Compliance Frameworks ADR 005: Violations Engine
While the adherence report states the current state of a project against the configured framework and requirements/controls, it does not show a history of the state. Most importantly it does not show when the project might not have been adhering and when there was a violation of the requirement/control.
The violation engine is similar to the configuration checks engine, at certain trigger points the system will audit that the event does not violate any configured compliance controls.
For certain controls defined in GitLab there will be a event trigger point. When this event is triggered for a project the violation engine will check whether the project has a compliance framework configured with that requirement controls. If the project does have this configured then the event will be logged as a violation.
For example when a Merge Request is merged the system will trigger a potential violation event. The violations engine will check if there is a control defined for the project which states all Merge Requests requiring 2 approvers, if the Merge Request has less then 2 then a violation is created from the event.
All GitLab defined controls will have an audit event type configured as its trigger point. We will update the audit event type yml file to include a new parameter that will indicate which control it is associated. One audit event may have multiple controls associated with it, such as when an MR is merged.
Here is an example audit event type yml file with the new paramter
name: merge_request_merged
description: A merge request is merged
feature_category: compliance_management
milestone: '17.5'
saved_to_database: true
streamed: true
scope: [Project]
compliance_requirement_controls: [merge_request_prevent_author_approval, merge_request_prevent_committers_approval, merge_request_prevent_author_approval]
Design Details
classDiagram class namespaces { id: bigint name: text path: text ...(more columns) } class projects { id: bigint, name: text path: text description: text ...(more columns) } class compliance_management_frameworks { id: bigint, name: text, description: text, ...(more columns) } class compliance_requirements { id: bigint created_at: timestamp updated_at: timestamp namespace_id: bigint framework_id: bigint name: text description: text requirement_type: smallint external_url: text expression: text } class project_requirement_compliance_status { id: bigint created_at: timestamp updated_at: timestamp project_id: bigint namespace_id: bigint compliance_requirement_id: bigint status: smallint } class security_policy_requirements { id: bigint created_at: timestamp updated_at: timestamp compliance_framework_security_policy_id: bigint compliance_requirement_id: bigint namespace_id: smallint } class project_compliance_violations { id: bigint created_at: timestamp updated_at: timestamp project_id: bigint namespace_id: bigint compliance_requirement_id: bigint compliance_requirement_expression: jsonb audit_event_id: bigint } compliance_management_frameworks --> compliance_requirements : has_many compliance_management_frameworks <--> projects : many_to_many compliance_requirements <--> security_policy_requirements : has_and_belongs_to_many compliance_requirements <--> project_compliance_violations : has_and_belongs_to_many projects <-- namespaces : has_many namespaces --> compliance_management_frameworks : has_many projects --> project_requirement_compliance_status : has_many projects --> project_compliance_violations : has_many compliance_requirements --> project_requirement_compliance_status : has_one