Product Data Insights Data Models Cheat Sheet

Overview of the most common data models used by the Product Data Insights team

Objectives for this page

This handbook page is intended to provide a high-level overview of the most common data models used by the Product Data Insights team as well as some known nuances and/or caveats about those data models that are helpful to be aware of.

To collaborate on the content in this page, please either submit an MR (preferred) or start a discussion in this Epic.

Helpful places to start

Data Model Categories

These categories are grouped by data source and subject area.

Service Ping

Service Ping is GitLab’s mechanism to collect data by generating a JSON payload of usage data every week to be sent to GitLab. It provides aggregated data to our Product, Customer Success, Support, and Sales teams to understand how GitLab is used. Service Ping is our only data source for understanding Self-Managed product behavior. Service Ping methodology allows us to protect our Self-Managed users’ privacy by aggregating metrics at the installation level.


Is it possible to report at the namespace or user level using Service Ping data?

What is the difference between an instance and an installation?

  • An installation is the unique combination of instance_id and host_id. Read more here. We do Self-Managed analysis and reporting at the installation level.


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Commonly Used Data Models

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Schema Table Name Data Grain Description Notes
common_mart mart_ping_instance dim_ping_instance_id Ping-level data with information with additional attributes for installation, subscription, account, and product information. No metrics are included in this data.
common_mart mart_ping_instance_metric dim_ping_instance_id, metrics_path Ping- and metric-level data with additional attributes for installation, subscription, account, and product information. This is a UNION of other tables that are filtered by a certain timeframe: mart_ping_instance_metric_28_day mart_ping_instance_metric_7_day mart_ping_instance_metric_all_time
common fct_ping_instance_metric_none_null dim_ping_instance_id, metrics_path Ping- and metric-level data about metrics with none and null timeframes.
common_mart_product rpt_ping_latest_subscriptions_monthly ping_created_date_month, latest_subscription_id, dim_installation_id Active Self-Managed subscriptions by month, including seat count. If a subscription sends Service Ping, then installation-level data is provided. This includes seat count and can be used to calculate Service Ping opt-in rate
common_mart_product rpt_ping_metric_totals_w_estimates_monthly ping_created_date_month, metrics_path, ping_edition, estimation_grain, ping_edition_product_tier, ping_delivery_type This model is used for xMAU/PI reporting and is the source for Service Ping data in the [td_xmau] snippet.

Good to Know

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  • Categories of data collected: Subscription, Operational, Optional

  • Installations are randomly assigned a day of week to generate service pings, but that assignment is persistent over time. For example, if an installation is assigned Tuesdays to generate pings, it will always generate pings on Tuesdays. We generate and load service ping on different days to distribute the payload load evenly over the entire week.

  • The milestone field of the metrics dictionary can also be used to identify the version when a metric was instrumented, but there a couple of limitations. First, many metrics are just labeled < 13.9, so there is a lack of more detail for older metrics. Second, metrics can be introduced on different versions for CE and EE, so milestone could be incorrect for one edition/distribution. For these reasons, we recommend using common_mart_product.rpt_ping_metric_first_last_versions if you are looking to find out when a metric was instrumented. (SaaS) is a single installation reporting a single ping within our Service Ping framework. In order to access more granular data by product tier, plan type, namespace, or user, we utilize the Postgres database. This data source replicates any service ping events that create a backend table.


Why don’t all events for all Stages and Groups show up in our data?

  • This is due to limitations in replicating Service Ping counters using the db Postgres replica

Is it possible to associate user level behavior in our data to our Snowplow events?

  • No. Our snowplow user identifiers are anonymized, while our user identifiers are not. However, it is possible to join Snowplow and data at the namespace (group/project) level.

I’ve heard there are some reliability issues with our data. How can I stay up to date on outages or known problems?

  • This Issue documents all known problems with the replica.


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Commonly Used Data Models

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Schema Table Name Data Grain Description Notes
common_mart mart_event_user_daily event_date, event_name, dim_user_id, dim_ultimate_parent_namespace_id Daily user-, namespace-, and event-level data, including attributes about the namespace and plan
common_mart mart_event_namespace_daily event_date, event_name, dim_ultimate_parent_namespace_id Daily namespace- and event-level data, including attributes about the namespace and plan
common_mart_product rpt_event_xmau_metric_monthly event_calendar_month, user_group, section_name, stage_name, group_name Monthly user group- and xMAU metric-level data This is the model used in reporting paid SaaS xMAU and is used in the [td_xmau] snippet
common_mart_product rpt_event_plan_monthly event_calendar_month, plan_id_at_event_month, event_name Monthly plan- and event-level data

Good to Know

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  • data sources are not exhaustive of all of the actions users can take within GitLab’s SaaS offering.


Snowplow is an open source event tracking tool that is used at GitLab to track front-end events like page views, CTA clicks, link clicks, etc. This data source does not collect identifiable user data to protect our user’s privacy. Our Snowplow data source is how we implement and track experiments at GitLab.


Why doesn’t the metric that my team implememented show up in the metrics dictionary?

  • In order to show up in the metrics dictionary, every event needs a .yml file. This will not happen automatically and should be created by the engineer that implements snowplow tracking.

Why is the value for gsc_namespace_id null for some proportion of snowplow events?

  • Engineers need to enable tracking for gsc_namespace_id when implementing new events. If tracking for gsc_namespace_id is already enabled and nulls are still occurring, the events may be triggered in a location within that is not specific to any one namespace like the ToDos page.

What is the correct logic to identify events triggered in production environments?

  • Apply the following logic WHERE app_id IN ('gitlab','gitlab_customers')

How should I interpret the event_category value in structured snowplow event payloads?

  • The event_category value will be automatically populated according to this codified logic unless the engineer instrumenting the event overrides this logic, which is often the case for backend events. A great place to search for the meaning of these values is by key word searching in this EE controllers repository. Controllers outside of EE are also searchable and located here. Otherwise, you can reach out to the engineering slack channel for the team who instrumented the event of interest and ask for validation on the correct interpretation of your event_category value there.


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Commonly Used Data Models

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Schema Table Name Data Grain Description Notes
common_mart mart_behavior_structured_event behavior_structured_event_pk Enriched Snowplow table for the analysis of structured events. Depending on analysis use case, it could be helpful to filter by behavior_date for queries to run within reasonable timeframes.
common fct_behavior_structured_event_without_assignment behavior_structured_event_pk Derived fact table containing data for Snowplow structured events excluding assignment events. Assignment events are events that signifies a user was enrolled into an Experiment. fct_behavior_structured_event_without_assignment_190 and fct_behavior_structured_event_without_assignment_400 are also available.
common fct_behavior_structured_event_experiment behavior_structured_event_pk Derived fact table for structured events related to experiments.
common fct_behavior_website_page_view fct_behavior_website_page_view_sk Fact table containing quantitative data for Page views. Page views are a subset of Snowplow events and are fired by the Javascript tracker.
common fct_behavior_unstructured_event fct_behavior_unstructured_sk Derived fact table for unstructured events.
common dim_behavior_event dim_behavior_event_sk Dimensional model containing distinct events types from Snowplow.

Good to Know

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  • If you are wondering if Snowplow events are implemented in a certain area of the product, the Snowplow Inspector is a good complimentary resource to the Metrics Dicitonary which is not exhaustive. The Snowplow Inspector will not show server side events.

  • We do not use snowplow on our self-managed instances, only on

  • If developers or PMs are wondering about standard implementation, the event schema is documented.

Namespaces, users, & memberships

This category of data models includes (SaaS) namespaces (which include both projects and groups), their firmographic attributes, and individual members.


What is a namespace?

  • Starting with the basics! GitLab has two categories of namespaces; groups and projects. In general, a namespace provides one place to organize your related projects. Read more here. Namespaces exist within GitLab SaaS and Self-Managed products, but to product the privacy of our Self-Managed users, we only collect identifiable namespace data for SaaS.

What types of namespaces do we normally analyze?

  • We normally perform analyses at the Ultimate parent namespace level.

Do we have access to membership history data?

  • No. Membership history at GitLab is not recorded in any data models.


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Commonly Used Data Models

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Schema Table Name Data Grain Description Notes
common dim_namespace dim_namespace_id Dimension table that contains all namespaces and namespace attributes including plan.
common dim_namespace_hist namespace_snapshot_id, dim_namespace_id, valid_from, valid_to Historical snapshot of common.dim_namespace model.
common dim_user dim_user_id Dimension table that contains all Users.
common dim_user_hist dim_user_snapshot_hist_id, dim_user_id, valid_from, valid_to Historical snapshot of common.dim_user model.
legacy gitlab_dotcom_memberships membership_source_id, user_id This model unions together all of the other models that represent a user having (full or partial) access to a namespace, AKA “membership”. Includes both direct and indirect membership types.
legacy gitlab_dotcom_members member_id, user_id Base model for members. Only includes direct membership links. Used for invite related fields.

Good to Know

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  • member_count fields found in any common models are not accurate and should not be used. Use legacy.gitlab_dotcom_memberships for any analyses intended to measure # members per namespace. Here is the Issue representing work to correct these accuracy problems.


GitLab Duo is a suite of AI-powered features including Code Suggestions, Chat, and other capabilities. Data about Duo usage comes from multiple sources including AI Gateway events, Snowplow tracking, and Service Ping metrics, with the AI Gateway being the source of truth for usage metrics across all deployment types starting August 2024. For the most comprehensive documentation see Data Guide to Duo Analysis.


When can we report total deduped users across all Duo features?

  • Complete deduped totals across all features and deployment types are only available starting August 3rd, 2024. Historical data availability varies by feature and deployment type.

How is Duo usage attributed to customers?

  • Usage is attributed based on how an event happened (which namespace/installation enabled access), not where the event occurred. A single event can be enabled by multiple customers.


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Commonly Used Data Models

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Schema Table Name Data Grain Description Notes
workspace_product wk_mart_behavior_structured_event_ai_gateway_flattened Event per namespace/installation AI Gateway events with customer attribution Flattened model - use DISTINCT counts
workspace_product wk_rpt_ai_gateway_events_flattened_with_features Event per namespace/installation AI Gateway events with customer attribution joined to the feature associated with each request. Flattened model - use DISTINCT counts
common_mart_product rpt_behavior_code_suggestion_outcome Suggestion Code Suggestions metrics from IDE extensions Quality metrics like acceptance rate
restricted_safe_workspace_product rpt_duo_license_utilization_monthly Subscription/month/add-on License utilization metrics Excludes current month
workspace_customer_success wk_license_billable_users Installation Self-managed seat assignments Available from v17.5+

Good to Know

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Last modified February 21, 2025: Add descriptions to PDI handbook pages (d8302a0d)