Diffs features

This is an appendix to the Reusable Rapid Diffs document.

Below is a complete list of features for merge request and commit diffs grouped by diff viewers (Code, Image, Other).

✓ – available in both MR and Commit views.

Features Code Image Other
Copy file path
Collapse and expand file
File stats
Lines changed (0 for blobs)
Permissions changed
CRUD comment on file
View file link
Mark as viewed MR MR MR
Hide all comments MR MR MR
Show full file (expand all lines) MR
Open in Web IDE link MR
Line link
Edit file link
Code highlight (multiple themes)
Expand lines
CRUD comment on specific line Commit
CRUD comment on line range MR
Draft comment on line range MR
Code quality highlights
Test coverage highlights
Hide whitespace changes
Auto-collapse large file
View as raw Commit
Side by side view
Last modified August 23, 2024: Ensure frontmatter is consistent (e47101dc)