Supporting Architecture
This is a Controlled Document
In line with GitLab’s regulatory obligations, changes to controlled documents must be approved or merged by a code owner. All contributions are welcome and encouraged.This document covers architectures that support functions, but are not user facing and are managed by the Infrastructure teams. is a GitLab instance hosted in Azure. The instance is running a vanilla GitLab Community Edition package, from a nightly build built from main branch of all GitLab components. The instance is automatically upgraded daily using the cron defined in the gitlab-server cookbook with a role override set in the chef-repo role (GitLab internal only).
It’s primary use is for building official Docker images and GitLab packages which are later used as part of the official release pipelines.
It is also used as an OAuth authentication service which allows users to sign in to other services using their account, such as:
- Sentry
- Version app

Source, GitLab internal use only
Architecture runs on a single VM, and is using the official Linux package bundled database, Redis and other services. The repositories are stored on a dedicated SSD, while artifacts, LFS objects, Container Registry objects and uploads are stored in GCS.
Database backups, and repository backups are automatically created using the built-in package backup procedure that runs prior to the package upgrade. These backups are automatically uploaded to an AWS S3 bucket configured in the specific chef role using the official Linux package auto-backup feature.

Source, GitLab internal use only is a GitLab instance hosted in GCP. The instance is running a vanilla GitLab EE package, from the official release channel. The instance is automatically upgraded using the cron defined in the gitlab-server cookbook with a role override set in the chef-repo role (GitLab internal only).
It’s primarily used for operational tasks.
It contains repositories for managing’s infrastructure and as a mirror of the infrastructure repositories. It also hosts various tools for managing deployments and useful chatops commands that are sent from Slack. Admins for are the Infrastructure Managers - Reliability, Scalability, Delivery.
The instance runs on a single VM, and is using CloudSql as a database backend, and Memorystore (managed Redis service). The repositories are stored on a dedicated SSD, while artifacts, LFS objects, Container Registry objects and uploads are stored in GCS.

Source, GitLab internal use only
The version service is hosted in Google Cloud on a Kubernetes cluster. Version is used to store available GitLab versions as well as if it contains a vulnerability, render version check badge for self-managed GitLab instances, and collect data sent during version check and usage ping from self-managed instances.
We are running the on Kubernetes and use Auto DevOps for managing deployments. The application runs on multiple pods. Google Cloud SQL with PostgreSQL is used by the pods to store data, Cloud SQL has two replicas configured. Google Cloud Memorystore is used as a cache store.
Production environment

Source, GitLab internal use only