Salesforce Mobile App Users Guide

Instructions on where to download and how to login to the Salesforce Mobile App

How to Login To The Salesforce Mobile App

Below you can find instructions on how to login to the Salesforce mobile app via Okta. If you run into any issues attempting to login, please reach out via #it_help channel in Slack.




  1. Open the Salesforce app.
  2. On the Login page, select Use Custom Domain in the bottom right-hand corner.
  3. In the “Custom Domain” field enter gitlab, select Continue.
  4. On the login page, select Log in with Okta.
  5. Enter your Okta username and password, select Verify.
  6. You’ll be presented with options to verify your identity, select Use Okta FastPass.
    1. Warning: Selecting Security Key or Biometric Authentication may cause an error and be unable to login.
  7. Verify your identity in Okta Verify and complete any additional login prompts. Biometric is required.
  8. You’ll be redirected back to the Salesforce App and the authentication process is complete.
    1. If this is your first time logging in, you may need to select Allow on the “Allow Access?” page.
  9. You have logged into the Salesforce app 🎉.

Alternative Method

  1. Open the Salesforce app.
  2. On the Log In page, select the menu (three-dots) in the top right-hand corner.
  3. Select Change Server.
  4. Select Add Connection.
  5. Give the new connection a name (e.g. Gitlab)
  6. Enter for the URL, then select Apply.
  7. Select the newly created connection.
  8. Select the <- arrow to return to the Login page.
  9. On the login page, select Log in with Okta.
  10. Enter your Okta username and password, select Verify.
  11. You’ll be presented with options to verify your identity, select
    1. Use Okta FastPass to login via Okta Verify.
    2. Verify your identity in Okta Verify and complete any additional login prompts. Biometric is required.
  12. You’ll be redirected back to the Salesforce App and the authentication process is complete.
    1. If this is your first time logging in, you may need to select Allow on the “Allow Access?” page.
  13. You have logged into the Salesforce app 🎉.


  1. Open the Salesforce app.
  2. on the Login page, select Use Custom Domain in the bottom right-hand corner.
  3. In the “Custom Domain” field enter gitlab, select Continue.
  4. On the login page, select Log in with Okta.
  5. Enter your Okta username and password, select Verify.
  6. You’ll be presented with options to verify your identity, select Use Okta FastPass.
    1. Warning: Selecting Security Key or Biometric Authentication may cause an error and be unable to login.
  7. Verify your identity in Okta Verify and complete any additional login prompts. Biometric is required.
  8. You’ll be redirected back to the Salesforce App and the authentication process is complete.
    1. If this is your first time logging in, you may need to select Allow on the “Allow Access?” page.
  9. You have logged into the Salesforce app 🎉.

Alternative Method

  1. Open the Salesforce app.
  2. On the Log In page, select the ⚙ icon.
  3. Select ➕ to add a login host.
  4. Give the new host a label (e.g. Gitlab).
  5. Enter for the host name, then select Done.
  6. Select the newly created host.
  7. On the login page, select Log in with Okta.
  8. Enter your Okta username and password, select Verify.
  9. You’ll be presented with options to verify your identity, select
    1. Use Okta FastPass to login via Okta Verify.
    2. Verify your identity in Okta Verify and complete any additional login prompts. Biometric is required.
  10. You’ll be redirected back to the Salesforce App and the authentication process is complete.
    1. If this is your first time logging in, you may need to select Allow on the “Allow Access?” page.
  11. You have logged into the Salesforce app 🎉.


What requirements must my phone meet in order to be able to login to the Salesforce app?

Your phone must meet the following device posture requirements

  • A minimum OS version
  • Screen Lock
  • Biometrics (including touch ID, Face ID, or other supported biometrics method)
  • Device is encrypted
  • Not jailbroken or rooted

I received an “OAuth client” error when attempting to login via the Alternative Method and cannot load the login screen. How do I fix this?

  • If you receive an error and cannot load the login screen, select the settings option and select Clear Cookies. Then close the app completely and reload it.

I do not wish to use biometric login with Okta Verify, can I login with a different method?

  • You may be able to login using the Alternative Method with a security key or passkey that is configured with your Okta account. Not all yubikeys, security keys, or passkeys may be supported though.

Can I login to multiple different Salesforce instances like Sandbox?

  • Yes. To login to multiple different salesforce instances you will need to add a New Connector or New Host for each different Salesforce instance.
Last modified June 27, 2024: Fix various vale errors (46417d02)