Engineering Metrics Dashboards

Overview of key Engineering metrics dashboards


Welcome to our Engineering Metrics Dashboards hub – your go-to spot for checking out how things are rolling across our engineering org. The dashboards below capture data on key metrics such as past due issues, merge request types, open bugs, review time, merge request rate, and the age of bugs and issues. These metrics serve as vital indicators, offering a granular understanding of our development processes, code quality, and team efficiency.

The Engineering Metrics on this page are available for all product group teams. The indicators captured here may or may not roll into an existing KPI/PI.


This page is populated from the following filterable views.

Filtering your data

To ensure the accuracy of the presented data, please use the convenient filtering options (‘Group’, ‘Section’, or ‘Stage’) at the top of the dashboard to tailor the displayed information to your group, section, or stage’s metrics.

Why your team is not listed in the dashboard filters

We use stages.yml as the SSOT for group, section, and stage information. In order for your group/section/stage to be listed in the dashboard filter, there must be a match between what’s listed in this file vs how it’s shown in the label. We do this to avoid any error or random values in our filters. Here are a couple of examples:

  • The Data Science section is listed as data-science in stages.yml and the associated label is section::data-science. Since both values match, our dashboard filters will pick this up as a valid filter.
  • The Data Science section is listed as data-science in stages.yml and the associated label is section::data_science. Since both values do not match, our dashboard filters will not pick this up as a valid filter.

Save your settings

If you find yourself frequently accessing data specific to your group, section, or stage, we recommend embedding the following code to save your preferred settings.

{{< tableau height="600px" toolbar="visible" src="" >}} {{< tableau/filters "GROUP_LABEL"="code review" />}} {{< /tableau >}}

Simply copy and paste this code into your page. It will save your selected filters by defaulting to your own data without the need to manually set filters each time. Make sure to replace any placeholders in the code with the public dashboard URL (can be found in the dashboards list above) and your actual group, section, or stage details.

Top Engineering Metrics Dashboard

MR Types Dashboard

Development Dashboard

Infrastucture Embedded Dashboard

Open Bug Age Dashboard

S1 Open Customer Bug Age Dashboard

S2 Open Customer Bug Age Dashboard

Security Dashboard

Last modified February 21, 2025: Add descriptions to PDI handbook pages (d8302a0d)