GitLab Meetup Checklist
This guide is intended to help Meetup organizers run events that their community will love. Our aim is to be as comprehensive as possible to enable everyone to become an organizer, regardless of experience. Happy planning!
Why Should You Get Involved
The reasons for getting involved in a meetup community include:
Connecting with your community - Meetups tend to bring together folks with similar interests and values. Meeting and networking with like-minded individuals helps build lasting professional relationships.
Expanding your skill set - Whether you’re new to tech or looking to develop new skills, meetups are an opportunity to develop core skills needed for success - particularly communication and collaboration.
Pursuing your passion - If you’re passionate about a technology or programming language, meetups are a way to grow interest in those topics, increase your influence in their community, and help advocate and champion them.
Planning an In-Person Meetup
What to Do ASAP
Find speakers - Reach out to potential speakers and confirm their availability and topics.
Find a venue - Cafes, community centers, coworking spaces, and local tech companies are common venues for meetups.
Set the date - This requires confirming availability of both venue and speaker.
Set up an event page - Create a detailed event page with all relevant information.
Apply a Code of Conduct - Ensure the safety and comfort of all participants. GitLab’s Code of Conduct is a good option.
Promote the event - Share with your target audience through appropriate channels.
What to Do One Week Before Your Event
Confirm all plans - Check in with your speaker(s) and venue. Discuss presentation requirements:
- What type of laptop will they use?
- What ports are available?
- Will they need adapters?
- Does this match venue capabilities?
Recruit volunteers - Find help from your network or community for the day of the event.
Send reminders - Contact guests about the event and encourage them to help promote it. Include a simple request: “Share this with your colleagues, friends, and on social media”.
What to Do the Day of Your Event
Send final reminders - Before 12:00 local time, send information including:
- Directions
- Agenda
- Building access requirements
- Arrival time guidelines
Prepare the venue:
- Post directional signs for the room and restrooms
- Brief volunteers 30 minutes before start time
- Test all AV equipment
- Keep backup cables, adapters, and batteries
- Set up refreshments and materials
- Consider recording for future promotion
Run the event:
- Welcome guests
- Share updates
- Review agenda
- Thank hosts
- Introduce speakers
Post-event tasks:
- Clean the venue
- Return equipment
- Send thank-you notes to attendees
- Request feedback
- Promote next meetup
What to Do the Day After Your Event
Send personalized thank-you notes to:
- Venue hosts
- Co-organizers
- Volunteers
- Speakers
- Other contributors
Tips to Enhance Your Meetup
Create Atmosphere:
- Engage early arrivals in conversation
- Make introductions between guests
- Consider background music
- Encourage networking
Signage Strategy:
- Post welcome signs at entrance
- Include directional signs
- Display WiFi password
- Show agenda in visible location
Speaker Appreciation:
- Provide special swag for speakers
- Consider custom stickers or memorabilia
Planning a Virtual Meetup
What to Do ASAP
Choose format - Consider various options:
- Discussion groups
- Workshops
- Presentations
- Interactive sessions
Select platform - Consider features like:
- Recording capabilities
- Livestreaming options
- Breakout rooms
- Attendee limits
- Meeting duration restrictions
Basic setup:
- Set the date
- Create event page
- Apply Code of Conduct
- Begin promotion
What to Do One Week Before Your Event
Confirm with speakers:
- Test internet connection
- Verify software installation
- Practice using platform features
- Review presentation plans
Send reminders - Include promotion requests and event details
What to Do the Day of Your Event
Pre-event preparation:
- Send morning reminders with agenda
- Test with speakers 30 minutes early
- Check AV and connections
- Record session if planned
Opening the event:
- Review Code of Conduct
- Make introductions
- Request camera usage
- Share updates
- Present agenda
- Introduce speakers
Platform guidance:
- Explain relevant features:
- Breakout rooms
- Chat functionality
- Hand-raising
- Question submission
- Share resource links early
- Encourage interaction
- Explain relevant features:
- Thank attendees
- Request feedback
- Promote next meetup
What to Do the Day After Your Event
Send thank-you messages to all contributors:
- Co-organizers
- Speakers
- Support staff
Tips for Virtual Success
Early Engagement:
- Display welcome slides
- Start conversations early
- Encourage networking
- Utilize platform recording features
- Share recordings with community
- Use for future promotion
Community Building:
- Enable group applause moments
- Facilitate connections
- Provide speaker recognition
Security Measures for Virtual Events
Important: Never post direct meeting links on social media. Share only with registered attendees.
Zoom Security Settings
Pre-meeting setup:
- Enable passcode requirement
- Activate waiting room
- Set “Mute participants upon entry”
- Enable authentication requirements
- Add co-hosts as needed
Meeting start:
- Disable screen sharing
- Prevent participant renaming
- Control annotation settings
Managing Disruptions
Chat disruptions:
- Disable chat features
- Remove disruptive participants
- Report serious violations
Audio/Visual disruptions:
- Mute all participants
- Disable self-unmuting
- Remove problem users
- Lock meeting if necessary