Mutual authentication between Cell services


We require that all communication between Cell services is secure and both parties identities are verified.


The purpose of implementing mutual TLS (mTLS) is to ensure all communication between Cell services is secure and both parties identities are verified. This enhances overall system security by mitigating risks associated with unauthorized access and data interception. All Cell services that communicate with each other should use mTLS where it’s feasible to do so as a secure authentication mechanism

  1. Scope

    mTLS secures CDNs and load balancers to their backends and secures communication between internal services. But it doesn’t secures communication from outside clients to GitLab services. Communication between services inside a cell and those outside a cell should be considered and discussed separately as the requirements are likely to be very different.

  2. Technology

    The certificate authority should be able to be integrated with a CDN provider, Kubernetes, Runway and cloud managed load balancers/services that support mTLS. Recommending using a Docker sidecar where feasible. Existing open source software or cloud provided mechanisms should be used for managing certificates.

  3. Ease of use

    The management of mTLS should be able to be handled transparently to developers.

  4. Authorization

    Using mTLS headers as an option for authorization as well as authentication should be considered.


Requirement Description Priority
Security Only authorized services can communicate with one another high
High availability Certificates can be rotated automatically without service interruption high
Cells support Can be used for all cells services high
Transparent to application developers Application developers get mTLS security for their services with minimal setup high
Authorization support Application Developers can use mTLS for authorization high
Provision certificates within seconds We can create a new certificate in seconds high
Multiple Protocol support Support HTTP/1.1, HTTP/2, gRPC high
Gradual Adoption First allow traffic without a certificate to be accepted med
Auditable Can validate all services are using secure authentication via mTLS med
Cloud-managed Can be integrated with cloud services med
Self-managed Can be eventually used in self managed scenarios med


  • mTLS should not be considered for managing user level authorization


Supported clients & servers

Client Server
HTTP Router Topology Service
GitLab Topology Service