GitLab Compliance - Hands-On Lab: Audit Events

This Hands-On Guide walks you through viewing project and group level audit events.

Estimated time to complete: 15 minutes


This lab will demonstrate how to view project and group level audit events.

Task A. Viewing Project Level Audit Events

  1. Navigate to your Compliance Project project.

  2. In the left sidebar, select Secure > Audit events.

  3. Examine the types of Audit events that are captured in this report.

    Every audit event contains an author, object, action, target, IP address, and date.

  4. Try the various filters in the Audit events report to see how you can filter data.

Task B. Viewing Group Level Audit Events

  1. Navigate to your ILT group (titled My Test Group - random string of characters).

  2. In the left sidebar, select Secure > Audit events.

  3. Examine the types of Audit events that are captured in this report.

    Like the project audit report, every audit event contains an author, object, action, target, IP address, and date.

  4. Try the various filters in the Audit events report to see how you can filter data.

Lab Guide Complete

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Last modified February 7, 2025: Adding compliance labs (5801aa7b)