimate time to complete: 15 - 20 minutes


The .gitlab-ci.yml file allows you to define the stages and jobs for your CI/CD process. In this lab, you will learn how to modify your .gitlab-ci.yml file.

Task A. Define a Basic .gitlab-ci.yml File

  1. Open your CICD Demo project from the last lab.

  2. On the left Navigation pane click Code > Repository. Click on your .gitlab-ci.yml file to view its contents. Click Edit > Edit single file. Replace all the code in .gitlab-ci.yml with the content of the following snippet:

    stages: - test - build test job: stage: test script: - echo "I am a unit test!" build job: stage: build script: - echo "I am a build image!"

    The pipeline logic will be almost identical to what you had previously, just the job names and echo statements will change slightly.

  3. In the Commit message field, type Add CI starter, set the Target Branch to main, and click Commit changes.

  4. Refresh the page to make the pipeline status icon appear. Check that the configuration is valid and that the pipeline is running by hovering over the Pipeline: running icon or the Pipeline: passed icon in the upper right corner of the page, to the left of the commit’s SHA.

  5. When the pipeline status changes to the Pipeline: passed icon, click it to review the pipeline graph for your CI configuration.

Lab Guide Complete

You have completed this lab exercise. You can view the other lab guides for this course.


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Last modified May 11, 2024: Update markdownlint to match (3c222108)