Past Learning Initiatives

A resource of past learning initiatives hosted by the L&D team. Use this for inspiration for future programs or to re-instate previous programs

Past Initiatives

Monthly Continuous Learning Call Overview

The Learning and Development (L&D) team previously hosted a monthly Monthly Continuous Learning call. The series was intended to showcase all of the L&D initatives taking place at GitLab as well as provide a space for team members to ask questions. The series was replaced in FY22 with involvement in company-wide Group Conversations in an effor to increase participation and attendance in the calls.


  1. Spur a culture of curiosity and continuous learning by highlighting all the initiatives we have taking place in learning & development.
  2. Increase engagement and improve team member satisfaction and productivity by advancing understanding of available L&D resources

Additional background information on this initiaitve is available in the Monthly Continuous Learning Call issue

Past Monthly Continuous Learning Call

Check out recordings of previous Learning Speaker Series calls!

Hosting a Monthly Continuous Learning Call

The following process outlines steps for the L&D team to take each month when planning and implementing monthly calls.

Planning Issue Template: Open an Monthly Continuous Learning Call issue template in the L&D Project. Steps outlined below are also included in the issue template and are included here as reference.

  1. Create a HelpLab request to coordinate a Zoom meeting on the company calendar. This meeting should be set up to live stream to the GitLab unfiltered YouTube channel. Consider hosting the call at least 2 times to best accommodate for multiple time zones.
  2. Create slide deck for presentation. Make a copy of a previous month’s presention in the Continuous Learning Campaign Google Folder
  3. Coordinate slide deck with appropriate enablement audiences (i.e DIB, Field Enablement, Professional Services, Marketing Enablement, etc)
  4. Update slide deck for presentation with feedback from coordinated audiences
  5. Open a feedback issue for questions and comments to be shared asynchronously.
  6. Coordinate an announcement of the call in the #company-fyi Slack channel from Sid or another executive/manager who will be featured that month. The post should be shared 1 business day before the call. This post should include a link to the slide deck and coresponding issue. See notes below for a template that can be shared.
Text for CEO share in #company-fyi channel

Join the Learning and Development team on [DATE] for the Monthly Continuous Learning Call. This month's call is all about [TOPIC]. You can review the slide deck for the call [HERE], and post questions you might have in the call adenga doc [HERE]. Looking forward to seeing you there!