Sec Support Pod

A technical interest Support Pod focused on GitLab Sec Section features.

Sec Pod is a technical interest Support Pod focused on GitLab Sec section features.

Secure Pod members

Purpose, key results and exit criteria (if any)

Sec Pod is a way for Support Engineers interested in Sec section features to work on relevant tickets and projects together.

The goals of Sec pod are to:

  • identify underlying patterns and trends across Sec tickets
  • file targeted issues and detailed bug reports to improve our Sec features
  • submit MRs to GitLab documentation for self-service support and ticket deflection
  • assist customers and team members with problems and questions involving Sec section features


How can I get involved in Sec Pod?

  1. Talk with your manager.
  2. Submit a merge request to add 'Support Focus: Secure' to your ZenDesk Groups in the Support Team data.
  3. Let your teammates and groupmates know about your new focus area.
  4. Join #spt_pod_sec Slack channel.
  5. Attend Sec Pod pairing sessions. (Check GitLab Support calendar for meeting times)

How the Sec Pod works

  • In the #spt_pod_sec Slack channel, we pin Slack messages about đŸŽ« tickets that we are keeping an eye on for colleagues, typically when they are out of the office.
    • During 🍐 pairing sessions, check the pinned messages to see if the tickets there require attention.
    • If you pin a ticket, please remove it when it no longer requires attention from the pod.
  • We apply the scoped pod::secure label to the pairing issues that we create.

Support Pod Resources

  • Weekly session: “Sec Pod Pairing” on the GitLab Support Team Calendar, currently scheduled Thursdays at 3:00 PM UTC.
  • Slack channel: #spt_pod_sec label: ~“devops::secure”

Sec Pod Troubleshooting Resources

Secure Stage

SAST (Static Application Security Testing)

Secret Detection

Dependency Scanning

DAST (Dynamic Application Security Testing)

IaC (Infrastructure as Code) Scanning

Security Dashboard / Vulnerability Report

Security Scan Policies

Code Quality

Technically owned by Secret Detection, but not related to security vulnerabilities.

Container Scanning

License Scanning

Fuzz testing

Learning Resources

Last modified January 11, 2025: Fix incorrect or external links (e353870b)