Network Security Management Procedure


GitLab architects a defense-in-depth methodology that enforces the concept of “least functionality” through restricting network access to systems, applications and services and ensures sufficient security and privacy controls are executed to protect the confidentiality, integrity, availability and safety of the organization’s network infrastructure, as well as to provide situational awareness of activity on GitLab’s networks.


GitLab’s network architecture is available to both internal and external users and hosts our DNS with Cloudflare incluing and

Roles and Responsibilities

Role Responsibility
Infrastructure Team Responsible for configuration and management
Infrastructure Management (Code Owners) Responsible for approving significant changes and exceptions to this procedure



Cloudflare provides a web application firewall (WAF), domain name system (DNS), and content delivery network (CDN) for the following zones:


On-Call Reference

False Positive Triage Process

Change Workflow

When to use a Page Rule vs WAF Rules vs cf_allowlists internal-only

Whatever it is, create an issue in the Firewall tracker first and link it to the relevant issues. This firewall tracker is used to keep track of existing rules. This applies to all rules, regardless of how they are managed.

Next decide whether:

  • Is it a redirect or changing a caching policy? Use page rules. Afterwards add an entry in the page_rules.json in the cloudflare_import and MR it as described here internal-only
  • Is it a bulk allow of IP addresses for internal customers? Use cf_allowlists. internal-only
  • Is it anything else? Use WAF Rules added via the firwall tracker and web UI.

Quick reference: WAF Rules

Temporary rules are subject to automatic expiration! See managing traffic for details.

To make it easier to know where to put the rule priority-wise, categorize the type of rule and pick the priority range from below

  • 00000-14999: vulnerability hot-patch (block for everyone)
  • 15000-29999: offender blocks (bots, attackers, etc.)
  • 30000-44999: general WAF exceptions (bypass for everyone, except offenders)
  • 45000-49999: internal and customer allow lists (managed via cf_allowlists. Not to be used manually)
  • 50000-64999: WAF exceptions or blocks for non-allowlisted users

Then add the firewall tracker issue ID to the range. For example an attack, that is tracked in issue 1234 would get assigned priority 15000+1234 = 16234.

How we use Page Rules and WAF Rules to Counter Abuse and Attacks

How we use Page Rules and WAF Rules to Counter Abuse and Attacks

Updating the WAF and Page Rules in Cloudflare

Adding Page Rules Using Terraform

The page rules are managed via Terraform. While changes can be made via the Cloudflare Web UI, that is not the preferred method to manage rules.

Where to make changes

The three zones that use Cloudflare each have a dedicated file in its Terraform environment.

How to make changes

The Cloudflare provider for Terraform will not adhere to the priority value set in a page rule’s resource. All but the lowest priority rule will need a depends_on section to point to the rule just below it in priority. And the rule above it will need to be updated to depend on the new rule.

This forces Terraform to apply the rules in a specific order, preserving their priority.

Adding WAF Rules to the cf_allowlists

With any modification to the WAF rules in Cloudflare, the first step is creating an issue in the Firewall Issue Tracker. Refer to the managing traffic document to see how to create the proper issue type with proper labels and description.

cf_allowlists internal-only is a Terraform module that we’ve written to write WAF rules allowing customers' or GitLab service IPs to bypass Cloudflare and any block that it may cause. The allowlist is handled in the allowlist.json of the linked module. To add an IP to it, simply update the file with the required information. A sample entry is provided in the README of the module. Once the change is merged to master, you will need to run terraform on the gstg and gprd environments to apply the rules. If you are running it locally, you may need to run tf init -upgrade to ensure you fetch the latest module with your updates.

Adding WAF Rules via the Web UI

Any modification to the WAF rules in Cloudflare requires an issue in the Firewall Issue Tracker. Refer to the managing traffic document to see how to create the proper issues type with proper labels and description.

Making manual changes via the Cloudflare UI can be read about here. A good practice is to create a new rule, but save it as a draft. This will allow the rule to be turned on and off as part of a production change process.

Verifying WAF and Page Rules

How cf_audit works

The cf_audit project is designed to help us keep a “known good” dump of our Cloudflare configuration. This is only an audit tool and not used to update any configuration on its own. The script itself gets all of the configuration data for our Cloudflare zones and account from the API and outputs the data into the reports/ directory of the project.

There is a CI job that runs periodically to gather said data and commit it to the cloudflare_import branch. The cloudflare_import branch is considered the source of truth for the configuration. It then compares this information to the known_good branch to determine what (if anything) has changed. The known_good branch is considered to be the expected configuration. If a configuration has changed, the job will be marked as failed, prompting manual review of the changes.

If you’d like to watch a more detailed video about its inner workings, you can view this demonstration video which goes into much more detail.

How Page Rules work

General Information

Domain Name System (DNS)

  • For the zones listed above, Cloudflare is the DNS resolver.
  • DNS in Terraform is used to manage Cloudflare DNS entries.


Exceptions to this procedure will be tracked as per the Information Security Policy Exception Management Process.


Last modified July 5, 2024: Create new sections in CODEOWNERS (d9e1d3e9)