Editing the Handbook

Information on how to edit the handbook including tips and troubleshooting.

This page focuses on how to edit the handbook. Please see the handbook usage page for how and why we use the handbook, and other docs pages for further reference.

This page is intended to be complementary to Using GitLab at GitLab. Reviewing the GitLab 101 page may also be useful.

Have your own practical Handbook editing tips? Drop a video below!

Tip Use AI to edit the handbook faster, and learn about Anthropic Claude and GitLab Duo.

Add yourself to the team page

For how to add yourself to the team page, see the add yourself to team guide.

Markdown formatting

For how to format markdown in the handbook, see the markdown style guide, which includes how to embed videos.

Use the Web IDE to edit the handbook

A typical workflow to edit the handbook:

  1. Use the Web IDE to make changes.
  2. Commit changes.
  3. Create a merge request, assign reviewers.
  4. Apply suggestions if any.
  5. Merge once all suggestions are resolved and you have the necessary approvals.

Web IDE editing steps

  1. Navigate to the handbook page you want to edit. At the bottom, or on the right, click on the URL Edit this page to open the new Web IDE.

    • Alternatively, open the public handbook project and select Web IDE from the edit actions. This requires you to navigate into the source tree where the handbook files are located.

    Handbook page at the bottom, action: Edit in Web IDE

  2. Familiarize yourself with the Web IDE:

    • The menu sections are located on the left
    • The explorer section provides the file tree for the project, which is opened automatically when editing a handbook file. (keyboard shortcut: Shift+Cmd+E)
    • The editing view is on the right side. On top, there are tabs to organize open files.
    • Additional meta information is provided at the bottom. Git branch, problems, current line number, spaces for indentation, encoding, end-of-line sequence, language mode, layout, notifications.
    • Tip: Hover over the menu sections and items to learn more about their purpose and keyboard shortcuts.

    Web IDE overview, handbook page highlighted in the file tree

  3. Edit the selected file, and try the Markdown preview. Cmd+Shift+P on macOS opens the Web IDE command palette to search for commands. For example, type Markdown, select Markdown: Open Preview to the Side and try the preview.

    Web IDE editor, Markdown preview

  4. Upload new files by right-clicking and selecting Upload... for example images into static/images/handbook/ and the corresponding file tree, following the handbook directories.

    Web IDE overview, upload files

  5. Open the Source Control icon on the left menu which has a colored marker for counting the file changes. Tip: Keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Shift+G.

    Web IDE menu, source control

  6. Review the changed files, and once ready, specify a Git commit message, click on the ⋁ on the right side of the Commit and push button, and choose the Create new branch and commit option. Keyboard shortcut: Cmd+Enter.

    Web IDE, commit and push: Commit message

  7. Specify a new Git branch name (optional). Press Enter to continue. This action pushes the changes into the Git repository. The changes are persisted on the GitLab server and are immediately visible in the project view.

    Web IDE, commit and push: Branch name

  8. Check the pop-up at the bottom right, and click Create Merge Request to open the GitLab MR tab. Tip: The notification bell icon at the bottom brings back the notification, if accidentally dismissed.

    Web IDE, commit and push: Create Merge Request

  9. Fill in the MR template, provide why the merge request is created, add labels (optionally using quick actions, /label ~handbook), assign yourself (/assign me), and set the branch to delete when merged. Optionally, use the draft option to prevent merging until ready.

    GitLab Merge Request view

  10. Make additional changes to the MR: Select Code > Open in Web IDE on the upper right menu. This opens the Web IDE again to make changes. All changed files are opened automatically.

    Merge request, open in Web IDE

  11. Make changes, commit and push them (follow this issue for UX commit flows).

    Web IDE, commit and select MR associated branch

  12. Optional: Follow the pop-up notification to navigate back to the MR.

    Web IDE, go back to MR after commit and push

Tip: Practice the keyboard shortcuts for your workflows: After making changes, Control+Shift+G to commit, Cmd+Enter, Cursor to select the branch, Enter, etc.

Note: The Cmd+w keyboard shortcut to close a file tab in the Web IDE gets overridden by the Chrome browser to close the browser tab. This is a known problem, use this shortcut carefully.

Video: Editing using the Web IDE and single file editor

Note: The video shows the old www-gitlab-com project. The editing process, however, is the same.

This video covers:

  • Editing the marketing handbook as example
  • Edit this page action using the Web IDE, overview walkthrough, editing the handbook, again creating a merge request with the same actions.
  • Practical handbook edit tips shown in this handbook.

Historical videos

In these videos, we run through the GitLab Handbook with experts, uncovering how to best use the handbook in our day-to-day work, and learning best-practices for handbook editing along the way. They are meant to be helpful to understand generally how GitLab works, but the instructions cannot be followed exactly since the editor and repository in GitLab has changed.

  1. Creating new handbook pages and multimedia embedding best-practices
  2. How to move the location of a handbook page
  3. Changing a page name and subsequent updates
  4. Creating mermaid diagrams
  5. Creating issue templates
  6. Adding images to the handbook and handbook analytics
  7. How to add a new directory and page to the handbook
  8. How to rebase to fix a failing pipeline after fix is merged to main
  9. Why a handbook pipeline is failing
  10. How to identify why a pipeline is failing

Editing the handbook locally

  1. Set up an SSH key to use with GitLab, if you have not previously done so.
  2. Set up Git and clone the appropriate repository, such as the public handbook.
  3. Use your editor of choice to make changes. If you use Visual Studio Code optionally along with the GitLab Workflow extension for VS Code, you can follow the Web IDE editing instructions.
  4. Push the changes to GitLab.
  5. Create a merge request.

Additional notes:

  1. We don’t need .gitkeep files in our handbook, they make it harder to quickly open a file in editors. Don’t add them, and delete them when you see them.

If you want to install a local version of the website to test and preview things locally, see the handbook development page for instructions on how to set it up.

Preview changes on GitLab

To preview your changes, deploy the review app:

  1. Wait for the pipeline on the merge request (MR) to complete.
  2. Either on the “Pipelines” tab, or in the pipeline widget on the “Overview” tab of the MR, click on the circles that denote the different pipeline stages until you find the Stage:deploy and the pages job.
  3. Next to the pages job name, click on the “play” button.
  4. Once two pages jobs complete, in the pipeline widget on the “Overview” tab of the MR, click on the “View app” button.
  5. You may need to navigate to your page by going to any page, then using the left navigation tree. Do not use the search for this.
    • If you prefer to edit the URL, note that the review app uses a .html ending, so if your page is content/handbook/path/to/page.md, the URL will be review/app/public/handbook/path/to/path.html.

If you need the review app deployed after every change on a MR, you can add the ~"deploy-review-app-always" label to always trigger the job, including on MR creation.

For more information about how the review apps are configuration for the handbook projects, please see the Handbook Pages Deployment.

Naming pages and folder structure

The site uses the concept of page bundles, sections, and leaf pages. A section can have multiple leaf pages, which requires a _index.md for the section. A page bundle is a single page with a group of images, which can be an index.md.

In general, Handbook URLs should describe their content and be as clean and easy to remember as possible.

Directories (folders) and pages should use lowercase a-z and hyphen -, except for _index.md. Uppercase A-Z is allowed but discouraged. While Git and Hugo allow any UTF-8 character to be used in the file path, using other characters (such as a space) can cause issues with the pipeline.


section-dir/ |- _index.md |- leaf-page1.md |- leaf-page2.md

Page bundle:

page-name/ |- index.md |- image1.png |- image2.png

Section with a page bundle:

section-dir/ |- _index.md |- leaf-page1.md |- leaf-page2/ | |- index.md | |- image.pmg |- leaf-page3.md

Moving, deleting, or renaming a page

If you delete, rename, or move a page, you should:

  1. update all existing links in the handbook and internal handbook.
    • Note: When searching for links, use the page name. Sometimes links use page-relative links, meaning it doesn’t use the full path.
    • Please also consider searching for and updating handbook links in other places, such as docs and project templates in gitlab-com and gitlab-org.
  2. add a redirect.

Editing page maintainers

On the right side of the page, there is a list “Maintainers”.

The list is generated from the CODEOWNERS file in the relevant repository, such as in the handbook repository:

  • Only specific users are listed. Members of a group are not listed.

  • The list is generated based on the most specific path:

    • If users are specified for a directory and then for a specific page in that directory, the list only includes the users for the specific page.
    • If groups or subgroups are listed for a specific page without any specific users, the list of maintainers is empty.

Changes to the .gitlab/CODEOWNERS file require approval. Review the bot comment for instructions on how to get the appropriate approval.

Editing content from shortcodes

When trying to edit content, you may encounter content that is “built” using shortcodes and data files. Shortcodes look similar to {{ % performance-indicators "ux_department" % }}.

When you encounter content in a shortcode and want to edit it:

  1. Look for the shortcode in the shortcodes folder.
    • In the above example, it’s performance-indicators.
  2. At the top of the shortcode file should be a comment on where to look for the relevant data file. Ensure you’re using “Display source” to view the file.
    • For example, look in https://gitlab.com/gitlab-com/www-gitlab-com/-/tree/master/data/performance_indicators for the ux_department file.
    • If there is no comment, you can post in #handbook to get help, and make a MR to add it.
  3. Edit the file, being careful to match the existing formatting.

Team member merge requests being labeled as Community contributions

If you recently created a merge request that was labeled as a Community contribution, you can fix this mislabeling issue going forward by updating the GitLab username in your personal entry in the team member directory to match the GitLab account you use for work.

Use the team page editing instructions to find your team page entry file, and update the gitlab attribute (typically found on line 10) to be an exact match for the GitLab.com username you use for work.


404 errors with edit action

When clicking on Edit this page in the upper right corner on a handbook page in your browser, you might get a 404 error in the GitLab Web IDE.

As a team member, this problem can be related to an expired SAML session for your GitLab.com profile. In order to mitigate and solve the problem, click on View page source to trigger the SAML authentication with Okta again.

Alternatively, navigate into our GitLab.com profile into your To-Do list, or try to open a confidential issue, to trigger the authentication.

It can also be browser related: Try clearing the cache, open an incognito window (on macOS: cmd shift n), or use a different browser to test.

404 on new page

If a new page is created as part of a merge request, but the page is not showing up on the site, check the file name.

The most common issue is using index.md instead of _index.md in a folder that has other pages. The other pages will not display.

See pages and folder structure for more information.

Images not loading properly

If you added new images and they are not loading properly in your review app, please review the Images section of the markdown guide.

Failing pipelines

To see why your pipeline is failing, there are two main places to look:

  1. The latest comment by the bot on your merge request. It should have a list of all linter errors. However, build errors do not generate a comment.
  2. Individual failed jobs. On the MR > “Pipelines” tab > select any red circle > select a failed job. Error messages are near the bottom of the job log and start with Error.

In the job log, error messages typically provide you:

  1. the error
  2. the file where the error occurred
  3. the line number
  4. the character number (where on the line it is)

For example: Error: error building site: assemble: "/builds/gitlab-com/content-sites/handbook/content/handbook/security/security-assurance/field-security/trust_center_guide.md:1:2": closing tag for shortcode 'details' does not match start tag

  • File: content/handbook/security/security-assurance/field-security/trust_center_guide.md
  • Line: 1
  • Character: 2

To fix markdown errors, review the message. Alternatively, review the relevant section in the markdown style guide.

For all other errors, the error message should provide the information necessary to fix it.

See the below sections for more details on how to resolves specific types of issues.

If the problem was on the main branch, you may need to rebase.

If you’re unsure, you can reach out for help.

There is a linter (Hugolint) that validates links and anchors across the handbook. If your change introduces new broken links, then the pipeline job will fail. Follow the instructions in the previous failing pipelines section for how to find the list of errors.

There are two main reasons it will fail:

  1. Content added in the MR includes a broken link.
  2. Content changed in the MR breaks an existing link.

Here’s an example of a failed hugolint job error message when viewed in the job log:

Newly broken (only in "linkcheck.json", 3 issues): ❌ [content/handbook/security/product-security/_index.md:43]: <major> Link destination "architecture/" does not exist ❌ [content/handbook/security/product-security/security-architecture/_index.md:269]: <major> Link destination "/handbook/business-technology/tech-stack/#panther" does not exist ❌ [content/handbook/security/product-security/security-architecture/zero-trust.md:45]: <major> Link destination "/handbook/security/corporate/systems/#laptop-or-desktop-system-configuration" does not exist
  1. The error starts with the file where the broken link is present, followed by the line number. (For example, file path - content/handbook/security/product-security/_index.md, line number: 43.)
  2. Next, the error indicates which link is broken. (For example, architecture/ is the broken link destination.)
  3. For broken or non-existent anchor links (for example, #panther):
    1. Did the MR change a heading that is being linked to? If so, you’ll need to update the linked anchor to match the new heading.
    2. If you’re linking to a heading, does it exists? Check the file in the repository instead of on the website. The links are checked pre-build, so generated content (from shortcodes and includes) don’t “exist” for the link checker.
      • If the page you’re linking to has a large amount of generated content (such as performance indicator pages), you can add an exclusion to hugolint in the relevant configuration file.

Fixing default branch errors

MR pipelines should catch almost all errors before they are merged into the relevant repository. The handbook projects also pull data from www-gitlab-com yml files.

If the default branch main (for public and internal handbook) or master (for www-gitlab-com) is “broken” and pipelines are failing for everyone, the root issue is most likely a data file error.

  1. Check the error message.
  2. If it mentions an error in building the site, or rendering something, follow the trace.
  3. In the layout file, if it’s failing on displaying on something that starts with site.Data.public., then it’s a data file issue.
  4. There are two ways to fix. Either:
    1. Make the code itself more robust to deal with the types of values it may encounter. However, not everyone knows Go and Hugo well enough to do that quickly. If needed, create a “Handbook::Operations” “type::bug” issue in the handbook repository to document the problem after fixing the pipeline issue.
    2. Edit the data file to have values the build won’t fail on.

Example: Fixing broken main on tech writing shortcode

Consider this example error:

Error: error building site: failed to render shortcode: "/builds/gitlab-com/content-sites/handbook/content/handbook/product/ux/technical-writing/_index.md:126:1": failed to render shortcode "tech-writing": failed to process shortcode: "/builds/gitlab-com/content-sites/handbook/layouts/shortcodes/tech-writing.html:16:28": execute of template failed: template: shortcodes/tech-writing.html:16:28: executing "shortcodes/tech-writing.html" at <ref page (printf "/handbook/product/categories#%s-section" $section)>: error calling ref: parse "/handbook/product/categories#%!s(<nil>)-section": invalid URL escape "%!s"

Following the error trace, notice that the last error with a full path and line number is: failed to process shortcode: "/builds/gitlab-com/content-sites/handbook/layouts/shortcodes/tech-writing.html:16:28".

Looking at the tech-writing shortcode, the issue is an unexpected value in printf "/handbook/product/categories#%s-section" $section, which matches the last part of the error message.

From there, line 11 of the tech-writing shortcode tells us that the data is from site.Data.public.stages.stages "section".

If you have a local build of the site, you can find all the data files in the data/public folder. The relevant file (usually a yml file) should tell you at the top where to find the original.

If you do not have a local build, you can still likely find it in the www-gitlab-com data folder.

Based on the code, you can figure out the filename. site.Data.public.stages.stages means it’s in data/public and the file is stages.yml.

The last parts .stages "section" means it’s inside of stages: and it’s pulling data from each section: line.

You can check the most recent changes to the file, and/or compare it to when main started failing.

In this case, an empty section: line was the issue.

The quick and easy fix is to add text to the empty section: line, merge it, and run a new pipeline in the public handbook project.

In this case, the handbook code was made more robust.

Prettier is formatting markdown files

If you have prettier set up in VS Code and it is formatting the .md files when they are not supposed to, check if you have Prettier set to be your default formatter with "editor.defaultFormatter": "esbenp.prettier-vscode" in your user settings.

Additionally, consider using the Glob Pattern in the extension settings to specify which files to prettify automatically.

Additional tips

For additional tips, such as how to replace strings in files, refer to the practical handbook edits examples.

Need help?

If you run into trouble editing the GitLab Handbook, help is available.

Team members, referred to as MR Buddies, are available to help you create a merge request or debug any problems you might run into while updating the GitLab Handbook. Some common questions are covered in the videos in the MR Buddies playlist. Post your request with a link in the #mr-buddies Slack channel.

For general questions about the handbook, post in the handbook Slack channel.

For more serious problems, especially ones that are time sensitive or prohibiting access to important information, there is an escalation process to reach out to team members who are able to help resolve the problem.

Edit your team page entry
Instructions on how to add yourself to the team page, and make edits.
Practical Handbook Editing Tips
Video recordings and written tips for team members on additional tips to working handbook first.