Cells: Personal Access Tokens

1. Definition

Personal Access Tokens (PATs) associated with a User are a way for Users to interact with the API of GitLab to perform operations. PATs today are scoped to the User, and can access all Groups that a User has access to.

2. Data flow

3. Proposal

Various approaches have been discussed in the following issues / merge requests:

3.1. Organization-scoped PATs


  • Can be managed entirely from Rails application.
  • Increased security. PAT is limited only to Organization.
  • API requests for a particular Cell can be routed based on the PAT.


  • Different PAT needed for different Organizations.
  • Automations involving multiple projects across different Organizations will require multiple PATs to work - one for each Organization.
  • Cannot tell at a glance if PAT will apply to a certain Project/Namespace.

3.2. Routing

The Topology Service will claim the tokens to facilitate routing requests to the owning Cell. However,# this functionality is only expected to be available in Cells 1.5.

To avoid imposing additional requirements on the Topology Service team for Cells 1.0, a token prefix will be used for routing. The prefix will be associated with the owning Cell, allowing routing to function via the Topology Service without claiming individual tokens. However, this approach will increase the workload for teams working on gitlab-rails and SREs.

The prefix needs to be added to the following tokens:

  • Personal access Token (including its derivatives: impersonation Token, project access token, group access token)
  • OAuth access and refresh token
  • RSS / calendar feed tokens
  • Incoming email tokens
  • Runner token
  • CI Job token
  • Pipeline trigger tokens
  • Deploy token

4. Alternative approaches considered

4.1. Cluster-wide PATs


  • User does not have to worry about which scope the PAT applies to.


  • User has to worry about wide-ranging scope of PAT (e.g. separation of personal items versus work items).
  • Organization cannot limit scope of PAT to only their Organization.
  • Increases complexity. All cluster-wide data likely will be moved to a separate data access layer.

4.2. Cluster-wide PATs with optional Organization scoping

This is a combination of option 3.1 and 4.1 where the PATs are created cluster-wide but can be optionally scoped to an Organization. For initial development, the implication would be to support clusterwide PATs (including addressing any scalability challenges) and eventually adding organization as a token scope (similar to API or read/write scopes).


  • Flexible and secure giving users (or admins) control over the PAT scope


  • Risk around discovering scalability challenges when accessing, sharing or updating clusterwide data.

5. Evaluation

5.1. Pros

5.2. Cons

Last modified August 23, 2024: Ensure frontmatter is consistent (e47101dc)