Inclusive Practices

Inclusive Practices are essential for creating a workplace where everyone feels valued and can bring a diverse set of skills and qualities to the organization.


Property Value
Date Created 2024-02-20
Target End Date 2024-05-31
Slack #dib_wg_inclusive_meetings (only accessible from within the company)
Google Doc Working Group Agenda (only accessible from within the company)


The DIB Inclusive Practices Working Group aims to improve the use of Inclusive Practices in meetings at GitLab and with external parties.


Inclusive Practices are essential for creating a workplace where everyone feels valued and can bring a diverse set of skills and qualities to the organization. The focus of the DIB Working Group is to create inclusive practices to be leveraged in team meetings through name pronunciations and time zones.


This is a non-comprehensive list of topics to be discussed.

  • What is the primary goal of Inclusive Practices in Meetings
  • What is the metric for success both long and short term
  • Establish the most important needs for Inclusive Meetings
    • How to develop guidance on name pronunciation
    • Guidance on do’s and don’t with for inclusive meetings
    • Not an exhaustive list
  • Develop Resources to be used as best practices
    • Add to Handbook as a resource
  • Communication plan of the resources

Exit Criteria

Initiative Progress
Name Pronunciation -
Remote meetings -

Roles and Responsibilities

Working Group Role Username Person Title
Executive Stakeholder
Facilitator @lmcnally Liam McNally Diversity, Inclusion & Belonging Manager
Member @sean_carroll Sean Carroll Engineering Manager, AI: Custom Models
Member @nrosandich Nate Rosandich Engineering Manager, Software Supply Chain Security:Compliance
Member @eirinipan Eirini Pan Sr. Marketing Campaigns Manager
Member @srances Shari Rances Senior Campaign Marketing Manager
Member @pmejia Pilar Mejia Sr. Distribution Manager (PubSec)