Vertex AI Search

This page explains how to retrieve data from Google Vertex AI Search for RAG.


Some of our data are public resources that don’t require data access check when retrieving. These data are often identical across GitLab instances so it’s redundant to ingest the same data into every single database. It’d be more efficient to serve the data from the single service.

We can use Vertex AI Search in this case. It can search at scale, with high queries per second (QPS), high recall, low latency, and cost efficiency.

This approach allows us to minimize code that we can’t update on a customer’s behalf, which means avoiding hard-coding AI-related logic in the GitLab monolith codebase. We can retain the flexibility to make changes in our product without asking customers to upgrade their GitLab version. This is same with the AI Gateway’s design principle.

flowchart LR
  subgraph GitLab managed
    subgraph AIGateway

    subgraph Vertex AI Search["Vertex AI Search"]
        subgraph SearchApp1["App"]
        direction LR
        subgraph SearchApp2["App"]
        direction LR
        App2DataStore(["Cloud Storage / Website URLs"])

  subgraph SM or SaaS GitLab
    DuoFeatureA["Duo feature A"]
    DuoFeatureB["Duo feature B"]

  DuoFeatureA -- Semantic search --- VertexAIClient
  DuoFeatureB -- Semantic search --- VertexAIClient
  VertexAIClient -- Search from Gitlab Docs --- SearchApp1
  VertexAIClient -- Search from other data store --- SearchApp2


  • Data must be GREEN level and publicly shareable.
    • Examples:
    • GitLab documentations (gitlab-org/gitlab/doc, gitlab-org/gitlab-runner/docs, gitlab-org/omnibus-gitlab/doc, etc)
    • Dynamically construct few-shot prompt templates with Example selectors.

IMPORTANT: We do NOT persist customer data into Vertex AI Search. See the other solutions for persisting customer data.

Performance and scalability implications


  • Customer-side: Air-gapped solutions can’t be supported due to the required access to AI Gateway ( This concern would be negligible since GitLab Duo already requires the access.
  • Customer-side: Since the service is the single point of failure, retrievers stop working when the service is down.

Cost implications


  • GitLab-side: GitLab needs to maintain the data store (e.g. Structured data in Bigquery or unstructured data in Cloud Storage). Google automatically detects the schema and indexes the stored data.
  • Customer-side: No maintenance required.
Last modified August 23, 2024: Ensure frontmatter is consistent (e47101dc)