Proposal: Stateless Router using Routes Learning

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This proposal was superseded by the routing service proposal

We will decompose gitlab_users, gitlab_routes and gitlab_admin related tables so that they can be shared between all cells and allow any cell to authenticate a user and route requests to the correct cell. Cells may receive requests for the resources they don’t own, but they know how to redirect back to the correct cell.

The router is stateless and does not read from the routes database which means that all interactions with the database still happen from the Rails monolith. This architecture also supports regions by allowing for low traffic databases to be replicated across regions.

Users are not directly exposed to the concept of Cells but instead they see different data dependent on their chosen Organization. Organizations will be a new entity introduced to enforce isolation in the application and allow us to decide which request routes to which Cell, since an Organization can only be on a single Cell.


The main difference between this proposal and one with buffering requests is that this proposal uses a pre-flight API request (/api/v4/internal/cells/learn) to redirect the request body to the correct Cell. This means that each request is sent exactly once to be processed, but the URI is used to decode which Cell it should be directed.

Summary in diagrams

This shows how a user request routes via DNS to the nearest router and the router chooses a cell to send the request to.

graph TD;
    cell_us0{Cell US0};
    cell_us1{Cell US1};
    cell_eu0{Cell EU0};
    cell_eu1{Cell EU1};
    subgraph Europe
    subgraph United States

More detail

This shows that the router can actually send requests to any cell. The user will get the closest router to them geographically.

graph TD;
    cell_us0{Cell US0};
    cell_us1{Cell US1};
    cell_eu0{Cell EU0};
    cell_eu1{Cell EU1};
    subgraph Europe
    subgraph United States

Even more detail

This shows the databases. gitlab_users and gitlab_routes exist only in the US region but are replicated to other regions. Replication does not have an arrow because it’s too hard to read the diagram.

graph TD;
    cell_us0{Cell US0};
    cell_us1{Cell US1};
    cell_eu0{Cell EU0};
    cell_eu1{Cell EU1};
    db_gitlab_users[(gitlab_users Primary)];
    db_gitlab_routes[(gitlab_routes Primary)];
    db_gitlab_users_replica[(gitlab_users Replica)];
    db_gitlab_routes_replica[(gitlab_routes Replica)];
    db_cell_us0[(gitlab_main/gitlab_ci Cell US0)];
    db_cell_us1[(gitlab_main/gitlab_ci Cell US1)];
    db_cell_eu0[(gitlab_main/gitlab_ci Cell EU0)];
    db_cell_eu1[(gitlab_main/gitlab_ci Cell EU1)];
    subgraph Europe
    subgraph United States

Summary of changes

  1. Tables related to User data (including profile settings, authentication credentials, personal access tokens) are decomposed into a gitlab_users schema
  2. The routes table is decomposed into gitlab_routes schema
  3. The application_settings (and probably a few other instance level tables) are decomposed into gitlab_admin schema
  4. A new column routes.cell_id is added to routes table
  5. A new Router service exists to choose which cell to route a request to.
  6. If a router receives a new request it will send /api/v4/internal/cells/learn?method=GET&path_info=/group-org/project to learn which Cell can process it
  7. A new concept will be introduced in GitLab called an organization
  8. We require all existing endpoints to be routable by URI, or be fixed to a specific Cell for processing. This requires changing ambiguous endpoints like /dashboard to be scoped like /organizations/my-organization/-/dashboard
  9. Endpoints like /admin would be routed always to the specific Cell, like cell_0
  10. Each Cell can respond to /api/v4/internal/cells/learn and classify each endpoint
  11. Writes to gitlab_users and gitlab_routes are sent to a primary PostgreSQL server in our US region but reads can come from replicas in the same region. This will add latency for these writes but we expect they are infrequent relative to the rest of GitLab.

Pre-flight request learning

While processing a request the URI will be decoded and a pre-flight request will be sent for each non-cached endpoint.

When asking for the endpoint GitLab Rails will return information about the routable path. GitLab Rails will decode path_info and match it to an existing endpoint and find a routable entity (like project). The router will treat this as short-lived cache information.

  1. Prefix match: /api/v4/internal/cells/learn?method=GET&path_info=/gitlab-org/gitlab-test/-/issues

       "path": "/gitlab-org/gitlab-test",
       "cell": "cell_0",
       "source": "routable"
  2. Some endpoints might require an exact match: /api/v4/internal/cells/learn?method=GET&path_info=/-/profile

       "path": "/-/profile",
       "cell": "cell_0",
       "source": "fixed",
       "exact": true

Detailed explanation of default organization in the first iteration

All users will get a new column users.default_organization which they can control in user settings. We will introduce a concept of the Public organization. This will be set as the default organization for all existing users. This organization will allow the user to see data from all namespaces in Cell US0 (ie. our original instance). This behavior can be invisible to existing users such that they don’t even get told when they are viewing a global page like /dashboard that it’s even scoped to an organization.

Any new users with a default organization other than Public will have a distinct user experience and will be fully aware that every page they load is only ever scoped to a single organization. These users can never load any global pages like /dashboard and will end up being redirected to /organizations/<DEFAULT_ORGANIZATION>/-/dashboard. This may also be the case for legacy APIs and such users may only ever be able to use APIs scoped to a organization.

Detailed explanation of Admin Area settings

We believe that maintaining and synchronizing Admin Area settings will be frustrating and painful so to avoid this we will decompose and share all Admin Area settings in the gitlab_admin schema. This should be safe (similar to other shared schemas) because these receive very little write traffic.

In cases where different cells need different settings (eg. the Elasticsearch URL), we will either decide to use a templated format in the relevant application_settings row which allows it to be dynamic per cell. Alternatively if that proves difficult we’ll introduce a new table called per_cell_application_settings and this will have 1 row per cell to allow setting different settings per cell. It will still be part of the gitlab_admin schema and shared which will allow us to centrally manage it and simplify keeping settings in sync for all cells.


  1. Router is stateless and can live in many regions. We use Anycast DNS to resolve to nearest region for the user.
  2. Cells can receive requests for namespaces in the wrong cell and the user still gets the right response as well as caching at the router that ensures the next request is sent to the correct cell so the next request will go to the correct cell
  3. The majority of the code still lives in gitlab rails codebase. The Router doesn’t actually need to understand how GitLab URLs are composed.
  4. Since the responsibility to read and write gitlab_users, gitlab_routes and gitlab_admin still lives in Rails it means minimal changes will be needed to the Rails application compared to extracting services that need to isolate the domain models and build new interfaces.
  5. Compared to a separate routing service this allows the Rails application to encode more complex rules around how to map URLs to the correct cell and may work for some existing API endpoints.
  6. All the new infrastructure (just a router) is optional and a single-cell self-managed installation does not even need to run the Router and there are no other new services.


  1. gitlab_users, gitlab_routes and gitlab_admin databases may need to be replicated across regions and writes need to go across regions. We need to do an analysis on write TPS for the relevant tables to determine if this is feasible.
  2. Sharing access to the database from many different Cells means that they are all coupled at the Postgres schema level and this means changes to the database schema need to be done carefully in sync with the deployment of all Cells. This limits us to ensure that Cells are kept in closely similar versions compared to an architecture with shared services that have an API we control.
  3. Although most data is stored in the right region there can be requests proxied from another region which may be an issue for certain types of compliance.
  4. Data in gitlab_users and gitlab_routes databases must be replicated in all regions which may be an issue for certain types of compliance.
  5. The router cache may need to be very large if we get a wide variety of URLs (ie. long tail). In such a case we may need to implement a 2nd level of caching in user cookies so their frequently accessed pages always go to the right cell the first time.
  6. Having shared database access for gitlab_users and gitlab_routes from multiple cells is an unusual architecture decision compared to extracting services that are called from multiple cells.
  7. It is very likely we won’t be able to find cacheable elements of a GraphQL URL and often existing GraphQL endpoints are heavily dependent on ids that won’t be in the routes table so cells won’t necessarily know what cell has the data. As such we’ll probably have to update our GraphQL calls to include an organization context in the path like /api/organizations/<organization>/graphql.
  8. This architecture implies that implemented endpoints can only access data that are readily accessible on a given Cell, but are unlikely to aggregate information from many Cells.
  9. All unknown routes are sent to the latest deployment which we assume to be Cell US0. This is required as newly added endpoints will be only decodable by latest cell. Likely this is not a problem for the /internal/cells/learn is it is lightweight to process and this should not cause a performance impact.

Example database configuration

Handling shared gitlab_users, gitlab_routes and gitlab_admin databases, while having dedicated gitlab_main and gitlab_ci databases should already be handled by the way we use config/database.yml. We should also, already be able to handle the dedicated EU replicas while having a single US primary for gitlab_users and gitlab_routes. Below is a snippet of part of the database configuration for the Cell architecture described above.

Cell US0:

# config/database.yml
    host: postgres-main.cell-us0.primary.consul
      discovery: postgres-main.cell-us0.replicas.consul
    host: postgres-ci.cell-us0.primary.consul
      discovery: postgres-ci.cell-us0.replicas.consul
    host: postgres-users-primary.consul
    host: postgres-routes-primary.consul
    host: postgres-admin-primary.consul

Cell EU0:

# config/database.yml
    host: postgres-main.cell-eu0.primary.consul
      discovery: postgres-main.cell-eu0.replicas.consul
    host: postgres-ci.cell-eu0.primary.consul
      discovery: postgres-ci.cell-eu0.replicas.consul
    host: postgres-users-primary.consul
    host: postgres-routes-primary.consul
    host: postgres-admin-primary.consul

Request flows

  1. gitlab-org is a top level namespace and lives in Cell US0 in the Public organization
  2. my-company is a top level namespace and lives in Cell EU0 in the my-organization organization

Experience for paying user that is part of my-organization

Such a user will have a default organization set to /my-organization and will be unable to load any global routes outside of this organization. They may load other projects/namespaces but their MR/Todo/Issue counts at the top of the page will not be correctly populated in the first iteration. The user will be aware of this limitation.

Goes to /my-company/my-project while logged in

  1. User is in Europe so DNS resolves to the router in Europe
  2. They request /my-company/my-project without the router cache, so the router chooses randomly Cell EU1
  3. The /internal/cells/learn is sent to Cell EU1, which responds that resource lives on Cell EU0
  4. Cell EU0 returns the correct response
  5. The router now caches and remembers any request paths matching /my-company/* should go to Cell EU0
    participant user as User
    participant router_eu as Router EU
    participant cell_eu0 as Cell EU0
    participant cell_eu1 as Cell EU1
    user->>router_eu: GET /my-company/my-project
    router_eu->>cell_eu1: /api/v4/internal/cells/learn?method=GET&path_info=/my-company/my-project
    cell_eu1->>router_eu: {path: "/my-company", cell: "cell_eu0", source: "routable"}
    router_eu->>cell_eu0: GET /my-company/my-project
    cell_eu0->>user: <h1>My Project...

Goes to /my-company/my-project while not logged in

  1. User is in Europe so DNS resolves to the router in Europe
  2. The router does not have /my-company/* cached yet so it chooses randomly Cell EU1
  3. The /internal/cells/learn is sent to Cell EU1, which responds that resource lives on Cell EU0
  4. Cell EU0 redirects them through a login flow
  5. User requests /users/sign_in, uses random Cell to run /internal/cells/learn
  6. The Cell EU1 responds with cell_0 as a fixed route
  7. User after login requests /my-company/my-project which is cached and stored in Cell EU0
  8. Cell EU0 returns the correct response
    participant user as User
    participant router_eu as Router EU
    participant cell_eu0 as Cell EU0
    participant cell_eu1 as Cell EU1
    user->>router_eu: GET /my-company/my-project
    router_eu->>cell_eu1: /api/v4/internal/cells/learn?method=GET&path_info=/my-company/my-project
    cell_eu1->>router_eu: {path: "/my-company", cell: "cell_eu0", source: "routable"}
    router_eu->>cell_eu0: GET /my-company/my-project
    cell_eu0->>user: 302 /users/sign_in?redirect=/my-company/my-project
    user->>router_eu: GET /users/sign_in?redirect=/my-company/my-project
    router_eu->>cell_eu1: /api/v4/internal/cells/learn?method=GET&path_info=/users/sign_in
    cell_eu1->>router_eu: {path: "/users", cell: "cell_eu0", source: "fixed"}
    router_eu->>cell_eu0: GET /users/sign_in?redirect=/my-company/my-project
    cell_eu0-->>user: <h1>Sign in...
    user->>router_eu: POST /users/sign_in?redirect=/my-company/my-project
    router_eu->>cell_eu0: POST /users/sign_in?redirect=/my-company/my-project
    cell_eu0->>user: 302 /my-company/my-project
    user->>router_eu: GET /my-company/my-project
    router_eu->>cell_eu0: GET /my-company/my-project
    router_eu->>cell_eu0: GET /my-company/my-project
    cell_eu0->>user: <h1>My Project...

Goes to /my-company/my-other-project after last step

  1. User is in Europe so DNS resolves to the router in Europe
  2. The router cache now has /my-company/* => Cell EU0, so the router chooses Cell EU0
  3. Cell EU0 returns the correct response as well as the cache header again
    participant user as User
    participant router_eu as Router EU
    participant cell_eu0 as Cell EU0
    participant cell_eu1 as Cell EU1
    user->>router_eu: GET /my-company/my-project
    router_eu->>cell_eu0: GET /my-company/my-project
    cell_eu0->>user: <h1>My Project...

Goes to /gitlab-org/gitlab after last step

  1. User is in Europe so DNS resolves to the router in Europe
  2. The router has no cached value for this URL so randomly chooses Cell EU0
  3. Cell EU0 redirects the router to Cell US0
  4. Cell US0 returns the correct response as well as the cache header again
    participant user as User
    participant router_eu as Router EU
    participant cell_eu0 as Cell EU0
    participant cell_us0 as Cell US0
    user->>router_eu: GET /gitlab-org/gitlab
    router_eu->>cell_eu0: /api/v4/internal/cells/learn?method=GET&path_info=/gitlab-org/gitlab
    cell_eu0->>router_eu: {path: "/gitlab-org", cell: "cell_us0", source: "routable"}
    router_eu->>cell_us0: GET /gitlab-org/gitlab
    cell_us0->>user: <h1>

In this case the user is not on their “default organization” so their TODO counter will not include their typical todos. We may choose to highlight this in the UI somewhere. A future iteration may be able to fetch that for them from their default organization.

Goes to /

  1. User is in Europe so DNS resolves to the router in Europe
  2. Router does not have a cache for / route (specifically rails never tells it to cache this route)
  3. The Router choose Cell EU0 randomly
  4. The Rails application knows the users default organization is /my-organization, so it redirects the user to /organizations/my-organization/-/dashboard
  5. The Router has a cached value for /organizations/my-organization/* so it then sends the request to POD EU0
  6. Cell EU0 serves up a new page /organizations/my-organization/-/dashboard which is the same dashboard view we have today but scoped to an organization clearly in the UI
  7. The user is (optionally) presented with a message saying that data on this page is only from their default organization and that they can change their default organization if it’s not right.
    participant user as User
    participant router_eu as Router EU
    participant cell_eu0 as Cell EU0
    user->>router_eu: GET /
    router_eu->>cell_eu0: GET /
    cell_eu0->>user: 302 /organizations/my-organization/-/dashboard
    user->>router: GET /organizations/my-organization/-/dashboard
    router->>cell_eu0: GET /organizations/my-organization/-/dashboard
    cell_eu0->>user: <h1>My Company Dashboard... X-Gitlab-Cell-Cache={path_prefix:/organizations/my-organization/}

Goes to /dashboard

As above, they will end up on /organizations/my-organization/-/dashboard as the rails application will already redirect / to the dashboard page.

Goes to private project or group /not-my-company/not-my-project while logged in

  1. User is in Europe so DNS resolves to the router in Europe
  2. The router knows that /not-my-company lives in Cell US1 so sends the request to this
  3. The user does not have access so Cell US1 returns 404
    participant user as User
    participant router_eu as Router EU
    participant cell_us1 as Cell US1
    user->>router_eu: GET /not-my-company/not-my-project
    router_eu->>cell_us1: GET /not-my-company/not-my-project
    cell_us1->>user: 404

Creates a new top level namespace

The user will be asked which organization they want the namespace to belong to. If they select my-organization then it will end up on the same cell as all other namespaces in my-organization. If they select nothing we default to Public and it is clear to the user that this is isolated from their existing organization such that they won’t be able to see data from both on a single page.

Experience for GitLab team member that is part of /gitlab-org

Such a user is considered a legacy user and has their default organization set to Public. This is a “meta” organization that does not really exist but the Rails application knows to interpret this organization to mean that they are allowed to use legacy global functionality like /dashboard to see data across namespaces located on Cell US0. The rails backend also knows that the default cell to render any ambiguous routes like /dashboard is Cell US0. Lastly the user will be allowed to go to organizations on another cell like /my-organization but when they do the user will see a message indicating that some data may be missing (eg. the MRs/Issues/Todos) counts.

Goes to /gitlab-org/gitlab while not logged in

  1. User is in the US so DNS resolves to the US router
  2. The router knows that /gitlab-org lives in Cell US0 so sends the request to this cell
  3. Cell US0 serves up the response
    participant user as User
    participant router_us as Router US
    participant cell_us0 as Cell US0
    user->>router_us: GET /gitlab-org/gitlab
    router_us->>cell_us0: GET /gitlab-org/gitlab
    cell_us0->>user: <h1>

Goes to /

  1. User is in US so DNS resolves to the router in US
  2. Router does not have a cache for / route (specifically rails never tells it to cache this route)
  3. The Router chooses Cell US1 randomly
  4. The Rails application knows the users default organization is Public, so it redirects the user to /dashboards (only legacy users can see /dashboard global view)
  5. Router does not have a cache for /dashboard route (specifically rails never tells it to cache this route)
  6. The Router chooses Cell US1 randomly
  7. The Rails application knows the users default organization is Public, so it allows the user to load /dashboards (only legacy users can see /dashboard global view) and redirects to router the legacy cell which is Cell US0
  8. Cell US0 serves up the global view dashboard page /dashboard which is the same dashboard view we have today
    participant user as User
    participant router_us as Router US
    participant cell_us0 as Cell US0
    participant cell_us1 as Cell US1
    user->>router_us: GET /
    router_us->>cell_us1: GET /
    cell_us1->>user: 302 /dashboard
    user->>router_us: GET /dashboard
    router_us->>cell_us1: /api/v4/internal/cells/learn?method=GET&path_info=/dashboard
    cell_us1->>router_us: {path: "/dashboard", cell: "cell_us0", source: "routable"}
    router_us->>cell_us0: GET /dashboard
    cell_us0->>user: <h1>Dashboard...

Goes to private project /my-company/my-other-project while logged in

They get a 404.

Experience for non-authenticated users

Flow is similar to logged in users except global routes like /dashboard will redirect to the login page as there is no default organization to choose from.

A new customers signs up

They will be asked if they are already part of an organization or if they’d like to create one. If they choose neither they end up no the default Public organization.

An organization is moved from 1 cell to another


GraphQL/API requests which don’t include the namespace in the URL


The autocomplete suggestion functionality in the search bar which remembers recent issues/MRs




Loads /admin page

  1. The /admin is locked to Cell US0
  2. Some endpoints of /admin, like Projects in Admin are scoped to a Cell and users needs to choose the correct one in a dropdown, which results in endpoint like /admin/cells/cell_0/projects.

Admin Area settings in Postgres are all shared across all cells to avoid divergence but we still make it clear in the URL and UI which cell is serving the Admin Area page as there is dynamic data being generated from these pages and the operator may want to view a specific cell.

More Technical Problems To Solve

Replicating User Sessions Between All Cells

Today user sessions live in Redis but each cell will have their own Redis instance. We already use a dedicated Redis instance for sessions so we could consider sharing this with all cells like we do with gitlab_users PostgreSQL database. But an important consideration will be latency as we would still want to mostly fetch sessions from the same region.

An alternative might be that user sessions get moved to a JWT payload that encodes all the session data but this has downsides. For example, it is difficult to expire a user session, when their password changes or for other reasons, if the session lives in a JWT controlled by the user.

How do we migrate between Cells

Migrating data between cells will need to factor all data stores:

  1. PostgreSQL
  2. Redis Shared State
  3. Gitaly
  4. Elasticsearch

Is it still possible to leak the existence of private groups via a timing attack?

If you have router in EU, and you know that EU router by default redirects to EU located Cells, you know their latency (lets assume 10 ms). Now, if your request is bounced back and redirected to US which has different latency (lets assume that roundtrip will be around 60 ms) you can deduce that 404 was returned by US Cell and know that your 404 is in fact 403.

We may defer this until we actually implement a cell in a different region. Such timing attacks are already theoretically possible with the way we do permission checks today but the timing difference is probably too small to be able to detect.

One technique to mitigate this risk might be to have the router add a random delay to any request that returns 404 from a cell.

Should runners be shared across all cells?

We have 2 options and we should decide which is easier:

  1. Decompose runner registration and queuing tables and share them across all cells. This may have implications for scalability, and we’d need to consider if this would include group/project runners as this may have scalability concerns as these are high traffic tables that would need to be shared.
  2. Runners are registered per-cell and, we probably have a separate fleet of runners for every cell or just register the same runners to many cells which may have implications for queueing

How do we guarantee unique ids across all cells for things that cannot conflict?

This project assumes at least namespaces and projects have unique ids across all cells as many requests need to be routed based on their ID. Since those tables are across different databases then guaranteeing a unique ID will require a new solution. There are likely other tables where unique IDs are necessary and depending on how we resolve routing for GraphQL and other APIs and other design goals it may be determined that we want the primary key to be unique for all tables.

Last modified August 23, 2024: Ensure frontmatter is consistent (e47101dc)